Tag Archives: Chuck Wao

20th July – CSH3 – Skid Mark Outstation

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Been going stir crazy after tearing ankle ligaments, so decided late on to head up to the outstation. After the usual Friday night frivolities, Saturday was hashing day, and thankfully HRA had brought me a ankle brace which offered great support.

I set off on a great trail, but was soon left behind by the FRBs – Sloppy, Chuckie and HRA along with some visitors. I fell into place with Shagless and Reverse Thrust, with Frozen Dick and Microwave just a little ahead. (I hope I won’t have to type that again!) The trail was fantastic – easy going and some beautiful virgin views. The checks seemed to be quite obvious, but I guess it is a lot easier when they’ve already been kicked out!

Superman sets a formidable pace and I could see him ahead but struggled to make any ground until he stopped to water the orchard, and I ambled along with him to the beer stop. Yes… Beer Stop… Beer and Stop! I’d done enough, better to rest the ankle and enjoy the beer! It sounded like the 2nd half of the trail was just as good as the first and there were plenty of happy faces at the end. A good outstation, ended that evening with some dominos with the ladies – thanks for your money!

The hangover wasn’t as bad as I expected, and so the hangover run was just what the doctor ordered. I managed to be and FRB again with a combination of a little inside information from the hares, some intelligent short cutting and luck.

15th June – CSH3 – Semen Sores

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What can I say about Semen Soars’ run?? Well, I spent a lot of time running around fairly close to where the run was, but didn’t really get to see much of it! I was off trail before we even found the first paper, and it didn’t get much better – completely the wrong direction at the first couple of checks, but then it was the 3rd check that foxed me.

One piece of paper was found, and then more paper on the other side of the canal, but well over 100 metres away. That must be the In trail, and the pack took off on it. I was convinced they’d got it wrong and were going the wrong way around. The right thing to do was to find the real trail – no matter how long it took! I persisted, determined there would be paper somewhere out in the rice paddies. I finally found some trail and set off only to find that I was the one doing it wrong when the trail ran out and I spent some time looking for a circle check. Damn! What to do? I set off backwards on the trail, and again had troubles when the trail had been cleared next to a road.

Finally I met Chuckie coming the other way being chased by Gorf and Skiddy, so I decided to jog on in for a beer. What an idiot!

27th May – CH3 – Turkish Delight

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I showed up a bit late for the run, and arrived mid hare brief – that meant I missed out on the alternative instructions for V checks. Moments ahead of Sups & Humperdick I set off to chase the pack down.

A bit on the road and then up into the hills – it was HOT!!! Sucking down oxygen it was hard going, and with limited checks catching up was impossible. Chuckie ran through the first 5 checks or so, and the pack was split up.

I finally caught up with Swing Low and we straight lined down the side of a cliff ripping trees up in the direction of the calls… – only to find Superman smiling smugly at the bottom coming from another direction. My legs weren’t working, it felt like running through jam, so Sups and I decided to re-check one of the confusing V checks, fortunately finding Chuckie blistering the pace back into the bucket.

Actually a great trail, great route, just could have done with a few more checks to keep people together, and give a chance for the late comers to catch up!

25th May – CSH3 – Foxy & Just Cumming

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I wasn’t sure who was the hare, but Foxy teamed up with Just Cumming to set a run out towards PTIS past Maerim. A few comments about how far out it was, but for me it was the better side of town and it also attracted the northern likes of Sloppy Rod.

Foxy had been on about the area for a while, and sure enough I didn’t recognise any of the trails, and it seemed like there were plenty of great running trails there! I set off and immediately got the first check wrong, as Chuckie picked up the pace. The 2nd circle caught us all though and we were some time to find trail – eventually the hares pointing it out. A combination of ‘blue-green’ paper in ‘green-blue’ plants, and off while paper strips in off white bamboo leaves made it tricky to say the least!

Anyway we went up a gentle hill and arced around a nice trail with the pack largely being kept together by 150m checks. As we headed back towards the A the pack was separated with Skiddy charging us off in the wrong direction down a steep hill while CW found trail ahead with Sloppy. Back up the hill and fortunately we were brought back together by another 160m check that had CW going around in circles.

Speaking of circles, another fun circle!

19th May – CH4 – Chuck Wao

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Chuckie is meticulous about the planning and execution of his runs and stepped in for Throbbing Ninja at the familiar fire prevention centre. With a group of virgins and visitors we set off and I immediately got the first check wrong, but was still ahead by the 2nd. Wrong again, and as I came back Square Rooter was calling from up the hill. It seemed a long way to the paper – at least 101 metres, and as said CW would never go above 100m. Sure enough the sweeping CW called me back. Over half the pack, including all the FRBs were already careering up the hill but I dutifully went back to find the real trail.

It was around the lake and as I passed Burrito Butt, I realised I would be on my own for a while! Foxy Cleopatra, Itchy Bitchy & Quiet Please were there to support, and after a couple more km we got back to where Square Rooter had led the pack astray. I wouldn’t be seeing them again, but finally CW came into view doing a reverse sweep and dynamically setting and resetting the run.

All smiles back at the circle. Most were happy to have short cut and dived straight into the beers. The circle had some good moments, most notably Suckit’s hoorah before heading back again.

Sat 18th May – CSH3 – Chilly Pussy

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When Chilly Pussy and Anything get together, they are evil… Last year they set the 2 most brutal runs of the year, what would today have to offer?? Belly Dancer had to make his own lunch as Anything wasn’t back in time from setting it – ominous! I’ve not really run for a few weeks, but None of Your Business was keen to go along, so I dragged myself out to the runsite – near Ob Kham.

We set off and for the first km or so there were no checks – Chuckie and I just ran along together until the trail turned right into a familiar quarry area. THe first V check had CW go up the hill and me go around the bottom – I hit the check back, but there are only 2 real options, and both trails meet up again, so I paralleled. We lost sight of paper a few times, but picked our way to a circle, after which the trail started heading up. Man it was hot!

We climbed with Skiddy not so far behind with I Got Gas. Another couple of checks had me and CW working as a team, with a group within earshot behind. The trail arced up a ridge to the critical point – is it going left or right? Right seemed further, but it was back towards Chilly Pussy’s house, and where Belly had been seen darting off towards at the start of the run.

We were still out in the middle of the jungle, and a circle check. It turned out to be the last circle check, even though there was a good few km to go, complete with twists and turns. Brutal? Yes, very! Anyway, I got it wrong, and made a bad call arcing around, so ended up way off the pace. Did I mention the heat? And my trainers were causing blisters. We still had a few hills to go. Up and down, aaaargh!

I saw Square Rooter behind me, and finally caught up with I Got Gas, Skiddy, and saw some guy from Phuket a bit ahead. It turns out Throbbing Ninja snuck through while I was checking as well, and she ran a phenomenal run. Where did that come from? The last runners were in the dark. Brutal – yes!

On On On at Barbindoll’s new restaurant – the good turn out had them struggling for chairs! 😀

16th April – CH3 – Frozen Dick

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Down to Ob Khan for the run and as I got to the runsite in a little mango orchard the hare was setting off to rescue hashers who were lost on the road. The songthaew was somewhere behind busy playing Songkran, but soon enough made it in time for the off.

Humperdick ran off to the first check, and promptly was wrong as I headed right – Chuck Wao right on my tail. As we headed up the mountain through another couple of checks, and CW was right there checking a few metres behind me… We looped around to the left, with the trail going pretty much straight on through each check descending through the trees. Angry Inch, the master descender / psycho, took over from Chuckie as the Lemming that just followed me right up to when I finally got it wrong and we turned left back towards the A.

I didn’t like the look of the climb back over the hill, so opted for a longer route “checking” around the base of the mountain. It might have been longer, but at least it was flat, so I came back to the trail in line with Graven, Angry and Chuckie.

14th April – CH4 – Graven Image

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With Songkran still in full swing, it wasn’t clear how many would manage to get to the runsite – even though Graven had chosen one close to the town at the Boy Scout Camp. As it happened there was a reasonable turnout, with a few visitors appearing from the US. Graven told us how Angry (his cohare) had managed to short cut the run set, and what could have been 6km was now 3km. Whatever – it was hot as hell.

I set off with Chuckie & HRA and straight away the trail went up. It’s kind of difficult to set a flat run at the boy scout camp, nestled at the base of Doi Suthep, but fortunately the hares weren’t going to be too evil. At the 2nd check, most carried on up the hill checking, while I headed along the flat and down a little slope. I was on, but it took me forever to find the powder. Dumbass.

Then came the “Skiddy Sticks”. Some miscommunication between the two hares had the sticks at a small tunnel, with the trail continuing from about 5 metres further on. NOT back, as expected with Skiddy Sticks, but further along the trail… Confusion ruled, with CW running backwards and forwards along a partially built aqueduct (spelt it right this time!) Square Rooter had a sit down to get his head straight.

Back down a waterfall with a last little climb back over the ridge and we were home. Not too bad, just the right length, and it ate the time up with the way we screwed it up.

8th April – CH3 – Graven Image

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Was it Graven Image or Skid Mark? Apparently GI set most of the trail – making it up as he went along – but it was clearly a Skid Mark ending with the On-In the wrong side of the river Ping to the cars. We had been warned it was a trademark “Ping River Run”.

Back track a bit. I’m a bit hash weary these days, so was reluctant to make an appearance, but after chatting to Chuckie in the afternoon decided to go along and hope there wouldn’t be any more male hash dramas. The directions were complicated, and with little in the way of signage it was amazing that a large group found the A site.

After a hare brief we were taken by Songthaew to the B, from which we set off into orchards – seemingly in the wrong direction away from the river. A few early checks kept us confused as we weaved through orchards. One check at a road had CW and I checking left and Angry checking right – we arced around until we heard the call from somewhere off to the right. Cutting across had us the wrong side of a river and as we made our way along, we found the powder. Did we short cut? Or was it superior hashing? Either way we could see powder both sides of a canal, and tracked back along the trail till we came to Angry Inch coming the other way. Not long after we found Superman and Belly Dancer who had short cut!

It was here that the trail turned inevitably towards the river and the next few checks had us strung out by the time we got to the beer stop. The virgin, a relative newby and Shagless nowhere to be seen as we continued over to the river bank with Skiddy dashing back to take photos. CW was first to reach the river bank, but as he’d seen the On-In he opted for the 2.5km alternative up to the nearest bridge. Angry & I saw our chance and dived in to paddle across to the cold waiting beers.

Good fun circle!

6th April – CSH3 – HRA

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With heads suffering from Animal Dinner excesses, there was a small fragile group assembled at Huay Tung Thao in the hope that HRA would be gentle with us. He’d been drinking heavily the day before, so surely he wouldn’t have had the energy for anything too taxing?

Graven & Angry were lively, having missed out on the previous evening, and Angry set the early running as we weaved nicely along some flat trails at the edge of the lake. Along to the guard house, and a set of skiddy sticks. I was already losing the pace and the trail turned abruptly up the waterfall… I stood and contemplated for a while, as it is a long way up, with little choices for where to come down.

What the hell, I didn’t want beer yet anyway, so I started climbing, and climbing, and climbing… Scrambling over fallen trees up into the heavens. YOU BASTARD HRA! I hate hills even more so when hungover, and this was just not fun. Finally it leveled out and for a while at least I could run downhill passing Mind Your Nuts, Humperdick and I Got Gas. Chuck Wao was probably in the worst state – he went for a stroll with Square Rooter!

The circle was a quiet affair with little energy! Damn the Animal Dinner!