Hash House Harriers in Chiang Mai

Chiang Mai is a beautiful city in the north of Thailand, located in a valley that is surrounded by mountains and great hashing countryside. Set off in any direction from the city and within 30 minutes you’ll be hidden away in a discrete location surrounded by great running trails.  It’s no wonder that Chiang Mai attracts hashers and there are 4 kennels now regularly running.  Each has a slightly different feel and flavour, but all are focused on having an enjoyable run, followed up by plenty of beers!

The Happy Hash (CH4) is a fun relaxed group that runs on Thursday evenings. Each week the hare takes on the role of GM so every week has a different feel. After the run hashers sit down and enjoy a beer. It is a young hash, dating back to 2004, and ran on Saturdays and Sundays before moving to the more convenient Thursday. All are welcome :) with many of those running on Thursdays also join the other hashes. All the regulars have a say in what goes on.

During the week the gentlemen get together for the CGH3 (for gentlemen only), which meets on Mondays and attracts most of the men’s hashing community for a pleasant evening’s hashing. The CGH3 is the newest hash in Chiang Mai with a fresh new feel that breaks some of the outdated traditions of other hashes. Nonetheless, after a run, we sit around for a beer or two with a good natured circle. There is no runfee, instead everyone brings their own beer, chair and shares transport.

During the week the men get together for the male-only hash, which meets on Mondays. This is the oldest hash and started in 1981! The run is followed by a circle. Men only.

On Saturdays there is the CSH3. It’s a mixed hash with a long heritage – starting in 1991 and celebrating 1,000 runs in 2011. The group has a long tradition and many traditions.

Once a month it’s the ladies turn – The ladies get together on the last Sunday of the month. The Bunny Hash was founded in 2001 by our late “Snowflake” Harriet. Join us for amazing Bunny camaraderie, delicious food, fun raffle prizes and a circle to remember. As always, visitors are always welcome. If you’re a man, be prepared for a welcoming experience with the bunnies.

The Diamond hash is a ladies only hash, meeting on the last tuesday of the month.