CH4 Active Runners

Grub (son of Caterpiller)
(Just) John 11
3 1/2″ Floppy 21
40 Year Old Sirgin
Able Seaman 15
Adorable Blue Balls 423
Alice 143
Allan 84
Always On Top 174
Anal Vice 36
Angry Inch 112
Anti-virus 27
AnyWon 133
Anything 176
Arsenist/Jon 9
Aui (friend of PornStar)
Baaabe 41
Baby Shitter 4
Baldric 27
Ball Breaker (Mrs Softballs) 14
Balls of Brass 16
Banana Wiggler 11
Bar Maid Wanker 3
Barely Legal/Moris 21
Beautiful Box 80
Bed Hopper
Beep Beep 39
Beer and Brothels 13
Belly Dancer 164
Ben Dover 221
Big Top 58
Big Ugly Fuck (“BUF”) 53
Bin Barbin Doll 25
Black And Dick Her (Son RB)
Blows Herself 145
Boarderline 6
Bob A Gob
Bobblehead 46
Bobo 21
Bone Hur (Deceased) 4
Bone Smoker 21
Boner 7
Bored Shitless/Piglet (Ayla)
Boring Wanker
Breanna 8
Broom Broom 9
Brownfinger 194
Bump a dick (Melanie) 7
Burrito Butt 4
Bus Bitch
Bushy Tail 48
Butter Bean 8
Butterfly (daughter of Caterpiller)
Byte My Yahoo 303
Cabbage Patch (Deceased) 48
Camel Humper 3
Camel Toe (Remi) 3
Cartoon 159
Cat Weasel/Martin 26
Caterpiller (Mrs Mary Poppins)
Chatterbox 13
Cherry Picker
Chilly Pussy 3
Choir Boy/Mathew 9
Chuck Wao 374
Citrus Smeller 45
Codpiece 11
Come Any Time CAT 3
Cool Balls 3
Cougar 3
Crap Thai 55
Creature 38
Cuckold 6
Cum Lord 68
Cumalot 439
Cut and Run (Paul)
Daglocks 3
Danny Boy 9
Deep Throat 17
Desert Scorpion 4
Devil’s Reject (Evert) 71
Dick Lover 11
Dick the Boy Wonder
Dickless Wonder 3
Dirty Pervert 6
Discharge 49
Dodgy Cock (Baxter) 13
Does Anything 27
Does Nothing (Deceased) 22
Doesnt Get It 53
Dog Shit 139
Doggie Style 3
Dot Cum (Cindy – Mrs Jackoff)
Down Down Dummy
Downunder/Dee 3
Drama Queen 6
Drinks like a Girl (Vis)
Dyke Converter 187
ENZO (son of GORF)
Emma Royde 159
Erotica Red 4
Father Fart 4
First One 13
Fish & Tits 4
Footlong 98
Forrest Dump 7
Foxy Cleopatra 141
Frog Legs 5
Frozen Dick 275
G-String (mother of G2)
Gagging For It 10
Geisha Gash 3
Gizzard Wizard 6
Gizzard Wizard- wife 8
Glass Eye (Taa) 7
Graven Image 373
Grease Gorilla 81
Happy Ending 73
Hardly Normal 18
Harvin (Ms)
Herbiwhore 4
His Royal Anus 493
Home Brew 70
Homo Erectus 78
Horny Monkey 44
Hot Nipples (Mrs Titty Smoker) 104
Human Excrement 44
Humperdick (Deceased) 3
Humpty Dumpty/Kai 20
I Got Gas 14
Injection Infection 25
Iron Maiden
Itchy Bitchy 296
Jack Off
Jacob – Donkey Boner 4
Jenny -( Craig Latham)
Jim 23
Jock (aka Andy (Alice))
Joint Venture 10
Joy (aka “InJoy Dick”) The Boss
Juicy Fruit 9
Jungle Chim 65
Jungleicious (Nong) 4
Just Cuming 50
Just Jeff (Taiwan) 14
K-Pop 9
Kan (friend of Pornstar)
Katie (Child of Ratana) 11
Kee Mao 7
Kevin (Sloppy’s Son)
King Kong 4
Kiss My Arse
Kiwi Bastard 6
Klaus Barber 5
Knock Out 249
Kojack Off 66
Kwazimoto 284
Laid Back 135
Leaky Faucet 45
Lost 15
Lucas (aka LooseAss)
Lumberjackoff (Louie) 20
Mad Cow 3
Makes Me Cum 3
Man Boobs/SOB (Vis)
Mary Poppins 48
May never see again
Mind The Gap
Mind Your Nuts 12
Mini Cartoon (daughter) 8
Missing Link 3
Mon 9
Monkey Pox
Motorboat 4
Mr Poo 335
Mr. Happy 4
Mumbles 10
Muskrat 5
Na He Man (Vis)
Nicole (Kid of Dick Lover)
No. of runners
None of Your Business 45
Noy/Microwave 42
Obscene (Om Sin) 78
Olive Oil 3
On Her Knees 25
One More Time
PINGPONG – It’ll Come 14
Party Czar 3
Pat (friend of PornStar)
Pays By The Inch (Soyoung) 15
Pee Poo 30
Pet My Pussy 9
Phi Phi (Peter Fredrickson) 5
Pigshit 323
Pink Nipples 10
Pinky (Neth) (Vis)
Porn Star 27
Powder Poof
Prison Bitch 48
Purple Fart 63
Pussy Galore 78
Pussy Whisperer 243
Randy / Bare Back Mountin’ 52
Rare but still come
Red Carpet 30
Robin Banks 135
Rocky Mountain Oysters 5
Scooby Doo 126
Screwed Up 3
Scum 17
Seamen Sores’ wife 6
Semen Soars 74
Sex Pistol – guy 6
Shagless 117
Shaven Haven 70
Sheep Shagger 119
Sherman (China) 15
Shrek 66
SiRAT Chiang Mai Saloon
Silly Cow 120
Sinbin / Potato Head 14
Skid Mark 200
Sleeps on It 200
Sloppy Rod 36
Smiling Oyster 3
Snail Trail 113
Snappy Snatch 53
Sno Balls 44
Snow Birds
Soapy 3
Soft Balls (Deceased) 51
Soul sucker 3
Spitz Spunk/Charlie 11
Square Rooter 275
Sticky Wicket 9
Stiff 46
Strangely Anal 80
Strumpet (Mai) 47
Stumbling Dyke 7
Suckit 181
Sun Spot (Deceased) 5
Super Bitch 4
Superman 6
Sweet Pea 69
Sweety 10
Swing Low 22
Tamara de la Losa
Taste My Buns 252
Taste My Juice
Taste My Vomit Thomas 8
Tequila Slammer (Boona) 141
Terrabyte 10
The Gasman 12
Thor Skin – Erik
Throbbing Ninja 7
Tip Toe 410
Titty Smoker 127
Toe Sucker 17
Toejam (Deceased) 85
Toilet Dog/Robby 21
Toy Boat 6
Trevor (Bit hard) 3
Turkish Delight 21
Unnamed /Visitor
Vanilla Rice 6
Vibrator 4
Wan (One)
Wanks Giving
Wet Dream 6
Whiny the POOH 20
Wood Nymph 10
Wooly Jumper (Deceased) 3
Yack And Crash
Yanks Off A Lot 33
Year Round
Yellow Monkey
You Goat Girl 4
chunky monkey 6
300 31