Category Archives: CSH3 – Saturday

Chiang Mai Saturday Hash is a mixed hash which meets every Saturday.

30th April – Horny Monkey & Game Set & Snatch

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Horny Monkey thought he’d found some virgin terrain just out of the city in San Kam Paeng, but in reality Skid Mark has set several runs in this area.  As soon as we saw the run directions, we knew it was going to be a flat one, and indeed it was. A reasonable turn out and we set off down a road towards a village.

Very soon things started going wrong – the trails criss crossed back and forth, round in circles and before long several runners found themselves going the wrong way along the wrong trail.  Some how the hares had managed to set a 7km run within 1 square kilometer radius and it quickly turned into a mess!

Eventually things sorted themselves out and we had a very long straight finish without checks, so naturally Chuck Wao left everyone for dead and opened his legs out. All things considered it was a fun run and a good break from the shiggy mountain runs.

23rd April – Superman and the AGMU

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Superman and co-hare Superbitch marked the end of the reign of terror as GM with a memorable run. I showed up at the run site out along the canal road, and found a large group of hashers to assembled to make sure Superman did leave! The run set off and had everyone confused from the first check – and some more excellently placed checks kept the pack together for much of the early part of the run.

When we finally hit the hills, the gaps began to appear with Chuck Wao leading the way and HRA doing a good job of catching up again each time he checked the wrong way!  Superman met the walkers and showed them a short cut allowing them to avoid the 2nd of the main hills – and it worked to bring most people back at the same time. At the 2nd hill, many people found a short cut up the side, pulling the runners closer together again.

The circle was protracted as it was time to get rid of Superman and his team, and bring in the new exec – lets hope that Horny Monkey can lead the way this year to some even more memorable runs.

4th June – CSH3 Run – Big Top

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Title: 4th June – CSH3 Run – Big Top
Location: Head 2.5km down the Sameong Road from the Canal Road junction – look for HHH.
Description: Big Top & Laughing Dick’s Mini Outstation to Ob Khan.
Date: 2011-06-04

28th May – CSH3 Run – Swallow

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Title: 28th May – CSH3 Run – Swallow
Location: T.B.A.
Description: Swallow’s Saturday Run
Date: 2011-05-28

Pick-Up: 16:00 @ Hash Pub
Run Start: 17:00

21st May – CSH3 Run – Skid Mark

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Title: 21st May – CSH3 Run – Dick Tracy
Location: Opposite Lanna Golf Course
Description: Dick Tracy’s Saturday Run
Date: 2011-05-21

Pick-Up: 16:00 @ Hash Pub
Run Start: 17:00

14th May – CSH3 Run – Miss Piggy

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Title: 14th May – CSH3 Run – Miss Piggy
Location: Aj. Praphat’s Farm – Take the Maejo Road and look for signs at the 4th U-turn
Description: Miss Piggy’s Saturday Run
Date: 2011-05-07

Pick-Up: 16:00 @ Hash Pub
Run Start: 17:00

7th May – CSH3 Run – His Royal Anus

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Title: 7th May – CSH3 Run – His Royal Anus & Byte My Yahoo
Location: Along the Doi Saket road about 3km past the turn off to Doi Saket
Description: His Royal Anus’ Saturday Run
Date: 2011-05-07

Pick-Up: 16:00 @ Hash Pub
Run Start: 17:00

30th April – CSH3 Run – Horny Monkey

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Title: 30th April – CSH3 Run – Horny Monkey
Location: Go East along Hiway 1006 (Old Sankampaeng Rd). 5km up from Hiway 121 (outer ring road) look for Country Garden on the left. Ononon is also there and has a swimming pool.
Description: Horny Monkey’s Saturday Run
Date: 2011-04-30

Pick-Up: 16:00 @ Hash Pub
Run Start: 17:00

23rd April – CSH3 Run – Superman

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Title: 23rd April – CSH3 Run – Superman
Location: Go 3.7 km south on the Canal Rd from the Samoeng
Rd. intersection and turn right at the HHH signs.
Description: Superman’s Saturday Hash Run
Date: 2011-04-23

Pick-Up: 16:00 @ Hash Pub
Run Start: 17:00