Category Archives: CSH3 – Saturday

Chiang Mai Saturday Hash is a mixed hash which meets every Saturday.

21st May – Dick Tracy’s Run

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Dick Tracy set the run very close to the city – from the back of a housing estate opposite the Lanna Golf Course. Before we set off most people were wondering how anyone could set a run in that area – very few known trails and being enclosed by the Maerim Road and the Ping River meant there couldn’t be much space for a run. When the co-hare suggested we should bring spare clothes, the ominous Ping River was on everyone’s mind – surely not?

We set off across a field and into a construction yard where some workers were just clocking off with bemused expressions on their faces as a bunch of hashers trundled straight through them! We hit the bank of a little canal next to the road and I lead the returning Suckit, Mr. Poo and Horny Monkey along until messing up as we took a right into some fields. It was here that we started getting wet feet and realised that Chuck Wao really wouldn’t have enjoyed it!

It gradually got deeper until at one point it was suddenly knee deep, and we were paddling through the field – now following Horny Monkey, except for those short cutters of course. We finally hit a circle check, where a devious hare had dropped a strand of paper the other side of a small waterway, and it had us running round in circles until I finally found the trail heading back through the flooded field.

Just after the next circle, the co-hare was spotted hiding in the trees, and then there was a very well placed circle – which didn’t fox the FRBs as most of them just plunged across the river to the roads. Straight along the road and there was the On-In. A short 3km run, but it was still kinda fun especially with the water features – just a shame Chuck Wao wasn’t there to enjoy it!

8th October – CSH3 Run – Mr Poo

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Title: 8th October – CSH3 Run – Mr Poo
Location: TBA
Description: Mr Poo’s Saturday Run
Date: 2011-10-08

1st October – CSH3 Run – Geisha Gash

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Title: 1st October – CSH3 Run – Geisha Gash
Location: About 2km passed the X-Center. Head past Maerim and turn left into Maesa Valley look for signs on the left.
Description: Geisha Gash’s Saturday Run
Date: 2011-10-01

17th September – CSH3 Run – Toe Jam

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Title: 17th September – CSH3 Run – Toe Jam
Location: 4.4km down Canal Road from Sameong junction.
Description: Outstation
Date: 2011-09-17

10th September – CSH3 Run – Foxy Cleopatra

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Title: 10th September – CSH3 Run – Foxy Cleopatra
Location: Wat Umong
Description: Foxy Cleopatra’s Saturday Run
Date: 2011-09-10

3rd September – CSH3 Run – His Royal Anus

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Title: 3rd September – CSH3 Run – His Royal Anus
Location: Behind the Ag Center
Description: His Royal Anus’s run
Date: 2011-09-03

27th August – CSH3 Run – Elvis Press Me

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Title: 27th August – CSH3 Run – Elvis Press Me
Location: TBA
Description: Elvis Press Me‘s Saturday Run
Date: 2011-08-27

20th August – CSH3 Run – Dog Shit

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Location: 10.5km south on canal road.

Dog Shit teamed up with multiple hares (S&M Girl, Rachael and belatedly Just Cumming). The rain had turned the run site to slush, and it looked ominously like we were going to get wet. Fortunately the rains stopped and we were about to set off in the dry, even if we were sliding around in the mud.

The first V check had been destroyed by some workers, but we figured out what had gone wrong when we hit a check back. Another cross check had us all fooled as we were convinced we would be heading to the right and into the mountains – instead Doggie had taken us left and kept us on the flat ground through some orchards.

The pace was high and the runners rejoined the wimps as they came out of their short cut with a long finish along the road we drove in on. Chuck Wao was determined and sprinted up the hill at the finish to the oversized ONIN.  It was a nice run, well laid with plenty enough to confuse us.

13th August – CSH3 Run – Blue Tit

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Title: 13th August – CSH3 Run – Blue Tit
Location: The Bone Residence! A few km south on canal road from Sameong junction.
Description: Blue Tit’s Birthday Run
Date: 2011-08-13

6th August – CSH3 Run – Frozen Dick

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Title: 6th August – CSH3 Run – Frozen Dick
Location: The Tiger’s Head – Head to Maejo, passed the university and look for HHH at the 2nd U-turn.
Description: Frozen Dick’sRun

Date: 2011-08-06