Category Archives: CSH3 – Saturday

Chiang Mai Saturday Hash is a mixed hash which meets every Saturday.

31st July – CSH3 Run – Cool Balls

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Cool Balls teamed up with the S&M girl for today’s adventure. After confusing directions the A was surprisingly easy to find – just 100m away from the Maerim highway. This was my first Cool Balls run – and a first for S&M too, so I was curious what the pair would come up with.  We kicked off on the tarmac and then a big highway under construction – the circle there took far too long to find and Get’s Wet and I were way back.

As we hit the ‘hills’ we had to scramble up a little escarpment to find the trails – Golden Showers had to scramble up twice after an impressive tumble back down. The trails in the hills seemed to go around in circles with no clear direction and a large part of the pack took advantage of this finding a good short cut as we suddenly ran into most of the usual suspects – Hollow Legs, Pamela, Dick the Wonderless, Superman – and then the road suddenly appeared in front of us – and this was where the hares had their main surprise.

The Aqueduct! (Not a viaduct as Superman thought, but an Aqueduct). It seemed to go on for ever with a narrow path and a small rail to balance on to avoid the drop to the river and rice fields. Dickless Wonder was following Sups and needed to duck out the way each time the FRBs passed with Chuck Wao, HRA and Son of A Bitch leading the charge. Down below Horny Monkey and I spotted Belly Dancer on trail and that gave us good clues about what was to come after the aqueduct. Back onto tarmac and back to the beers. A tough run, but a good one!

23rd July – CSH3 Run – Pamela

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Pamela teamed up with Minute Man to set a run about 14 clicks down the canal road. From the start they had us all confused and the first couple of km had us running around in circles, back and forth, where every check seemed to be unexpected. Minute Man was happy to hear that I was the victim of his over long back checks as the first couple of checks foxed me.

Rather than running perfectly good trails through the hills we normally hit the hares took us through people’s gardens to a completely different hill. After one stretch along a creek bed we headed up, scrambling through the bush till we hit a random trail at the top. With a few zigzags nobody knew where they were (or who they were, or why they were there) and then the hares were stood gleefully on the road telling us we’d done it all wrong, but we should go “that way”. 10 minutes later we were back to the hares and they again told us we were doing it wrong and should go a completely different way.

Perhaps it was me? Almost everyone else seemed to figure it out and were way ahead with Chuck Wao enjoying his moment in the lead. The hares set a long FRB straight – a good running trail for those with the energy (or willpower) to keep going. By now I was dreaming of the beer and settled in with Bone Hur jogging along comfortably. Finally we hit the On-In and again (apparently) I did it wrong again and appeared to the hares from completely the wrong direction. The hares pointed out that 80% of the hashers had no problem finding the trail, well I had no problem at all in finding all the wrong trails!

16th July – CSH3 Run – Chilly Pussy

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Chilly Pussy teamed up with Wooly Jumper for a run set at “Ob Khan”. The directions were a little confusing as Ob Khan could be a big area, but fortunately the signs were good and we all found our way to the start. The hares deferred the brief to the hash cash, and we were off…

After 500m or so we hit a circle check, and there were 5-6 choices – fortunately the front runners guessed it right and we were off…  Unfortunately it was another couple of km before we got to another check and the field was scattered. The 2nd of 2 checks was straight taking us back to the A bucket. At 3.7km it was a short run – 27 minutes for the FRBs.  The FRBs enjoyed a good chase at the front, while the walkers enjoyed a pleasant stroll through the trees.

HRA managed to screw everything up – despite being 2nd to the On-In he got lost and explored a new trail coming in half an hour later. Horny Monkey attempted some makeshift surgery in the trees as he tore open his finger. With food at the runsite (in the rain) it was a social occasion – making up for the national alcohol ban!


9th July – CSH3 – Just Cumming

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Just Cumming set the run in familiar territory not far down the canal road and with the GM Horny Monkey missing, it was a good turn out! We set off and immediately the first few checks confused us and I was playing catch up from the back while Belly Dancer just got everything right!

For some strange reason JC avoided the lovely trails and sent us scrambling along the side of a mountain until we hit a circle check in the middle of nowhere. Finally through the shiggy most people were still together and there were finally some trails to run on – trails that were suddenly familiar as we got onto Bone Hur’s trail ground. A great trail and Chuck Wow was off like a rabbit down the hill. Unfortunately when we hit the road we were around 800m away from the cars.

Mr Poo ran the circle in place of the GM, the highlight of which was surely the interjection of the returning Dick Tracy who seemed catatonic until he spoke.  Good times!

CSH3 Hangover Run – Skid Mark

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Skiddy & Bone Hur got up bright and early to set us a hangover run – and man what a hangover…  I thought drinking with Dead Virgin might have been a mistake, but it was Geisha Gash, Unplugged & Maow who did the damage with their wine etc…  I was feeling destroyed when I w0ke up this morning and found my fridge empty!

Skid Mark must have understood my feelings and set a hangover run that was just about right.  At the first circle the question was is he arcing us left or right – Right looked ominous into the mountains, while left seemed a friendly option – left it was, down the hill, back up the steep hill and it was back to the circle.  What next?  Well it’s clearly the time to start drinking, afterall it’s 5 o’clock somewhere!

A short circle is a good circle – it gave us just the right amount of time to recap the outstation’s key moments – significantly Belly Dancer’s trip in the bathroom and the blood that poured from the back of his head.   It was a good outstation with a good group of people, nicely chilled after recent hashing disagreements. Finally getting to meet Bow Wow and Head Hacker was a highlight for me – particularly Bow Wow demonstrating how to clean herself properly!

2nd July – CSH3 – Outstation Run – Skid Mark

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Skid Mark and Bone Hur put their heads together to set the run out at the Insda Resort out towards Sameong.  When I drove up to the resort my heart jumped as in all directions there were just sheer cliff like mountains – “this isn’t going to be a flat run…” And given the impossible terrain one immediately wondered how on earth the hares had found any kind of a run out here – the days of scouting must have paid off though as they did a great job of finding a great trail…

Junglicious hit the front and bounded up the hill away from the pack and quickly ran straight through a set of Skiddy Sticks that had everyone back together very quickly – Thanks for the beer guys – just what I needed!  The next circle check was a genius – a hidden path from the other side of a creek – On-On and the trail went up up up – a great view of hashers straggling along the valley to the trail above.

We finally hit the ‘top’ and headed down on slippery mudslide slopes where only Chuck Wao could find a way to run without landing on his ass – more crash awards than any other run in history!  And then we hit road, finally we could run without fear of falling and run I did…  The only thing I missed was paper and ended up running a long way in the wrong direction.  Finally home and after a long wait Belly Dancer came back and we could start the circle.

A large turnout meant circle management was tricky and there were more Yacker Splashes than any other. Fun stuff – now On-On to the food! 😀

25th June – CSH3 – Byte My Yahoo

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Well, it rained…  It started raining mid afternoon, and it’s still raining now…  The hashers that did brave the rain then faced the run I and HRA had laid in the morning.  Of course I could say it was the best run ever, but I should probably report the feedback from the runners – concisely ‘a good run, but too far!’.  Just as well the days are long at the moment as triathlete Jake was the first man home in just over 1 hour.

The run set off flirting with the steep mountain, but quickly cut back and stayed mostly on trails.  It then headed towards familiar ground between a couple of lakes. Watching from there it was interesting to see how confusing it was for the hashers – rechecking trails that had already been kicked out. Chuck Wao was complaining as the trails turned to slush in the rain – completely different from when we set it hours before. Miss Piggy was really upset with the length and duly punished the hares – She wasn’t DFL though and did make it back in daylight! Sorry Miss Piggy!


June 11th – Bone Hur’s Run

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I’m not saying Bone Hur lacks originality, but he has a habit of repetition! I remember running the same loop from his house a couple of times, until he started looking for new areas. He set a truly terrible run from the football field before he found a nice little spot and a great run – which he set for a male hash. Feeling boosted by the compliments he got for that run – he decided to set EXACTLY the same run again for the mixed hash!

OK, so it wasn’t quite the same – last time he set a great circle check that foxed almost all the FRBs – this time he put in a V check instead which foxed no-one! The other difference was that the A site was about 400yards further down the road.

For me, I guessed early on that he was  recycling the great run he set before, which made all the checking a lot easier! HRA’s memory isn’t quite what it used to be so he spent some time relooking for trails and so I didn’t really see anyone through the run.  It would have been the perfect run for me if I wasn’t a complete idiot and checked the wrong way on a V check – the same V check I checked wrongly last time.  What an idiot!

The circle was the Horny Monkey show with attention given to his new young ladies – where does he get them from?

4th June – Big Top’s Run

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I haven’t been on a Big Top run before, so I wasn’t sure what to expect when I set off – following the directions to the disco hut – only the signs took us straight past the disco hut and along to the football field – why did we go that way rather than along the canal? Was it cunning haring trickery or was it just the scenic route?

We were due to have a mini outstation, but this was just a regular run, but it pulled quite a few of irregular hashers out of the woodwork – a return for the aptly named ‘Once a Year’ as well as several others. We set off with Snail Trail sniffing the way around the running track.

The pace was quick at the front and it wasn’t long before a group of 6 broke away from the rest and worked well together to deal with the checks extending a lead. The virgin Jake was a serious runner brought along simply to toy with Chuck Wao’s competitive spirit and the On-In was long enough to let them really test each other – as Chuckie put it – the young buck won, but Chuckie had numerous excuses lined up – Belly Dancer forcing him to drink all night, diarrhea, and no doubt several other dodgy excuses – we stopped listening.


28th May – Swallow

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“Swallow”, aka Square Rooter, set the run from the reservoir at the 700 year stadium, so with the mountain looming behind, we all expected a typical Square Rooter – an evil climb straight up and down… But, for whatever reason, Swallow managed to keep Square Rooter under control and together they set a pleasant, fun run.

The trail set off flat with some good checks scattering the pack, but sticking with the trail so there was no shiggy to deal with. It was the usual suspects at the front with Byte My Yahoo, His Royal Anus, Horny Monkey and Marcus taking turns. Horny Monkey couldn’t get anything right, while BMY and HRA couldn’t stop finding the paper. The hare teased us with a little bit of uphill, only to go straight back down again and follow the trail along the edge of the water. The On-In indicated we should swim for it across the lake, but nobody fell for that – leaving the usual long finish across the dam wall and around to the cars. It’s punishing, but wasn’t far enough for HRA to chase down BMY & Marcus.

Mr. Poo walked around, arm in sling, recovering from his op – don’t tell his work as he’s on sick leave for 2 weeks! The circle turned briefly into a doctor’s surgery with hashers comparing bee, wasp & hornet stings.