Category Archives: CSH3 – Saturday

Chiang Mai Saturday Hash is a mixed hash which meets every Saturday.

8th October – CSH3 – Mr Poo

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At the pavilion in the fitness park between CMU and the zoo? Huh? Can we run from there? Do we get to run around the university dorms, or is there a way of cutting through the zoo? This could be interesting! Or not….

There was a big pack, with some quick runners on show – The usuals, Chuck Wao, HRA, BMY, Jungle Chim, the returning Brown Finger and then Nam Rawn, Suck It and Turkish Delight joined in. The hare brief started by giving the FRBs chalk – ‘to mark the course in places where it isn’t very well marked?’ Darn, this was going to be interesting… We set off across the park, and did a pointless loop through the park and back to the cars before heading up towards the mountain – random. Along the road past the entrance to the zoo and then the incline started.

It was up, up, up… No way I could keep up with the pace of the front runners, so I fell in with Jungle Chim and let the runners go. We were following the path next to the waterfall, and I finally hooked up with the leaders at a circle check where some confusing markings had them running around in circles – as it happened, Poo had had enough, and we were heading straight back down again – this time following along the road. At a deviation we plummeted down a steep decline with spiky trees to grab hold of.

We finally hit the road and from there we could open up and sprint downhill to the finish. The hills had mixed everything up, Skid Mark had appeared from nowhere while other short cutters had stepped over the water to rejoin the pack coming down the hill. I was thankful to see Miss Piggy missing the evil descent. One person who didn’t short cut was Frozen Dick – as he was acting GM, we had to wait for the circle to start – great more beer time!

1st October – CSH3 – Geisha Gash

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Geisha Gash teamed up with Cool Balls for todays run out in the Maesa Valley past the X center. There was a big crowd turned up with high expectations – how soon would those expectations be dashed?  Belly Dancer & I set off in the direction we were sent only to be called back after 400m or so by Superman’s whistle – WTF? This was a bad start…

Dodging through the rest of the pack, including Chilly Pussy dragging her dog over a small bamboo bridge, I was way behind, when I finally caught Chuck Wao, who was muttering and mumbling about the need to catch the returning Brown Finger – the bastard had been away training for 5 months!

Hit the Wimp Rambo split with BF, mr Poo and HRA, with Chuck Wao not far ahead, and then we went straight up a bastard hill. Steep, and slippy from the rain and it went up, up, up and then a bit more up. Was there a check? NO! Just a random split off to the right to hit another trail to come down – only this trail was more slippy and more dangerous… Any checks? NO!

We slid down the hill with Poo calling “Wooooh!” rather than “OnOn” and at the bottom there was a great place for a check – but no check.  Ass! Then we went into the rice fields –  could the run get any worse???  Surely (as Chuckie would say) it is morally wrong to go through rice fields at this time of year, and it sets back Thai Farang relations by decades….  I won’t go that far, but it isn’t possible to run as we try to not damage the paddy walls…

Could it get any worse? Well, finally we hit the On-In…  and were faced with 3km of tarmac back to the beer… OK – I exaggerate, it was 2.9km. Ass! WTF? Ass! WTF? I heard the comment “I was going to be nice to the hares, but….. fuck it”. I remember Dick Tracy setting arguably the worst run of the year, but to be honest, I think this topped it.

Saturday 24th September – CSH3 – Frozen Dick

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A reasonable turn out for “yet another great Frozen Dick Run”, this time allegedly set with his curiously absent co-hare Belly Dancer. It was at the football field south of the Sameong road, and we’ve run from here many times – indeed Frozen Dick set a run from here not so long back…. Hmmm… My suspicions were aroused when he set us off in the same direction – out across the road.

For some reason every one else set off slowly and I was the only one to start running. The first check was where FD put his first check last time, so there was no doubts about where to check – and already I couldn’t hear anything behind me. Never fear – up the hill and sure enough the next 4 checks were identical to last time – I was cruising! Finally Frozen mixed things up a little and Chuck Wao caught me after a couple of checks threw me off course.

Working together with Chuck Wao we ended up right back on FD’s old trail a few steps passed the check back that had just screwed me. Never fear we kept a good pace working together down the hill and still no sounds from behind. Things were looking good for the breakaway, until Chuckie decided to gain an advantage with a little deviousness on the final circle check forcing me to go back and fix it after calling me off in the wrong direction.

The circle was good by Just Cumming although Anything put me on the ice for helping translate for her! Bah!

Sat 17th September – CSH3 – Toe Jam

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Toe Jam had recruited Superman to co-hare with him on his virgin run and the old master today had done his homework. Early on in the run there were a few excellent checks that deviously split us up. The circle that went through the creek bed, across a small field and out onto the road was genius. Another ignored the 2 obvious trails heading into the mountains, and cut back through the trees on a barely noticeable rabbit run.

I was doing well, cruising along out front until I did my typical screw up, following a wrong trail through a garden and not finding any way to get back to the real trail. Sloppy Rod was grumbling about me until he found out he was up front. We saw the on-in from way across a quarry which meant a jog down to the water at the bottom and a clamber up the stairs to where Sups and Toe Jam were waiting, camera in hand.

The circle was brought to us by His Royal Anus, who really didn’t want to be there! Belly Dancer punished me brutally for helping him out when he goes on holiday. Ugh – hash cash…  The On-On-On was at the Beer B Q overlooking the quarry that we’d hashed through – good food, good company (mostly!).

Sat 10th Sept – CSH3 – Foxy Cleopatra

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Foxy chose Wat Umong for her debut Saturday run and there was a good turnout again. We set of on a familiar trail with Mr. Poo having a home field advantage. Quickly it was clear the trail was only going to go up, but before it did we twisted around some checks with HRA guilty of some silent running.

As we hit the hills we went up a narrow path made worse because of the rain, and Belly Dancer bailed out, eventually returning mid circle with Screwed Up and Toejam. A circle check at the waterfall tricked Chuck Wao, and enabled young virgin (silent running) Nathan to get clear as we plummeted down the hill back to the cars.

Sups was tragically hungover for the circle and asked Chuck Wao to assist, whereupon Chuck Wao told us longwinded stories about carrots and fish bones! Cheers Foxy!

3rd September – CSH3 – His Royal Anus

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HRA set today’s run and as Mr. Poo said, the bits that Cum A Lot set were good…..  From the abandoned house under Doi Kham temple, for once we didn’t set off up the temple steps and we ambled off down the road as Snail Trail – the hash sniff – attempted to confuse us before we got on paper and set off running.  The first check ducked into a field with a big lake – Skid Mark found the trail, while I foolishly took the long way around the lake.

The next couple of checks didn’t do me any favours either and I was playing catch up as we hit the familiar Ag Center running ground. HRA had clearly thought about the checks and did a good job of sending the FRBs in the wrong directions – except for Skid Mark that is. Having scouted every possible route for the 1,000 run, he was honed in on the trail and led the way for much of the run.

Most of the trail was flat, but we finally got into some hills and finally Skid Mark took a wrong turn and Jungle Chim hit the front. We scrambled over a waterfall, which gave Dick Tracy another crash award and a bloody knee. Jungle Chim gleefully led the way, but we didn’t see him again until much later – who knows where he got lost.

The hares had warned us about a dodgy check, and in true hash fashion we screwed it up – but kept going on paper. It seemed like a long run, but was around 6+km and FRBs came in at around 50 minutes. With the celebrated absence of the GM, Pamela ran the circle today and did a great job of keeping it short – while covering all the necessary business – who needs Horny A Monkey?

27th August – CSH3 – Elvis Press Me

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Elvis Press Me set his virgin run on his terrain out at Doi Saket. The A was a beautiful spot at a pagoda in the middle of a lake and we set off along one edge of the lake – expecting to come back along the other edge. We quickly hit the first check and after a good 200m hit a check back. I could see Dead Virgin heading around a smaller lake, so Chuck Wao, S&M Girl and I continued around the other side to meet them at the end, only to find paper again – I guess we took a short cut?

After that we set off along the trail that was road, road, road…  With the knowledge that the injured hare had scouted and set the run on a motorised bike, it made the checks a little easier, but the checks still kept us guessing as we zig zagged around the villages. Where was Chuck Wao?

After a slightly confusing check, Sloppy Rod and I hit the front and then when Sloppy went wrong HRA took it on only to go completely wrong at a strangely marked V check. I took the less likely trail and got lucky with Dead Virgin chasing me down. Finally we hit the lake and there was no On-In, just guess work to take us back to where we could see the cars.

Superman stepped in at the last minute to run the circle – he hadn’t been told it was Sloppy Rod’s 200th run.  A visitor from the UK gave us a novel sing song – a pleasant evening all around with some great food at the On-On-On.

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20th August – CSH3 – Dog Shit

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Dog Shit teamed up with multiple hares (S&M Girl, Rachael and belatedly Just Cumming). The rain had turned the run site to slush, and it looked ominously like we were going to get wet. Fortunately the rains stopped and we were about to set off in the dry, even if we were sliding around in the mud.

The first V check had been destroyed by some workers, but we figured out what had gone wrong when we hit a check back. Another cross check had us all fooled as we were convinced we would be heading to the right and into the mountains – instead Doggie had taken us left and kept us on the flat ground through some orchards.

The pace was high and the runners rejoined the wimps as they came out of their short cut with a long finish along the road we drove in on. Chuck Wao was determined and sprinted up the hill at the finish to the oversized ONIN.  It was a nice run, well laid with plenty enough to confuse us.

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13th August – CSH3 – Blue Tit

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Happy Birthday Blue Tit!  Today was a celebration run – celebrating Blue Tit’s birthday, Bone Collector’s birthday and most importantly the fact that Horny Monkey is gone for 8 weeks!  Stepping into his shoes as GM for the day was Belly Dancer.

The run set off with a couple of cute little checks which took us back and forth until we set off up the hill. A long running trail took us gently up the hill and HRA took to the front running up as only he can. The rest of the pack stretched out as it went up and up. We knew we’d be heading back down to the right, what we didn’t know was which ridge we’d cut back down and well placed checks kept us guessing. Sloppy Rod and I thought we’d got it with a hidden trail at one point, only to find we were down the wrong ridge.

Finally when we did head right, a silent running visitor broke away as we ran into short cutting walkers going the wrong way. Somehow Mr Poo got away from everyone and ran in first – it must have been his day as I didn’t see him all trail, and he must have slipped past at that last circle check. Chuck Wao was waiting for us at the finish – some excuse about a police car hitting him from behind.

At the finish the talk was about what a great trail it was. Beforehand we’d challenged that Bone Hur had surely had some part in setting the trail, but given what a good run it was, surely he can’t have been any part of it! He’s lived there how long and still not found as nice a gentle uphill and downhill route for us to take! Nice work virgin hare!

6th August – CSH3 – Frozen Dick

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At short notice Frozen Dick stepped in to set today’s run after Big Top was hospitalised – best wishes Big Top!  I think most of the hashers were wishing Big Top was still there to set the run, but surely Chuck Wao (co-hare) kept Frozen Dick under control???  I still remember the last FD run I was on where nobody made it back!  Familiar grounds out at the Tiger’s Head in Maejo – surely we would survive!

We set off and I was immediately thwarted by a V check up hill to the check back. The guests / visitors were leading the group up a narrow trail zig zagging up the side of a hill until we could finally hit trail and run. BAM! Into a “Frozen Dick” check – now this isn’t standard and I’m shocked Chuck “International Standards” Wao had let it go, but it was there…  There is a number on the tree and we have to count back 6 pieces of paper to where we could then start searching for a trail within 100m. We must have looked ridiculous as no-one can count that high and we just dispersed in the hope of finding paper!

The paper was good although with each piece saying “Another Great Frozen Dick Run” was clearly a lie! Skid Mark found a trail and everyone stormed off after him. There was a good check at a 5 way intersection and again the visitors were in the lead. Up a pleasant trail for a while and we hit a circle check on a ridge – a visitor calling ‘on-on’ to the right brought Skid Mark back from checking to the left only to find it was a false alarm. Back we went and I spotted an option down into a familiar gully – Yes! I had it and having scouted the area before it was straight down the trail to the On-In.

I ran straight through a couple of circle checks as I knew to the left was just a steep impenetrable hill and to the right was the trail we’d run out on.  Apparently I (and the other FRBs) missed a false trail to the left which made many of the walkers do some checking for a change and left them to arrive sometime after the FRBs. Despite the FD checks it was a good run in an area that is full of great running trails. Good work emergency hares!