Category Archives: CSH3 – Saturday

Chiang Mai Saturday Hash is a mixed hash which meets every Saturday.

10th December – CSH3 – Pamela

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A moonlight run – sounds interesting! Belly Dancer sets these regularly, but without any warnings, and without any moonlight, so hopefully with the experience of Pamela it would be a good experience? Hash Cash duties in order, flashlight in hand, hare brief over, time to set off. Like a rocket BD flew past me – straight out of hospital and he’s back to his normal strategy of sprinting to get the first check wrong.

We headed into the hills, and leading the trail was a bit tricky – managing a torch to check where I was putting my feet AND look for powder was a challenge, but we still managed to keep a good pace. HRA & Graven were scampering along on my heels, but neither keen to take over the lead – happy to follow in my tracks, until a “V” check that I didn’t spot until too late, and they confidently scampered off to the right. I reluctantly chose left, but enjoyed a quiet smile to myself when I heard faint “Check-back” calls from behind me. The trail was good, wide enough to run on and lit well enough that I could keep jogging along. Nailed the next check and I was in the dark, alone, with no responses to my calls.

Finally I heard HRA coming along behind, and he passed me as I finally got a check wrong. We hit the fence at the Night Safari, and the hare had put a V check. Only a complete idiot would check left as that would take you all the way around the Night Safari… Especially if you had already set a run in the same location (and put a check in the same place) – 25th December 2010 for the record – a CSH3 run set by HRA and Mr. Poo… OK, lets pretend that HRA was disoriented in the dark – he sheepishly came back from his pointless checking!

We headed back down the trail and I was following a returnee who suddenly hit the floor – completely taken out by a barrier blocking the path – invisible in the dark, especially if you choose to go without a torch! I was torn between checking he was ok and laughing as it was one of the best crashes I’ve ever seen! If HRA was racing up front, Graven was equally competitive as he came back from a false trail trying to find out how far HRA was ahead and trying to chase him down. HRA had too much energy and “won” the wings.

The lunar eclipse dominated the circle with Good RA Superman battling with Evil RA Pamela as to whether we’d see it through the clouds. All in all a great – different – hash run! Good Work Pamela!

3rd December – CSH3 – Bone Hur

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The directions to the run site were clear and well advertised, but nonetheless managed to confuse several hashers who autopiloted down the canal road rather than Sameong. Nonetheless a large crowd gathered with virgins and visitors ready for what Bone Hur had in store. My plan was to walk off and take it easy – I’d even warmed up with a couple of beers in the afternoon – but Bone Hur got fed up of everyone ignoring him and gave an abrupt, abridged hare brief and sent us on our way with Mr. Poo unusually setting the early pace.

At the first check I was drawn in the direction of the temple steps – Bone Hur isn’t the most inventive guy in the world, and from that runsite the obvious route is up the 969 steps to the temple and so it was. I hit the steps first, but was quickly overtaken by Mr. Poo who was on a mission today. Leah a young virgin came flying past all of us hardly breathing at all. A glance over my shoulder saw Brown Finger puffing and panting his way up cursing blasphemously as he saw the stairs continue towards the sky. If the hares had any intention of keeping the pack together, this wasn’t the way to do it – a good number of hashers simply rejected the stairs and short cut around while the rest were scattered over the steps.

After the summit we hit the trail that gradually descended around the hill. It was a great trail to run on, and Mr. Poo, Leah, Brown Finger, Graven Image and I broke away from the rest. There were a few checks that had BF diving into the woods in the hope of finding paper along unlikely trails – I just kept going down the trail and sure enough the trail was the obvious route along the road. At the bottom we ran into Semen Soars who’d shown up late, missed out on the hill, got lost and managed to get the wings for doing the run Bone Hur hadn’t intended – I’ll have to remember those criteria. There were walkers strewn across the rice fields and even then they chose to short cut while GI and I set the pace at the head of the runners.

The On-In was at the road and I was relieved that it was only 3.6km – less than half an hour. Fortunately the beer had just enough time to chill. Horny Monkey ran the circle again, and the usuals were punished for making funny comments that disrupted his train of thought.

27th November – CSH3 – Miss Piggy

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After the Bunny’s blow out 10th Anniversary Run & AGFU the previous day – everybody (except Superman) was hoping for a nice short gentle hang over run. So off out I set encircling the city and ending up in Miss Piggy’s favourite terrian – fortunately it looked very flat. As the hashers began to arrive – it was clear there was going to be a big turnout with Anything’s Iron Pussy’s up from Phuket, Running Bare’s extended family as well as visiting hashers from the US, Japan and Pattaya.

Miss Piggy and Wooly Jumper gave a hare breif whcih as usual I didnt hear as those late arriving bastards money had to be collected but I headed out just as Sups was making his stately arrival. It seemed that Miss Piggy was economical with the paper … then powder and the first couple of checks had us all over the place with the FRB visitors calling from every direction – except the trail! As we got into our stride Toe Sucker’s insight proved helpful as we headed off hardtop onto dirt and farmland. With Knockout and Twice Nightly taking turns inspiring me the pack began to spread out with Poo leading the way … well leading the calling anyway!

Someone said this was a 5km run but my GPS was telling be 4.6km already with no sign of On-In – was Miss Piggy giving us another one of her special ball breakers? The trails were easy on the feet and passing Snail Trail I ran in with Hot Seman Saver from Humpin H3, San Diego dead on 7km.

Horny Monkey led a whopping great circle – with the Iron Pussy’s even rousing from their famous food circle to come in and entertain us with their down down shimmy. HM liberally used the arm to punish the shirtless ones (Running Bare’s daughters) and Superman was dobed in for telling Miss Piggy to make the run longer. Sups annointed Dizzy – Crazy Crack and with much beer consumption and yarn telling the circle came to a close with Skid Mark being awarded the male wings for not making Miss Piggy cry this time and Paper from Phuket being awarded the female wings which just goes to show that drinking and running are a great combination – she’s been at this for > 25 years!

OnOn – Belly Dancer


Yacker: Square Rooter & Mr Poo
ARM: Sarah/Caitlin/Lauren/Horny Monkey
Flying Dick: Swallow
Tits: Crazy Crack
Turd: Miss Piggy

Male Wings: Skid Mark
Female Wings: Paper

#1050 – 19th November – CSH3 – Horny Monkey

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With the GM back, he was determined to set his mark with the worst run of the year – the lazy hare chose a terrible location wedged between the zoo and CMU – convenient for him, but unpleasant to drive to with the extra Bangkok traffic. Nonetheless with moments to spare the songthaew arrived and he started a somewhat convoluted hare brief – we’d have circles, Vs, skiddy sticks, a booby check and a ‘4’ check.

Finally we could get started, with most expecting the usual climb up the waterfall. Mr. Poo had set a run here a couple of weeks back – and that was a tough climb that started off with a strange loop through the fitness park. It felt like deja vu as we set off, but I had spotted some powder as I drove in, so was fairly confident we weren’t going to be climbing too much. Through the fitness park we got to the booby check at the far end. Begrudgingly we waited for Anything to jog up with Knock Out and S&M Girl following behind – on the plus side we didn’t have to wait long, on the downside we didn’t actually get to check any boobies.

Off down the road past the entrance to CMU and HRA was keen to get racing. He spotted some skiddy sticks, but we didn’t stop continuing looking for powder down past some shops. Everyone was back together as we trudged back to the entrance to CMU and Stumbling Dyke was historically leading the way, for a few milliseconds until order was restored. As we ran through the university in search of the women’s dorms, pretty much everyone stayed together trying to spot powder.

We arced to the right and soon hit the wall from the zoo. HRA didn’t want to wait at the ‘4’ stop, so there was a quick breakaway there with Mr. Poo and a virgin joining HRA with a sprint up a steep little mound. Graven Image and I reached the peak as the FRBs spotted the evil skiddy sticks and turned back. It wasn’t far from here, but still everyone was in a big group – Square Rooter following Graven along a short jungle trail (we were briefly off tarmac). Total distance about 3.5km and we were back at the truck for the circle.

My suspicion was that Horny Monkey had been drinking while setting the run, and it seemed I was right as he struggled to get the circle moving. Forgetting to splash the hares, forgetting to drink his splash beer… He must be out of practice! On-On!

10th November – CSH3 – Belly’s Loi Kateoy Run

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I woke up this morning feeling like I’d done another 50k run yesterday – and it was supposed to be a Loi Kateoy Bar Crawl! When I finally crawled my way through the traffic and found somewhere to park somewhat near to the Hash Pub, there was already a reasonably sized group getting into the spirit of it with even Chuck Wao posing for the cameras in his bright red wig – it seems it’s ok for him to have his photo taken as a woman, but not as a man – interesting! Something we don’t know?

With a little delay we were ushered outside and told it would be a live hare run with checks etc. I hadn’t done one of these before so had no idea what to expect, but I thought we’d just be doing a bit of a bar crawl? But I’ve learnt with Belly Dancer you have to expect the unexpected and prepare for the worst. And so it was – a strange crowd of cross dressers swarmed out of the hash pub chasing a strange man in pink down to the river whooping and squealing. The first check – outside Pantip Plaza immediately scattered us, but the psychotic hare was taking us towards the river and the crowds of Loi Kratong celebrators.

Over the iron bridge we went like a scene from Monty Python with bemused onlookers taking photos. Bone Hur was the leader eagerly chatting up policemen – asking them where he could find more Katoeys. Brown Finger found some powder and we headed along the river to the Nawarat Bridge. The bridge was crowded and we ran out of trail. Apparently there was a check there somewhere, but nobody saw it. Finally we found the hare supping a beer in his pink Bunny T-shirt in Riverside. Riverside? Seriously? One of the most crowded, upmarket, sophisticated(?) and expensive bars in Chiang Mai! And here we were the center of attention dressed as women. The night could only get better – or could it???

The hare was off again and we gave him his 5 minutes before inside information took us straight through the crowds over Nawarat Bridge. I don’t like crowds at the best of times – perhaps that’s why hashing appeals normally – but dressed in drag it was awkward squeezing through the throng. Straight up Thapae Road things started to clear up and soon we turned right onto the backward street and ducked into back alleys working our way back to the moat and Riva bar. I thought this was going to be a short bar crawl, but this was turning into a real run – no time to get drunk we were too busy running (in sandals).

The third leg was the best – 300m or so straight up to EuroDiner with the 4th leg a loop back around to Next Place. Of course we had to head to Loi Kroh road and there was a quick extra stop at Fish Bar before ending up back at the Hash Pub. Finally I could get out of my dress! A circle? It was nearly midnight, so thankfully it was a brief affair – no idea what anything was about, but I got a T-shirt!

I should have headed home at that point, but Belly had promised us a taster for Saturday’s Lanna Run 00:11, 11/11/11. An all male run, so I figured we’d be heading around the corner to the closest male oriented bar. I never imagined a 3km+ hash run, complete with checks, through the darkness in the early hours of the morning. Local residents must have really appreciated random drunks shouting “On-On” outside their bedroom windows in the small hours! Graven Image was still in his dress trailing behind us moaning, grumbling and groaning. Finally we crawled our way into Greasy’s restaurant. We’d had plenty of time to sober up, so the beer was welcome, but it was cold and late and I had work the next day. No logistics.
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5th/6th November – CSH3 / CH4 – Weekend Madness!

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What a long weekend! It started when I picked Brown Finger & Graven Image up at 9am on Saturday with the job of laying trail for the CSH3. We discussed the plans for the 50km – Suckit’s Sick Run – and then the fact that there was a CH4 outstation on Sunday, but nobody was the hare and nobody had laid trail – it seemed BF had been delegated that. We laid trail for Saturday, grabbed some lunch at the Wang Tarn Resort. BF and I then rented a bike with the intention of throwing some paper around to keep the CH4 runners happy, while saving energy for the 50k. That didn’t work out, so shortly after we recruited GI and set a proper trail – all be it unscouted.

Back at the resort we had time to get changed, pick up some beers before setting off to the A site for the CSH3. So much for a relaxing afternoon at the pool with the massage girls! On-On out on our ‘run of death’. BF and I had set the first half, which meandered through some woods, past some quarries with the highlight being a dead dog exactly 100 paces from a circle check. GI meanwhile set the second half with his friend Tom and explored a graveyard (where Just Cumming’s Dad lived). Incidently we had scouted the run previously, but ended up setting a completely different run. The feedback seemed fairly positive and the circle pleasant.

Back to the resort and the debate about Sunday’s 50km madness raged with a solution eventually being found. A small group set off on Sunday morning and as the day dragged out and got hotter, the field shrunk. Belly Dancer just walked back (at an amazing pace!), I pulled out after about 32km and relied on Jungle Jim to pick me up. BendOver showed up late, but did the first half, while Junglicious sprinted off on the first 12.5km, was sidetracked by lunch with Itchy & Olive Oil, and then jogged back with the guys on the last leg. Suckit completed his age on his farewell run, Brown Finger ran around in circles with seemingly no ill effects, Greasy Gorilla looked in a terrible state when he finally staggered in, while Graven Image was particularly impressive – congrats guys.

There was time for a dip, a few beers, a bit of a rest before the CH4 bus rolled in and we sent them out on yet another run. Belly Dancer tried to mess it up as he sprinted off with no intention of doing the run, just looking for a short cut – but our other lemming hashers chased after him ignoring the fact they weren’t on paper! Finally they regrouped and enjoyed a great vista at the end by crossing the dam. I ran the circle afterwards and although we were weary, we managed a few more beers before bed. A tiring, but fun weekend! On-On!

30th November – CSH3 – Cool Balls’ Hangover

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The kids woke me up early with a heavy head and after some food we killed time kicking a ball around the car park waiting for the off. Cool Balls set off with a bag of paper and seemed to be gone for a long time considering we were expecting a short hangover jog.

Finally we got it started and the two little ones decided they wanted to actually run out on their first hash run – no racing for me this morning! The kids were doing well for the first half of the run and we actually did some checking, but gradually lost ground as the FRBs figured out which way we were looping around. All of a sudden I looked back and found that it was just me and Shagless – where the hell had the rest of the ladies gone? It’s a 2km run and they’d found a short cut??? Not for the little Bytes – we trundled our way around. A nice start to the morning, but I think I need a nap now before considering the Happy Hash run, with Junglicious setting on Huay Kaew, that just means one thing – Doi Suthep…

Outstation – CSH3 – 29th October – Chuck Wao

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So we were 50+ km down the Hang Dong road to a resort for the outstation – Chuckie had teamed up with the Super family to set a trail and organise the outstation. Chucks had been concerned for weeks about the numbers, but it took 3 packed trucks to deliver all the runners to the start some 5km or so away from the hotel. An A->B – where the hell were we and where were we going – it was going to come down to luck on the checks, and I didn’t get any.

Off we set across the bridge and immediately I screwed up on the first check – not sure what Turkish Delight was doing – he certainly wasn’t checking properly as I met him as I headed back from my first bad choice. Nevermind, Shagless found the trail – so shocked from being the FRB he forgot to call and just waved paper at us and let us call. On to the next check and the uninviting uphill trail seduced me, damn – wrong again, and we set off into the rice fields. Normally Chuck Wao is adamant about the inappropriateness of running through rice fields, but he’d found good trails through and soon we hit the hills.

I hit a couple of checks, but then took the wrong way on the only V check – damn, a big group together again. These hares were good – I was with Belly Dancer late into the run and picked the wrong trail at every chance I could. Some army dude called Aey was the FRB picking everything right – nice hashing! As it was A to B we had no idea where we were heading or how much further we had to go – finally we emerged from the hills and appeared at a great waterfall with the hares smiling. A great set, and a good run…

After a coke and a beer, Skiddy suggested running back to the hotel – it was only another 5km and we had no idea how much longer we’d be waiting for the DFLs so the two of us set off to rescue the kids from their housekeeper. We nearly made it back when the trucks picked us up. A good preparation for next weekend.

The circle was back at the hotel and Horny Monkey was duly abused for his absence, welcome back – hash style. On to the food, and then the karaoke – good times!

22nd October – CSH3 – Big Top & Foxy Cleopatra

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I was one of the first to get to the run site, but it quickly filled up with a large crowd of eager hashers. Big Top & Foxy were stood proudly atop their markings ready to give the hare brief. Superman called everyone to order and gave us all the terrible news. Yes it was a disaster and we stood in shocked silence for a while trying to come to terms with what had just happened. It wasn’t the floods in Bangkok, the death of Gaddafi or the state of the world banking system – much worse, it was revealed that we were at the last resort, the bottom of the barrel and Dick Tracy would be stepping in to be the acting GM. My car was blocked in, we were all trapped, forced to come to terms with the impending disaster.

The hare brief was called, and then delayed by Belly Dancer who had a queue of hashers demanding refunds. Apparently there was something said about Green Fairies, but I had an urge to visit the bathroom and missed the hare brief. My gut savagely rejecting the situation, we set off along the road, and almost immediately headed up. It’s Huay Tung Thao, where else could we go from here?

Skiddy took a slide as we crossed the waterfall – taking with him the bamboo fencing to make sure anyone who followed would have nothing to grab hold of. I was off the pace and the FRBs must have been cruising, and forgetting to kick circles out – over the ridge and the paper ran out until Square Rooter told us where to go – he knows every inch of the hills and had no real need for paper, being tuned in to the hare’s consciousness at a completely different level.

We plunged back down the hill towards the canal and finally regrouped at the circle check there. Not sure why, the trail continued in the most obvious direction and Mr. Poo was ahead trying to escape the pack with Junglicious. For some reason she was hot on his heels and didn’t see a need to check anywhere else. On-In and we were back on concrete around the lake. Some clown tried to out run me at the finish, but the beer was calling me home.

Time for Dick Tracy! To be fair running such a large circle can’t be easy, so he did a good job (did I just say that?). Not sure what went on, but I didn’t fall asleep! On-On!

15th October – CSH3 – S&M Girl

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With many hashers off in Luang Prabang for some reason, there was a smaller turn out than usual. We were carted out to a reservoir way out of town. It wasn’t quite an outstation, but it was a long drive. The hare brief was a bizarre re-enactment of S&M’s jungle survival guide – Bear Grylls has nothing on S&M. As well as her usual basket full of mushrooms, she had some how managed to catch a fish!

We set off on the run, with Miss Piggy leading the way and the traditional FRBs following up from behind. We were immediately clambering through the spiders webs on a narrow trail heading up a small hill. On the other side of the rise, there were some lovely trails and we stretched out, until a circle check thwarted everyone for 10 minutes or so – it turned out the trail continued the obvious way – out into the rice paddies. Chuck Wao wasn’t going to be happy as even he couldn’t avoid wet feet. Suck It hit the ground several times across the narrow mud walls.

Once we got through, we hit the road we’d driven in on with the hares waiting on bike to make sure we’d made it. The Wimp Rambo trails rejoined, and then immediately split again. At the next circle, I found the paper on the Wimp, and joined Chuck Wao who had already bailed out in protest. The Rambos must have had an extra arc and shortly everyone was coming in. A well set trail which kept everyone working together. Only Chuckles didn’t enjoy it!