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- Thu 13/3/2025: Thursday 13 March - CH4 - Run #1043 - Hare Needed
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- Mon 17/3/2025: Monday 17 March - CGH3 - Run# 203 - Pussy Whisperer
- Thu 20/3/2025: Thursday 20 March - CH4 - Run #1044 - HARE NEEDED
- Sat 22/3/2025: Saturday 22 March - CSH3 - Run #1747 - Anything and Tequila Slammer
Category Archives: CSH3 Hash Trash
CSH3 Hash Trash # 1561
Chiang Mai Saturday Hash House Harriers
Drinking and Running Since 1991
Hash Trash 1561 Grand Master – Skid Mark Haberdasher – Snail Trail
Historian & Awards Master – Superman Hash Cash – Chatterbox
Joint Master – Just Cumming Beer Monster – Deep Throat
Religious Advisor – Chuck Wao Hare Raiser – Bushy Tail
Deputy Beer Monster – Sheep Shagger On Sec.– Stumbling Dyke
Run # 1562
As Skid Mark’s regime draws to a close we seem to be entering a period we saw at the beginning of his reign. Covid once again has reared its ugly head, trying to suppress our fun, and the country is once more on the brink of lockdown. Let’s all hope we can get vaccinated soon and put this surreal episode of the world behind us.
Run # 1562 got off to a great deal of mayhem over directions and the placement of hash signs with the majority of members having to rely on their hashing instincts and ingenuity to get to the A bucket. All the directions needed to have said was – it’s about 2 km up the road from where Cartoon usually sets his runs, then there would have been no ambiguity. Everyone got there in the end and allowed a few good splashes to be awarded in recompense for the initial confusion all adding to the fun and games of the hash.
Skid Mark and AWOL were the hares for today’s outing, and as you have probably guessed the location was out in San Kampheng. For those who do not know, AWOL is Snail Trail’s Brother and is an officer in the Thai Army. Anyway when Skid Nark sets a run, you can be pretty sure that it is going to be flat. Another point worth noting is that today the sky was clear, devoid of pollution, and the temperature wasn’t too excessive for the time of year either. This was due to due to a storm of biblical proportions a few days previously that must have put out the forest fires and cleared the particulates from the air resulting in conditions conducive to good hashing. Maybe Chuck Wao had something to do with these favorable conditions. I’m sure he would quite happily take credit for this welcome change in the ambient air quality.
After the usual hare brief we set off along a dirt road and into a wooded area and the first circle check which resulted in us being taken into an area overgrown with bamboo proving to be quite hazardous as the bamboo shoots provided us with many sharp and pointed obstakles to negotiate. It was at this point we were joined by Just Coming who had, being a veteran of almost 900 runs, experienced difficulties in finding the A bucket. Once we were clear of the bamboo area we found ourselves beside a lake with a backdrop of the area’s majestic mountains, so naturally Snail Trail and Chatterbox had to take timeout for the obligatory selfie or two in the picturesque spot. The lake wasn’t natural and had been created by a dam which obviously we would have to cross. Crossing the dam wall was relatively easy, but the final 4 meters had to be negotiated by means of a very dodgy, unstable and rickety bamboo bridge which needed to be crossed with extreme caution. I didn’t hear any reports of any mishaps here. If there had have been they could have proved to have been serious.
We carried on into flat area where we were brought into close proximity of a family of buffalo who didn’t seem particularly pleased to have a bunch of hashers running through their home, so we tentatively skirted round them trying not to antagonize them too much. By this point we were in sight of the A bucket although we hadn’t yet come to the wimp Rambo split. But then just around the corner we came to the divide. I took the Rambo trail which took us along a canal then into a rice field which we ran through for a while ultimately taking us back to the canal which we crossed by means of a proper bridge as the hares couldn’t find any dodgy bamboo ones to utilize.
Then we were taken through a rubber tree plantation for a while and then back onto the road which led us back to the A bucket. I clocked up about 5km a nice run in dispersed with spectacular scenery, great job guys.
It’s at this point, I have to make a correction in regards to something I wrote a couple of weeks ago on Superman’s run where we had the circle in his back garden. The garden is populated with a species of eucalyptus trees known as gum trees, He told me a tale of the early pioneering bushmen of Australia using these trees as an early form of pornography as they quite convincingly resembled female genitalia. whenever they would come across these trees the ever resourceful bushmen would pleasure themselves accordingly. I have to tell you now that this is a complete and utter fabrication and a figment of Superman’s imagination as our antipodean aficionado, Chuck Wao., could in no way manner or form corroborate this story and told me that I had well and truly been sent up a gum tree. But in the defense of Superman, I’m a great advocate of never letting the truth get in the way of a good story.
OnOn Stumbling Dyke…
Posted in CSH3 Hash Trash