Category Archives: CH4 – Sunday

10th July – CH4 Run – Chuck Wao

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Title: 10th July – CH4 Run – Chuck Wao
Location: 12km along the Canal road past Sameong
Description: Chuck Wao Wows Us
Date: 2011-07-10

3rd July – CH4 Run – Mr Poo

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Title: 3rd July – CH4 Run – Mr Poo
Location: TBA
Description: Mr Poo Sunday Run
Date: 2011-07-03

26th June – CH4 – His Royal Anus

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Title: 26th June – His Royal Anus
Location: TBA
Description: HRA is setting the run
Date: 2011-06-26

12 June – Sleeps on it

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A virgin pairing of Sleeps on it and her new husband set the run out close to Doi Saket village. Getting to the site was well marked and there was clearly no sign indicating you should turn right at the traffic lights in Doi Saket – unfortunately half the hashers proved their general incompetence and promptly got lost – not a good start!

The run site was a pagoda on a peninsula in the middle of a lake – nice run site! The hare brief was brief, but indicated that the wind may have blown away the trail and something about not going through someones property even though they had agreed for us to go through their gardens…  Apparently the lady in question had very large breasts, which accounted for one of Skid Mark’s falls and apparently explained why Kwazi Moto was late getting back to the circle.

The run had a lot of shiggy, scrambling along ‘trails’ across the side of a hill for a long way before we could hit the flats.  But then they found a trail that was protected by a strange lady telling us not to go that way. It turned out the paper was there, and ‘John’ the co-hare had hacked his own way through the jungle to create a ‘trail’ especially for us. Who really cares about the stickers and crap that ripped our legs to pieces?

The highlight (for the hares) was the On-In placed about 200m from the pagoda, on the wrong side of the lake. Most hashers were forced to run about 3km further to get around the lake, while only Byte My Yahoo was clever enough to just swim across to the waiting beers. It was good to have SuckIt back to run the circle – at least some semblance of organisation! On the whole a well laid trail with plenty of tricks that kept a big group together even to the end.

19th June – Junglicious

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Title: 19th June – Junglicious
Location: Huay Tung Thao – Inside the park, to the left of the lake
Description: Junglicious’ virgin run!
Date: 2011-06-19

12th June – Sleeps On It

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Title: 12th June – Sleeps On It
Location: Dunno Yet
Description: Sleeps On It is setting the run!
Date: 2011-06-12

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The venue was Dyke’s house, and as I drove around the town, the heaven’s opened and I feared another wash out run. Fortunately the rains stayed off and the run was ok – just needing to move the circle into Dyke’s fitness room – finally it gets used! The hare brief started with the claim it was a short run, and it was – around 4.3km.

We set off along the road, but before long we were on familiar ground moving towards the hills. The early circle checks could have gone anywhere so early on the pack was stuck together. Eventually though, the ‘Dykie Checks’ came into play, but they were telegraphed to some extent, and while Chuck Wao disappeared in the wrong direction, myself and Junglicious managed to run straight through a couple of checks and break away from the pack.

Back down the hill we ran into the trail from yesterday, but only for a couple of hundred metres. Junglicious kept me on track as we maintained a gap ahead of Chuckie, HRA and Skiddy. Towards the back Frozen Dick had company for once, as Betty, Jungle Chim’s Mom, joined us for the day. The Jungle family was in force, but the circle may have been an experience too far as they didn’t make it to the On-On.

5th June – CH4 Run – Dyke Converter

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Title: 5th June – CH4 Run – Dyke Converter
Location: TBA
Description: Dyke’s Sunday Hash Run
Date: 2011-06-05

29th May – Belly Dancer & Skid Mark

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Today was the CH4 300th run (or there abouts depending who’s maths you believe!). For some inexplicable reason the combination of Belly Dancer and Skid Mark was chosen to set the trail for the memorable occasion…  On the one hand, it’s true that most of their runs are memorable, but on the other hand they are normally remembered for the wrong reasons!!!  So what would the pair concoct together? Belly Dancer with his love of steep hills, and Skid Mark with his love of water – how could they find a location to satisfy both of their sick sadistic lusts?

The Sankampaeng new road was the answer and a spot that I’ve only hashed once before. Given that it was the 300th run, we attracted a good turn out, including some Saturday regulars – which was great to see. The hares were licking their lips, and giggling gleefully – and I did manage to predict the torture they had in store for us, but they weren’t giving anything away.

The hare brief wasn’t brief…  Remember hasher’s aren’t that smart! Giving more info than usual just confused us! With climbing axes and brooms handed out, we set off anxiously with only one thing for sure – the next hour would be tough, but we wouldn’t forget it quickly. A prediction that held true.

The trail set off towards some rice fields, but rather than touch the paddies, we immediately found some disgusting, stinking, pig waste to trek through. Along the edge of the paddies we quickly found the “Wimp/Rambo” or “Skid Mark/Belly Dancer” split. Belly Dancer it was – promised to be longer and tougher. It seemed most people didn’t pay attention to the hare brief so, myself, S&M Girl and Suck It spent our time collecting special markers for free t-shirts – result! A great ‘Skiddy sticks’ check pulled us all back together and then it was time for the obvious hill – we dreaded it, but it was inevitable.

At the top of the hill the trails rejoined and the walkers were already ahead of us. Downhill was tough to run with a rocky trail, so when we hit the canal the other side of the hill the pack was back together. As we jogged along the edge of the canal, the finish was inevitable….  And Belly Dancer was stood atop of the ‘tunnel’ to make sure some of us completed the ‘Rambo shortcut’. A 500m tunnel to crawl through – waist deep in the shittiest, stinking scum imaginable – fortunately it was pitch black so we couldn’t see what was surely floating past us. The only thing sicker was the size of Skid Mark’s grin as he waited for us at the end of the tunnel, camera in hand.

Seriously though, it was a well marked, and well thought out run. Everybody got home safely, and there was a lot of fun to be had. So a great job hares – this is why we hash!

22nd May – Kwazi Moto

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Kwazi chose a familiar spot for his run – a few km behind the Ag centre. With most of the FRBs gone to Monkey Hash etc. I was pleased to see Greased Gorilla and Suck It come to help with the checking – as it happened for the early stages Junglicious and Itchy Bitchy were flying as well and we had a good pack. But between good checking and good running, the pack spread out across the mountain.

It was a case of going up, across and back down – but this time we seemed to be going up the way we’ve come down before. Kwazi avoided the beautiful waterfall by going over the top of it, but soon we were on familiar trails again. The crunch point came at the top of a hill with a clever circle check. With Greasy and Suck It checking in the wrong direction, I recognised the spot and remembered a hidden trail that Kwazi had used before in the other direction – from then on it was back to the water and down the way he’d brought us up before. “On-On” and run. Greasy closed me down towards the end, but I managed to hold on.

A good well set run, but Kwazi said at the On-On-On that he would choose somewhere new next time – perhaps we are getting too familiar with the area – especially since Frozen Dick started setting out there too. While Mr. Poo was absent, Suckit was back to take on his RA responsibilities and the circle was fast and intimate. A pleasant Sunday evening out!