Category Archives: CH4 – Sunday

31st July – CH4 Run – Belly Dancer

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It has been suggested that Belly Dancer hares runs with the sole intention of causing serious damage to the hashers. Today he organised the weather to make a tough run impossible! We set up off the steps to Doi Kham with some ambiguous instructions to look for paper on the right – we saw paper on the right and went straight past it all the way up the stairs to the temple.  Remembering that hasher’s aren’t the cleverest bunch of people, we climbed off paper just discussing that the hare had been ‘kee nieow’ with the paper.

Dick the Boy Wonder was determined that the trail would begin when we got to the top and for some daft reason we believed him and followed Chuck Wao to a padlocked gate at the top. Finally we stopped listening to Dick the Boy, and headed back down to where we’d seen the paper – which happened to lead off into absolutely nowhere – no trail, just paper (occasionally) hanging off on the edge of a mountain. With the added rain the mountainside became treacherous and there was no shortage of candidates for the crash – I was covered in mud when I finally made it back.

We eventually got to a circle check – there were no trails leading off it, just a pile of paper in the middle of a jungle. Given that HRA couldn’t hear Chuck Wao over the rain when he was stood next to him, we decided to stick together choosing the route that headed towards a road we could see through the trees. That was a wrong call as we plummeted off the mountain and didn’t find paper. HRA, Little Wet One and I clambered back up the hill and found paper again that lead straight back down the hill (parallel to where we’d just descended) and to where Chuck Wao was stood waiting for us.

Another circle check and a dilemma – we gave it a bit of a look around, and gave up as the roads had already turned into rivers. The field was decimated down to 4 of us, and the rain was relentless – and as fortunately we knew where we were, we headed back – I’ve faced near death experiences enough on BD’s runs before. Fortunately everyone survived and also fortunately the circle was a good one. Hollow Legs had more phone calls during the circle than I’ve had in the past month and was justifiably punished for each of them.  Truth be told I enjoyed scrambling around, risking my life on the edge of the hill, so good job Belly Dancer – the rain just thwarted your evil plans. The circle made up for it, and you have a run in the bag for next time – although not sure I want to endure it again!

24th July – CH4 Run – Humperdick

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Today Humperdick set the run as his first solo virgin haring – and he has clearly picked a lot up during the time he’s been running as he set a great trail. It was well marked and had a good mix of trail running and shiggy scrambling! The turnout was better and the atmosphere was good and we set off – with plenty of flat ground around, the hare immediately took us up.

After screwing up the first check, His Royal Anus hit the front and successfully chose the right route at the next several checks leaving the rest of us scrambling to get back on terms. Finally we hit a random check back and HRA set off in completely the wrong direction – almost everyone was back together with HRA way behind. Chuck Wao took the lead as we went up the 2nd hill dragging Horny Monkey along behind him until they missed the paper and let Byte My Yahoo and HRA find the trail back down the hill. With HRA back in front he had the choice at the next couple of checks and was going well until Chuck Wao outfoxed him at the end.

Everyone came back to the circle fairly close together, except for Frozen Dick, who we could hear shouting in all directions until he finally came in (on trail). The circle was intimate as is often the case, with Chuck Wao taking on the role of acting, acting, acting Religious Advisor. Throbbing Ninja got plenty of attention – mostly due to her dog management skills. Humperdick had organised a nice cozy On-On at his girlfriend’s place topping of a pleasant evening out. Good work virgin hare!

31st July – CH4 – Belly Dancer

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Title: 31st July – CH4 – Belly Dancer
Location: Doi Kham – take the 3rd exit from the Night Safari roundabout and follow HHH signs to the bottom of the temple steps.
Description: Belly’s CH4 run…
Date: 2011-07-31

17th July – CH4 – Byte My Yahoo

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(Courtesy of Belly Dancer)

Considering we are in the depths of wet season – BMY had found a location with not one but 3 potential shelters (none were needed as it stayed dry) – and while Doi Saket my feel like an outstation – it only took 30 mins from Hang Dong on the Middle Ring Road. I am beginning to fear my ‘Birthday Ball Busta’ has left lasting scars on those fearless enough to survive it – Skiddy with his already insane passion for wobbly bridges and water – just look at the CH4 300 (later adjusted to 360) – evil tunnels of slime, and now today the apprentice Marquis de Sade decided that he too would make the run ‘special’!

Sadly – considering the obvious amount of effort scouting and laying a run of this ‘quality’ a small band turned up and if it wasnt for some of the guys having athletic girlfriends – it would have been a sorrowful turn out. So to the run – BMY gave us the briefest of hare briefs, completely ommiting key information which would cost the FRB’s dearly! On out we set off – perhaps some 500m we came to a X-check – trails left and right were good but knowing the cunning nature of BMY I took the straight on trail. Less than 60m in the trail literally fell off a 70m cliff into a creek, so with my vertigo I encouraged HRA to press on further – and so did BMY who by now was manavolently hovering by the check. The check had been designed to dunk Chuck Wao [next time hide the other paper as CW runs on any obvious trail] – but CW had headed right and was content with stealth running while HRA was praying not to get that wet – alas for BMY – CW finally called On – or it may have been Get’s Wet and off we headed off in earnest while BMY sulked back to finish laying the run.

Behind me came a great crashing noise – breaking of branches and I turned to see Humperdick surging towards me – having got lost en route to the run he had done a steller job in catching us up.

BMY clearly must have spent many hours searching for trails with stickers, pot holes and shiggy for us to appreciate and through this we headed – as CW had got such a head start he was trapped by BMY’s next CW trap – the Skiddy stix! [-not mentioned in the hare breif] – it must have been a good 300m and the look of utter confusion and disgust on his face as the pack caught me would have made our sadistic hare grin with glee. I found the true trail which led us through more shiggy, steep embankments and onto a very cunning check accross a small stream. The FRB’s of course raced over the water but gut feel suggested BMY had no intention of heading that way. Get’s Wet and Hollow Legs found the paper 46.5m from the circle and the FRB’s had the fun of trying to cross the chasm to catch us. On up we headed to an even trickier check – BMY had hidden the paper behind some water tanks a mere 30m from the circle and the check had the pack searching everywhere until Get’s Wet found the paper. Some good runable trails before BMY had us climbing. I’m sure he knew I’d enjoy it – and I did – the view at the crag on top was stunning – even more so after Knockout helped remove the insect from my eye!

Muk was trailing, so Knockout, Sleep  On It and me stuck together and we only again saw the FRB’s on the summit circle check which brought us nicely back together. The down hill horror loomed and the it was a quest for survival as with FRB’s long gone, Kwazi deciding that he saw the laager so was off to trim a tad off the run and Hollow Legs wanted to tumble down the hill, leaving me with the ladies. I wasnt complaining – hashing is about enjoying the scenary – and I did!

BYM voice came from no-where near the base of the mountian and he was having a Schadenfreude moment watching us descend- at 90 mins he was telling me it was 1/2 way but no water or beer – I for a moment was cursing him. Then he offered the girls a short cut and while I needed the longer run practice for next weeks eXtreme Monkey in Pattaya, I decided that staying with the girls made better sense.

The circle started with an account of how stupid HRA had been (again) – knocking out the last circle and laying paper in the wrong direction. Somehow he still managed to come in first – to Chucky’s disgust no doubt and Get’s Wet excelled for the ladies.

The circle was intimate and fun – with BMY continuing his sadistic pleasure of icing everybody but we were too tired to deprive him of his moment of glory. Muk was awarded the female wings by HRA (nepotism or was it insurance to get his leg over?) and Chucky got the male wings. On into town a few of us headed and for a moment I thought I was having fun on a male hash!

Good effort BMY – thanks for a enjoyable training run and I hope more will return to enjoy ‘Happy Hashing’!

24th July – CH4 Run – Humperdick

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Title: 24th July – CH4 Run – Humperdick

Travel south down Canal Rd.
10.8 kilometres past the Samoeng Road.
Look for signs on right.

Description: Humperdick’s CH4 Run
Date: 2011-07-24

10th July – CH4 – Chuck Wao

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When Chuck Wao teams up with Square Rooter, you can be sure they’ll have something good planned – the combined hash experience is huge and today they didn’t let down. It was down in Suck It country, and that forest is confusing and disorienting at the best of times – and today was no exception.

We set off and immediately hit a check back – no doubt cunningly placed just to trap me – not the last of the checks that would completely outfox me.  I spent most of the day chasing back to catch up from checking in the opposite direction. Everyone was kept together for virtually the entire run – until HRA did some silent running to escape at the end.

Humperdick sat on a wall, Humperdick had a great fall, all the kings horses and all the kings men couldn’t put Humperdick together again! Some pretty intense scarring on Humperdick’s arm, but he just bounced back up and kept on running.

The circle was fun and intimate and the On-On was of course filling at Pizza Pasta – On-On to the next one!

3rd July – CH4 – Knock Out

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Knock Out was the virgin hare today – with some help from her sidekick Mr. Poo. The run site was up the Mae Sa valley at a football field some way past the X-Centre. Given the CSH3 outstation being the day before it was almost like going to a CH4 outstation! For a variety of reasons (politics, the CSH3 outstation, etc.) the turn out was low, but the spirit was good and when Knockout finally did the hare brief we were off.

As Kwazi said, it was ‘cute’ – a nice little run – not so far, but it had a hill that tested Screwed Up. The hares had a cunning plan whereby every single check was straight on – very cunning as all the FRBs failed eventually by guessing it must be a different way this time! Half of the trail was slip sliding along a muddy path that should only be used by elephants – I couldn’t believe the size of the elephant foot print holes, but the elephant feces made the path a little less slippy in places.

The circle was bizarre! Because it was a smaller, more intimate group, it seemed less structured than usual – Kwazi forgot today in history, but made it up instead – Gasman was forcefed gin and tonic willies – Throbbing Ninja randomly interjected and it seemed like none of the ladies could sit on the ice resulting in some random wife swapping for champions! BUT, it was entertaining! Good Work Virgin Hare.

CH4 & CBH3 – Bone Collector & His Royal Anus

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It was decided that the CH4 would run with the bunnies today…  With a couple missing in Phuket and the election causing problems for the On-On, the hares conspired to save energies and combine the two hashes – an interesting decision, which certainly brought more runners to both runs. The Bunnies were very welcoming and things transpired fairly smoothly.

The hare brief was particularly brief with Bone Collector simply pointing towards the gates of Chez Swallow and saying “That Way”.  Even that seemed fairly redundant as there was only one way out of the property.  And so it is, we were off.  S&M Girl was on fire – she couldn’t get a check wrong and was holding the bunnies end up on her own! A recovering Mr. Poo joined Skid Mark, Bone Hur, Green Pussy and Byte My Yahoo in the mix as the trail zig zagged confusingly and just went on and on through rice fields, orchards – all the while being wet and slippery underfoot.

It seems HRA hasn’t learnt anything.  Yesterday he got grief for an extended run with me that led the normally mild mannered Miss Piggy to exhaustion.  Today he promised a 5km run – but the GPS doesn’t lie and the shortest result was around 7km.  No wonder it took us an hour to finish – with Bone Hur breathing down my neck along a very long road finish.

Interestingly nobody saw Chuck Wao all run! Rumours were spreading about him taking extended loops to avoid the water, or perhaps he’d had a problem?  Nope – he conspired with Jungle Chim and Frozen Dick to fulfil ‘when in Bunny Land, do a Bunny’.  While none of the Bunnies were willing, the 3 musketeers walked around, chatted about the weather, and even stopped to buy beer at one of the supposedly closed corner shops.  Sadly, they forgot to shortcut – the ultimate sign of a Bunny! 😉

No offence intended to the bunnies, they were very welcoming and even let Mr. Poo have his ego boost with some of the circle. I wonder how the men would react if someone suggested combining a run with the bunnies?  Perhaps we should learn from the bunnies and be open to changing traditions?  But then again, perhaps there are good reasons different groups run separately – back to CH4 next week!

19th June – CH4 – Junglicious

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So it was time for Junglicious’ virgin run and we were all wondering what goes through her head! She chose Huay Tung Thao – a common runsite, and one thats particularly common with virgin hares – close to town and relatively easy to set a good run. So what do we know about Junglicious? She’s a hell of a runner, and she runs up hills like they don’t exist!  From the far side of Huay Tung Thao, the mountain is surely going to feature…

A good turn out set off on a fun start – a rope climb, a bamboo bridge, and Belly Dancer was already wishing he hadn’t come. Bizarrely the run had barely begun. A good circle check sent me the wrong way, and some strange calling by Mr. Poo sent me further the wrong way until I found myself scrambling across shiggy and a waterfall to rejoin Hollow Legs & Miss Hollow Legs as the mountain began.

Later in the circle, the irony of Belly Dancer criticising the hill was lost on nobody – it went up and up. And just when we thought we hit the top, they found a little bit more up. S&M girl and Chuck Wao were out front, and they took turns in going the wrong way and letting the pack catch up – in fact Chuck Wao deliberately went the wrong way on more than one occasion.

Finally we descended and well the descent was about half as far as the ascent, so logically we can’t have arrived on the same plane as the cars, but strangely they were there. The beer was flowing, but we had to wait for Frozen Dick before the circle began – not surprising as it was a tough run.

17th July – CH4 Run – Byte My Yahoo

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Title: 17th July – CH4 Run – Byte My Yahoo
Location: Head along the Doi Saket road – look for HHH a few clicks past the Doi Saket junction.
Description: This is one you don’t want to miss – a memorable run! 😉
Date: 2011-07-17