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So what had Alice learnt since last week? Well, importantly his co-hare was more attractive than Screwed Up, so no doubt they had much more fun out on the trail! He’d also found a run site with a shelter – not needed as we had great sunshine! It’s a great runsite I’d only been to once before offering a beautiful view across the Chiang Mai valley, even if the road is somewhat scary.
We set off into the mountains up a gentle hill through the jungle on a good jogging trail. A couple of checks in and everything was going smoothly as we sped past the view over the hill and down into the gully beyond. And then we hit THE circle check. At least 15 minutes of searching before we found trail around 140m away from the check – Dog Shit dutifully got the blame for the screw up – after all he’d set the run in reverse with Alice previously so knew which way we should go!
From there everyone was together, and then everyone was ahead of me after some foolishly reckless checking – so I trundled along with Hollow Legs. We jogged on through to the A, where I was shocked to find nobody but the hares! I hit the beer chest and waited while other walkers like Screwed Up, Belly Dancer and Knock Out cruised in – all praising what a great trail it was. Alice was starting to wonder what the hell had happened to Chuck Wao, HRA, Mr. Poo etc. Who cares?! It was beer time!
Around 30 minutes later they found their way back having got completely lost somewhere along the way (from what I heard HRA and Chuck Wao were running confidently until Mr Poo came running back towards them at which point they conspired to try and confuse as many other hashers as possible) – And that left Skid Mark who waited until it was dark before jumping out from behind his car! We weren’t overly concerned as he had 2 GPSs – Yes Belly Dancer that’s 2! How many again? Was it 2? Thank-you BD, I guess he has 2 GPSs then. I knew those devices didn’t help at all.
Ignore the complaints, it was a really good run, one of the best we’ve had for a long time – if we screw it up, it’s because we are idiots (and that is surely a pre-requisite for hashing anyway!)
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