Category Archives: CH3 – Monday

31st December – CH3 – Skid Mark

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The last run of the year, and for new years the male hash opened it’s doors to the ladies and the turn out was good! Skiddy and Sups had promised us a gentle short run and they didn’t disappoint. From the Ag Centre (again) there were trails all over the place – the hares would have to be careful not to intercept either Byte My Yahoo or Graven Image’s recent runs.

It was into the Ostrich farm today where we met a herd of buffalo before Meat Eater went chasing after a bunch of sheep. The checks were short, and largely predictable, so the pace quick. A brief loop out into the growing fields before back over the hill to the A bucket. It wasn’t enough for Poo, No Meat or Lucy who went for a 2nd lap while the rest of us collapsed into our hangovers.

Dick the Boy Wonder arranged some Hash Olympics for during the circle and everyone was duly confused. A good warm up for the end of year celebrations in town.

25th December – CH3 – Square Rooter

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9 of us showed up for Rooter’s Christmas Run, set from a familiar site at Huay Tung Thao. Indeed SR had taken us running through there just last week, so I wondered if we’d have the same run from a different starting point. Not to be as he took us into the housing development. Belly Dancer was chomping at the bit as usual, but it was myself and None of Your Business checking at the first circle.

With an area constrained by the houses and the river, I went about 100m and saw some paper in the distance, sure enough I got there a little before None of Your Business came around the hill on the true trail. The next check foxed me as the hare had chosen the shiggy crossing of the water and taken us over to the trail at the bottom of the mountain.

Here I was convinced I knew what the hare had in mind and set off to the left. There was the paper, and sure enough at the next corner was another circle. This time I set off right towards the water fall and a familiar little loop, but no paper! As Mr Poo called from the trail my head was confused – what on earth was he doing – surely not taking us all the way up the hill, and surely not out to the canal road? It wasn’t A->B, so how could we get back around?

Graven Image joined us as we got to another check, and he reluctantly called us on up the hill. ARGH! I’ve scouted this area quite a bit, and if there is a way to get around, it must be way up the hill… At the next checks he had us all over the place, searching higher and higher up the mountain, but with no sign of paper. Belly Dancer (yes you read it right!), got the last check right as it went along the trail that takes us straight back to where we’d just been – nobody wanted to check it.

I passed BD as he started extending his stick to help him on the downhill, and sure enough we were back on the main trail, but the checks had been replaced with arrows and we soon caught the devious hare as he ambled back along the trail that he’d relaid. Nice one!

28th November – CH3 – Frozen Dick

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Frozen Dick teamed up with HRA to set this year’s Loi Kateoy run – starting from an obscure carpark along a dodgy backstreet – probably appropriate as the street has a reputation for ladyboys, and happens to be where Mr. Poo, Frozen Dick & HRA live. Coincidence? Unlikely…

From there we took in the hash pub before heading along some quiet backstreets to Riva bar. We briefly past through the parade, but took care to hide in the shadowy backstreets in our unusual garb. From Riva it was to Eurodiner and then Next Place, before back to the hidden carpark via Loi Kroh road.

19th November – CH3 – Skid Mark

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In honour of Superman’s 600th run, Skiddy set the trail close by Sup’s office and spent a good while explaining to the Songthaew driver how to get there. Nonetheless we set off on time, and jogged along past some dogs to the first check, which most of immediately got wrong as we chose not to check through someone’s garden. Anyway, it wouldn’t be the last time I screwed up and seemed to spend most of my time coming back from checking in the wrong places. One of my bad checks left me so far off trail that most of the hashers thought I’d short cut. Nope I was just a long way behind for a long time. When I overtook Frozen he asked where I’d come from. I gradually picked off Tip Toe, Superman, Sticky Wicket, Slippery When Wet, and eventually got to the back of the FRBs as they looked after the Skiddy Sticks.

I turned back and quickly picked up the paper going back in the opposite direction. I hit the front of the pack and my luck changed as I ran through the next few checks with voices getting fainter behind me. The last circle caught me out though and I spent some time checking along the road before cutting into the field. I could hear Skiddy roaring with laughter in that direction, so I knew I must be close. Turns out I found the beer before the On-In, but went back to guide the pack through a tiny tunnel.

Just about all my legs wanted after 3 days consecutive hashing. Shame about the circle! 😉

13th Nov – CH3 – Semen Soars

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LIVE HARE! Good work Semen – I love this shit! He looked particularly nervous, and begged us to give him 6 minutes headstart. There was little chance of us catching him, but asking for 6 minutes is certainly more admirable than laying a false trail ahead of time (Mr. Poo).

I actually ran up the hill at the start, all the way to the temple, only to find the trail actually cut off back down and looped back to within a hundred yards of the A. Semen could probably hear us insulting him as he laid trail! Some of the trail seemed familiar, but I for some reason I kept checking just off trail. Handsome, renamed as “Viral Sores” did a good job of confusing us further as the hare laid circle after circle after circle. Sensible plan.

For me, the trail fell apart as we appeared to go into the rice fields… I checked way too far on Square Rooter’s insistence. Last time I listen to him! The cunning bastard hare had hooked me proper and looped back to the right. Goddamnit, when I got out of the rice fields, I must have been half a km behind. It took me a km or so to catch Superman and Tip Toe! Hats off to the set!

I gradually caught people, and we hit the canal, a familiar sight and a bit of deja vu – Semen knows these trails, and I can remember them too. Semen was long gone though and already tucking into a well deserved beer! A random circle check had Skiddy checking in a field to the right – he was whimpering like a bitch as he tried to find his way out. Humperdick came running back leaving Poo to check the obvious trail and call OnOn when he eventually found paper.

I nearly caught up with Poo and called ahead which way to check, and we ran through the last few checks. 8KM of live haring… Have to say I really enjoyed it. A great set that had us thinking for a long time, and certainly got the better of me. Hopefully live haring will take on even more! Good work Semen.

5th November – CH3 – Frozen Dick

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After a long absence, my first run back with the male hash and circumstance led it to be Frozen Dick and Belly Dancer… Of course I can’t forget when Belly left us out in the wild in the dark, and Frozen has a history in that area of setting 11+km runs that got fucked up – what could the pair of them concoct together???

The hare brief was brief – especially by Frozen Dick standards – and we set off along the edge of a lake to a circle check next to a weir. Of course it would be across the weir, but only Skiddy followed me over and we dispersed through the myriad of trails that were there. There were lots of good trails on the other side of the water, and only after we’d exhausted the nice trails did I check the shiggy crappy trail that ran along the waterside. Frozen had pulled a chair up to watch from the other side, so it was pretty clear I was onto something. Sure enough I was in shit, but apparently this was the trail.

We hit a road and so the tarmac began. I ran the wrong way, I ran further the wrong way, it seemed every direction I set off in was wrong… Dogs attacked, and the pack caught up as Poo found trail leading up the hill – only we weren’t going up the hill, that was just a lamely marked false trail. Back to the road where the trail was marked on the back of trees, but it was clearly on tarmac. Another circle had me way off trail to the left, and Poo not spotting the crappy false trail to the right. More tarmac!

Finally we cut off the road and Skiddy was leading along a muddy track. We ran straight past a circle hidden away to the right. Nobody was interested in checking right, so we all ran straight to the paper. Humperdick didn’t like the look of the next check, but after around 150+++ metres I found paper and called on. The V was redundant, as Poo ran over the hill while I ran around it.

Then there was a circle by a little lake / quarry type thing. It was familiar ground – Just Cumming had run us here just a few weeks back. It doesn’t go anywhere – at least it doesn’t go anywhere nice… I checked around in circles around the lake, only to hear Poo calling up the hill way in the distance… I jogged over and had a look as the trail went up. Square Rooter decided to go for it. I looked the opposite direction at the white pagoda where my car was…

I was concerned about Tip Toe, and so helped him walk back… 😉 Meanwhile Sups and Missing Link had already turned back. Kwazi had done his own run from the start. 2 days in a row I turned back at the base of a mountain after 4-5 km…

22nd October 2012 – Dog Shit and Skidmark

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It had been a big weekend of hashing.  The visitors from Hong Kong had enjoyed the sights of Chiang Mai on Friday night, along with some locals (though many of them ended up having to make their own plans).  Throbbing Ninja had tried to kill us all on Saturday, and there had been two great hashes on Sunday.  How could we crown this?  Apparently with a beautiful run from a beautiful resort with a swimming pool!

The first confusion on the run was a circle check in a river from which we found more trail and another circle.  One of the visitors asked if it was ‘trail on’ but International Hashing Rules expert Chack Wow didn’t know the term (apparently it means that you call ‘on on’ if you see paper).  However we couldn’t decide if we had got there ‘legitimately’ and wandered around aimlessly before one of the Hong Kong visitors found it back across the bridge we had just crossed.  Superman, who’d been standing there waiting, led the charge and we were off again.

There were an enormous number of checks (Skidmark had promised 15!) which kept the pack well together.  A length of trail along a stream meant: trail, water, trail, water in a way that kept Mr Poo and Chack Wow busy, until Mr Poo stumbled off up the wrong hill.   Around this point Hunperdick caught up and pointed out he couldn’t hear Turkish Delight calling, much as when he is actually at the run.

The visitors completely missed the Skiddy Sticks towards the end of the run and while checking some people may have gone through crops, which led a local farmer to fire his gun in the air and encourage some yellow-bellied hashers (Superman, Gready, Tiptoe, Frozen Dick) to take a different route in and miss the swimming pool.

Circle was great (congratulations to Belly) and Nutcracker was given his fantastic touring name ‘Finger up my ass’!  Success all round! :)

30th July 2012 – CH3 – Superman

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A lovely evening, a keen pack of over a dozen hounds, scenic hills and open forest, idyllic trails….what could go wrong? Amost everything!

And it all started so well. Away we sauntered, skipping like lambkins up the forest path to the first circle in the perfect place. Trails ahead, back right, to the sides. Off eveyone went, full of good spirit, hither and thither, thither and hither, and soon we were doubling over everyone else’s trails and checking up to 300m and dropping into gullies. Where was the fcuking paper? Eventually Horned Moonbeam decided we should all head back to A site and question the hare!

The circle was kicked out backwards and On On yelled, much to Kwazi’s disbelief and annoyance. Back down the hill we went to find a disconsolate hare. Grumbledick grumbled the most and Sups gave out the direction of his on on paper. Beers were opened but Alice, Ryan aka Forest (appropriate) and GD headed straight back up to rejoin our trail and return to the offending circle in question. Even with Sups instructions it took 5 minutes to find paper at a tad over a 100m strewn off a small trail in the bush. Frozen was still up there and we doubted he’d find it! It wasn’t easy to find. Needles in haystacks. Rational women. Blue Moons. Hardworking Scousers. Virgins in Pattaya etc. You get the drift.

We ran off on neat piles of shredded paper and managed to follow all of Sups well laid trail thru the forest, down the gravel road behind the Night Safari, up into a small settlement, down thru some outhouses and then along darkening forest trails up and over ridges and spurs and back to the On iN before dusk completely fell. It was well worth the effort because Sups lays a good run, but a bit stressful with only three guys checking everything and racing the onset of the powers of darkness. But enough of the Burrito Butt.

The circle was a bit fraught at times. Sups poetically described the pack as “p*ss weak cnuts” and then increased the syllable count to “p*ssy wh*pped cnuts”. A few good splashes were doled out and some also rans. Visitor Ryan aka Forest was welcomed to the group. A married missionary working with CNX churches setting up HIV/Aids programs, he had been been in Malawi (former British Nyasaland)in Southern Africa for ten years. All the crap quasi religious half quotes and jokes we could muster were aimed in his general direction and I think he realised by the end, as Square Rooter said, “There is fertile ground for you here Ryan, there are plenty of sinners and souls to save!” Amen to that.

ONON you bastards.
A Lice

Tuesday 24th July – CH3 – Semen Soars

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It was long, hard and wet. A bit like a Horny Monkey and Skidmark nightout. Actually it was so wet yesterday, all day, that the hare thought no-one would bother to show. And everyone did because they thought the hare needed support for his ‘efforts’!

The trail was laid around the forests surrounding a huge dam, or series thereof, and started from a small resort run by Heinrich the Saffer. Markings were pink and yellow postits said Semen Soars. Well, kinda, more like thirds of. Alas the hare neglected to provide magnifying glasses to the pack, so he sauntered along guiltily to make sure we were on trail for the first part of the run.

The first big obstacle was a steep dam run off channel. 6 foot down, 15 foot across slippy concrete running with overflow water and 6 feet up the other side, with 100 foot of concrete slide below at a steep angle. Grumbledick didn’t fancy it and he wasn’t alone. Thankfully Horned Monkey lent me a hand and we were over. The next check was down at the end of a sodden field. No marking could be found until some off trail r*nners checked way way above us on the dam itself. Up the green bushy dam wall side we scrambled and turned left at the end. The trail now dropped down towards the water’s edge and ran along the rocky shore then up into the forests. It was tough to follow tiny bits of paper and even more so when following the silent Turk. Funny how loud he was for a week spouting on about his big new erection. Now an FRB, he quieter than hasher who slips a roadie beer into his plastic bag. Oh, TD, one and the same! Talking of slips, Horny went down onto his hands at one point but his arse didn’t touch rock, and he also tottered after stepping on an errant stone later going thru water but those bloody ankle braces saved him. We were denied! Baah.

The forest trail was totally sodden, rain hammered down solidly and everything glistened and was green. Apart from the muddy clay. Which was brown. A different brown to Fishy Fingers’ hair, a bit lighter I’d say, but I digress. Semen had powder/cement circle checks and Vs but the trail went straight on round the lake shape as I imagined. After a V deep in the forest I found three blue plastic tubes. Blue Man Tube Skiddy Sticks! Sadly no-one else saw them as they all had taken the left spur and left me investigating the right!

The way in was long and wet. Follow the yellow brick road Dororthy, said Elton John, or something. And onwards for miles we trudged along a brick paved road circumnavigating the dam and dreaming of beer and strangling the hare, or both. HRA was FRB here with Muskrat and Horny going like a steam train. Sloppy joined the party and Turkish was in the group. After nearly 75 mins I staggered in, behind HRA but level with Sloppy. In dribs and drabs the exhausted pack returned to find no cold beer. What was the hare doing neglecting his duties? Walking and r*nning with Frozen Dick along the last mile or so to get in before curfew. Beware the quiet man with a stick said Winston Churchill. Beware the quiet man with a brolly says I.

Pool, Circle pt1. Food. Crap Irish coffee. Circle pt2. Kwazi apologies to Grumbledick. Semen serenades GD. Home. ZZZ.


16th July – CH3 – Square Rooter

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Rooted by Rooter

A small but dedicated group of men,distinguished, mostly follically challenged but elegant in the broadest sense, stand easy on a mountainside. What are they there for and why do I detect an undercurrent of fear, even though the body language is relaxed and the chat amiable? Square Rooter is the hare for today’s Male Hash run, that’s why!

He used to lay real runners trails but now, in the immortal words of Chuck Wao, “Rooter loves the doi. Up and down. Up and down!!” And right he was!

Hare brief covered the usual markings plus a burning bush kind of hanging paper check/Skiddy Sticks-a-like was introduced as eyes narrowed in contempt and distrust. Mmm we’ll see thought the pack. There may be 2 or 3 of them Rooter added, his popularity plunging quicker than the Greek GDP.

Semen Soars was the first to shift into 2nd gear as the pack were dragging their feet, OK let’s do it! One of the early checks was a harbinger. Up a steep road to the left I went, waiting for the ONON call from below. Nothing. On and on I went. Nothing. Skidmarks behind me. A property. Forest. And a dark uninviting path into it to the right. Maybe, just maybe….but I’d done about 150 yards by then…surely not…there it was PINK paper! Bastard! ON ON, puff, pant up a gully into the forest. A circle check. Two obvious paths. I went up and left. Others up and right. Eventually the trail was discovered back down and right…argh.

Turkish and Fishy Fingers took turns leading and even DRP got into the act with some inspired choices at checks in the jungle. The pack were pretty much together for the first half of the run and Kwazi popped up ahead of me mid pack at one stage just to deflate me altogether. DRP advised me to pass him but run quietly as runners on a false trail across the creek might short cut and catch up!

Turkish was working hard and doing a passable FRB impression. Whoring Monkey was steady, protecting his vulnerable ankles. Chuck Wao, injured foot and running in ‘slippers’ (Dutch version thereof), was motivating the pack with his Lazarus like efforts. Actually he was zipping along, abusing most of us, geeing us up, even singing sea shanties at one point. ‘Move your arse, Skidmarks!’ he implored. ‘Its not so easy when you have a fat arse like mine!’ came the reply.

As all sensible hares do to minimize punishment, the last part after a devilishly tricky last circle check, was a flatish forest trail, green, verdant, lush and dripping, leading to a road and there was the hare shouting and pointing ON IN!

Frozen and Dogshit were walking back together like star crossed lovers in the gloaming. All was right with the world until brutality and vendetta (the circle) won out. Dogshit reckoned it wasn’t nearly nasty enough so kicked the ice with his shin and developed a tennis ball size lump on his leg, complete with dribble of claret. Maybe DS will have to run in some ‘slippers’ next week? Excellent tasty fare from Turkish D and off into town to a couple of hostellries to undo all the good work.

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