Category Archives: CH3 – Monday

16th April – CH3 – Frozen Dick

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Down to Ob Khan for the run and as I got to the runsite in a little mango orchard the hare was setting off to rescue hashers who were lost on the road. The songthaew was somewhere behind busy playing Songkran, but soon enough made it in time for the off.

Humperdick ran off to the first check, and promptly was wrong as I headed right – Chuck Wao right on my tail. As we headed up the mountain through another couple of checks, and CW was right there checking a few metres behind me… We looped around to the left, with the trail going pretty much straight on through each check descending through the trees. Angry Inch, the master descender / psycho, took over from Chuckie as the Lemming that just followed me right up to when I finally got it wrong and we turned left back towards the A.

I didn’t like the look of the climb back over the hill, so opted for a longer route “checking” around the base of the mountain. It might have been longer, but at least it was flat, so I came back to the trail in line with Graven, Angry and Chuckie.

8th April – CH3 – Graven Image

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Was it Graven Image or Skid Mark? Apparently GI set most of the trail – making it up as he went along – but it was clearly a Skid Mark ending with the On-In the wrong side of the river Ping to the cars. We had been warned it was a trademark “Ping River Run”.

Back track a bit. I’m a bit hash weary these days, so was reluctant to make an appearance, but after chatting to Chuckie in the afternoon decided to go along and hope there wouldn’t be any more male hash dramas. The directions were complicated, and with little in the way of signage it was amazing that a large group found the A site.

After a hare brief we were taken by Songthaew to the B, from which we set off into orchards – seemingly in the wrong direction away from the river. A few early checks kept us confused as we weaved through orchards. One check at a road had CW and I checking left and Angry checking right – we arced around until we heard the call from somewhere off to the right. Cutting across had us the wrong side of a river and as we made our way along, we found the powder. Did we short cut? Or was it superior hashing? Either way we could see powder both sides of a canal, and tracked back along the trail till we came to Angry Inch coming the other way. Not long after we found Superman and Belly Dancer who had short cut!

It was here that the trail turned inevitably towards the river and the next few checks had us strung out by the time we got to the beer stop. The virgin, a relative newby and Shagless nowhere to be seen as we continued over to the river bank with Skiddy dashing back to take photos. CW was first to reach the river bank, but as he’d seen the On-In he opted for the 2.5km alternative up to the nearest bridge. Angry & I saw our chance and dived in to paddle across to the cold waiting beers.

Good fun circle!

2nd April – Horny Monkey

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So what would the soon to be departing to the US for 6 months have up his sleeve for his swan song run? Would he at last set a good run … a better than usual run would have been welcome … the run directions to near the 700 year stadium seemed promising!


On No! … Yep HM found a moo baan we hadn’t run round before! Holy Crap indeed! 12 of us showed up for this thriller …


After a ludicrous hare brief with bizarre concoctions for False Trail, powder, invisible old leaf yellow paper and powder we  set off out towards the highway (107) – Angry Inch, Semen Soars and Humperdick raced Belly Dancer to the  V-check at the moo baan gate – BD went left and everyone else went right – both there FT! Back BD ran to the A and spotted Horny heading out through a hole in the fence – with a heads up BD headed out into the cow infested field while the pack ran back around the wall to give chase. Fortunately BD overheard Horny telling Square Rooter about a red marker which can in handy when BD found the Skiddy Stix. Under the wall by the red marker was Horny’s idea of fun … still we were all bunched together.


More running around the streets of the moo baan with the bemused Thai’s confirming their suspicions that farangs are mad. At the edge of the moo baan the bulk of the pack mistook the trail and was some confusion about where the true trail was heading. Semen Soars despite grumbling like a Dutchman found the proper trail (yes more moo baan running) and Semen, Belly and Angry Inch tracked round until bumping into the main pack running the wrong way. Finally the trail was found and a small scramble up a sandy cliff face took us to some nice running trails!!


Dog Shit & BD decided that excessive desire to be FRB on a run like this was ill advised, so with shouts from Chuck Wao, Skid Mark, Humperdick – our ‘intelligent hashing’ paid off and Horny had yet again laid some tricky back checks a plenty, Alice was none to happy with the amount of rocks … but that did beat concrete. Mind Your Nuts took it easy and Graven Image was in super stealth mode for his 101st run!


Doggy and Belly arrived at the jungle juice stop to find Horny grinning ear to ear with delight but Skiddy was bleeding profusely from his finger that he had lacerated on a leaf. With FRB’s sent off – Horny told us his plan to finish setting the run – upon hearing this we decided we needed more jungle juice and since we could see the moo baan … GPS our way back to A.


Yep – its was another terrible Horny Monkey run of 6.5km for those that did it all. The pack came in pretty close together and to be fair … it was perhaps one Horny’s better moo baan runs!


Graven Image got the Wings and his 100th Run mug – Congralations Gravy – well deserved. The circle had the odd ‘moment’ at times but it was fun on the whole. Then OnOnOn into town for some Monkey-ing around.


Thank you very much Horny Monkey for your efforts with CH3 and hope you have a good trip back to the US of A. See you in September.



Belly Dancer

25th March, CH3, Byte My Yahoo

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So what to expect from Cuddly Ken – Chiang Mai’s most innocent and alluring male Hasher (as well as most intelligent) … hummm … he hates hills, to date has set great running trails and is dab hand at the BBQ.

With a little telegraphing he’d be setting a slightly longer run – after both CSH3 and CH4 both >7km affairs – there was a certain degree of trepidation about what BmY had in store for us. None of this was eased when arriving at the A bucket – with him going on about how he’d set the run at 6AM and had been rehydrating on beer ever since – he even quipped to Belly Dancer that he had some doubt if BD would even make it back – I began to think there might be a muaahh aspect to this run.

The hare brief was absurdly short – just circle checks – and off out we were sent down a dirt road and it was 800m before the first circle check appeared – those who’d attempted None of Your Business’s storm truncated CH4 run had some advantage and soon found trail – and this continued with copious checks keeping us all together until the ‘hill’!

Hill – WTF – this is BmY – who professes to hate hills, and no small hill at that – up and up the bastard went and apart from the specially invited FRB In and Out – who checked like a demon all over the place and still ran up the mountain – the weary pack ground their way up BmY’s hellish rock strewn trail.

At the ‘top’ of course there was a check and the pack was all over the place looking for the trail – Kwazi Moto declared no more hills for him and vanished somewhere, leaving BD with Square Rooter and Dog Shit. Of course they sailed down the hill – rather rock strewn death trap – and fortunately Square Rooter held back long enough to indicate where the trail headed (right) – Doggy vanished – perhaps he found the real (nice & safe) trail Humprdick had found but the circle check had been kicked out straight down the 27’ slope!

Way down nearing the bottom of the slope of death – HRA appeared with Angry Inch who’d lost his GPS in an earlier tumble, and HRA valiantly assisted BD down the most evil part of the hill. Into the gully and putting a little cantor on with HRA – we got back in touch with Square Rooter and Semen Soars and later on Fishy Finger too. Up the slope Horny Monkey was commanding everyone to stick together which was much appreciated.

At last into what we were expecting from a BmY run – the more familiar dirt trails and with some disgust – black top/concrete road which had checks a plenty.

At the point where we came to the quarry we were all very close together – Humperdick appearing from left field after checking behind a wall for 400m – with a glance a GPS showing ~1km to the A bucket and the sun well and truly set – HRA again kindly stick with me and a ghostly Graven Image came up on our rear as BmY’s final evil twist of a stinking stream had to be navigated before the final jog in along 800m of filthy dirt road.

Amazingly BmY achieved the rare feat of getting the whole pack in (ex a short cutting Kwazi) with ~ 10 minutes of each other. In and Out and Graven Image had ~10km on their GPS and I had 7.4km.

A tough run – a bit bigger postage stamps would have helped on the confidence of not getting lost in the dark – but a well set run. BmY did deliver on expectations in the BBQ department – I don’t believe he made the burgers but thanks for a good feed and Horny led an entertaining circle.


19th March – CH3 – Dog Shit

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Doggie was back, and picked a “new” area just north of Maejo University – along the way to the Tiger Head, but not that far. Right on time, the regulars were explained about circles and skiddy checks before being let loose on the trail. With a warning of about 7km, we reluctantly set off slowly.

After the first check, I recognised where we were from an HRA run last year – as did he as he gleefully lapped up the trail. Angry Inch seemed to manage to keep appearing in front of me – I have no idea how he managed to do it! Well, except for the obvious – he short cut at every opportunity as usual, and for once got lucky!

At the first set of sticks, Semen Soars did the honorable thing – it was a long check, and he was well ahead running at speed – oops! Skiddy has hared with Doggie several times, as well as having given him a ride to the run, so perhaps had inside information? Either way, he was on good form, near the front as we finally turned to the right, promptly to run down the wrong side of the hill – as I again followed Angry Inch, Skiddy managed to appear ahead of us again. Lots of intelligent running going on out there!

My legs started getting weary – this run was LONG! I felt like we had some way still to go… Somewhere up ahead (or technically behind), Frozen had decided to short cut, and then he found Skiddy Sticks ahead of the pack. The ONLY point of checks is to slow the front runner down, and bring the pack together… Doggie had carefully picked an ideal spot for sticks – so what did FD do? Decided to move them like an FRB should. Freaking FD!!! HRA didn’t see them and got confused when he ran into a single stick. Horny Monkey and Angry Inch called “Skiddy Sticks” when they saw the arrow, which prompted Semen Sores and I to go back looking for another trail. Meanwhile Graven was off the front somewhere ahead.

Ugh, well, we got back in the end – 9.84km according to GI’s GPS!

25th Feb – CH3 – Horny Monkey

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So, Horny’s the hare… ugh! Well I guess I may as well show up – it’s a holiday afterall! I was first to the runsite and one by one the rest showed up – to a man, they emerged from their cars to say “aaah, this is where Horny Monkey set that shitty run at the start of his CSH3 GMShip!” Indeed, it was ominous. Given that that run was considered the worst run in hash history, why did Horny go out to try and make a worse run today???

I have a house in a moobahn… and could choose to run around it any day… I have friends who have houses in moobahns, and if so inclined I could run around their villages too… But I don’t choose to – because it’s boring! I choose to hash, because it’s fun. I don’t really get showing up at a moobahn where none of us know anyone, and deciding to run around there?! Should we “wow” and the nice houses? ogle their teenagers? pay homage to their tennis court? perhaps buy a property there?

I’ve set a completely shitty run at Huay Tung Thao before, and been back and admittedly set another torrid attempt there, but each time I’ve been I’ve attempted to improve on previous efforts. I digress, but for me that line of thought was more interesting than today’s “run”.

So, on to todays run – we set off, we ran a bit, and ended up back where we started.

The circle was pretty good! Horny got dutifully punished, sweet dreams dude! Given that nowhere’s selling beer, it went longer than most, but even Square Rooter was entertaining!

19th Feb – CH3 – HRA

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HRA likes to go to great lengths to find new run sites, and for this run he found a spot I’d certainly never hashed in. When we eventually found the A bucket, the songthaew was already there, with a good turnout. Having brought Danny along for the run, it wasn’t likely that we’d be doing too much, but set off in the obvious direction with Semen Soars sprinting off setting the early pace.

Despite HRA’s words against rice fields, we found the trail cut across the paddies – but thankfully they weren’t in full bloom so we could make our way across without causing any damage. At the other end a few checks did a great job of keeping the pack together – 4 year old Danny was very proud to be the first to spot powder at one point! It was short lived though and he spent most of the run sat on my shoulders.

One by one the pack passed ahead until I was left with Gasman. When we hit a road, we could see all the hashers making their way through a rice field again, so we cut down the road and rejoined with some of the hashers – at least we were within earshot again as Danny was getting really heavy! Around the corner and the cars were in sight.

11th Feb – CH3 – Humperdick

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Exhaustion… 2 brutal runs by Skiddy, (inspired by Belly & Square Rooter), over the weekend coupled with an epic afternoon drinking session (inspired by Gascoigne & Big Top) had me feeling worse for wear over my coffee this morning. Nonetheless I made it to work, and my hangover had the common decency to kick in right about the time my class was due to start. Bugger – there could only be one cure for it, so I set off to the hash.

Humperdick Humperdick Humperdick – couldn’t be too bad right? He hasn’t really built a reputation for runs (yet). I mean – apart from them being on canal road. I’m not entirely sure what his style is, but he does put in effort, so I was hopeful he’d be kind and gentle….

We were pointed off and Belly Dancer did his usual olympic sprinter start. My brain told my legs to run, and my legs told my brain to fuck off. This wasn’t going to be pleasant. At the first check Belly went off to the right, and I found the paper straight on. Normally at this point it’s the end of Belly’s charge and we meet him back at the circle for a beer, but not today. Today he’d roided up and was on a mission. He stormed ahead while I fucked up at the first Skiddy check. He was 100m ahead of everyone till he came to a small decline that was about 3 steps down, and by the time he’d crossed it, he was 100m behind. Seriously? Even Horny Monkey passed him!

Into the hills we went and there was a part that confused everyone. Horny Monkey did one route, while Angry Inch, Graven and I did another – neither was right, and when the EVIL MOFO HARE described later what he actually wanted us to do, I was glad about the ‘compromise’ we’d come to. Compromise? Short Cut? Who cares?

The trail started climbing… Who am I kidding? There was no fucking trail… We scrambled over shiggy crap with leaves covering rocks tripping our way over the hill – a familiar trail – I didn’t enjoy it the first time we’d done it… Finally we got out to the guys yard, and he proudly pointed out the paper on his bushes… We meet random people out on trail, but it’s nice when they are happy for us to run through their gardens! I sprinted past GI & AI, and immediately regretted it, taking the wrong option at the gate.

Damn… I tried to run… but my legs resisted… It took some determined self restraint to set off following the paper rather than just shortcutting back to the beer, but I managed. Hardly any more checks, just another 3km or so around and back to the A. At least this bit was flat. I finally got back some 10 minutes or so after the FRBs, but it was a long time before Frozen Dick dragged in the stragglers; Slippery When Wet, Fishy Fingers and Tip Toe.

Sups had thought better of the whole affair and done a “Festering Tool”.

13th January – CH3 – Belly Dancer BALLBREAKER!

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Mostly not bad!

Ok, so an epic kind of run like that deserves a bit more of a write up! Mr. Poo suggested that “Mostly Epic” would have been more appropriate! Anyway, I was struggling to shake off my hangover as we drove out to the runsite, at Baan Pong Resort, despite my best intentions to get an early night, somehow I managed to get incredibly drunk which wasn’t the best preparation.

We all knew what to expect as the hares had done a good job of briefing everyone in advance, but amazingly there was still around 20 odd people to squeeze into the Songthaew and a couple of cars. We ominously went around the back of a mountain – past a tempting golf course – to the A site where the hare did his best to talk us out of it before setting us loose. We started with a short loop around a lake and back to the Songthaew, with Graven Image & Suckit not bothering and waiting for us to run back to where we’d already seen some paper on the road.

I hit a couple of checks right until getting the first set off skiddy sticks which I carried back and dutifully placed obviously on the trail for those behind. Around another corner and my watch signaled we were a mile in. My stomach signaled that McDonalds wasn’t the best idea for lunch, and duly forced me to deposit it on the trail. Things weren’t looking good as one by one hashers passed by. Finally the wave passed and I started feeling better and could start moving again. We were running along some lovely trails that I’d not hashed before, until the unmistakable stench of a pigfarm arrived. The sick hares had put a ‘sex check’, meaning we had to wait next to the pigpens with flies buzzing around the stinking piles of pigshit for Big Top to arrive. Ugh! The hares weren’t punished nearly enough for that…

Off running again and Semen Soars and I found trail until we looped around so we could get a good view of the mountains ahead. With a white pagoda visible on top of one of the highest peaks, I thought to myself – I bet it’s that one, but hoped it wouldn’t be… Around the corner the songthaew was waiting for some drinks and refueling. Unplugged, Itchy Bitchy and Knockout came riding up with some men on bikes.

After a short photo op, we set off again with the trail mercilessly climbing into the mountains. Fortunately the trail was good and we could keep on going with sure footing. Suckit was not far behind me and each time he turned a corner I could hear yet another expletive. What checks there were were easy to pick as it was just on up the trail. Gorf leading the way with Lickamick just ahead of me – the pack stretching out back down the hill. I caught up at the ‘sex check’ halfway up the hill. After a discussion we didn’t want our legs to seize up, so we carried on with Suckit and then Graven Image joining us. The climb was relentless – 500m+ elevation gain, although I’m still waiting to get the GPS track off the watch. So this is what we had been warned about – it actually wasn’t so bad – rewarding views at every turn and a good enough trail.

Finally near the top we found the trail going back down, and Mr. Poo presently joined us in time for the ‘ladders’. We’ve hashed on worse descents that that, but adding a ladder for us was a nice touch. The way down was steeper than the way up, and probably more treacherous, picking our way one step at a time. There were stairs in places, but few opportunities to run. Finally we got to a flatter section and there was Greasy waiting with more drinks. We’d survived the mountain – just a few more km back to the resort…

I didn’t want to cramp up so kept going, hitting a few checks right before finding Gorf in front of me. He had a nasty habit of taking the paper with him from the checks and dropping it when he found trail, so it didn’t help anyone following behind and there was nothing left for me to mark the trail with. Soon he stopped calling and disappeared into the distance as Ho came up behind me. HRA was with him – I’d not seen him since before the hill, along with Graven, Lickamick and Suckit. We settled into a pleasant pace where we could keep moving and bitch about the FRB at the same time.

Finally we came to the lake, worked our way around it to find Belly Dancer waiting at the last drinks stop. One more to go and the resort was just there, just down the dam. He sent us off across the dam to an arrow pointing back along the otherside of the lake. That didn’t seem like a good idea, and we were further confused by a switch to pink strips marking the trail. Thanks for mentioning that in the harebrief! We made our way along the lake until the trail climbed up into the hills, where a single skiddy stick was found… WTF??? Where were the other two? Where the f*ck was Gorf? Back down to the lake and another 100m around the lake finally Suckit found the paper and the other two skiddy sticks. WTF? We were ready to kill someone – I can kind of get what Red Carpet and Dick Tracy complain about skiddy sticks if the FRBs don’t play the game. What on earth had he been thinking to place them there

We eventually went into the hills – it was unavoidable. While the first mountain was long and high, at least it was on trail – this part had ‘Anything’ written all over it, as we just scrambled across rocks on steep mountain sides. This bit was much worse than the first hill, with tired legs struggling to get a grip I’m surprised someone didn’t seriously hurt themselves. Determination just drove us onwards – it must be over soon. Finally we got onto the trail in the gully the other side, and we were back on familiar ground.

I jogged along and Ho joined me. The trail took a sharp left turn which was a bit of a surprise – after another 150m or so we found a single skiddy stick behind a tree which by now wasn’t a surprise at all. Back to the junction and there was Gorf carrying the other 2. Rather than maiming him with the last remaining stick, we ran off… We didn’t really find trail, but we found a few bits of paper that had come of the skiddy sticks while Gorf was looking, so I followed that in the direction of the resort and safety.

Everyone survived, with quite a few taking the shorter route back on the last leg. We sat freezing in the circle taking turns to limp towards the ice when called in. Maybe because we were tired, or probably because it did, but the circle seemed to go on forever and ever… We were hungry, cold and exhausted. It wasn’t that it was a bad circle – just a long one – there were plenty of funny moments dispersed throughout, but we could all feel the food waiting for us up just one more flight of stairs (another sick twist by the hares to choose an upstairs restaurant!)

Overall verdict, ‘mostly not bad’! Actually 3 great legs, with one final ‘Fuck You’ from the hares at the end.


8th January – CH3 – Horny Monkey

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I picked Matty and Danny (sorry Terror Byte and 8-Bit) up from school and figured we had time to get around to the runsite. Horny normally sets fairly kid friendly runs, and they were up for it, so we went along. The A bucket was one of Horny’s favourites, but this time his motorbike hadn’t been impounded for drug dealing…

We finally set off, and not even Belly Dancer could be bothered to run along the street. Horny had clearly spotted a couple of wooden bridges off the road to the left, and sure enough we had to cross them both – the only redeeming feature was as Belly Dancer chickened out right in front of 8-bit who danced over it – beaten by a 4 year old! 😛

The pack was pretty close together with some skiddy checks – the hare had even bribed some drunks to send the FRBs off in the wrong direction at the next circle. The checks were doing a good job of keeping people together, and clearly the hare had plenty of yellow paint as countless times I caught up as Semen Soars, Skid Mark or HRA came back with sticks in hand. At one point we had to crawl through some barbwire – and Mr. Poo showed his class by shoving the 4 year old Danny to impale him on the deadly spikes.

We went along the side of a high barbed wire fence with skiddy sticks off to the left at each junction. Belly Dancer appeared ahead of us coming back suggesting there were skiddy sticks ahead, but of course he hadn’t bothered bringing them with him. We were foxed, trapped in a barb wire container with no escape. Poo and Graven chased off back down trail towards Skid Mark and left HRA and I to try to figure it out. We spotted a tree that could be used to get over the fence, and sure enough there was powder the other side. Thankfully HRA is more of a gentleman than Mr.Poo – as a father himself he helped me navigate the boys through the treacherous section.

The trail then continued back along the other side of the fence, and then around the field – with Horny Monkey grinning at the end of it. He’d some how managed to squeeze about 2km of running within the space of 2 football fields! Back down the road to the A bucket. Just what I was expecting! On On.