Category Archives: CH3 – Monday

21st April – CH3 – Turkish Delight

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Turkey Turkey Turkey…! With the promise of virgin trail we set off to the depths of the Sameong road, just past where we have had several outstations, including Poo’s wedding. Virgin? We’ll see. The chosen runsite was a random corner off a random backstreet with the intention of a circle in a mosquito infested rice paddy.

In case the run was shit, at least we’d be able to look at Turkey’s artwork on trail with smiley face checks in place of regular circles. We were off, and Belly did his trademark sprint, getting a check or two right, but he was polite enough to let us pass when the trail headed narrowly up the side of a barbed wire fence. From there we went up. Straight up. We were close to some nice trails, but rather than finding and using them, Turkey had chosen to take us straight up the shiggy.

Periodically there were checks, and Brown Finger and Pigshit carried on up calling ahead of me. After an eternity we got to a trail and that was the moment that changed the run. It went from a crappy scramble over terrain that there is a good reason not to run on, to a great run! Around a nice lake, we avoided the skiddy sticks and headed up a bit further, before a great check took us back down. The pack was fractured by here with Graven, Brownie and Piggy joining me on the descent – what will we do next week?

As we got out of the hills, we hit a road and a rice field. I know this place!!! This was Poo’s wedding run!! This was where Chuckie and I ran 5km off trail in desperate search for trail! Beautiful area, great trails, so we went back down the road! Another couple of skiddy sticks to dodge and then a good check that took Brownie and I the wrong way letting Gravy slip past for a 3 out of 3 farewell weekend! Nice running sir!

All in all, a nice set, but I much preferred the downhill over the uphill!

7th April – CH3 – Frozen Dick / Humperdick

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So nearly 33 years after being formed, Thailand second oldest hash reached its 1000th Run milestone.

Male hashing in Chiang Mai is a very colourful affair with lots of intrigue, in-fighting and battles for male hash supremacy, but somehow it survived and on the whole it’s a great hash with some fine and absurd traditions.

It was apt that Superman and Liberace between them had 999 runs on the 1000th Run – with Superman’s 633 runs alone beating the sum total of the current regulars.

So here’s to the past GM’s who have kept this hash alive …

ROLL OF HONOUR – Previous CH3 Grand Masters:

81-82 Charles ‘RADAR’ Graham
82-83 Ian ‘CALVES’ Law
83-84 Andrew ‘BROWNEYE’ Koetzer
84-85 ‘HOWARD KIRBY’ / John ‘DINGO’ Brigatti
85-86 Alan ‘CONCORD’ Wilson
86-87 Bernard ‘CLUESLUE’ Webb
87-88 Kenny ‘REBEL’ Desportes / Tom ‘WOODPECKER’ Owens
88-89 Robin ‘BLABBERMOUTH’ Ellis
89-90 Bruce ‘LIBERACE’ Kekule
90-91 David ‘LOUNGE LIZARD’ Holston
91-92 John ‘SUPERMAN’ Lyons
92-93 Martin ‘HAIRY PUSSY’ West
93-94 Evan ‘CHUNDER’ Smith / Richard ‘FOGGY DUCK’ Herbert
94-95 Bill ‘PASSION FINGERS’ Shaw
95-95 Butch ‘GOAT BUSTER’ Ashby / Dennis ‘SKROTE’ Kaufman
96-97 Dennis ‘SKROTE’ Kaufman
97-98 Bruce ‘LIBERACE’ Kekule
98-99 Darrel ‘PASTRY LEGS’ England
99-00 Peter ‘DYKE CONVERTER’ Van Loo
00-01 Stephen ‘WOMBAT’ Lewin
01-02 John ‘HEAD HACKER’ Shaller
02-03 Scott ‘SUCKIT’ Rulka
03-04 Bill ‘ROCKS OFF’ Paterson
04-05 Bruce ‘LIBERACE’ Kekule
05-06 John ‘SUPERMAN’ Lyons
06-07 Bob ‘HOLE PLUGGER’ Staat
07-08 Dietmar ‘SKID MARK’ Brand
08-09 Bryan ‘FAG’ Marlborough / Ken ‘CHUCK WAO’ McLeod
09-10 Ken ‘CHUCK WAO’ McLeod
10-11 Peter ‘DYKE CONVERTER’ Van Loo
11-12 Reid ‘KWAZI MOTO’ Resnikoff / Sean ‘MR. POO’ Wordingham
12-13 Alan ‘HORNY MONKEY’ Saunders / Kevin ‘BELLY DANCER’ Ralph
13-14 Dietmar ‘SKID MARK’ Brand

Current GM Skid Mark had done a great job getting the 1000th Run promoted and organised and its always great to see hasher friends coming from far and wide to enjoy our great scenery. From Pattaya – Lord Lucan, ET, Try a Fuck and Mongrel Arab, Phuket – Toad and Rotary Wanker, Bahrain – Curved Balls, alas the evil Gasman from Perth and in all around 70 attended.

Frozen Dick led the hare brief with Humperdick looking on in no doubt a state of relief. Superman had mentioned to me early on that this was the only run area he’d ever got lost – hummm – and the hares had taken 6 scouting trips to nail this run – expectations where high! With only circle checks to worry about – On Out we headed …

First paper was along a nice running trail and as I had my son Willy Walls running his first male hash decided that we’d stick together (as I had the GPS). Of course the FRB’s led by Brownfinger were soon way off ahead but the checks worked well to keep the pack not too spaced out. The checks were one thing …. The brutal gully climb in the smoke laden air was ‘challenging’ …. This really must have taken some scouting effort to link these trails up.

Lord Lucan and his Away Team and Liberace along with me made the back markers and there were some good views between rock scrambles. …. Unfortunately there were some tumbles … Dirty Pervert had a nasty fall and from the size of his swollen arm was lucky it wasn’t broken … fortunately he’s healing well …. He wasn’t alone, some of the visiting Malaysian’s also tumbled and somehow Pamela stumbled on the (flat) Wimp Run.

So finally after a well set run worthy of the 1000th – up a dam wall and OnIn to some well deserved cold beer!

Great food from Günter’s German Restaurant – outstanding and Mr Poo had put together a funny newsletter (for once) and onto the circle.

Following the circle headed back into town for sponsored festivities which ended a very memorable day. Thanks Skid Mark, Frozen & Humperdick, Mr Poo, Horny Monkey, After Birth and everybody who showed up to make it a fun celebration.

Belly Dancer

14th April – CH3 – Mr. Poo

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We were all somewhat hungover from the Songkran run… Mr. Poo the hare was so hungover that he’d forgotten to bring enough powder, felt too crappy to set the trail, and opted to do a live hare – only to find that he was a bit too hungover and might not make it on his own. He picked Chuckie for a co-hare and so we had 2 live hares – neither looking in good shape.

They set off and we watched them duck in to the right, 5 minutes and we set off in pursuit. The first check was easy – we’d seen where they had gone. we were gaining. I nailed a few checks and things were going well – particularly when the monks told me where the strange farangs had gone. Having run here before I had a hunch where they were headed, and sure enough I got to the crucial intersection. Up the hill? Or along the bottom?

Damn, I guessed, and guessed wrong. Graven had already checked that way too – as he’d ignored the early part of the trail and just headed straight to the ‘crucial’ point. It was up the hill, but how high up? Most of us got it wrong due to some ambiguous calling from up ahead and found ourselves above the trail over a steep cliff. I opted to parallel for a bit longer, only to find that I wasn’t paralleling, I was getting further away – they were going clockwise after all… Must be a figure of 8. Back down to the ‘crucial’ point, and sure enough where there once was circles, now there were arrows. Tip Toe ahead of me?? and Frozen?? I guess the hares had changed the trail in between the FRBs and the DFLs! Somewhere ahead Brown Finger and Graven were calling, and at the final circle I joined them.

A cheeky loop back behind a ruined temple brought us back to the A – I recall the same hare using the same loop previously, so I managed to run into the circle site while the hares were still sweating. Short, but sweet – I don’t think anyone needed to do much more this time!

31st March – CH3 – Belly Dancer

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Short Version:-

“Nobody died, so it can’t have been that bad…” (Anon)

Long Version:-

Belly is back! (With a vengeance?) 3rd day running in hot temperatures, and we were off for a 5:30 start… Surely he’d given up on the idea of the 9.99km for the 999 run? Apparently not – an hour of daylight would be fine for a 10k run! We skeptically set off, letting Brownie run ahead to do some checking for us. We promptly got a V check, and promptly got confused with Brownie going one way, Baldrick going the other. We didn’t know which way to go, but they both ended up at the same place, so we went that way, and found a circle check. Most went down the road, but I cut through an orchard and found another V check. I went right, and people called check back to the left moments before I hit a check back to the right. Muchos confusion, but I made my way across to the other trail and continued – nervously…. Another V check, and I was tempted to head to the left, but the trail straight on looked good enough, so I carried on. Paper dangling from trees to the left so I carried on, paying little attention to a blob of powder off the trail to the right – it might have been a check back, but the trail was clearly marked up ahead. Turkish and Brownie followed me and the trail turned terribly up, scrambling up a ridge. “This has ruined my day” I heard behind, and slowly crept my way over leaf covered rocks with no clues where to put my feet. Still we are on trail, so why was nobody following us???

It turned out that was a dummy trail, that wasn’t supposed to be part of the real trail. When we finally got back down we were way behind. Turkey screamed “Don’t leave me!” as Brownie and I set off in pursuit. After some distance we finally reined in Frozen Dick. Yup – Sups was still a long way ahead of us… Thats what happens when you follow trail I guess… Anyway, we got up to the lake, and came to a mutual decision that we would just go for a jog around the lake and back. I estimated about 7k, and we could just about manage it in daylight, so why not? We saw some paper going up the hill to the right, but kept going on our plan. Sooner or later we got some more paper, jogging along having a pleasant conversation.

Amazingly out of the blue ahead of us we heard shouts, and then Horny Monkey shot out of the trees, presumably coming back from checking the wrong way. Apparently we were back on a hash! Brownie was itching to go, and I felt like a dog owner walking his dog through a field of rabbits. Brownie looking longingly into my eyes until I gave him the nod to go on the chase. He did, and I carried on my plan to jog around the lake.

The trail went up a hill straight on, while the road went around to the left, so I continued my plan to jog around the lake, unaware that hashers were checking in the area, until Graven came running up alongside me, and we spotted paper. Interesting, somehow I’d become FRB! What should I do? A bit knackered from the weekend, plus the extra mountain, I should probably just continue around the lake. The trail cut off to the right into the trees, but we could see the paper about 10m to the right all the way along the road. Graven and I kept going and sooner or later the trail came back onto the road. Finally we could call On-On, and the pack were some way in the distance behind us.

The trail cut off to the left, towards the lake, but it had to rejoin the road sooner or later, so of course we carried on (I was still just heading around the lake). Brown Finger caught up with Graven and I and started pushing the pace along. Powder crossed the road from the left into the forest to our right. We paused. They were reluctant, but I remembered the trail was quite nice between the hills and back onto the mud roads the other side of the hill. Brownie and Gravy took off like rabbits being chased by dogs. I considered my options. I couldn’t keep up with the pair of them. I was on my own. It wouldn’t be daylight much longer. I’d already done quite a distance. It was 47minutes already. I wavered, and then chose to head back down to the A. Pretty quickly I was back on paper! wtf? There was paper everywhere!

I clocked up about 7k, which was enough for me. Not the 9.99, but at least I am alive! All in all the run was good – and I mean the run that was set by the hares was good, rather than the run I did… Only, it could have been a bit clearer and 1 particular place… Beer in hand, it’s time for the circle….

I think Skiddy did a good job, but to be fair I have no idea what was going on… It seemed to flow though…. If I don’t understand a splash, I normally assume it was the fault of the person giving the splash… But when it happens again and again, I start to wonder if my own mind is getting twisted up. I sat on the ice “You fuckers”, and I was off again. I hardly had time to quietly ask Chuckie why I had been there before he asked me why he was there. Sometimes lacking sense makes sense, and at least we got a “Useless Piece of Shit”.

24th March – CH3 – Frozen Dick

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Perhaps I’m lazy tonight? But just talked to Belly Dancer, and here is the abridged version I told him:-

“It was a good run until the bit we couldn’t figure out.”

17th March – CH3 – Horny Monkey

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Horny had us back at his current favourite run area behind the Green Valley golf course. A slightly different runsite, but entrapped by the river & the golf course, we were sure to be hitting the same trails sooner or later. Apparently he found the runsite when he got a flat tyre and got lost. Anyway with Dogshit to help him, he took us out towards some rice fields. After a quick loop around we were quickly grumbling about damaging the crops.

The hares were waiting for us, to insist that we should run more through the fields and cause more damage to the already poor farmers. Gingerly we made our way along to find that the reason for the rice field was to avoid 100m or so of road. When we did hit the road, it became a feature with plenty more road to come. At a circle check I was wrong heading to the left, and when I rejoined the pack checking in a field, it was None of Your Business that suddenly sprinted off and then started calling 20m or so later. His gleeful gait was short lived though as he got the next check 180 degrees wrong, and we didn’t see him again.

We got to the same area that Horny set his last 2 runs, and as I caught Skiddy we both ducked off to the left leaving Graven, Brownie and Chuckie to collect the Skiddy sticks. A bit more of a loop around and we were heading back towards the road, and towards the A site. Sure enough, Horny loved the road so much, that he let us run on it twice! A Long Long Long stretch on the road had Chuckie & Gravy resort to walking.

20th Jan – CH3 – Skid Mark

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Skid Mark #3

If you are going to set 2 runs in a weekend, why not set 3? Seriously folks – that is a hell of an effort and deserves huge respect. Thanks Skiddy for a great weekend of hashing!!!

So how about today’s run? He’d been building up to it with the previous 2 runs and had hinted today’s would be something special – enough that I crept my way out of work and got to the runsite. We’d been here before, but not for a long time. It was an A->B, which always mixes things up.

I set off in usual style, and Brown Finger joined me at the front. The first check was after 700m or so and I guess I got it right… – at least I found some paper in a rice field and another circle check. I can’t be sure if we got there the way the hares intended, but what the hell! A bit further on, another circle next to a ‘bridge’ type thing that crossed some fast flowing water. It’s Skiddy, so of course we had to cross it right? Yup, and I was On-On past a paddy field to the road. Things were going well for me, and I hit another couple of checks. When I finally got one wrong it was Graven Image, Brown Finger and Turkish Delight mixing it up at the front.

We caught up with Sunspot who’d been given a huge short cut, but apparently confusing instructions…. – “At the V check take the RIGHT path”, which could have meant the path to the right, or the correct one. Anyway, bloody hell the pace was moving along fast. Less that 6.5mins per km is not a bad running pace, but when you add in the hashing checks etc. that’s moving along. Several times we thought we’d lost Turkish, but he was doing a great job of keeping up – calling when he got ahead and kicking checks out when he was following (Poo might argue that he kicked the checks in the wrongd direction, but perhaps Poo should run faster and get in less fights).

Finally we got to a strange “Wings and Other Things” or “Short Cut” check… Huh? We were close, and after a couple of twists and turns, we emerged and found the beer. A great 8km A->B run and in my opinion the best of the weekend’s runs. Thanks for the 3 runs!

5th Jan – CH3 / CH4 – BMY & Shagless

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Courtesy of Brown Finger:-

Never before in the field of humane hashing has so much been owed by so many to so few.
Yes, reluctant as any reputable hasher must be to heap praise upon the heads of others, I am referring to the many hashers (twenty-six?) that signed on for the 2014 Chiang Mai Annual Ball Breaker, and the few, the two redoubtable hares (200 kilometers in scouting and setting the trail – phew!) that treated us all to an experience that will linger pleasurably, if not a little painfully, in the collective memory for a long time to come. I mention pain in the physical sense, of course, which in ageing bones and joints will surely have arisen at some stage during, or perhaps even after, the somewhat ultra-hashing distance – that is 20-24 kilometers depending on one’s involvement in running down the many artfully contrived checks that festooned the naked trail.
Now, whether “humane” can or should ever be used in the context of any hash, let alone this one, we shall see . . .
The morning started in positive fashion for me. After a plate of whole-wheat pancakes with maple syrup and a pep talk from Big Top over a couple of cups of coffee and at various precarious stages during our motorbike ride to the resort, I was well fuelled and psychologically prepared to face whatever the evil Doctor Byte and the inscrutable Shagless had to offer.
There was a quick hare brief: the trail set all on paper, plenty of paper; the usual V, Cross, and Circle checks and those damnable Skiddy Sticks; meals to be ordered, a choice of five, some ordered two, me included; bags to be left for transportation; an A-B-C-D run, beer stops and bail outs at B and C, circle at the D. Then we were herded politely into the songthaew and into pickups, and it was off for a short drive to the A, where Shagless took a name check, presumably so we would be able to salute the missing and the dead when it was time to circle up.
And then we were off, off and up into those fucking mountains. Recently I have been trying to convince myself that mountains are good things, good for my fitness, and that I liked mountains. Bollocks! I don’t like fucking mountains. I hate them. What’s good about experiencing one type of pain going up a mountain only to feel a different type of pain coming down the other side? But we were warned. Doctor Byte told me the first three kilometers would be the hardest, but he didn’t happen to mention that while the first three were indeed the hardest and most painful, the remaining four or so would be only slightly less hard and slightly less painful – ever so slightly less. There were loose rocks on some of the trails that prevented all but the most foolhardy from running them; there were trails for midgets only, running through long tunnels of looped over bamboo; there were more ups and downs than the Grand Old Duke of York. And then the paper started to mysteriously disappear, and then I found out why. It was my turn to check the wrong way down a mountain at a V check; half way down to the check-back I saw them, three hillbilly Thais with huge elephant guns picking the paper off the trees. “No come here,” they yelled at me menacingly through yellow teeth with gaps in them that held long, smoldering cheroots, which smelled fragrantly sweet, sweet of the illegal weed variety . . . and so I didn’t, go there, that is!
And finally we came down from the mountains and got to run a little. And it was good to be running with hashers I hadn’t seen for a while – Jungle Chim, Grease Gorilla – and with some I hadn’t met before – a guy with a hash name something like Slippery Nipples, doing the checks, sweating like a pig in a dessert; and the legendary Gorf, a finely tuned running machine, a natural born runner if I have ever seen one. Jealousy is such a degrading emotion . . . Then we hit the B, almost literally, well hidden just around a corner, sheltered by a tree. And there was Mr. Poo grinning broadly at our obvious physical distress. “You bastard,” I shouted at Doctor Byte, “That was at least 10k, not 7!” I asked Gorf what he had on his GPS, but he had been running so fast that it had overheated and switched itself off. At least that was his explanation. But it was only 7-something kilometers, and it had taken us about an hour and a half to run it; I was already knackered, and there was still another umpteen kilometers to go. Humane . . . ? Well I wouldn’t know about that!
And so Doctor Byte lied again. “The next leg is a short one.” Yeah, right! But I was beginning to feel a little better; beer, water, chocolate, banana. Yeah, much better. Ready for anything . . . except the savage dogs that chased me down to the checkback at a V, the one where None of Your Business refused to check because of those same savage dogs. What a smart young fella that guy is.
The second leg was running country, and so we got moving quite nicely, with Gorf out ahead checking, and the rest of us checking when he left us something to check. Fandango was running like a hunted gazelle, leaping and bounding, finely sculpted legs and arms, perfect for the job, until she got speared in the thigh by a long speary thing. I offered to lick it better, but she gracefully declined. Oh well, one can only but try . . . And then we hit the check that bought the pack together. We had to trudge though some waterlogged ground to reach a circle check on a good, wide trail-come-dirt road with possibilities all around. Some checked right up the road, through water and mud; some checked left down the same road; others went up a slope to take a look, but no paper. It was left to the wily old fox, Square Rooter, to go back along the trail a short way and to find paper. And when I reached the C, he was already there, eating a banana, grinning like a gummy Cheshire Cat.
And so back to the lie. A short leg? Not a bit of it. Skiddy had clocked up a total of 14+k on his GPS. Fuck! How long was the final leg? 8k according to Shagless. Easy running and short cutting opportunities, apparently. Well, by my reckoning some would end up running about 24k in all. And god I was feeling tired! Better have a beer! Ah, that’s better. Forget the pain . . . forget the pain . . . forget the pain . . . Is this humane?
The final leg. So many hashers running well up front: HRA and his gammy foot, still going strong, check-guarding, but hey, what the hell, maybe I might do some of that at some point; Sloppy Rod, the man who keeps popping up at the front, somehow, miraculously, how the fuck does he do it? Alice and Graven running strong with Gorf, checking, calling, and sometimes not even bothering to call, or so somebody else told me . . . Despite the good running conditions, I was hitting the wall, a wall so solid I thought it could dam the flow of the mighty Amazon itself. Humane? I should have let the hillbillies shoot me; there was no way through for me. But wait. Nobody is checking down here. And there is paper. Yes, and another bit. “On, on!” I couldn’t believe it. Another check; more paper; “on,on.” Another check; more paper; “on, on.” And then the mighty Gorf was almost upon me when we hit the final circle check. We both thought it was an arrow pointing left. So we both turned left. And there it was, a sign, “beer is near.” A shared smile. And then we saw those two magnificent words, written in powder over red clay. We touched knuckles and yelled together, “on, in.” Entirely for the benefit of the overly sensitive Doctor Byte, Gorf and I held hands as we ran together, happy but exhausted into camp, where the Happy Hash was waiting, ready for the circle.
Barbeque and other munchies and cold beer . . . perfection, I can say no more.
The joint circle with the Happy Hash worked, and it worked very well, or so I have been told. I don’t remember much about it myself because I was too busy drinking beer in an attempt to ease my pain – thank god it worked, thank god for the numbness that follows a decent quantity of the dear old amber nectar. But what I do remember, and what was quite remarkable when I came to think about it, was that GM Skiddy must have been so thoroughly overwhelmed by it all, by the excellent run, the beautiful countryside (virgin hashing territory), the well-oiled mismanagement, a feat of haresmanship seldom aspired to let alone achieved, that he utterly failed to slag off the hares for a lousy job – it’s tradition, right?
So guys – BMY, Shagless – you should be very proud of your efforts and the fact that you definitely set the best run of the year . . . so far . . . more or less . . . well everyone said so, didn’t they? Oh, there is only one thing, Doctor Byte. You couldn’t resist it, could you? You know, the wings? Your own son? Keep it in the family, huh? Well he gets my vote for avoiding those savage dogs. Smart kid that one . . .
And as for humane hashing – who fucking cares. You don’t have to fucking well do it!


Here is Graven’s Track!

30th Dec – CH3 – SkidMark

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Before New Year it was time for a “Fressfest”… Despite my German, this was a new word for my vernacular, but I guessed from the promotion it had something to do with food… Apparently this is how you pronounce it!

Anyway, before the food there was the run… After 7+km on Sat, and again on Sunday, we were hoping for something manageable, but Skiddy figured we’d need more Ball Breaker training and gave us a 7+km work out! My legs were weary before we set off, but as None of Your Business had done some pre-run scouting, we had to make sure Brownfinger did the false trail at the first check. After that I hung back and let someone else do the checks for a change. Through the rice fields it was heavy / slow going, and eventually we spotted Skiddy’s car standing out across the paddies, and the next 10 minutes or so was working our way towards it.

I grabbed a beer and ambled off slowly following the pack across the fields. Skiddy told me to get a move on otherwise I’d be in in the dark, but whatever, my legs weren’t responding. Up ahead it looked like None of Your Business was working with Brown Finger to find the checks, but with the slow going the group was staying close together. I finished my beer and tried to get my legs moving – damn it was hard work, but I could sense the desperation from NOYB – competitive Dad kicked in… The pace increased and I stuck to around 100m behind the leaders, to let them do the work. Finally the last check, and nobody went over the obvious ‘Skiddy Bridge’. WTF? “OnOn”… “OnIn”… “Sorry Son!”

Great circle that proved that sometimes longer circles can work, so long as there is good material! After the circle it was OnOnOn to Guenthers for a great (but not cheap) buffet – so that’s what a Fressfest is!! 😀

21s October – CH3 – Humperdick

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Humperdick is a good hare and when I set off from work, I was certain we were in for a treat… Even if it was going to be a brief one as the run wasn’t going to start any earlier! (As the circle later turned into a Thai lesson “ดื้อ” springs to mind. Anyway, with little hope of finishing in daylight, we set off on Humper’s run.

The checks were excellent. Clearly well thought out, and sneaky – I would have been proud of them and been chuckling to myself as I spied on the erroneous hashers from behind the bushes – only this time I was a runner, not a hare! First check, of course I got it wrong. Foolishly I ran back and got back to the lead at the 2nd check, which I also got wrong. It was a trend – the first to the check were likely to get it wrong. The landscape and our history were begging the run to go clockwise around to the right, but the hare disagreed.

Humpers found some good trails and checks to take us back over the other side of the road. I ran along with Horny remarking at what a great run it was (a bit premature). We hit a gate that had been sneakily electrified, and the brief shock was compounded by the skiddy sticks. Bugger! We headed ominously towards the hills, and when finally the good trails ran out the hare didn’t give up, and forged a creative path straight up the shiggy, along a ridge and back down. There was no trail, but apparently the hare had assumed there would be.

We got back down, and inexplicitly the hare decided to take us back up again, another steep climb, only to cut over to the left and cut back down again. why? We’ll never know… Graven meanwhile had thought better of the trail and reappeared ahead of us having taken a much nicer trail along the bottom of the hill the other side. If only the hare had found it!

It was getting dark and we were hacking through shiggy… It was dark and we were approaching a road… It was pitch black and we were heading along the road, On-In and beer was waiting.