Category Archives: CH3 – Monday

3rd January – CH3 – Turkish Delight – Ball Breaker

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Clearly there is divided opinion on this year’s Ball Breaker. I preceded my write up with the suggestion that I might be too negative, but I stand by my comments. Nonetheless, several hashers have expressed to me how much they enjoyed the ball breaker. While several other hashers have expressed the opposite. Nonetheless – you can’t please all the hashers all of the time, and it is probably not fair to leave my negative write up as the legacy of this year’s ball breaker. This website is not intended to express the views of one hasher and welcomes all opinions.

I confess I have had a few beers and can’t remember word for word the comment, but Scooby Doo very much enjoyed the run, and the write up from Alice posted below also provides balance to the BMY report. The run’s rating is testament to other hasher’s enjoyment.


The Ball Breaker. The highlight of Chiang Mai’s hashing calendar! People travel around the globe to take part in the BB, people talk about it for weeks in advance, and I for one planned my trip around getting back in time for it. I’d been looking forward to this for a long time, surely the hares would have found something special for us?!

I have been on occasion accused of being acerbic, and negative about some of my run write ups, so to try to avoid that, I’ll start with the positive parts of today’s run…

…ok, that’s dealt with. WTF? Seriously with people travelling from Korea, Bahrain, Australia & UK, that was the best you could come up with?
* Checks – where were they? The purpose of checks is to help keep the pack together – if you don’t use checks, the pack just separates and you turn a hash into a normal run. Some might like that, but the point of hashing is to run together as a group.
* Trail – where was it? Trail is the part of the jungle that people travel (people like to travel). You can generally see a defined line with less vegetation and easier footing. Simple tip – if your feet keep hitting rocks / vines / branches, then you probably aren’t on trail, if you can walk or run smoothly without tripping over constantly, then you might well be on trail. We like running / walking on trail.
* Hills & Views – good combination… Generally hashers won’t complain so much about climbing hills if there is something worth seeing at the top. To climb a hill simply to traverse a pile of rocks and come back down is not so much fun.

We set off down a nice little trail along the side of the river. I let the FRBs go while I tried to coax some movement out of my knee – how long would it hold up? There may have been a check, but if there was it was just straight on until we hit a road, and confusion. The trail ran out, and there was nothing. Finally None Of Your Business found the remains of a check and some paper thrown under a tree – the trail had been tampered with. I went up the road with Brownie and spotted paper in the trees on the left. No trail, just a complete hack up through bushes. For once nobody wanted to overtake. Why bother? The leader had to hack their way through. I knew the decent trail was up there somewhere and finally we hit it. From there is was 2-3km straight up along a straight trail. Every 3-400m or so there were trails going off each way, but NO FUCKING CHECK. We just trudged our way up. We hit the trail after 1.4km of the run, finally there was a V check at 4km, even though there had been plenty of opportunity to slow the front runners down.

When we did get to checks they defied all logic. The hare brief said V checks would be on clear defined trails (as Poo pointed out they were just circle checks that were harder for the pack to mark). Most of the V checks I saw were NOT on clearly defined trails – the true trail was hidden in much the way a circle check might work. The other was where trail was marked in both directions with the more obvious trail leading straight to a precipitous waterfall – ooh ha ha ha, I’m sure you must have laughed when setting that one.

Back to the trail, and I was trundling along with Sloppy and Able Seaman discussing whether his gloves would make him a chick magnet. Abruptly we had to climb a steep, steep hill and a check at the top took us to the first beer stop. Around 6km so far – a normal hash run… and I think about 3 checks. The pack was scattered. No chance of bringing them back together. The hare asked why we didn’t wait for everyone to catch up?!??! WTF? And only 2 beers!!! We shared one as we carried along the road.

Another dodgy V check and somehow I was leading the way up a steep, steep hill. Yes, we’d got to the end of the valley, and as though the hares hadn’t bothered scouting at all, we set off cross country straight up the end of the valley. Even Brownie was stopping to gasp for air. Terrible terrain, a couple of scrambles up, and a bit of a slide back down. When would this end? It looked like there was a saddle on the hill to the left, and thankfully the paper led us to the saddle. This was the big moment… Were we breaking left or right? The ideal place for a check… Dear readers… what do you think? was there a check? Of course not… the hares gave the game away and took us straight up the fucking hill to the top to scramble over rocks before picking our way back down again.

I picked my way gingerly, protecting my knee, and was passed by hasher after hasher until silence fell in the jungle. Finally I tripped and scrambled my way down to a decent trail and immediately saw FRBs coming back towards me 10m to my right. Huh? Finally I could run and it was in the wrong direction. HRA encouraged me to keep going, but that wasn’t going to happen. I joined them on a narrow dyke next to a hillside aqueduct (fuck the spelling). Somehow I was leading, but stepped aside and let Brownie lead us down to the 2nd beer stop. I know I missed a little bit, but surely there were more than 2 checks in that section????

I was already ready to head back. Disappointed. Somehow I found motivation to try to figure out what the hares had planned… Perhaps all that was just a prequel to an unforgettable finale? Don’t get your hopes up dear reader. Our diligence at following trail was only rewarded by dropping us down to scramble over rocks in a waterfall, followed by another hack through unmarked vegetation on a pointlessly random hillside, before dropping us back down into the waterfall – yeah that great check – oooh hahaha, lets run them off the waterfall like lemmings, that would be funny right??? And then of course the final brain fart, lets mix up the trail and have them run a long stretch of the out trail again, hoping they figure out they are supposed to be doing that, and while they do that…. get this… hehehe… this would be funny right…. lets send the normal runners off on the same trail!!!! HAHAHA!!! That will get them right?!?

Perhaps someone else should do the write up, I am not feeling very tactful!

Ah yes… to the good part… Excellent circle by Frozen Dick & Mr. Poo – the kind of disorganised Mayhem that just absolutely worked. Just when I was thinking it had gone on too long, it took another twist for the better. To the GMs great work! To the hares….


From Alice:-

This was my third BB. Skid and Holeplugger in 08, Dr Byte and Shagless last year and now Turkish and Pigshit. A man never forgets his torturers!

In truth it was tough son of a bitch 17 km: sometimes scenic, sometimes slippery and tricky, sometimes a bit scary, often steep, lots of clambering, challenging stream crossings and re-crossings, mostly in forest, some bamboo groves for Humpers specially, some open tracks usually not flat, a longish run along a dyke wall holding in a hillside irrigation stream, pipe crossings, a rope descent, this run had it all but perhaps not in the proportion some desired.

The first drink and refuel stop after about 7.5 was most welcome. Piggie doled out goodies and choc n crisps! After the harrowing climb and descent in the middle section Turkish was there after another 4 ish hard km to give succour. I think PS also turned up as he told TD forcefully not to just leave all our junk there. Quite right too.

The last section involved a climb and then dropping down some steep banks, one involving a long red rope, to this stream babbling away over huge slippy boulders. If we crossed it once, we did it half a dozen times in the next few km. I got wet feet at some points and slipping on the rocks was a real fear. Able Semen fell over a vine just after the red rope and it looked bad. Can you move your feet? said Semen Sores. Well get up and keep going because an ambulance can’t come in here anyway!

At this point, Poo, Semen team and Humps receded as Alice pushed on and one check on a plateau after a climb gave cause for concern as the sun was low and linking paper very scarce and tough to find. Apart from that, the FRBs did a good job.

The third al fresco water stop had most supplies but little water and Pigshit said it was 2.5 full run or 1 km short cut back. Alice was aching but took the long; Knockout and MYOB were waiting for Poo in the last bit of forest – bad move! As Alice exited the green and hit the tarmac, Humpers popped out infront of him, Alice thinks he knows how!

Luckily Shagless, Cumalot, Cougar and Anything knew which way to turn on the road as the hares had neglected to mark the On on trail. Turkish said I ran too fast and he didn’t have time. BS!

It was good to get back and shower. With Taste My Buns! Browny had a swim and the rest of the BB pack and CSH straggled in.

Decent circle overseen by on form GM Frozen Dick and average lukewarm food to fill empty tummies followed. Superman’s 1112 and Swallow’s 200 CSH were recognised. Overall, the run was in a real test for Alice and well marked along it’s length. Well done hares and qudos for the youthful K girl who found us on the net, turned up alone, ran like a trooper and dealt with the circle in good english to boot. So Yung indeed!

Aching Alice

CH3 – Crap Thai – Dec 22nd

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My last male run was a year ago, Krap Thai’s first effort actually, when Fandango brought Slivovicz and ran in the big cock hat on Skiddy’s orders. Sufficeth to say, the genial antipodean doesn’t seem to have improved much but as the song goes, ‘the only way is up’. And so it was last Monday. Up, up, up. Belly, Rooter and other sadistic types would have swelled with pride.

Newbie Steve (Devon and NZ) actually ran up hill as did another young gun. Turkish, Pigshit and Graven also went well and Brownie, I think. It was well marked but mostly near vertical walking up the doi. At the W.R split we headed up some more, Scooby, Poo and Humpers I recall being in the same section of the pack as self, also Semen Sores and his nephew?

It was a lung busting, muscle sapping slog. After an age, the FRBs returned saying ‘back to the check’. The path had just stopped with a bar across and a message from the hare that it went no where. The ascent was so tough I didn’t have enough oxygen for my brain to process the odd view we got when the trees parted way. I was a bit miffed at this turn of events as I was dreaming of a cross doi traverse for Xmas by this point.

Down, down, down on the same track we went and took the W split to home. That was at least flattish in parts and joggable downhill over rocky, leaf strewn paths. The downhill didn’t look the same as the uphill, so I was happy enough. The W trail home was quite enjoyable in comparison, although Graven sniffed that he knew that boring old track and was certainly underwhelmed by the hare’s capability. The circle was fairly low key but fun, and Krap Thai got off light IMHO.
On ons in Euro Dinner were tasty and enjoyable and all was well with the world when I poured myself onto my scooter full of pork chop!


4th August – CH3 – Byte My Yahoo

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Author Pig Shit
So with shit for brains it’s obvious that this will not be a long or detailed account, but as BMY normally does the write up’s for the run blog and on this occasion he is the hare he can’t be allowed to comment on his own run, so here goes:
The location was the depths of Mae Jo, 4th u turn passed the Uni. I was in the Songtau and it took a long time to get to the run site, I think about 45 minutes. We arrived to see the tent had been erected which was just as well because no sooner had we pulled up then the heavens opened up and it continued to rain for the next 30 to 40 minutes, heavy rain. (Thanks Turkish Delight, great tent, what forethought).
The hare brief was necessarily short as nobody could hear a thing over the noise of the pouring water. ‘We’re running on shredded paper, there’s only circle checks and the trails that way’, So we’re off. This is where things become a little hazy coz i’m head down, bum up running as best I can. I remember being bloody wet and seeing Sloppy Rod an Chucky up ahead most of the time. We passed Tip Toe at a circle check at which he had arrived, apparently with Frozen Dick, well ahead of the pack, (thanks to BMY giving him the grease on the best short cuts available) We didn’t see Frozen at that time and not again until night had fallen. I remember going up and up through densely wooded areas and the shouts of on on which could barely be heard over the consistent down pour. I remember long periods of fast flat running. In all I believe the run was well over the 6km mark and had a unanimous vote of excellent run. The circle was good fun especially as Frozen Dick and Liberace where absent for most of the time having decided to take their own route and coming in just before pitch black. The hare seemed unconcerned as did most of the pack with only an occasional glance back along the trail to see if they were returning any time soon, Eventually we saw flash lights in the distance letting us know they were nearly home. Anyway all made it back safely and we live to run another day. Again, consensus of opinion :great run. thanks Byte.

28th July – CH3 – Ting Tong

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With Skiddy the co hare, and the location being flat Lamyai country to the south of the city, what did we have in store? The first clues came on facebook, where Skiddy announced he had lost yet another phone, and that Ting Tong really was ting tong. Ominous signs!

I wasn’t feeling too good, but I dragged myself to the run site, and with hare brief telling us it would be ‘fun’ with a special surprise for us, we were off (hoping the surprise would be a beer stop!). Turkey led the way through some horrible shiggy, where we just picked our way avoiding the brambles, out onto a little road. Circle check and we split up. When Turkey does call On On he calls with such joy in his voice and we ran over to him to endure some more shiggy. Another check, and we finally broke out onto a wide area of freshly raised land – where the trucks come and dump mud to raise the land above the flood plain – mud is only flattened a bit, so when it gets wet (which it had), it turns into a sludgy pit. Feet were already getting encased in mud. The flood lake to the left we again followed Turkey to the end of the lake, and when he called circle check, we could already see the paper leading us around the other side of the lake – yet more gooey, sludgy, mud to struggle through.

In many ways I get an advantage, paying less attention to the state of my feet that say Chuckie does, so I emerged from the pit of slime just ahead of Turkey. Next circle and he followed me down to check at the road. That was the last I saw of him… I turned back and well, there was a bridge, so we’d probably be using it?! Sure we would! The next section weaved its way through some farms and crossed a road to a circle check at the edge of a rice field. A few steps to the right, and I spotted something white to the left of the rice field – closer investigation and I was on, along the edge. Another circle, with limited options, but to go to the road ahead. More farm, and more roads to cross… Some how I was managing to stay a bit ahead of Pigshit, and Chuckie just a bit further behind.

Finally got to another road, with a circle check. I was slightly torn, but went straight over again, with Piggy right on my tail. He muttered something about making sure I called it as he reluctantly checked another way. I ran it out, and sure enough called at the end when I turned the corner straight into a flooded, muddy field. This would slow them down a bit?! I ran through calling On. Finally some solid ground on a burr, and I could turn and watch Chuckie gingerly pick his way through, while Piggy ploughed on like a kid playing in waves at the beach. One last check, and there was something white flickering across the field. My luck was in, and as I emerged onto the road, I could see the restaurant just along to the right.

So focused on the restaurant, I took the long way around, and missed the shorter route through the gardens. Sadly Piggy didn’t miss it, and sprinted ahead of me calling On In. Nice going.

21st July – CH3 – Chuck Wao

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11km south on canal road – a bit of a trek, but I sloped out of work and headed down to see what he had in mind. The crematorium, and no doubt the familiar trails behind it. A modest crowd assembled, missing some regulars, but swelled by the visiting Cabbage Patch, the returning Head Hacker and soon to be named ‘Pee On Me’. Looking around, I suspected I would need to do some work finding the trail…

We set off and Pee On Me, Skiddy and I arrived at the first circle together. Setting the circle around the corner gave a big hint as to where the On In trail might be, and already my mind was racing ahead on trail. Sure enough, I picked the first check right, and then the 2nd took us along the fence at the side of the temple. Lovely running trails, and I jogged along enjoying it. We had to turn right sooner or later, it was just a case of picking the right trail. Nice, I nailed it, and a long, long stretch for me to open up the legs on. Calls faded behind me – could I keep up my luck?

Finally a circle check on a main ish trail, so I took a moment or two to double check my bearings… It gets very disorienting along those trails at times, so once I knew where I was, I opted for the small trail that isn’t completely obvious – after 100m, I called “On On” into the silence behind me. How long would my luck hold out? A few more checks and I found my self looped back around to the right, climbing through shiggy. From away to the right, a faint call, I called back, but it was fruitless, the rest of the pack were the wrong side of a gully, heading on the loop I’d just done.

Rare do you nail every check in a hash, and sure enough, finally the hare got me at a cross check. It seemed like time to head back, so I picked straight on – check back. From there I could arc up through the shiggy to the other trail, and again, check back. Back to the check leaving one option, so I neatly kicked the check out for the rest of the pack, and headed on. One more circle check had me a bit muddled, but with silence behind, I found trail and headed towards the OnIn.

There was one final F*ck You from the hare, with a dummy false trail off to the left. I picked up the paper and reset it before heading back for a beer. Nice one Chuckie, but I had you pegged! Good circle – I hadn’t planned on staying for it, but hey, hopefully I’ll get on top of things tomorrow…

(No, I didn’t short cut!)

14th July – CH3 – Sloppy Rod

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Feeling a bit jetlagged & hungover today, so quite lazy to go hashing, but it was Sloppy Rod, and he is normally a good hare, so I made the effort. Incredibly detailed instructions took us to the reservoir just past the Tiger’s Head, and I was immediately looking forward to the run. Starting from half way along the lake, we had to be hitting the great flat trails at the end of the lake.

Sure enough, once we’d moved vehicles & beer around in circles, we had a hare brief and set off. I set off at a jog, and got a couple of checks right, with calls fading away behind me. Excellent running trails and I stretched out. We dipped off the main trail to follow a creek bed for a bit, but soon climbed back out onto the trail – I should have just stayed on the trail – no one would have known!

Finally we hit a circle, and I was torn – it seemed to be about the right time to turn and I had a feeling we could head back to the right without intercepting trails. So why didn’t I check that way? Instead I continued forwards looping around to the left and finally getting back to the circle as Pigshit arrived with Chuckie. So much for the lead – especially as Piggy picked the last option and got away from me. The late arriving HRA stood at the circle screaming at people as he didn’t seem to realise he had caught up already.

Then I started going backwards through the pack, tired and unfit Chuckie, Piggy, Turkey & HRA took off ahead of me, while Skiddy fell in behind. We sped up when we found Humperdick pruning a bamboo tree in the middle of the trail. He was going backwards for some reason.

Excellent trails throughout, and well marked – cheers hare! Wish I had my GPS so I could look at the route in more detail for future reference!

23rd June – CH3 – Turkish Delight

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Turkey teamed up with I Got Gas to set yet another run from Huay Tung Thao – I’d left the sign there a month back and we’ve used it again and again…. This time we were inside the park, so we’d have to be doing something a little different. We set off away from the lake in the direction of the army base. An early check had Chuckie leading the way up a small hill, and when I got to the top, he lead us down again.

Fortunately I got lucky heading to the right, and then nailed a good check off up to the left. Knowing we were pinned in between the Army base, and the 2nd lake, we had to be heading back to the left. Nobody would be daft enough to head into the army base, especially while there was a coup on, and you could hear gun fire from a training exercise not far away. We exhausted the options to the left of the lake, before Skiddy found paper on the trail that goes nowhere. Clearly unscouted, once we got to the bank of the lake, the hare hacked his way through the shit along the side of the lake until he got to the barbed wire fence, which he duly took us into the base.

We tracked down the road heading towards the barracks, watching out for stray bullets. Until suddenly we ran out of paper… Uhoh… No check, just no paper… I carried along the obvious trail that heads away from the road, and after around 200m or so I finally found paper. Not sure what had happened there – had the run been sabotaged, or had the hares fucked up? Again we headed cross country until eventually hitting some reasonable trails.

I got another couple of checks right, but could hear Piggy not far behind me. Another check, and I gambled on a trail back to the right, but sadly Turkey wasn’t that smart, and had used the obvious straight on one. Time to hustle, and I put my foot down to catch up with Piggy & Chuckie at a barbed wire fence where the trail turned left. They were just along to the left, and called another circle check. Interesting… We weren’t far from home, and there was a hole in the fence – and there on the other side, a nice piece of paper dangling off a leaf! I pointed it out to Skiddy and we set off… “On On” and not long after “On In”. Gotta love hashing! 😉

26th May – CH3 – Skid Mark

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Time for the AGFU, time to get rid of Skiddy…! A large crowd gathered in the hope of something better, having followed instructions more detailed than ever in Hash history – probably longer directions than this write up will be, to a run that was closer to the city than 90% of our runs! I thought HTT was my closest runsite, but nope, they’d found a busy market much closer to town to meet up.

Hare brief muddled through we jumped into the songthaews for transportation to the start of the run, with the hares doing a bad job of disguising the fact we were going to be running back to where we parked the cars. There was no disguising the fact that we were going to be swimming across the river. Some idle chat in the back of the songthaew was broken up when I spotted white paper out in the field just the other side of the river – confirmed by Humps, we had a good idea where the run was going.

Finally we were set loose back along the road and into a field. A circle check, and time for a protest. Having been accused of not doing a good FRB job, a few of us decided to, well resign as FRBs. Rather than suffer the wrath because we might not always get things perfectly, we decided to sit it out and wait for someone else to find the trail. And so it was, I Got Gas and HRA called the trail across the field, we kicked out the check as accurately as we could, and took off with the goal of catching them before the next check. We did, and enjoyed a pleasant sit down on a nice log.

At each of the checks the RA, Chuckie did an admirable job of marshalling the troops, to ensure all possible options were covered. Meanwhile Turkey was doing his fair share of checking along with Belly, HRA and Piggy. Turkey again resorted to underhand tactics on several occasions, and we were left at the check while he didn’t call on on – we needed to put out spotters to see if he started running or not.

A long way into the run and it was still Belly leading the way. You should have seen him when we could see paper off from a circle in a direction nobody had checked. It took years off him as he sprinted off. We waited for him to call to make sure the check was kicked out to international standards before chasing him down and letting him have the prime choice at the next check.

Finally we got to the river, the inevitable. Chuckie inevitably turned back to find the nearest bridge. We lost trail, and I ended up leading the way down to the river bank. Hacked through a tunnel of snake infested shitty stickers, to the water, and it was time to get wet. Some hashers took the short cut straight to the hares, while the rest of us went to a circle check on an island in the middle. It might have got a bit deep, but we all got across and trawled the short distance back up to the cars.

A very different running hash – I had fun, and hopefully a lot of other people had fun doing some checking too. On to the circle, where Skiddy sacked his team, and paved the way for……….. Frozen Dick to take over. Yes you read it right… I had every intention of heading home for an early night, but I ended up at the hash pub, and breaking curfew on the way home. Damn Junta, and damn it when I’m having too much fun…

19th May – CH3 – Pigshit

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Piggy with another run up in Maejo. As I got to the runsite just before the run start there was nobody there. Seems the traffic at the 2nd ring road caught everyone out, but most people arrived with a few setting off a little late. The first check took us to the left before a cross country scramble up to the abandoned village with roads, but no houses. The trail took us diagonally across it before ducking down onto the canal road. I was getting things right until there, and at that point from looking at my map, I was VERY close to tangling with the intrail – had I gone gone slightly different I would certainly have found some paper, but fortunately it was called in the other direction.

Perhaps Piggy thought we would get bored of the lovely running trails in the area, so instead he dragged us along a creak, cross country through shiggy. Finally we got through to some more trails and the lead was rotating between Poo, Chuckie, Lumber Jack Off, I Got Gas and I. And with a testing check finally Turkish caught up. I was clearly disoriented as I kept turning left when we should be turning right, but the checks were good enough that we kept getting back together.

Poo nailed one check, but didn’t realise for quite a way, leaving us well behind, only for him to run off paper, and come running all the way back to where we were parallel to him a few yards to the left. (This was Piggy’s strategy for not intersecting the trails as I mentioned earlier. From there it was straight on back, although I’m not 100% sure we went the way Piggy intended us to…

28th April – CH3 – The Dick Brothers

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How could expectations be high for a run set by 2 dicks (Humperdick and Frozen Dick)
But how could anyone muff a run in the Ob Khan area with sooooo many lovely trails.

Before the hare brief Frozen Dick suddenly had a panic attack about one of the checks (presumably one set buy the other Dick) and he quietly took me aside and explained the check.
There would be a check where the trail would be very hard to find … it would uphill to the left. I got the first 20 checks wrong as they all seemed to fit the description. Eventually I got lucky!

Some nasty evil person tried to sabotage the run by destroying at least three check and quite a few hundred metres of trail. But they underestimated the skill and resourcefulness of this group of hashers. Even the DFL’s didn’t miss beat, and this was nothing to do with the obviousness of where the trail was going! On our arrival back with the news FD immediately deduced it to be a person of Swiss origin who owns three dogs who was the saboteur.

The false trails was strangely omitted from the hare brief. However both of them nicely brought the pack (with the exception of myself who was secretly checking uphill to the left) back together.

Turkish Delight was in an unusually chirpy mood as both Brown Finger and Byte My Yahoo were absent giving him a much better chance of winning. He was later nearly awarded the wings for coming in first but it was decided that he must of short cutted somewhere! So the wings were then passed on to very triumphant Square Rooter. Who, in true hashing spirt, had added a could of kilometres on to his run so as to give TD a chance This extra distance however caused him to arrive back at the “A” from the completely wrong direction.

Liberace was so disillusioned with the run that he created his own and struggled in from yet another direction.

At the circle some half hearted attempt was made at naming a newby hasher who was in a hurry to be named (foolish man), but every one was brain dead mood and nothing came of it.

There was an excellent turnout – considering who the hares were – of about 21 hashers.

Soapy and SR were late arrivals. Soapy should try this more often as in very quick time he was running with the FRB’s – I am sure this had nothing to do with the horrible false trails that happened just before he reached the front.

Lumber Jack Off certainly deserved his Hash Crash award. In addition to the 2 crashes that were reported at the circle there was a magnificent double back flip which was only cut short by a badly placed tree. Hope your back get better.

And the general consensus of the run – excellent – all the practice must be paying off :)

Thanks guys great run.