Category Archives: CH3 – Write Ups

12th September – CH3 Sticky Wicket & Cuckold

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Some runs are easier to sum up than others 😉

Alice – Let It Be
This classic CH3 offering from Sticky Wicket and the brain concussed Cuckold had almost everything perfectly right. In fact, it was a beautiful trail shared only by an exclusive group of x- cuntry aficionados as runner numbers are somewhat down. Forest, open woodland, flooded paths, a raging stream to jump, well signed, decent checks and Vs up til about 5 km.

I started out slowly yet feeling energised by the beauty of the forest. It wasn’t too hot or humid and the pack’s calls and tricky checks kept us mostly together. After a km or so, Cuckold ran back past us having completed his haring task. More of that later. He looked sweaty but fisted each runner as he passed. (Steady BMY)

I chose wrong at every opportunity and soon dropped back to a fast walk pace with ABB, Sqrooter and sometimes Shithouse close by. Poo and Chuckles were running well it seemed and Piggee was putting his best foot forward. ABB was parallel running at one point and ran into a barb wire fence. Not good.

The Long and Winding Road
From about 5 km on we gently headed up a hill on a long clear path and I was expecting V or circles, however there was but one, already dealt with, and straight up. Nary left or right we turned, on and up, on and up, short flattish stretches every now and again to start jogging….

At 6 km plus I felt a bit weak and light headed. There must be a drop off the hill down toads the road, a road, something that would take us back?? I still had some water but was tired. Not as tired and emotional when I saw Chucky coming back down the trail towards me with a look on his face that could have cured ham. He brandished a piece of A4 and read it’s scarce believable message. This is a fuck up. The trail stops here. Return on the path you came back to the A site.

Return to Sender
We are about 70 mins and 7 km into our labours and it was getting towards dusk at 6:20pm ish already. We all about turned and trooped backwards, there may have been a bigger whinger than me, but doubtful. It was getting darker, we still had 6 km to retrace and I wasn’t looking forward to it. Luckily Piggee’s tech helped us cut a km loop plus off with a short path back to the out trail and we traipsed back in a raggle taggle gaggle towards safety and beer and a bloody long cold icing for those two reprobates.

Doing checks the wrong way was a bit tricky here and there and the forest was now pretty black. Suddenly and thankfully we were off paper but there was a light, a dirt road and we were nearly back. Sqrooter followed paper back into the bush and everyone else headed towards the lighted path.
Frozen Dick met the FRBs in his truck and we only had a few hundred metres till justice was served. Cold.

Things We Said Today
Why the hares didn’t say: We could find a trail back home. Run for 30 mins then come back same way….we never found out. They panicked, they were tired, they were inexperienced and they were iced. Cuckold should probably stay away from ice for a bit, eh Pig Shit?

Cheerio to Shit House and welcome back Frozen Dick, the lackadaisical hare razor.
On On!

5th September – CH3 – ABB Outstation

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Qudos to ABB and his henchmen in BKK for organising a highly enjoyable outstation run across the Chao Praya in the middle of nowhere. Meet up at Red Planet was on time and Poo managed to convince Alice and Scooby to pay Male Hash membership fees too. The BTS journey to Bang Wa was not without its funny moments:certain CNX identities struggling to understand the cash for coins windows and how to put their ticket in the barrier. One sickly Antipodean took three minutes, two machines and one schoolgirl to accomplish the task of passing the barrier. Couldn’t go under it…

Once arrived at Bang Na, Mr Squirlyface was there to meet us and sort us into passing taxis for the short ride to the pier. On the motocy ferry across the wide Chao Praya where Noriega and ABB were waiting.

Water was bought, hare brief simple, and we were off, running on white strips and checks were circles on small yellow notelets with a few yellow strips to pull off and scatter.

Down the road we went and into the little communities on the isthmus, running on elevated concrete boardwalks above the primeval swamp and soon through some lower lying jungly bits. HRA, Jungle Chim and Pigshit seemed to be doing the FRB work but never got far ahead as the circles were sometimes tricky and other parts seemed to lack a strip or five of paper. Walking with Sticky and Scooby to start with, Noriga and Mr Squirlyface joined us and then Scooby dropped back and the locals with him. Plan seemed to be if SD died, he’d phone ABB and Noriega would tell a motorcycle guy where to take the stiff.

Some of the jungle trails started to cross slimy creeks and soon most hashers had soaking shoes and dark oozing shit up their legs. The 3 foot transition from jungle to boardwalk and vice versa was extremely trying with my groin/lower tummy strain issues but walking at a fair luck and even slow jogging seemed OK.

After about 5 km we came out of the jungly bit onto a raid and voila, a beer stop manned by the inimitable Virginia Slim aka Vagina Slime.

Everyone headed back towards the swamp despite an opt out easy option. Everyone apart from Sticky’s phone, who decided to take an unknown trail and was never seen again. Here we got stuck. It was getting dark, the trail crossed a creek to a circle. Ahead Piggee found a terrible pole bridge over water but no paper. Everywhere else was just shiggy, no obvious paths.

Tension rose, the hare was dissed and Piggee called the Canuck tormenter for advice. Back and left into thick jungle we went and over some horrid grass or reed covered path, hacked through shiggy with nasty hidden drops under the greenery. The VC would have been proud of this section. I was not really enjoying this bit, we were all tired, it was dusk, gloomy and we’d chugged a Tiger. Along an invisible path thru bushes above a stream we continued until some welcome signs of civilisation, lights, concrete sleepers to run on and then a road. Finally the end.
Cold beer in coolers, some recovery time, Dunkin Donuts suddenly joined us having run the whole trail 30 mins behind us, and into a tiny dragontail fully laden with ten, to cross back over the wide, dark river to Klong Toey.

A lively and good humoured circle in the Sanitation Dept’s yard, followed by tasty local fayre at the IMF restaurant back in the market area. Further details of the night’s activities are unavailable. Qudos to ABB, Noriega/go/gay, Mr Squirlyface, Virginia Slim and DD. An excellent outstation run although numbers were down on last year. And there was no tee shirt. A great reintroduction to H3 in LoS. Taste buds whetted.

August 22nd – CH3 – Chuck Wao

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And so we convene at a crematorium out along Canal Road under a pall
of mercury dust and ashes from the day’s funeral pyre. A timely
reminder that from dust we arise and to dust we return and all that
jazz. Didn’t CW’s last run start at a crematorium? Anyhow the hare
gave us a brief brief — strips, shreds and yes, International
Standards by golly — and we were away.

Nice trails out this way. I started off very slowly and needed to keep
stopping. Felt like someone had Mickeyed me a diuretic. When I reached
the back of the pack I found Abominable Blue Balls paused and
surveying the situation and “quite fancying” a trail to the right. Not
in such a big way as to run down it, mind.

You will have to forgive your correspondent for not seeing much of the
action from here on. I was a good distance behind the FRBs and only
met other hashers when they were returning from checking circles and
false trails. Something had to be working well for the hare today
because the pack was pretty much held together whenever I came across
it. By this time I was a tad concerned about the rumblings in the
distance and what these might entail. Couldn’t pick up pace though.

After a while of slow solo shuffling I caught sight of Sloppy Rod
hobbling and dragging his ankle behind him. He said he was at the edge
of a gulley, taking in the view? I dunno, but the ground gave in
beneath him! Landed on his ass. Now, I personally have had experiences
such as this so kudos for pressing on with nary a whinge.

On then, trying to keep ahead of what was coming. Following broken
checks correctly and yet screwing up false trails! I had no idea how
much further I might need to go and then the rains came. Sudden and
torrential. Thoughtful haring meant only one or two shreds of paper
for an awful long time. And it was getting dark. When I got to the
temple wall it was dark and there were three ways to check. Was the
circle washed away? I went left first for a good distance but nothing.
Came back to find guess who? Mr Poo, almost as clueless as me. Next I
took the dirt track, nothing and back. Kwazi Moto arrived on the scene
and went the way I just came from. I gambled on third time lucky and
set off, again nada. Came across no hash name Mark and we tried the
dirt track again. On we went, and on, and on, through lightning and
sheet rain until we came to Canal Road. Result. But which way? No hash
name Mark rode in on his bicycle so he thought he might recognize the
turn off CR. Took us 40 minutes.

Back at the A bucket to find the hare out looking for hashers. He
didn’t find anyone, but how about this? Sloppy Rod limped in using an
improvised crutch made from a branch he hacked down.

At the start of the run my mind I idly wondered what it would be like
to go up in a puff of smoke, and at the end I nearly did. Cheers Chuck
Wao for a memorable set, hypothermia notwithstanding.

Monday 15th August – CH3 – Bone Smoker & Sunspot

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Out past Tiger Kingdom to the Sunspot family compound, a sylvan setting and a new runsite for this hasher. Off we went with Bellydancer spurting on ahead, and on he went missing the first bit of paper! Out then along the road to a mooban with a circle check and maybe six possible ways to go. This was going to take some working out. I went straight ahead and explored a couple of avenues and the rest of the pack fanned out looking elsewhere but no joy. Nothing from nobody. ABB even bravely put glory before prudence and ventured onto the narrow, slippery pathway along the khlong. I began to have a niggling feeling that I may not have traveled far enough and backtracked and Oops! found the trail. Gotta be 200 meters that one. I backtracked again to make sure someone somewhere would hear my On! On! And sure enough there was ABB loitering on a corner so all was well again.

From here on there were some nice muddy trails. My shoes got nice and gunky. And heavy. Didn’t stop me from nailing a couple of checks. They call me the breeze. And I prefer Skynyrd’s version. Then came the false trail and I took it. Into the jungle I went a good 200 meters until I got to a teensy FT. Back and out and Mr Poo and Chuck Wao were motoring past and giggling because they didn’t even see paper here. On I followed.

To the RICE FIELDS! Here was a circle check that did not appear to give the pack many options. CW went right, I went left. No sign of paper but I gingerly explored along a few berms close to the edge of he paddy fields but found nothing and came back. CW meanwhile had had an encounter with an angry farmer, who probably had a rifle, possibly with a scope, and returned to the circle check. The pack was pretty much all together at this point. CW felt that his way past the farmer was the likeliest direction so I suggested him and me make a break for it before the farmer could react. What’s the worst that could happen? The farmer picks off Kwazi Moto?

Sometimes, however, an intrepid individual with uncommon valor steps forward to save the day. A faint call of On! On! could be heard in the distance so back around and through the bushes the perplexed group of hashers traipsed. And what sight for sore eyes greeted us 500 meters away in the middle of the paddy field? Only the figure of Mr Sticky Wicket. Did he really shout, “Forward, The Light Brigade, Half a League, Onward…”? We were going home. Still a lot of berm running though until we reached the road.

Thailand is the world’s largest exporter of rice and has 12 million hectares of farmable land under cultivation. The rice grown is jasmine rice, a classier rice for them that knows their rice, but it doesn’t give such a great yield. Could somebody, perhaps​ … ​Sunspot, get in touch with the Thai Ministry of Agriculture to suggest growing pilau rice instead in future, which I prefer anyway, and then we might get back a bit more land for hashing.

Anyhow, more danger ahead. Maybe a kilometer of busy blacktop before we forked right and came to an interesting check when I thought we must have been very close to the A bucket by now. Piggy and CW left me third dibs so I moseyed right along a dirt trail and lo and behold paper! Across the aqueduct. I did not enjoy this one bit but the views were nice. Some more road running got us home.

Somebody had the distance at 10.5K, so well done hares for putting in so much effort to make a memorable run.

(Courtesy of Cuckold)

Monday 15th August – CH3 – Bone Smoker & Sunspot

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Out past Tiger Kingdom to the Sunspot family compound, a sylvan
setting and a new runsite for this hasher. Off we went with
Bellydancer spurting on ahead, and on he went missing the first bit of
paper! Out then along the road to a mooban with a circle check and
maybe six possible ways to go. This was going to take some working
out. I went straight ahead and explored a couple of avenues and the
rest of the pack fanned out looking elsewhere but no joy. Nothing from
nobody. ABB even bravely put glory before prudence and ventured onto
the narrow, slippery pathway along the khlong. I began to have a
niggling feeling that I may not have traveled far enough and
backtracked and Oops! found the trail. Gotta be 200 meters that one. I
backtracked again to make sure someone somewhere would hear my On! On!
And sure enough there was ABB loitering on a corner so all was well

From here on there were some nice muddy trails. My shoes got nice and
gunky. And heavy. Didn’t stop me from nailing a couple of checks. They
call me the breeze. And I prefer Skynyrd’s version. Then came the
false trail and I took it. Into the jungle I went a good 200 meters
until I got to a teensy FT. Back and out and Mr Poo and Chuck Wao were
motoring past and giggling because they didn’t even see paper here. On
I followed.

To the RICE FIELDS! Here was a circle check that did not appear to
give the pack many options. CW went right, I went left. No sign of
paper but I gingerly explored along a few berms close to the edge of
the paddy fields but found nothing and came back. CW meanwhile had had
an encounter with an angry farmer, who probably had a rifle, possibly
with a scope, and returned to the circle check. The pack was pretty
much all together at this point. CW felt that his way past the farmer
was the likeliest direction so I suggested him and me make a break for
it before the farmer could react. What’s the worst that could happen?
The farmer picks off Kwazi Moto?

Sometimes, however, an intrepid individual with uncommon valor steps
forward to save the day. A faint call of On! On! could be heard in the
distance so back around and through the bushes the perplexed group of
hashers traipsed. And what sight for sore eyes greeted us 500 meters
away in the middle of the paddy field? Only the figure of Mr Sticky
Wicket. Did he really shout, “Forward, The Light Brigade, Half a
League, Onward…”? We were going home. Still a lot of berm running
though until we reached the road.

Thailand is the world’s largest exporter of rice and has 12 million
hectares of farmable land under cultivation. The rice grown is jasmine
rice, a classier rice for them that knows their rice, but it doesn’t
give such a great yield. Could somebody, perhaps Sunspot, get in touch with the Thai Ministry of Agriculture to suggest
growing pilau rice instead in future, which I prefer anyway, and then
we might get back a bit more land for hashing.

Anyhow, more danger ahead. Maybe a kilometer of busy blacktop before
we forked right and came to an interesting check when I thought we
must have been very close to the A bucket by now. Piggy and CW left me
third dibs so I moseyed right along a dirt trail and lo and behold
paper! Across the aqueduct. I did not enjoy this one bit but the views
were nice. Some more road running got us home.

Somebody had the distance at 10.5K, so well done hares for putting in
so much effort to make a memorable run.

8th August – CH3 – Belly Dancer & Scooby Doo

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And so we find ourselves at Wat Doi Khum in the warm sunshine to find
out if Belly Dancer and Scooby Doo will live down to expectations. We
in the songthaew were a little lost, and in one case a tad tetchy –
you know who you are Pigshit – until we found BD pratting around and
hiding his HHH sign in long grass! An early challenge from the hare?
Who knows? A sizeable turnout of twenty-plus hashers, with visitors
and returnees, made it to the A bucket though ready for some action.
Hare and coHare exchanged some furtive glances and settled on 6K
today. Sounded like bullshit for some reason.

Off along the road then, to a junction, I turned right, just to warm
up really, I kinda new it was the wrong way. Everyone else up a leafy
trail. I caught up to witness a lot of time-consuming milling around
at the next circle check that had a boatload of possible trails to
follow. And a dozen or so lazy lemmings. Does Nothing and most
everybody else doing nothing. It’s a common misconception, by the way,
that lemmings zig along and commit mass suicide by jumping off a
cliff, or not, in this case. Any mishaps are caused by their migratory
behavior — a result of their strong biological urges! Fortunately, we
don’t know anybody like that. Oh, er, hang on a minute.

Anyhow, I took a punt here and went straight not knowing that Anal
Afterbirth was ahead. After 150 meters, then 200 meters, then, yes,
250 meters, we thought we may have stumbled across the intrail. But we
pressed on, expecting to meet everyone else head on in about half an
hour. Someone, somewhere had found paper waay baack however. An all
round interesting check for the hashing connoisseur that one. Product
of a screwup or not.

Was the hill next? Turned out this was a 975 meter elevation. I
enjoyed the company of Sloppy Rod for this lung buster and at the top
was a V-check. 50/50 this one so I went left. 300 meters, I swear, to
a Back Check. I called it as written. Not enough information for
Sloppy as it turns out. He asked me to repeat it 7 times! He was only
happy when I called Check Back! Now that’s just extracting the urine
after that lung buster, Bozo.

Running with Punnany from then on through the shig and on to the
temple. Chuck Wao and Pigshit some distance ahead at this stage. Out
of earshot anyway, funnily enough. I forgot we were going to see some
powder and spent some time pfaffing around behind someone’s house
until Punanny worked out the real steps we needed. These took us down,
and then down some more on the original pre-roadway steps, to the
welcome sight of Scooby scribing the On In. Now, I did hear a minor
complaint about there being unmarked trails to follow after the On In,
but this hasher could see the songthaew, the beer, and you know why?
Because he looked!

Over 8K for some runners today. Today there were no expectations,
because nobody wanted disappointment. But well done hares for
surprising us with a good run.

25th July – CH3 – Shagless

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A Shagless run from the flatlands in between the Hang Dong Road and the river. This is Skidmark land! Harebrief over, and we set off, with only CW and I making any early efforts. A V-check, and I went left, paper, paper, paper, nothing, nothing, nothing… I hunted around for a check back, but none to be seen – fortunately CW called ONON to the next check, and the checks were coming fast! I love it! Straight back into the mix as everyone was going wrong, but plenty of checks had everyone milling around together. At last I managed to string a sequence together and got a bit of a lead – the trail turned right and arrived at a “bridge”.

A bridge:-
a structure spanning and providing passage over a river, chasm, road, or the like.

I guess that is a fairly loose definition of a bridge… But does a thin piece of bamboo casually dropped across a raging river count as a structure? It certainly spanned the gap, but it didn’t provide passage for this hasher. I put a foot on it, and thought better of it. Ack. So frustrating! I could see a check on the other side, and I could also see paper in the distance to the left… But I couldn’t get over… The clock was ticking, and shortly CW arrived with Sloppy. They politely asked me to get out the way, and danced across the treacherous balance beam. Damnit!!! I tried to find another way… And when I say I tried to find another way, I mean it – It took me around 2.5km, but eventually I found another way across.

Sadly by that time, and by the time I found paper again, I was a long, long, long way behind. Not much later, there was another bridge, that just seemed to have a little too much balance requirement, so again I went back and found a safer crossing. I was sorely tempted to head home, but I also needed the exercise, so I carried on. Eventually I saw Tiptoe, Does Nothing and Bone Smoker ahead, and slowly reeled them in as we crossed the rice fields, but when we hit the road they ignored it and turned left to short cut their way back. It was tempting, but I turned right and pushed myself over more dodgy bridges, and finally made it back to the circle some time after the majority. Good run, if you like that kind of “bridge”!

11th July – CH3 – BMY

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And so to Doi Saket. Cats and dogs for much of the day so this hasher was looking forward to some mucky soup to run in. Would he be disappointed? No time to linger before the off today and the shifty looking hare was spare in his brief and sent us off quickly to wallow in the “terrible gleaming mudcunt of mother” Thailand.

I can’t remember much about the early part of the run but paper arrived quickly and the dirt roads felt just right. What’s the ground speed velocity of an unladen chaparral cock? Pretty fast I think and roughly what Kwazi Moto was doing early on. Getting checks right and speeding along took him way ahead of the pack as far as the rice fields. Now, I remember someone somewhere, probably today’s hare, said that rice fields were out of bounds, but not today apparently and on on. Across a well-manicured lawn with water buffalo and a screaming peacock. And past a genial buffer pottering about unconcerned with a pack of hashers disturbing his peace and quiet. Even with one leg calf-deep in the mire Square Rooter took time to comment on the pastoral beauty. Boy, Doi Saket is real pretty after the rain.

Anyhow, after reeling in Kwazi I found myself slightly ahead of ABB and Pigshit and pressed on alone at a fair old clip. Then promptly got the next two checks wrong. The pack was together again. Up a gentle incline and along some Tarmac following Sloppy Rod only to see the hare kerbcrawling towards us. Did he think we were lost, or what? Further up the pack was together again. “Whaddyaagot…?! bellowed an impatient Kwazi to Sloppy, interfering with his sterling yet wrong work of checking.

Was crossing the road next? I was ahead at this circle check and chose right, and wrong as it happened, going at least 300 meters so convinced was I that this was the direction home. Futile. In fact the A bucket was in the opposite direction. From some distance I could see the hare in his truck and one Square Rooter slipping away from said truck on up to the moo ban. Of course I continued straight only to meet ABB coming back. That’s me buggered then. Third time lucky and up the slope we go.

At the top Rooter came across a sheaf of white paper strips on the ground. What to make of this? Could be some cunning stunt on the part of the hare. Rooter directed me on a wild goose chase and when I was a good distance on this chase he called On! On! And then I heard at least one more On! called from another direction. Bone Smoker got it. We were on our way. Very pleasing trails from there on in. With just enough barking canines to give Kwazi the willies!

Was the trail too mushy for this hasher? Naa, just about right. A thoughtful set that kept wimps and runners together for the duration. And what with no freaking never ending hill climbs I’m probably not alone in thinking we might have enjoyed a further couple of K of the same. NIce work.

(Courtesy Cuckold)

4th July – CH3 – Team USA

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Kwazi, Frozen & Rooter teamed up for a USA themed run. How many hares does it take to fuck up a run? 5 o’clock came, and went… Apparently we were waiting for Sloppy Rod… Finally we climbed aboard the songthaew and set off to the B. It was a B->A. I am in favour of runs that aren’t just circles, but I much prefer an A->B, than a B->A… The logistics are the same either way – transport is either needed at the start, or at the end, but with A->B, we don’t know where we are trying to get to which makes the checks much harder. The thought of an A->B was too much for Horny Monkey, Does Nothing and Sunspot, who chose to walk along the dam for a bit. The rest of us finally got started on the run around 5:30. Thankfully it is getting dark late (I should remember that next week!)

It kicked off with some temple steps, but only around 100. And then a virtual check at the top. Sloppy went right, back down the hill, Lollipop (long time returner) went left, and I carried on straight up the hill. Not far along I spotted a bright orange rimping plastic bag dangling from a tree in front of me. Nice I thought… I jogged up, and this was the unique aspect of the run. Rather than calling On-On, we were to set fire to some fire crackers. I pulled the bag down, and inspected the contents. I have never set fire to fire crackers before, and had no idea what bit I should set fire to. Frankly I avoid town during Loi Kratong, at least in part because it scares me. I gingerly set fire to the paper, but it didn’t seem to have any effect. I was trying to get into the spirit, so called HRA over to help – he didn’t really know what to do either. CW was approaching, but just before he got there HRA figured out we needed to set fire to the string. Bang bang bang bang – we were off, UP UP UP UP!

We pressed on, steep up a hill that I’d scouted a couple of weeks ago, and decided against using. These hares were pushing on to the top. That much was clear to me, but we did run out of paper and struggled for a while to find trail again. Very hard to follow the odd bit of paper buried in bushes when we are scrambling through the brush. Not to worry, I got to the top, and a trail – off to the left a circle, so I was going right, and sure enough another bright orange bag! Many of the checks were visible a long way off, but the fire crackers did make a fun difference. I got the hang of lighting them, and collected lighters as I nailed a few checks – seriously I was thinking of setting something similar next Monday, but will go to Doi Saket instead.

Another check, and a nice little trail that cut down to the right, and then we were on the main trail. A long, long stretch without checks. :( I pushed as hard as I could, but CW & Piggy closed me down. As they swept past I struggled to get my pacing back together. I expected us to drop down into the valley to run it out, but instead the hares kept us on top of the ridgeline, and surprised me with the final descent – I will remember that one for sure!

27th June – CH3 – Superman

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Superman with his hidden co-hare Just Cumming, set a run from by the temple behind Bann Billabong. With many years of experience, surely this would be a good one? We set off, and a couple of quick circles. I got the first right, and Piggy got the second. CW and I quickly caught up with Piggy who seemed utterly confused, muttering like a drunkard about us going back to the A. We followed paper and kept going. Another circle, and I nearly gave up when I spotted paper, and a visiting Grease Gorilla wasn’t far behind. Great to see Greasy back.

Then I got to meet an angry villager, who was busy building a barricade to block the footpath. He was upset that we would run through his house, and demanded to know who had organised it. I spent some time negotiating with him, while the rest of the pack were bearing down on him. Worst case we could run around him, but finally he let me go around his new barricade and continue on trail – not sure whether he bitched to the rest of the pack or not.

We hit the main road, and I have a memory of a Sups run using both sides of the Sameong road, and with the markings, this would be another one. We were headed towards the Disco Shelter. Turkey was a bit ahead when we got to the circle by the disco shelter, but none of us knew there would be 2km or so of running before the next check – not even Sups as he claimed JC set that part. Turkish wasn’t far ahead, and he became a rabbit in a greyhound race – in my mind… I very slowly started to reel him in, and each time I got a bit closer, it gave me confidence to speed up. Occasionally over my shoulder I saw CW & Cuckold, but my sights were on Turkey. He was looking for checks at every junction, but the checks weren’t there, and slowly I pulled him in, and there was a clear moment when he just broke.

I pressed on, and now it was me in the front looking for the break of a check, and glancing over my shoulder to see CW closing me down fast. Damnit! Where are the checks? When CW caught me he gave me a polite hello, a brief discussion about paper, but no economics lecture as he was moving smoothly – I was moving like someone who had just raced against a Turk in a pointless duel to the midway point. I want the exercise, I want to push myself and part of the fun of the hash is not knowing how far you have to go, so its hard to pace yourself. In my mind, I had predicted the way Sups would take us back, and I was monumentally wrong. Very, very wrong, because there was still a lot of the hash to go, and I had already shot my load on chasing Turkey down.

A junction, still no check, but knowing the trails there, I predicted a false trail. I was wrong, but it wasn’t far before I found paper, and also found Turkish. I am pretty sure we both felt the same. CW was calling from the left, and it sounded like he would join us imminently, neither Turkey or I wanted to go back, so we continued to a circle check, which we both got wrong, but I went back to find the right way. Where was the rest of the pack? It seems the ‘loop’ that we missed was much bigger than I expected, and yet the trail still had some kicks in the end… More than once we were teased with being close to the A, before turning back away, and UP. I knew I had short cut, so stayed silent, but did my best to figure out the rest of the trail, checking the wrong way a couple of times. As I finally approached the A site, Turkey appeared from nowhere – very curious what he did, but I suspect we felt the same…

An excellent run from Sups. I know I missed a chunk, and seeing the map of that only makes the run even better.