Category Archives: Blog

18th August – CSH3 – Byte My Yahoo

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When BmY sets a run, he knows how to set the bar high and today’s hash was no exception! He carefully (lovingly) considers the placement of every piece of paper, with a masterful selection of checks, cunningly arranged to trap the unwitting FRBs. The only question mark going into the run was his choice of co-hare – could Square Rooter screw things up or would it be another perfect trail?

Of course it was brilliant – arguably the best run of the century – a design without parallel. Belly Dancer was off to his usual early sprint – to make sure he could get the first check wrong and never be seen again… Sloppy set off as though it was a race – “To the first skiddy sticks!”. Chucky got caught out right at the end with some more skiddy sticks.

Afterwards everyone complimented the fantastic hares for setting such a wonderful trail!

(anonymous hasher).

11th August – CSH3 – Humperdick

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We set off towards the football field along the canal road, only to drive past it and weave our way along bumpy roads to a novel run site – so novel that HRA was desperate to plot the co-ordinates so he could return and steal the route again, while many of the female driving hashers were already worried about a dark exit… The perfectionist hare was already busy assisting Turkish with his erection.

Right on cue Sups arrived so we could unload and set off in good time. I careered off, sprinting down the hill, only to get the first check completely wrong and have to pick my way through hashers as we doubled back straight up the hill to where the hare was waiting. Bastard.

We jogged along, and then scrambled through some shiggy and finally intercepted some familiar trails. The pace was ok, with Chuckie, HRA, myself, Unplugged, Horny Monkey and occasionally Turkish taking turns at the front. We climbed up a gentle trail, before plunging down a road – time to open up the legs, only to find a sharp corner at the bottom as the sadistic hare turned and took us back up the hill again. Argh – Chuckie, loving the hills, hit the front and nobody could keep pace with him. We arced back down and surely this would be it? No – there was more pain to come with another climb to get over to the next valley – from the top of this final ascent Turkey’s Erection had the ladies gasping and all charged towards it. As I finally dropped to a walk on the road at the On-In, I was suddenly passed by a pack including Roger D and Big Top! WTF? Where did they come from? Clearly they came straight along the road missing the final climbs. Short Cutting and Sprint Finishing – excellent hash behaviour.

5th August – CH4 – Alice (with Frozen Dick)

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Apologies readers for the tardiness of my write up – it has been suggested that I am too ashamed to confess my endeavours on the run, but that isn’t the reason for delay! Anyway, my status as the World’s most Intelligent hasher, was ripped from my shoulders by Dogshit and Frozen Dick, while Square Rooter listed it as the stupidest short cut in hash history – while he pulled up a ringside seat!

Lets begin at the start – being joined in the car for the ride by Itchy Bitchy and Fish and Tits… After picking them up, I was treated to a constant barrage of conversation. As Fish & Tits only showers once a month they then started exchanging deodrants and I was quickly overcome by noxious fumes. I stopped for gas, and as soon as I paused the two ladies dived out and charged to the store to buy snacks, Mama, ice-cream and more. The runsite was probably closer to Chiang Rai than Chiang Mai, so it was a relief to finally arrive and give my ears a break! 😉 A really nice runsite, but a bit far out of town…

The out-trail was a gentle down hill trail, where I could really open up and stretch my legs. In no time I was off the front, only to turn a corner and run straight past some skiddy sticks. Heading back, through confused hashers, I found the true trail some way back down the path. HRA had meanwhile charged off in the wrong direction laughing to himself about my folly. The next circle was straight on, so me and Chuckie cruised away from the pack, until we were hit by another set of blasted Skiddy Sticks – “MOTHER FUCKER!”. Still my luck was holding and it was me that found the true trail there and for the next couple of circles… Until we got to the lake.

The trail had been great, we were gently arcing around to the left and we hit a lake with the trail running alongside it. I’d stopped thinking about potential false trails, as CW was gossiping away in my ear about the state of the economy, his latest exploits, or some such story. A circle check on the side of the lake, and it was my ‘duty’ to check straight on. Which I did, making my way around the bank of the lake – scrambling down a bank and climbing around marshes – only for the trail to be called behind me, back across the other side of the lake. DAMN you blasted hares. At this point, should I go back, or I could go on around the lake? As the trail was ‘SURE’ to continue arcing left, I decided to go on around the lake and gradually found myself getting into marshier terrain until eventually it was impassable without swimming. DS & SR shouted abuse at me, and I eventually had to turn back and sheepishly make my way back to the A site.

Lovely trail – you assholes!

4th August – CSH3 – His Royal Anus

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Rating: 8.0/10 (1 vote cast)

One of hashs best kept secrets, HRA didn’t want anyone to know where the run was – he was even out laying trail before he got someone to send a message where it was – was he so ashamed of his run? I guess we would soon find out and we were pointed off in the general direction of the temple steps (near the football field towards Sameong). Ominous, but HRA has a habit of giving information away without intending to give information away – so I was confident of not needing to climb the steps.

Sure enough I ran into paper along the road and diverted onto the trail up the hill. I was in Forrest Gump mode, and felt like running – up the mountain which put me ahead of the pack. I spied a little trail down to the left, and a circle up ahead, and I was on hash fire – hitting everything. I called, behind, but not sure if anyone could hear even now.

Hopped over a little wall, and followed paper down a road that seemed to loop in a circle. A gate to the left and a familiar car parked through it with Hollow Legs emerging with Nutcracker… Hmmm… I could see the paper leading off in a circle ahead, but there were surely Skiddy Sticks over there, so I clambered over the gate and was back on the trail as we again headed up the hill. No sounds behind, just running, and nailing a few more checks. I tried calling and with hindsight, I screwed the trail to some extent with the pack cutting across a valley following my calls someway ahead.

A loop up and down, and finally the hares thwarted my perfect hash – Damn those Skiddy Sticks!!! Still I replaced them appropriately, and continued on with no sounds from behind beyond the echoes of my On-On calls. My luck had changed though and at the next check I wasted time checking up a nice looking trail to the left… Back down and I found the trail straight on, with the first sounds from behind as Alice closed me down.

Another check, and could I out think those hares? Damnit!!! Alice slipped past me as I came running back into the mix. Having been lonely all run, I tried to chase him down to have someone to chat to, but he accelerated and left me behind – across the rice fields and to the On-In…. An On-In which hadn’t yet been placed, so Alice did an extra couple of clicks on the out trail – justice was served – my beer was cold as Sups had got there on time to help us chill the beer!

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30th July 2012 – CH3 – Superman

VN:F [1.9.11_1134]
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Rating: 8.0/10 (1 vote cast)

A lovely evening, a keen pack of over a dozen hounds, scenic hills and open forest, idyllic trails….what could go wrong? Amost everything!

And it all started so well. Away we sauntered, skipping like lambkins up the forest path to the first circle in the perfect place. Trails ahead, back right, to the sides. Off eveyone went, full of good spirit, hither and thither, thither and hither, and soon we were doubling over everyone else’s trails and checking up to 300m and dropping into gullies. Where was the fcuking paper? Eventually Horned Moonbeam decided we should all head back to A site and question the hare!

The circle was kicked out backwards and On On yelled, much to Kwazi’s disbelief and annoyance. Back down the hill we went to find a disconsolate hare. Grumbledick grumbled the most and Sups gave out the direction of his on on paper. Beers were opened but Alice, Ryan aka Forest (appropriate) and GD headed straight back up to rejoin our trail and return to the offending circle in question. Even with Sups instructions it took 5 minutes to find paper at a tad over a 100m strewn off a small trail in the bush. Frozen was still up there and we doubted he’d find it! It wasn’t easy to find. Needles in haystacks. Rational women. Blue Moons. Hardworking Scousers. Virgins in Pattaya etc. You get the drift.

We ran off on neat piles of shredded paper and managed to follow all of Sups well laid trail thru the forest, down the gravel road behind the Night Safari, up into a small settlement, down thru some outhouses and then along darkening forest trails up and over ridges and spurs and back to the On iN before dusk completely fell. It was well worth the effort because Sups lays a good run, but a bit stressful with only three guys checking everything and racing the onset of the powers of darkness. But enough of the Burrito Butt.

The circle was a bit fraught at times. Sups poetically described the pack as “p*ss weak cnuts” and then increased the syllable count to “p*ssy wh*pped cnuts”. A few good splashes were doled out and some also rans. Visitor Ryan aka Forest was welcomed to the group. A married missionary working with CNX churches setting up HIV/Aids programs, he had been been in Malawi (former British Nyasaland)in Southern Africa for ten years. All the crap quasi religious half quotes and jokes we could muster were aimed in his general direction and I think he realised by the end, as Square Rooter said, “There is fertile ground for you here Ryan, there are plenty of sinners and souls to save!” Amen to that.

ONON you bastards.
A Lice

29th July – CH4 – Horny Monkey

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Every now and then Horny Monkey’s name crops up on the hareline, and he comes along to set the run, and flirt with the Sunday ladies. Today it was from the government centre and we ran around in circles between the various buildings that make up the complex.

Things began with a parade of cars driving around in circles, waiting for the hare to arrive with some signs and in the end we had verbal directions into the runsite. We were pointed off, in roughly the right direction, and jogged off. At every check Beautiful Box shouted “Yay” and her exuberance rubbed off on me at least, but it seemed like a happy bunch of hashers jogging around in circles.

At one point it was abundantly obvious we were running around a football field (it could go nowhere else), and as I was still recovering from a badly wrong check, I followed Skiddy to the inevitable paper. Later, I lost some ground bringing the skiddy sticks back – perhaps Chuckie does the right thing??? Anyway, I spied the hare on his bike, and took a speedy shortcut back to the front. The run ended in shambles with the trail disappearing around a lake, and the hare was just sat there to say – just run back in. On-In!

The circle was the typical Horny Monkeyness – punishments abounded with HM back in his element. OnOn!

28th July – CSH3 – Turkish Delight

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As time passes, there is a tendency to forget past haring mistakes, but as I traveled to the run site my mind was awash with fear. I encouraged fellow hashers to come along, lets hope they would and I was encouraged that Big Top had stepped up as co-hare – surely she could control him?

Turkish made his latest erection, and gradually the parking area filled with hashers – each discussing bad experiences they’d had on TD’s runs in the past – and each talking about different runs. Big Top was delegated to give the hare brief – where she explained about the Wimp / Rambo split, and without saying it directly, she encouraged us to take the Wimp option – turns out she meant to say “Don’t do the Rambo, it’s shit!”.

Nonetheless, we set off charging through fields (without permission), towards the base of the inevitable ascent. I screwed up the first circle and rejoined the FRBs at the 2nd circle, and started checking up the hill – sure enough a bit over 100m, I spotted some paper, and gave the customary “On! On!” – just at the same time the rest of the pack were directed by Turkish in the opposite direction – the hare himself being an FRB on his own run. What to do? I was joined by Alice, Frozen Dick and Unplugged for a discussion on the side of a rocky mountain. We divided with Unplugged and I scrambling up the trail in reverse. It wasn’t much fun – rocks, trees, wasps, boulders, stones, bees, spiders, shiggy, certainly no opportunity to run.

Eventually we ran into Chuck Wao and HRA, who suggested the other half of the rambo trail was probably even worse, and persuaded us to turn back and face the rocks, spiders, bees etc. again. Finally we emerged into a field and the last 500m or so was great. The beers started flowing. The wimps returned lauding what a nice run they’d had, while none of the FRBs had anything pleasant to say. The circle started, and finally Dog Shit returned, and then later Frozen Dick.

At least the food was good! 😀

Tuesday 24th July – CH3 – Semen Soars

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It was long, hard and wet. A bit like a Horny Monkey and Skidmark nightout. Actually it was so wet yesterday, all day, that the hare thought no-one would bother to show. And everyone did because they thought the hare needed support for his ‘efforts’!

The trail was laid around the forests surrounding a huge dam, or series thereof, and started from a small resort run by Heinrich the Saffer. Markings were pink and yellow postits said Semen Soars. Well, kinda, more like thirds of. Alas the hare neglected to provide magnifying glasses to the pack, so he sauntered along guiltily to make sure we were on trail for the first part of the run.

The first big obstacle was a steep dam run off channel. 6 foot down, 15 foot across slippy concrete running with overflow water and 6 feet up the other side, with 100 foot of concrete slide below at a steep angle. Grumbledick didn’t fancy it and he wasn’t alone. Thankfully Horned Monkey lent me a hand and we were over. The next check was down at the end of a sodden field. No marking could be found until some off trail r*nners checked way way above us on the dam itself. Up the green bushy dam wall side we scrambled and turned left at the end. The trail now dropped down towards the water’s edge and ran along the rocky shore then up into the forests. It was tough to follow tiny bits of paper and even more so when following the silent Turk. Funny how loud he was for a week spouting on about his big new erection. Now an FRB, he quieter than hasher who slips a roadie beer into his plastic bag. Oh, TD, one and the same! Talking of slips, Horny went down onto his hands at one point but his arse didn’t touch rock, and he also tottered after stepping on an errant stone later going thru water but those bloody ankle braces saved him. We were denied! Baah.

The forest trail was totally sodden, rain hammered down solidly and everything glistened and was green. Apart from the muddy clay. Which was brown. A different brown to Fishy Fingers’ hair, a bit lighter I’d say, but I digress. Semen had powder/cement circle checks and Vs but the trail went straight on round the lake shape as I imagined. After a V deep in the forest I found three blue plastic tubes. Blue Man Tube Skiddy Sticks! Sadly no-one else saw them as they all had taken the left spur and left me investigating the right!

The way in was long and wet. Follow the yellow brick road Dororthy, said Elton John, or something. And onwards for miles we trudged along a brick paved road circumnavigating the dam and dreaming of beer and strangling the hare, or both. HRA was FRB here with Muskrat and Horny going like a steam train. Sloppy joined the party and Turkish was in the group. After nearly 75 mins I staggered in, behind HRA but level with Sloppy. In dribs and drabs the exhausted pack returned to find no cold beer. What was the hare doing neglecting his duties? Walking and r*nning with Frozen Dick along the last mile or so to get in before curfew. Beware the quiet man with a stick said Winston Churchill. Beware the quiet man with a brolly says I.

Pool, Circle pt1. Food. Crap Irish coffee. Circle pt2. Kwazi apologies to Grumbledick. Semen serenades GD. Home. ZZZ.


22nd July – CH4 – Dog Shit (& Alice)

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Doggie had a few beers last night, and it appeared at least some of the responsibility for todays run fell on the shoulders of Alice. We set off and I felt like running – sweat some of last night’s beer out of my body, deal with the brainshit, so I took off and for close to a km we didn’t have any checks. That of course makes you suspicious, and so looking down every side ally, I spied some paper and we all conveniently diverted the first Skiddy Stick check.

I gave the hares too much credit and stupidly took the wrong fork at the next V check – when i rejoined the trail Humperdick was quick to berate my stupidity! Skiddy was up front and blazed a trail passed the 2nd set of skiddy sticks into the distance. As we turned back it was Humperdick that lead the way and promptly (with home field advantage) cruised through the next few checks charging ahead with Beautiful Box in hot pursuit. The hares threw in a pointlessly retarded hill – climb up and straight back down… Clearly Doggie wouldn’t have had the energy, so I’m blaming Alice!

We got onto a familiar trail, and it was heading back towards the out trail… With a couple of circle checks, I was sure we would be cutting to the right, otherwise we’d intercept the out trail again… It turns out we just went back to the out trail, which confused the hell out of HRA / Humps etc. I took the lead but was disgusted to find yet another deviation up a hill… Screw the last little bit, I cut off to the left and sure enough found paper, and was hot on the trail back to the circle.

A traditional Sunday circle, eloquently managed by Alice while Dogshit slouched off his hangover!

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21st July – CSH3 – Alice

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Alice escaped the desert and spent every waking hour planning, preparing, scouting and setting the run – and that was the best he could come up with! 😉 Driving through a storm, the canal road was terrible, but there were no less than 3 bright signs pointing off the main road, with a further 2 at every junction from then on – how Chuckie could get lost I’ll never know!

At the circle Turkish was proudly showing off his latest erection – skies were clearing, but we had a tent in case of rain – and it did rain a bit after the run. As 2 songthaews arrived the place really started filling up with a lot of visitors from Macau, as well as Rwanda? and US. Why had some many come for Alice’s run?

Without the help of a sniff, we were pointed off, and I promptly ran in the wrong direction. I got back on track, and realised that Macau had sent their best FRBs and their GM was on the hunt early on, sprinting off all over the place. We went up a road, and hit skiddy sticks, only to have to loop around and go back up the next road. Into the jungle on a narrow, well hashed route.

The trail seemed to arc around to the right, and the third km was a pleasant downhill cruise, and around the corner was the hare, with beers in hand. Chuckie caught up at that point, so we walked in together with a beer, realising I’d done enough already.

The circle was extended, with most punishment for the Macau GM – richly deserved in my mind! Alice got off lightly for his trail setting efforts and we turned back to the canal road for dinner at Cool Balls’ restaurant. Good times!

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