Category Archives: Blog

19th March – CH3 – Dog Shit

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Doggie was back, and picked a “new” area just north of Maejo University – along the way to the Tiger Head, but not that far. Right on time, the regulars were explained about circles and skiddy checks before being let loose on the trail. With a warning of about 7km, we reluctantly set off slowly.

After the first check, I recognised where we were from an HRA run last year – as did he as he gleefully lapped up the trail. Angry Inch seemed to manage to keep appearing in front of me – I have no idea how he managed to do it! Well, except for the obvious – he short cut at every opportunity as usual, and for once got lucky!

At the first set of sticks, Semen Soars did the honorable thing – it was a long check, and he was well ahead running at speed – oops! Skiddy has hared with Doggie several times, as well as having given him a ride to the run, so perhaps had inside information? Either way, he was on good form, near the front as we finally turned to the right, promptly to run down the wrong side of the hill – as I again followed Angry Inch, Skiddy managed to appear ahead of us again. Lots of intelligent running going on out there!

My legs started getting weary – this run was LONG! I felt like we had some way still to go… Somewhere up ahead (or technically behind), Frozen had decided to short cut, and then he found Skiddy Sticks ahead of the pack. The ONLY point of checks is to slow the front runner down, and bring the pack together… Doggie had carefully picked an ideal spot for sticks – so what did FD do? Decided to move them like an FRB should. Freaking FD!!! HRA didn’t see them and got confused when he ran into a single stick. Horny Monkey and Angry Inch called “Skiddy Sticks” when they saw the arrow, which prompted Semen Sores and I to go back looking for another trail. Meanwhile Graven was off the front somewhere ahead.

Ugh, well, we got back in the end – 9.84km according to GI’s GPS!

17th March – CH4 – Angry Inch

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Angry Inch teamed up with Foxy Cleopatra to set the trail at…. guess where… the Ag Centre. The Ch4’s most popular location, would they find something to vary the usual route? Answer – yes, a bit… Firstly because of yet another brand new barbed wire fence. They are seriously closing off parts of the area, and there is no way of getting through past the top of the reservoir now. That meant we cut through the football field.

The early checks were thus fairly predictable – although HRA picked a brain dead choice at the V check, and we never saw him again! And lo a LONG, LONG trudge along the road, with no checks before we cut into the hills. Graven and I ran together, as I found the in trail at one check, paralleling back together before a wimp rambo split – it was a weekend of wimp rambos!

Not long after was where things got a bit messed up! As we got to a familiar lake, where just a week or so back, Graven had confidently told me “you can’t get around the back of this lake”, well the trail today was definitely heading around the back. We’d been warned in the hare brief about climbing, and as we got to a (dry) waterfall, there was a circle check that had us in circles until Human Ex called it.

I was meanwhile up on the wrong side of the waterfall, so carried on up until I found paper – not long before Graven found paper beneath me… Something strange there, but whatever… We set off again and then found Humperdick coming the wrong way! Again! He was convinced he’d been on paper all the time – and as it turned out he had been, just going in the wrong direction… Confusion reigned as the trail hooked around, back over the dam, and back to the wimp rambo check.

Whatever, Graven and I had had enough and jogged back together. Interesting, if confusing extra loop to send the rambos through!

16th March – CSH3 – Shagless & Reverse Thrust

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Shagless teamed up with Reverse Thrust, and picked a new runsite in a familiar area just down the canal road. The hare brief promised not one but two wimp rambos! Sups would love it!

I knew we must be close to the Bone Residence, but we were too far from the mountains for me to figure out just where we were – and too far from the Disco Shelter too. The trail set off down a nice path along a river, to a cross check in a field. The right option was to go right, but it was such an unpopular choice that the other check backs had been found before anyone set off in that direction.

The first wimp rambo added a little loop through a moo bahn, rejoining the wimps to scramble up through a rubbish tip. I was going along well, hitting the checks right, until one circle check caught me out completely. I was well ahead and had time to check 100+ metres in 2 directions before the pack caught up. It turns out I was right the first time, but about 10 meters short of the trail.

There was a welcome beer stop, and the pack regrouped. HRA got a break at the next check, and I was left chasing as we cut into some rice fields, through a under construction resort where Shagless was waiting. Cumalot’s son was there to block Humperdick and I from getting past on a paddy wall, as Graven & Chuckie vanished into the distance. Bugger!

10th March – CH4 – Wooly Jumper

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Wooly doesn’t run often on a Sunday, but with a few days notice that she was on the hareline, she teamed up with Cumalot to set the run. Along the Maejo road, but not as far as the town – a new location for me. I wonder why nobody else has set a run here? Ok, so now I know!

Parking just off the main road, we gathered bemoaning our hangovers from the night before. Evil Big Top didn’t even make it, and she was the blame for my and Poo’s sorry state. Reluctantly we set off on the run, with the intention of putting in minimal effort. Within a km we headed out into the rice paddies, and Chuckie bailed on his second run in 2 days.

The run was a lot of rice fields, combined with some moo bahn street running, although there was an excellent 100m or so past a golf course! Mr. Poo was leading the way late on in the run, and lead Graven and some virgins a good 500m or so off paper. Humperdick and I showed the way back through some rice fields until we met Belly Dancer and Throbbing Ninja – not on trail, going the wrong way, near the trail. Huh?

Belly Dancer’s weight loss strategy – do short cuts, but don’t drink beer. Oops!

Anyway, we got back and spent sometime waiting for Foxy Cleopatra, who spent her time going around in circles doing the trail again and again!

9th March – CSH3 – Sloppy Rod / Geisha Gash

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The birthday pairing teamed up for a 2nd year, and this time took us out to Maejo – the reservoir behind the Tiger Camp. That was where I first co-hared with HRA, and I remember having fun scouting there. There are so many trails around, and with the experience of Sloppy, surely it would be a good run?

Sloppy arrived fairly early and told me the run was to just go around the lake. Was he bluffing? Was it real? Never trust the hares right?

He set us off over the dam wall, with Humperdick spotting the powder on top of the wall. There was a circle check at the end of the dam, and I decided to trust the hare, and picked the nice trail running along the back of the lake. It’s a narrow trail, and when I found the paper, I knew the pack would have trouble getting past the walkers. It also meant there would be no checks for a long time as there aren’t many trail options.

Finally Angry Inch came up behind me, and promptly got the one check wrong – we didn’t see him again for sometime! We crossed a boggy part, where Big Top lost her shoes. Finally we got to the end of the lake with the pack stretched out, only Horny Monkey and None of Your Business were near me as we crossed the road at the W/R split.

Then we hit some great running trails – the ideal trails for a training run. With the pack broken up, there was little chance of it coming back together. Running along with Horny Monkey at the front, we picked check after check right, and Horny wasn’t in the mood to check the wrong way. Graven eventually caught us up as we nearly got to the road in time for the jog along the tarmac back to the A. As the hare said, it was just around the lake – at least that was for the walkers. The Rambo trail added a great little jog.

2nd March – CSH3 – Chuck Wao

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One of Chuckie’s favourite runsites at the TV station, but for some reason there was a low turnout. I just don’t get why another hash has been set up to conflict with the existing hashes, rather than to compliment them! Sounds like the CH3 outstations are affected too. Anyway, politics aside, CW was proud that he’d laid the trail in just over an hour! Yikes!

We set off slipping and sliding down a leaf covered waterfall to the road, where after a while we hit a false trail. Horny had come up with the ingenious idea – while CW throws the skiddy sticks away, we should kick out the FT markings! We weren’t so cruel, and set off back to charge up the steep hill. Well, at least I did, hitting a couple of checks right until I was caught out by one and came back eventually to find a group of hashers stood staring at a rock covering a small pile of paper – ah yes it was the check, but were they checking? No!

It was left for me, Horny & Crazy Crack to do the checking as again and again I went the wrong way only to find the rest of the pack waiting for me to find the trail. Except for Big Top that is – no one knows where she was!

The circle was one where we had the chance to hear some of the quieter hashers giving splashes. Crazy Crack’s eloquent splash was a memory – “Big Top, you were in front of me, and then you were behind me, drink it down down down…”

25th Feb – CH3 – Horny Monkey

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So, Horny’s the hare… ugh! Well I guess I may as well show up – it’s a holiday afterall! I was first to the runsite and one by one the rest showed up – to a man, they emerged from their cars to say “aaah, this is where Horny Monkey set that shitty run at the start of his CSH3 GMShip!” Indeed, it was ominous. Given that that run was considered the worst run in hash history, why did Horny go out to try and make a worse run today???

I have a house in a moobahn… and could choose to run around it any day… I have friends who have houses in moobahns, and if so inclined I could run around their villages too… But I don’t choose to – because it’s boring! I choose to hash, because it’s fun. I don’t really get showing up at a moobahn where none of us know anyone, and deciding to run around there?! Should we “wow” and the nice houses? ogle their teenagers? pay homage to their tennis court? perhaps buy a property there?

I’ve set a completely shitty run at Huay Tung Thao before, and been back and admittedly set another torrid attempt there, but each time I’ve been I’ve attempted to improve on previous efforts. I digress, but for me that line of thought was more interesting than today’s “run”.

So, on to todays run – we set off, we ran a bit, and ended up back where we started.

The circle was pretty good! Horny got dutifully punished, sweet dreams dude! Given that nowhere’s selling beer, it went longer than most, but even Square Rooter was entertaining!

24th Feb – CH4 – Itchy Bitchy

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I have vague memories of EVIL Big Top’s wise decision to buy 3 large Leo’s just after most people had gone home – leaving me, the sipping BT and the slurring Horny Monkey to consume them appropriately… Needless to say I wasn’t feeling too good this morning – I wasn’t feeling too good this afternoon either, and by run time I was feeling decidedly unsure about the whole idea.

Oh well, I’ll give it a go, and set off to the familiar ground of the Ag Centre – afterall I could always short cut if it didn’t work out… I wasn’t the only one who looked reluctant as we set off – the hare brief was more of a hare encouragement – for once nobody was chomping on the bit to get going, we could have easily stayed there a bit longer. Nope, it was on out, and I walked along with Chuckie discussing the relative merits of a ‘brisk walk’ over all that checking business.

Around the corner and there was the first check – true to my brisk walk intentions I sauntered along the dam – over 100m, but eventually I spotted some powder. Nice, I kept up the walk until I got to the next check just ahead of Mr. Poo. I had first pick and went up over the old run site on the hill, again taking my time to inspect the blob of white stuff on a rock to ensure it was the expected trail consistency. “On On”.

The pack followed and it was on to the next check – where I’d started the Santa run from. I mosied my way over to where there was a squarish looking piece of paper, and called back to Angry Inch for his recommendation. “On On”. A pattern was forming. I found the trail off each circle, ambled my way to the next check ensuring I had first pick so the chasing pack were forced to do the extra distance.

I had every intention of short cutting, but found myself tracking along nicely. Finally Chuck Wao and HRA caught me up and when I finally picked wrong at the last circle, the pair of them turned the run into a race and sprinted off. As I passed the On-In I found Graven Image, Mr Poo, Angry Inch coming from all directions after their badly disguised short cuts. Meanwhile the troopers like Humperdick and Unplugged did the whole run.

23rd Feb – CSH3 – Skid Mark

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Skiddy teamed up with Doggie and found a secluded alley near San Kampaeng for the runsite – so secluded that Human Excrement tried to sneak Gung into the bushes for a quickie before everyone else arrived. Fail!

The hare brief introduced another Skiddy special graph of the run elevation profile – with a largely exaggerated axis that on closer inspection revealed a total difference of 7m. It would have been tricky to find any hills out there.

We set off and after getting the first check right, my run turned into an epic adventure of failing at every check. The run brought together some rice fields and some bridges in typical Skiddy style. All was going smoothly until we were checking and heard a voice like Skiddy call across the field “Go back! You’ve gone too far!!!” Bizarrely a set of Skiddy sticks had been mistaken for a circle check! Somewhat strange to put a smiley face at a different type of check – which confused the hell out of everyone…

After the beer check Chuckie and I gained a bit of an advantage – not because we were on trail, but some cunning parallel running on the road had us back on paper before HRA led the pack through the fields.

Eventually we ended up at Doggie’s newly refurbished restaurant for a small plate of cauliflower!

19th Feb – CH3 – HRA

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HRA likes to go to great lengths to find new run sites, and for this run he found a spot I’d certainly never hashed in. When we eventually found the A bucket, the songthaew was already there, with a good turnout. Having brought Danny along for the run, it wasn’t likely that we’d be doing too much, but set off in the obvious direction with Semen Soars sprinting off setting the early pace.

Despite HRA’s words against rice fields, we found the trail cut across the paddies – but thankfully they weren’t in full bloom so we could make our way across without causing any damage. At the other end a few checks did a great job of keeping the pack together – 4 year old Danny was very proud to be the first to spot powder at one point! It was short lived though and he spent most of the run sat on my shoulders.

One by one the pack passed ahead until I was left with Gasman. When we hit a road, we could see all the hashers making their way through a rice field again, so we cut down the road and rejoined with some of the hashers – at least we were within earshot again as Danny was getting really heavy! Around the corner and the cars were in sight.