Category Archives: Blog

24th Jan – CSH3 – Taste My Buns

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Rating: 8.5/10 (2 votes cast)

Luring a large crowd to the runsite by promise of cake, we had a big turnout at the lake near Alpine Golf Course.  I missed the hare brief, as I was trying to get money, but the gist was we could expect anything…

We set off along the edge of the lake, and Turkey was keen to get to the first check first. We had 2 relatively new hares to Chiang Mai, so I wasn’t sure how well they would know the area – would they have found the nice trail that cuts between the hills, or the great trail that runs through the gully behind? In short yes… The first check had Turkey going wrong while Brownie, Chuckie, me and later to be called “Pays by the Inch” trudging along ahead. Brownie was setting a quick pace, with only Chuckie going along with him. A circle check had me and Brownie checking down by the canal – nothing until PBTI called to the left. I hacked my way up to the trail that cuts through the hills. Nice.

I was a little behind the FRBs and the next circle check had ABB written all over it. A bit past the obvious trail, making it a back check, except it wasn’t a back check, and there was no powder on the trail I thought they’d use. A bit of a meander through some trees and there’s a great circle check just down to the left on a bit of a road. This was the “back check”. Being a bit behind I had the chance to get it right and HRA, NOYB & I headed towards the steps, with the following trail, and me heading ahead just below them. A circle check at the bottom of the steps. I was there first, and felt like I was playing poker against the hares – I called their bluff and headed right. Everyone else went all in and headed up the stairs. I got about 100m or so along a little trail, and there was something white on the ground… With people running up the stairs, I really didn’t want to call them back unless I was absolutely sure… So I checked and double checked. Did this powder taste the same as the other powder we’d had? How far had they climbed in the wrong direction? Was there a second blob? OK, it’s an ONON call. Excellent diversion.

The trail headed up the hill, and as Brownie breezed past me he got to a check, but intelligently managed to follow me down a not obvious trail to the right, along with Chuckie. Somehow we’d got HRA to go up the hill and the other FRBs to fan out to the left. We cruised back down to the canal and Turkey joined us. We light heartedly berated the Turk for short cutting, only to see Graven appear ahead off us calling about a circle. There was much confusion. Chuckie and I pressed on, doing our best to follow trail, and spent much of the time on trail, until we got to the road. It is possible there was some other trail somewhere, but we found plenty!

Back down the road, along the canal, over a barb wire fence, a turn to the left… And then something that the hares were never punished for in the circle. A blob of powder off on the trail to the left… We headed off to the left, and nothing… Finally we found trail going straight – it was a mini ‘non-check’. And there was the lake. Should I go for the promised swim? Or walk back the shorter way? Today I took the easy option.

All in all, a great run. Some excellent checks. A new German restaurant for the OnoNon.

10th Jan – CSH3 – Adorable Blue Balls

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A familiar area at the back of the Ag Centre, so I was confident if the run was too tough I’d be able to short cut back. My legs were sore, but not as sore as they are today! Anyway, the A site was the ranger station which nobody uses – something to do with ghosts – after the run we had a ritual where we moved the ice 10m to the left to appease the ghosts, and Wooly Jumper kept seeing someone hiding in the shadows asking us to leave before 7pm. I didn’t see anyone!

Anyway, we set off… NOT in the direction of the hills, but towards the fields of the Ag Centre! Awesome! We cut through the nice flat meadow with the odd check which had 1/3 of the pack following trail, 1/3 of the pack paralleling to the west and 1/3 of the pack paralleling to the east. Sadly I was in the East group with Pet my Pussy, and the trail turned abruptly west, towards the hills. A gentle climb past some of the faculty buildings and the pack was split. I couldn’t run, but could hear the FRBs off to the left. With a good idea of what the hares were going to do, I cut along the trail at the bottom the hill – and I was straight back on trail. At the lake, the trail headed around the back of the lake. I cut off under the lake, and found myself back on trail, this time ahead of the FRBs.

At the next couple of checks I beelined back towards the A site, each time finding trail, and one time finding a large brown snake. The pack were somewhere behind me, I heard the odd call as I passed the “ONION”. Brownfinger and Piggy came racing in as I chatted to the hares. Good job! There are some great running trails at the Ag Centre, and we haven’t used them for quite a while now.

5th January – CH3 – Frozen Dick

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Frozen and Humpers laid just the right trail for a hangover run, the only issue was getting people to the A site as the signage was well camouflaged….to be polite. One normal red n white at the turn on Sam Jct then these black signs with pale yellow letters were somewhat challenging to just about everybody who came by themselves and definitely the song tao!

The Dicks laid a 4 click jaunt which had plenty of checks and a dastardly false trail that caught everyone out. Once this had been surmounted, we were on again, cursing and sweating across low level undulating ridges to behind a smelly chicken farm. Or maybe it was just me with the f, c and b?

A check on a hillside with paths left and right near the end foxed us. Pigshit went left, with Alice and BrownFinger 50 yds behind. No flour. Suddenly a shout from above and we bashed thru the forest to the trail which had been right and then up and around the hill. The circle remained unkicked and foxed the later runners and walkers, of which there were many.

After another tricky check, On In was clear and Alice jogged back alone to find Piggie and Browny heading off again for another lap. Apparently some late, late arrivals started then too!

Virgin Peter from Manc and Does Nothing came in last of the first pack and then half the Cloggies in Siam followed in ribs and drabs. Welcome back to Wouldn’t Come after many years and hello to a load of other Dutchmen who also couldn’t locate the site.

Circle ebbed and flowed under Frozen’s icy grip, the Great Baldini slipped off the ice and everyone went home happy, more or less, which is the point.

On On and Keep Hashing Healthy in CNX!
Alice and xx from Fandango.

3rd January – CH3 – Turkish Delight – Ball Breaker

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Clearly there is divided opinion on this year’s Ball Breaker. I preceded my write up with the suggestion that I might be too negative, but I stand by my comments. Nonetheless, several hashers have expressed to me how much they enjoyed the ball breaker. While several other hashers have expressed the opposite. Nonetheless – you can’t please all the hashers all of the time, and it is probably not fair to leave my negative write up as the legacy of this year’s ball breaker. This website is not intended to express the views of one hasher and welcomes all opinions.

I confess I have had a few beers and can’t remember word for word the comment, but Scooby Doo very much enjoyed the run, and the write up from Alice posted below also provides balance to the BMY report. The run’s rating is testament to other hasher’s enjoyment.


The Ball Breaker. The highlight of Chiang Mai’s hashing calendar! People travel around the globe to take part in the BB, people talk about it for weeks in advance, and I for one planned my trip around getting back in time for it. I’d been looking forward to this for a long time, surely the hares would have found something special for us?!

I have been on occasion accused of being acerbic, and negative about some of my run write ups, so to try to avoid that, I’ll start with the positive parts of today’s run…

…ok, that’s dealt with. WTF? Seriously with people travelling from Korea, Bahrain, Australia & UK, that was the best you could come up with?
* Checks – where were they? The purpose of checks is to help keep the pack together – if you don’t use checks, the pack just separates and you turn a hash into a normal run. Some might like that, but the point of hashing is to run together as a group.
* Trail – where was it? Trail is the part of the jungle that people travel (people like to travel). You can generally see a defined line with less vegetation and easier footing. Simple tip – if your feet keep hitting rocks / vines / branches, then you probably aren’t on trail, if you can walk or run smoothly without tripping over constantly, then you might well be on trail. We like running / walking on trail.
* Hills & Views – good combination… Generally hashers won’t complain so much about climbing hills if there is something worth seeing at the top. To climb a hill simply to traverse a pile of rocks and come back down is not so much fun.

We set off down a nice little trail along the side of the river. I let the FRBs go while I tried to coax some movement out of my knee – how long would it hold up? There may have been a check, but if there was it was just straight on until we hit a road, and confusion. The trail ran out, and there was nothing. Finally None Of Your Business found the remains of a check and some paper thrown under a tree – the trail had been tampered with. I went up the road with Brownie and spotted paper in the trees on the left. No trail, just a complete hack up through bushes. For once nobody wanted to overtake. Why bother? The leader had to hack their way through. I knew the decent trail was up there somewhere and finally we hit it. From there is was 2-3km straight up along a straight trail. Every 3-400m or so there were trails going off each way, but NO FUCKING CHECK. We just trudged our way up. We hit the trail after 1.4km of the run, finally there was a V check at 4km, even though there had been plenty of opportunity to slow the front runners down.

When we did get to checks they defied all logic. The hare brief said V checks would be on clear defined trails (as Poo pointed out they were just circle checks that were harder for the pack to mark). Most of the V checks I saw were NOT on clearly defined trails – the true trail was hidden in much the way a circle check might work. The other was where trail was marked in both directions with the more obvious trail leading straight to a precipitous waterfall – ooh ha ha ha, I’m sure you must have laughed when setting that one.

Back to the trail, and I was trundling along with Sloppy and Able Seaman discussing whether his gloves would make him a chick magnet. Abruptly we had to climb a steep, steep hill and a check at the top took us to the first beer stop. Around 6km so far – a normal hash run… and I think about 3 checks. The pack was scattered. No chance of bringing them back together. The hare asked why we didn’t wait for everyone to catch up?!??! WTF? And only 2 beers!!! We shared one as we carried along the road.

Another dodgy V check and somehow I was leading the way up a steep, steep hill. Yes, we’d got to the end of the valley, and as though the hares hadn’t bothered scouting at all, we set off cross country straight up the end of the valley. Even Brownie was stopping to gasp for air. Terrible terrain, a couple of scrambles up, and a bit of a slide back down. When would this end? It looked like there was a saddle on the hill to the left, and thankfully the paper led us to the saddle. This was the big moment… Were we breaking left or right? The ideal place for a check… Dear readers… what do you think? was there a check? Of course not… the hares gave the game away and took us straight up the fucking hill to the top to scramble over rocks before picking our way back down again.

I picked my way gingerly, protecting my knee, and was passed by hasher after hasher until silence fell in the jungle. Finally I tripped and scrambled my way down to a decent trail and immediately saw FRBs coming back towards me 10m to my right. Huh? Finally I could run and it was in the wrong direction. HRA encouraged me to keep going, but that wasn’t going to happen. I joined them on a narrow dyke next to a hillside aqueduct (fuck the spelling). Somehow I was leading, but stepped aside and let Brownie lead us down to the 2nd beer stop. I know I missed a little bit, but surely there were more than 2 checks in that section????

I was already ready to head back. Disappointed. Somehow I found motivation to try to figure out what the hares had planned… Perhaps all that was just a prequel to an unforgettable finale? Don’t get your hopes up dear reader. Our diligence at following trail was only rewarded by dropping us down to scramble over rocks in a waterfall, followed by another hack through unmarked vegetation on a pointlessly random hillside, before dropping us back down into the waterfall – yeah that great check – oooh hahaha, lets run them off the waterfall like lemmings, that would be funny right??? And then of course the final brain fart, lets mix up the trail and have them run a long stretch of the out trail again, hoping they figure out they are supposed to be doing that, and while they do that…. get this… hehehe… this would be funny right…. lets send the normal runners off on the same trail!!!! HAHAHA!!! That will get them right?!?

Perhaps someone else should do the write up, I am not feeling very tactful!

Ah yes… to the good part… Excellent circle by Frozen Dick & Mr. Poo – the kind of disorganised Mayhem that just absolutely worked. Just when I was thinking it had gone on too long, it took another twist for the better. To the GMs great work! To the hares….


From Alice:-

This was my third BB. Skid and Holeplugger in 08, Dr Byte and Shagless last year and now Turkish and Pigshit. A man never forgets his torturers!

In truth it was tough son of a bitch 17 km: sometimes scenic, sometimes slippery and tricky, sometimes a bit scary, often steep, lots of clambering, challenging stream crossings and re-crossings, mostly in forest, some bamboo groves for Humpers specially, some open tracks usually not flat, a longish run along a dyke wall holding in a hillside irrigation stream, pipe crossings, a rope descent, this run had it all but perhaps not in the proportion some desired.

The first drink and refuel stop after about 7.5 was most welcome. Piggie doled out goodies and choc n crisps! After the harrowing climb and descent in the middle section Turkish was there after another 4 ish hard km to give succour. I think PS also turned up as he told TD forcefully not to just leave all our junk there. Quite right too.

The last section involved a climb and then dropping down some steep banks, one involving a long red rope, to this stream babbling away over huge slippy boulders. If we crossed it once, we did it half a dozen times in the next few km. I got wet feet at some points and slipping on the rocks was a real fear. Able Semen fell over a vine just after the red rope and it looked bad. Can you move your feet? said Semen Sores. Well get up and keep going because an ambulance can’t come in here anyway!

At this point, Poo, Semen team and Humps receded as Alice pushed on and one check on a plateau after a climb gave cause for concern as the sun was low and linking paper very scarce and tough to find. Apart from that, the FRBs did a good job.

The third al fresco water stop had most supplies but little water and Pigshit said it was 2.5 full run or 1 km short cut back. Alice was aching but took the long; Knockout and MYOB were waiting for Poo in the last bit of forest – bad move! As Alice exited the green and hit the tarmac, Humpers popped out infront of him, Alice thinks he knows how!

Luckily Shagless, Cumalot, Cougar and Anything knew which way to turn on the road as the hares had neglected to mark the On on trail. Turkish said I ran too fast and he didn’t have time. BS!

It was good to get back and shower. With Taste My Buns! Browny had a swim and the rest of the BB pack and CSH straggled in.

Decent circle overseen by on form GM Frozen Dick and average lukewarm food to fill empty tummies followed. Superman’s 1112 and Swallow’s 200 CSH were recognised. Overall, the run was in a real test for Alice and well marked along it’s length. Well done hares and qudos for the youthful K girl who found us on the net, turned up alone, ran like a trooper and dealt with the circle in good english to boot. So Yung indeed!

Aching Alice

CH4 – Square Rooter – 1st January

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Any proximity between the doi and the aforementioned Square Rooter is purely intentional. So much so that Scooby said he wasn’t coming, as he didn’t fancy an hour of steep up and down just before the ball breaker. However cum 4:30, there he was with Human Excrement, Baldrick and the Great Baldini listening to SR’s hare brief. Usual stuff about flour and an ominous warning: there’s places to run and there’s sections that aren’t places to run!

As I was walking with Balders et son pere to begin with, I didn’t see Browny, Graven, Sloppy, Poo and Taste My Buns etc battle it out in the van. But I did hear about the Bald family road trip to Cambodia, it was good to talk, however I am now deaf in my left ear after a near rocket experience at Down Under bar on NYE, so for once I had to listen carefully.

After a road and scenic rocky pathway going up into the forest, we missed the trail going off right and met the sweeping Rooter. He took Norman on his reverse trail while self and BD hit the trail the right way round. It was initially very steep and tricky going down and we knew it was a good decision to trust the Great Baldini to Rooter’s infinite care.

After a check on the rocks of a lovely river bed- cum- waterfall I headed straight along the fence path down and through a couple of narrow ravines. No paper… wrong! BD found trail going up parallel to the stream bed and we followed a well set path thru lovely woods until another check had us back across the water way.

At some points we could hear voices yelling and got excited we’d catch the pack – wrong again Alice, ye of great faith but little ability. Baldrick told me about his new job in a new school in China as we finally jogged along flattish, root covered and stony paths under the trees. At a junction we met Rooter who directed us towards home. The Great Baldini was castigated for being a SCB and we ran in as the pack were enjoying the fruits of their labours to much raising of eyebrows and where were yous!

A mild and inclusive circle showcased HRA’s hidden talents for public office and splashes a plenty were doled out. But no beer for Taste My Buns, as Semen Sores learnt. Bob the Bullet from Bangkok was welcomed back, I recall running with him on a Butt Filler run ten years ago which overran into dusk and then a drunk local had crashed his rusty junk bucket into Butt Filler’s new truck as we started the circle.

ABB was chosen as TMB’s champion of choice as the Bavarian bullet complained of freezing buns and other bits. Snowballs was punished for smoking in the circle and said we were lucky it wasn’t weed! Toe sucker adorned the ice as co-hare and Cumalot also had a nice sit down with her boys. Horny was iced for being crippled but looked really sporty in his black tracksuit with chavvy white trainers and cap.

Enjoy your hashing while you can, Father Time catches up with us all eventually. Hashy 2015 and here’s to the hares and the packs that follow.


CH3 – Crap Thai – Dec 22nd

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My last male run was a year ago, Krap Thai’s first effort actually, when Fandango brought Slivovicz and ran in the big cock hat on Skiddy’s orders. Sufficeth to say, the genial antipodean doesn’t seem to have improved much but as the song goes, ‘the only way is up’. And so it was last Monday. Up, up, up. Belly, Rooter and other sadistic types would have swelled with pride.

Newbie Steve (Devon and NZ) actually ran up hill as did another young gun. Turkish, Pigshit and Graven also went well and Brownie, I think. It was well marked but mostly near vertical walking up the doi. At the W.R split we headed up some more, Scooby, Poo and Humpers I recall being in the same section of the pack as self, also Semen Sores and his nephew?

It was a lung busting, muscle sapping slog. After an age, the FRBs returned saying ‘back to the check’. The path had just stopped with a bar across and a message from the hare that it went no where. The ascent was so tough I didn’t have enough oxygen for my brain to process the odd view we got when the trees parted way. I was a bit miffed at this turn of events as I was dreaming of a cross doi traverse for Xmas by this point.

Down, down, down on the same track we went and took the W split to home. That was at least flattish in parts and joggable downhill over rocky, leaf strewn paths. The downhill didn’t look the same as the uphill, so I was happy enough. The W trail home was quite enjoyable in comparison, although Graven sniffed that he knew that boring old track and was certainly underwhelmed by the hare’s capability. The circle was fairly low key but fun, and Krap Thai got off light IMHO.
On ons in Euro Dinner were tasty and enjoyable and all was well with the world when I poured myself onto my scooter full of pork chop!


25th Decr – CH4 – Brownfinger/HRA

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‘Twas the day of Christmas and all through the hills
Not a creature was stirring
Except for a herd of hashers yelling ‘On on!’

Things were a bit quiet at Next Place at 12:00 and we wondered briefly if people had better things to do on Christmas Day than to go runnin in the mountains. However more and more people turned up at the runsite (including Shagless’ huge and confusing extended family) and a solid 26 people were there for the run.

The hare brief explained there would be bits of paper to pull out of stockings, with instructions about what to do with ‘presents’ in circles, more instructions on trees, powder, Christmas-themed strips of paper and V checks (just ordinary V checks). Hilarity ensued as we set off on the run and Shagless ended up with a hat, Square Rooter and Devon with dresses and lipstick (on the nose) and Scooby Doo had to go back to a previous check and dance around it singing a Christmas song! Later we found ourselves on top of a mountain singing a special version of Jingle Bells (“Oh what fun it is to run, with Browny/HRA!”), shortly before ending up on the wrong side of barbed wire ad taking ages to catch up with those in front.

A wise Square Rooter stalked Running Bear to the mistletoe check, while Mr Poo failed to score with Scooby Doo or Seamen Sores, and Graven Image was very glad to be up the front with Taste My Buns.

I’d been slightly worried that the run might be a bit of a token effort, relying on gimmicks to slow everybody down, but we did a goo 5.9 k and FRBs came in at just under an hour, with Dogshit mysteriously appearing from a side road and catching up with them for a while near the end.

During the circle Doesn’t Get It’s daughter, May, was named Mai Tai, due to her terrible Thai (allegedly) and her love of alcohol (and her name May). Steve was welcomed back, and congratulated on not running up any mountains this time (he’s getting the idea).

Things only got better from then on as we headed off to HRA’s house for Geng Hang Lay, turkey, mashed potato, ribs and an assortment of cakes and biscuits from TMB (Taste My Buns, not Thai Military Bank).

Excellent Christmas Day! Thanks very much to Brownfinger for the turkey, to HRA for his hospitality (till he got bored of us and turned the lights out) and both of them for the great, entertaining run. Also thanks to Cumalot, Knockout and Taste My Buns for the excellent food :)

18th Dec – CH4 – Taste My Buns

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My knee is fooked. Cutting it fine, I stumbled out of the car and followed the pack out of the canyon restaurant. While trying to warm my knee up, we were immediately on uneven ground, scrambling through shiggy. It wasn’t what I expected from Taste My Buns! We found some trail and there were some checks going on ahead, but I wasn’t really involved, until utter confusion with random people randomly finding random circle checks randomly hidden! The co-hare Adorable Blue Balls was on hand to explain what was happening…. – Unfortunately as I missed the harebrief I didn’t know ABB was the co-hare, he just seemed like another hasher who was adamant that I shouldn’t go through a barbwire fence, even though it was clearly marked with paper! How did he know I was the wrong side of it – or as it happens the right side of it?

To temporarily reconfigure my confusion levels there were OnOn calls and I set off in their direction. A chorus of hashers behind me shouted “not that way” while ahead of me the “OnOn”‘s were clear, and Mr. Poo was running with confidence ahead. WTF was going on? I wasn’t on trail, the calls were now to the left, and Mr. Poo was stood in the middle of shiggy looking confused. Ack. I hacked my way over and joined the pack as we headed towards the hills.

The hare was obsessed with barbed wire, forcing the pack through small gaps, to the point where she took us through barbed wire for a circle check that came back out of the barbed wire. The short cutting FRBs missed that part and they were already into the hill. Up, Up, Up – the hallmarks of ABB rather than TMB!? Several times I broke off to the left looking for an alternative route, and at my 3rd attempt I found a nice trail that cut back down and rejoined the pack on their way back in a gully.

We were close to back but still a few more hare tricks to contend with. Some imaginative connects. I can only imagine how we were supposed to finish, I know I didn’t finish as intended, but I was happy to be back. With hindsight, I should have rested… The drugs only work so far, I dread to think how I will feel tomorrow!

13th December – CSH3 – Superman

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With some of the boys out of town, and many of the ladies down in Phuket, the CSH3 was still looking strong to celebrate Sups’ birthday. With virgins to keep us satiated, we set off at the back of the Night Safari. I led the way up the hill with NOYB and Poo following on. A trail paralleling the main road, and we were climbing steeply over a ridge back to the road behind the Night Safari. There could have been a few more checks, but apparently sups was trying to stop anyone possibly short cutting and avoiding the hill he had in store for us.

I didn’t see that coming… Sups on his birthday and he takes us up, up, up, up… A steep climb (on good trail), before a steep descent back towards the A. Graven, Sloppy and I were together on the descent, until Sloppy slipped away at a check, and with a straight on finish we couldn’t chase him down. All in all a great run, a tough set, and just what we wanted. 8-Bit didn’t agree and came in crying with Terror Byte complaining about what a bad run it was – he has clear hash potential!

Great food from the ladies and a friendly circle where Sups tormented our virgins. Lets hope they come back!

11th December – CH4 – The Dick Brothers

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I guess Frozen was the hare, and Humperdick his cohort… But we were back down in the Dick Brother’s country, 6-8k from Sameong. I got there early, missing the traffic, and went for a bit of a warm up jog before the hash. No trouble from my knee, but a gift of a splash to the bemused hare.

Harebrief over with we set off and I knew we were close to areas I knew well, but I wasn’t quite sure exactly where we were. I got a couple of checks wrong while I figured out my sense of direction, and after a long wrong check, I got back to the front by one of Frozen’s favourite checks. A cross roads, with a circle check. We’ve had the same check several times now, coming from several directions. The obvious ways are the road trails, but there is a sneaky little footpath that you barely notice – unless you remember it of course. You’ll have to find another sneaky check, as it didn’t get me this time!

We got to the go kart track, and I opted to follow the route of a recent run, and found the trail running around it. Another circle check, close to where we’d had a check last Thursday, and again I’m on fire! Voices fading behind, I was off and running up a gentle hill. Another circle check on the road, and BAM! I am back behind Brownie, Graven and Poo again. We headed into the orchard, and I had a sneaky suspicion we were heading to the Dick brother’s favourite trail along the back of the hill.

Circle check on the edge of the orchard had me running up to the main trail that cuts through the woods. No On-Call yet… I carried on, and got to a circle check the same time I heard calls from my right. Carry on up the hill – OnOn! Then a circle check on the ridge… That caught us out. We often exaggerate how long we spend on checks, but that was a good 5 minutes according to my GPS, and I think that only records time in motion. Either way Junglicious was just to my left when she found trail, and Graven was just to my right. Unfortunately with canyons all around, and the On-On calls echoing around the rest of the pack struggled to figure out where we were.

Some more tricky checks, but the 3 of us broke away from the rest. We came down out of the hills and found the remnants of a circle check. Graven emerged to my right and that seemed the obvious way to go… After about 100m there was another circle check. On the top of the hill we’d gone circle to circle – we thought – although with old trail around it was a bit confusing. We had a good idea where we were, and with Junglicious just behind us, we continued and found trail. Where was Junglicious? She had been just behind us… Oh well, GI and I ran in together, kindly allowing the pack the opportunity to have fun with checking while we enjoyed a cold beer!

A great trail – many suggested it was just slightly too long, but seemed ok to me. Some excellent checks…. excellent, excellent checks. Good work Dick Brothers.

For me, the joy of the Happy Hash was the lack of committee, and the democratic nature of the community. Was.