Category Archives: Blog

3rd September – CH4 – Taste My Buns

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After several weeks away from Happy Hash, something motivated me to go back and join the run… Can’t quite put my finger on it, but today hashing was FUN again!

The runsite was at the end of the earth – past where the canal road no longer has a canal… finally turning right at the furthest runsite known to mankind, except TMB, who carried us on around the corner and eventually to the A bucket. From there the run largely took us back towards the trails closer to the canal road!

We set off and had a bit of a scramble through shiggy meandering through some farm or other. Finally a circle check and arriving with Chuckie we both agreed that left was most likely. It was left, and I gleefully called on moments before realising I was scaring a herd of buffalo. Sadly the shouts of “On On Called” from behind was the final straw leaving a poor farmer holding the end of a stick while his cattle bolted. HRA was full of early run vigour and the farmer’s day was about to get a lot longer as he joined the hashers in chasing after the cows – not sure if he was following trail or cows…

We hit a road, and another circle check. I think Knockout and I unintentionally short cut here, but we found trail quickly enough, and managed to get some alone time in the bushes before the pack caught up. From here we hit familiar trails for a bit – nice running with Poo, KO and CW joining me at the front. There was lots of plastic rope tied to trees – some scouting preparation for a run CW is setting soon. We got to a pivotal circle check, CW and I together. He picked left, correctly and that was the last I saw of him. KO and I tried to chase him down, but as the rest of the checks were easy picks. Looking at the map now, I think his scouting helped him know for sure he was right!

Good fun run!

CSH3 – 15th August 2015

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Photos courtesy of Taste My Buns!

Album 1

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29th August – CSH3 – Adorable Blue Balls

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After a few weeks off, I decided to pop back for a hash run – convenient location for me out by the Tiger’s Head in Maejo, so a good opportunity to catch up with some hash friends…

Hare brief complete, we set off and I ran along ahead with Cumalot’s son. We headed away from the great Maejo trails towards the mountain that lies to the east of the tiger’s head. I’ve never found a decent run up that hill, and I’ve not been on a good run that someone else has set up it! (There is a challenge for you!) The first check was headed up the hill, but getting there first, my instinct was back to the road. I went some way along the road, but found nothing, so turned and went back the other way towards the dam… – anything but up the hill. Finally Pigshit called “OnOn” from where I had been checking to begin with – he’d just gone further than I did, or perhaps I didn’t see it, who knows we were off again.

Strangely I caught Piggy who had decided to walk. The other FRBs like HRA were scattered across the hillside, so there was a free run at the next check where I found trail at my 2nd choice with Cuckold not far behind. Over a little hill and down to a dried up canal. Another check, and knowing that going left would be a long way I checked right, along with several others. I found one piece of paper after 100m or so, but nothing else. We milled around, while Cuckold checked a good 300m before calling us on. Best guess is sabotage – particularly with the one piece of paper found. Anyway we were confused but back on course.

From there on, I was close to the trail on occasions, but spent probably more time on the mini ball breaker trail from the week before. I checked too far off a circle, thinking it might be another 300m check… Paper everywhere, and I kept trying to turn right, towards the calls, but it was a long time before I found a way across. Still it was some good exercise! From what I could see (apart from the strange check) it was well marked, and a good set that turned back and used the Maejo forest trails – I just screwed it up!

25th June – CH4 – Pigshit

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Behind the night safari, Piggy set a friendly Happy Hash run. He pointed us off towards the hills, and I chugged along the road parallel to the trail for a while before heading up to the first V check. I went right, and in no time Square Rooter was calling OnOn from behind me. Huh? If he didn’t confuse anyone else, he got me wondering, but of course I quickly hit an elaborately marked “FT”.

Back along the trail it was time to overtake. CW stepped out the way to let me through, but then I had to cross country to divert past lots of visiting walkers, and eventually avoided Shagless’s stabbing stick as I rejoined the FRBs. It was HRA, Cumalot and Toe Sucker putting in the work up front. I managed to get a check right and found trail heading up one of the serious hills. No choice, it is up, up, up! HRA not far behind and the trail went all the way up before descending towards the trail at the back of the Night Safari. Several V checks, and finally I got one wrong, but at the check back I couldn’t find an easy way to cross over to the real trail. I climbed down to the main trail behind the Night Safari, and jogged down the hill, turning right to rejoin the pack as they chased HRA up yet another hill. Toe Sucker short cut her way up from the right not long after I rejoined trail.

Ahead Cumalot was running behind HRA. The trail turned sharply right away from the A bucket and towards the out trail, but before we could get far HRA appeared calling “Checking”. I snaked left and found trail about the same time HRA did. We traversed the hill together to the final V check. “You are only as good as your last check” is a favourite HRA quote, and I could only chuckle to myself when he got it wrong. Short trail, but a couple of hills that kept us mixing it up.

11th June – CH4 – Pigshit

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A reasonable turnout, given the time of year etc. But while there were plenty of walkers, it looked light on the FRB side… ABB took up the early running, racing to the first check, when he paused seemingly bemused. I past and headed up the hill and found trail, quickly on my own. I was aware of a virgin called Jack somewhere behind me, but it wasn’t until I got a couple of checks wrong that he and Toe Sucker caught up. The start was a steep climb up and presumably that decimated the pack.

When I caught up with Jack & Toe Sucker, they were stood at a circle discussing which way they should check. Toe Sucker was adamant she was just going to wait at the circle, and pointed out which ways we should go. I was wrong again, and caught up at the next circle where again they were discussing what to do. Screw that, I took off and finally got a check right. When we hit the road, it was clear he wouldn’t send us back up the road, so the only reasonable option was over heartbreak hill. Sometimes I don’t like being right. Its been a while since we’ve been over it, but it is always a tough one. Near the top we had the option of cutting down and going along the road, but nope, the hare wasn’t that forgiving, he was taking us right over the top.

Finally we hit the down hill and it was easy running all the way back. A great trail… Well marked… and a well ordered circle. Nice Job PS!

1st June – CH3 – Sloppy Rod

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The start of a new era – Frozen has gone, in with ABB. All week we got emails advertising his run and I got there expecting something special. Meaejo – the low hills before the Tiger Head. I am somewhat familiar with the area – and it is always a good run.

I set off ok, getting the first check or 2 with Piggy not far behind. Then a circle that I just got plain wrong. Most people passed and I slowly caught people as we climbed up the hill towards the tiger camp. Inevitably we got to the 5 trail junction and Poo was leading Piggy there. Normally hares put a circle right at the junction, but Sloppy mixed it up and went 50m down a trail before putting a circle. Bluff? Double Bluff? Triple Bluff? Poo turned back and checked back from the junction (twice). Piggy was a long way off. Kwazi appeared short cutting from another direction, which left me to do the “obvious” trail past the circle. I was On and clean away as the trail turned sharply down the hill. I accelerated with dreams of grandeur.

Sadly I got some checks badly wrong as we got to the bottom of the hill, and while I had some gap ahead of the pack, they quickly caught up as I ran backwards and forwards. The whole pack swept past and I had nothing left to give.

Excellent set that had the FRBs repeatably confused. Pretty much all of the pack came in close together (and ahead of me!). Job done!

30th May – CSH3 – Chilly Pussy

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Super Bitch – 1,000 Runs… Wow – more runs than any other female in Thailand, and clearly our 2nd highest in Chiang Mai. I’m sure Belly could fill in some more statistics, but today was an historic, memorable run for that alone.

Chilly Pussy teamed up with Anything for the run, and I really enjoyed it. It was a runner’s run. Fast tempo. It definitely could have had some more checks, but I grumble about that more when I lose the FRBs. Today I set off strong and nailed the first few checks. Good kudos to Pigshit for checking the false trail on the V check when he must have known I was on true trail. I guess he was confident that he would catch me sooner or later, and of course he did.

The heavens opened and we all got soaked, but it cleared up nicely by the time we finished the run. The run was a nice set – ideal for the occasion. All the ladies seemed to produce food for after the run too.

Congrats to Super Bitch. How about 2,000?

18th May – CH3 – Square Rooter

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Square Rooter, the wily old fox, outfoxed this hasher today… :( I know the area fairly well – so I think, so I predicted the route and figured I had SR covered…

We set off as usual up towards the TV station, but then a surprise circle. I got it right but then called Rooter’s bluff at the 2nd circle – it was a double or triple bluff and I was headed up the wrong trail – I’d been right before that strange circle… :( So it was up the regular “Pilgrim’s Trail”. Ahead there was Lanky Yanky, Chuckie, Mr. Poo and Piggy. The trail headed off to the right and people were checking a circle. I know this area – even if the main trail was wrong, you HAVE to get back to the main trail, or there is no way back. I carried on figuring I’d intercept sooner or later. Rounded a corner and found Mr. Poo taking an opportune shit in the bushes. He encouraged me to go back, but I continued my plan.

I could hear calls off to my right, so continued my pilgrimage. Finally I got to the temple – there was no sound of anyone, and I knew completely that I’d fucked up – badly! I just uploaded my trek to strava though, and it has me as the 2nd fastest ever on the trail to Palad temple! WTF!!?? Just 21 seconds slower than the fastest! Enough about that – I wasn’t racing – I was trying to get back to trail… So when I hit the road, I headed back down the hill for a km or so. It was great – the first time in a long time that I’ve felt comfortable running – it was much cooler. Finally I found a trail and cut across and sure enough hit a circle check – sadly it was fairly early on the trail and I was a long way behind having done a 3km detour… Anyway, I was back to black ants biting on Rooter’s trail.

I kept moving along, and got to the W/R split. Decisions, decisions…. I went wimp – it was already 55 mins… The trail cut down and finally I saw Frozen Dick, Tip Toe, Cuckold and Belly Dancer down below. When Belly heard me running behind he figured I was the first of the FRBs on the Rambo trail, and decided to try to outrun me…. Hehehehee! Oh his disappointment when he found out the rest of the pack were already supping beers at the finish.

Nice set… bad screw up!

9th April – CH4 – Crap Thai

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Crappy at HTT had people nervous… He’d set part of it in powder, and with a late afternoon storm had to live hare the first section. Sadly he took off towards the waterfall…. Aaaargh! I remember setting a terrible run up there, and going on others that were also terrible – I don’t recall a successful run heading that direction before…

We discussed sitting around drinking instead… It was hot and humid… Finally we thought we ought to give it a go, and we all strolled off casually towards the inevitable. First circle check predictably at the bottom of the waterfall. Choices here are to go into the base of the waterfall, which gives you a treacherous climb up – made more deadly by the rain on the slick rocks. I picked the steeper trail up the right of the waterfall… Steeper to begin with, but in the end its a better route… NOYB spotted the hare going up the waterfall, but I was the first to find him sat waiting for us. Now that check was a gimme – I know there is nothing good to the right – to the left isn’t much good, but it certainly wasn’t going to be further up.

We hacked our way off to the left and at the next check we all went straight up to where the nicer trail was. Sure enough we started heading down. Graven was right behind me for a while, but nipped past – it wasn’t easy going with the rocks hidden under damp leaves. The down was interrupted by a check taking us back up and across before finally cutting down the the main trail. To the right and NOYB was off like a racehorse. A visitor also breezed past. I’d have to go for local knowledge. A check out onto the rice fields. Most hashers wanted to go to the village, but that made no sense – how would the hare get us back? If we went into the village we’d have to come back the way we drove in, and the hare had no time to lay that trail and the out trail, so we had to get back to the ‘main trail’. I was alone checking through the ricefields, but with such a large space, it was a long time before I found trail. Up on the main trail, I jogged in, knowing the rest of the pack would be trying to chase me down.

Not a bad trail at all… – it’s just a shame the connect off the waterfall isn’t there… I wish I could find it…. Maybe I need to go searching again? muahaha…