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Hashing is simple. We go to run… we drink beer… we have fun… Simple concept that needs little change. The hare tries to fuck us up a bit while we run, and this hare did a good job of that.
We set off, Walking down the trail with CW discussing the transcending issues surrounding the hash until TMB sped past. I was happy to walk. I had a good idea where the first check would be, and a good idea where trail would go from there. HRA had announced on facebook we weren’t going up the temple steps, so CW and I continued our conversation about the good and bad things in CM hashing currently while TMB went the wrong way. We strolled over to where the paper was and broke into a little jog along with the On On Call.
My arrogance was quickly muted. Both CW and I wanted to check right at the next point, and the devious hare had me fooled. It wasn’t the first time. Inevitably we were going up. Someone how the hare, cunningly placed checks that had the lead revolving, and yes there were some excellent checks. My favourite checks are those that completely screw me over, and those that I outsmart the hare – this had both. Most of the checks were going up though.
Sooner or later we had to come back down… surely? More than once I got the urge to check down, only to have to climb back up to continue trail. Finally there was a false trail, and finally we hit the trail going down. I led the way for a while. Another circle check, and the most beautiful part of the run, from the perspective of a hash artist. Sloppy got it right – heading to the right, and as we clambered back up the hill from the left, he ran past us below. That was the trigger, from then it was run down down down…. FInally we were released from the uphill slog, and Sloppy was the man leading the way through check after check… I was chasing him down, until I erred, and in my error found Sups, so we finished the trail together, agreeing we both only missed a little bit.
Excellent set. A great run, a great circle, a great on-on-on. Nothing needs to be changed – except perhaps the pick up point, I heard there may be some issues with Babara/Buddy… but stay tuned!