Category Archives: Blog

14th November – CSH3 – Pigshit

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Double check the hareline – yes, the miniballbreaker was set by Mr. Poo on 7th November… Today was a regular run by Pigshit… Maybe I didn’t get the memo? The hare was cautious in his harebrief recommending us to take the Walker trail if we weren’t feeling fit – perhaps we should have listened to him? A site was the hexagonal shelter in Ob Kham. I set off with Turkey sprinting off only to remember he still had his car keys, so he turned back. I figured I may as well keep going, and the first circle was exactly where expected. I thought I could see something on the trees to the right, and sure enough I was on. Up the hill, may as well keep on running there is bound to be a check at the top of the rise. I opted to go to the left – there are 2 trails there, and if one is wrong you can normally see the other trail.

Ack, no sign of paper, so I figured I would go around the hill and join the pack the other side. What was that up ahead? A big of paper? From this run? Strange… It was too far.. Surely I wasn’t on… I looked back, and only then saw the line of paper leading to where I was… ONON… I got the next check right as well, and was cruising along nicely until I got one wrong. Turning back, I got back to the circle about the same time Chuckie called. Apparently it was a public toilet as Mr. Poo & Naheman were taking a break rather than checking. The pace was quick for the hash. With Chuckie leading the way there was a great check – surely not that way, it would be back to the left. Another one I got right, and dragged Graven along with me. We ran up and down over the small hill by BJ farm. Damn this pace was quick – I don’t think I am fit enough for this…

Had to use everything to my advantage. I had already guessed where the Wimp Rambo split would be – I was right, and headed towards it. Luckily the trail also went that way and we ran as a pack with Sloppy, Graven, Poo, KnockOut, Naheman, Chuckie all in close order. After the split, there was a circle. I pushed on to make sure I got the first choice, and went straight. Chuckie followed not wanting to check the trail to the right… Finally I (we) were wrong, and turned back to hear Sloppy calling from the other trail.

Ack! This was going to be a long one… 8.25km for me. Lovely trails, a good set that kept a sizeable bunch together for most of the run. Definitely a runners run which will have done my fitness some good. It took a while for me to recover after – thanks!

7th November – CSH3 – Mr. Poo (Mini Ballbreaker)

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I was nervous arriving at the runsite – I wasn’t feeling too strong, and there was a mini-ballbreaker in store… I am lacking fitness, and tired. Take it steady and you’ll be fine, I kept thinking to myself. Runsite, and no water… Turkey on his way we heard, but I needed more water. I went to the nearest shop to get some waters, and I definitely need to get a camelpak for the future. I bought 6 bottles, but all vanished quickly. Finally the hash water arrived as we were about to set off. I hadn’t prepared myself properly, all my fault.

I walked off at the start with Chuckie. When Knockout passed us, we debated whether to run along behind her, or to save our energy – definitely some utility theory came into play, but we carried on walking. All the way to the first check, and for now my idea of checking was circle guarding. First circle I finally picked a way to start to walk, but picked the wrong one, and was already behind. I broke into a jog to catch up. At the next check, I was the one who crawled under the barbed wire, just to find the old trails were overgrown and impassable. Chances were we’d be sticking to lower ground for a while, and when it was called, it was clear everyone had short cut as we should have gone to the right – with a collective pact with continued forwards – this is a ball breaker and if we can pinch a bit off the hares, surely it is in the collective good?

Then we started up the hill and straddled the hill. I slotted into mid pack to avoid the exertion of checking. A check took us up the hill, to another circle. The pack had spread out up the hill, ignoring the trail to the right that went down. Piggy opted for it, and it looked good to me. So good when I spotted something white way down the hill. Graven spotted it too, almost too vocally, but held himself back, as the 3 of us ran down while the like of Brownie were still climbing. There was paper, and it was our paper, time to call! And we were descending quickly. At the bottom there was a lake, and my brain was running different options, but decided it had to be the lake above 700 year stadium. Somehow I got to a circle check 2nd… This was going against strategy – Now I kind of had to do some checking… :( Fortunately Piggy had chosen the wrong way, so I got to check out the trail I would have picked anyway.

The checks were coming thick and fast – the way I like it. I was right, and with HRA behind I nailed a couple more. Damn… This wasn’t my plan at all… I was hot, in front, and still not feeling very good. We came out to the building site, and I missed a sharp turn to the left, but rejoined them in the construction yard. The bastards have cleared trees, so with the sun beating down I climbed up the hill. 100m? perhaps a bit more? Nothing. Shit, this isn’t good. I ran back down, still nobody calling. Perhaps it was all the way down past that noisy digger? Finally I saw people running across the construction yard, and tried to follow suit. I joined Crap Thai, but it wasn’t feeling good, and he took off. We got to the trail towards HTT and I could just about hear them ahead of me. I caught them at the corner where the waterfall trail goes up, up, up….

I paused… Where could the beerstop be? I wasn’t worried about the beer, I just wanted some water… Could they go all the way to HTT and back? or perhaps back to 700 year stadium? Looked and my watch, and we were 5k in, nearly an hour… I was thirsty, and I’ve been up that trail before. I know where it goes. I decided I would try to find the hares, rather than risk climbing the hill without drinks. I went along the trail a bit to see if they were heading to HTT, but no sign of paper, so I turned back to 700 year stadium. Someone else should write up the rest of the run – it was a ball breaker, and my balls were broken. I wasn’t alone… – as ball breakers go, this one certainly broke some balls.

Brown Finger was defeated – just minutes from the summit, he turned back (with Taste My Buns), and came back along the road. Search Parties were sent out for runners on both the long and the short run. One by one hashers descended from the mountain. Chuckie came in looking exhausted – deciding not to drink through exhaustion. Finally Crap Thai was found… and after he was found his torch could be used to find Cuckold. It is early into the season, but congrats Poo – you managed to break a lot of balls – and do so without killing anyone!

5th November – CH4 – Sweet Pea

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Sweet Pea teamed up with a vibrator to set a Happy hash run tonight. From by the old football field (currently under construction) at the Ag. Center, we set off towards the crematorium. I jogged along with Chuckie, who was clearly chomping at the bit, while at the same time complaining that I was already jogging – it must be the added Brownfinger competition! We got to the first check together, and he cut me up in his determination to check the obvious way. We were both right – heading towards the mountains. The next check I was wrong, but carried on and jogged around the huge field, and along the trail at the bottom of the hill – its a great trail, I love running it, and sure enough there ahead was Knock out checking at the corner – that was a long cut, but I got back into the pack as the vibrator decided to insert the trail into the bushes, driving upwards into the jungle, slightly moist from the recent rains. Meh – someone nominate me for the “Bad Sex in Fiction Award”.

I was chasing up the back, but refused to give up, keep on pounding, keep on driving forwards up and deeper into the jungle. One by one walkers paused to take a breather, but I just pounding relentlessly, deeper and deeper. I was tired and seemed to be making little progress – the vibrator had already been there in the afternoon. I heard cries from up ahead, begging me to keep going on and on! Finally a check, and finally we broke off to the left with Chuckie leading the way. I got to the check as Poo came back down from the false trail. We hacked our way along the side of the hill, before going off trail and hacking our way back down the hill. CW may have been leading, but as paper turned to ribbons and to tissues, we grouped up ready for a final releasing burst as we finally exited the jungle.

At the bottom it was a pretty straight run in, nice job – thanks for setting!

26th October – CH3 – Adorable Blue Balls Bangkok Outstation

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Jungle Run in the Heart of Bangkok. CH3 Outstation. 26th October 2015

“Bangkok, Oriental setting…
And the city don’t know what the city is getting.”

Does now. The Chiang Mai Male Hash Team is in The Big Mango. I joined up with a sorry looking and discombobulated crew of hashers on the morning of the hash. The meetup point for the run was changed several times during the day to keep everyone on their toes but by 3.30 we were off. Taxi first to the Chao Phraya and then longboat across to the A bucket where The Hare and Co-hare Drunken Donut were waiting for us. So far so smooth. With all of the spectacular views you expect of downtown BKK.

After a meet and greet and short hare brief and saunter to the first check the runners were away into the Jungle — known to the locals as Bang Kra Jao. This was dense tangled vegetation. And eerie. Keen alertness was needed to stay on. Many interesting obstacles lined the way. Log bridges both big and small a main feature. This hasher was too cavalier and fell at the first hurdle. Up to my neck in the primordial ooze I had to be sucked out by Mr Poo and Pigshit. Good job boys. On on. Further along the Hare took us through a small wooden house. And I do mean through. Here was man quietly enjoying his supper and catching up on a little TV when I blundered through. Question: why was this not a beer stop? Very friendly chap.

The circle was a lot of fun. Our hosts were Julian 1 and Julian 2 (Pickled Testicles?). Much beer was consumed. A novel feature was a large bucket filled with uncrushed ice to sit on. It was long time before we noticed two members of our party were missing: Sticky Wicket and Poo Senior. Our GM seemed unconcerned and said “Bangkok has them now…”

A great run. Well organized. Not quite as squelchy as I had anticipated. All to do with the tides and moon I think. And thank you Hare for not mentioning that Bang Kra Jao is the natural habitat for the deadly venomous Monocled Cobra until we were safely returned to Chiang Mai.

This writer is a stranger to hyperbole but I don’t thing any jungle anywhere has hosted such a magnificent sporting event since Ali beat Foreman in The Rumble in the Jungle back in ’74.

Great job GM and Hare ABB and our Big Mango friends.

31st October – CSH3 – Woolly Jumper

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Mr. Poo has been on the hareline for months, setting a special mini-ball breaker…. months back he chose the area around Huay Tung Thao, and immediately a bunch of hashers agreed it was a good idea and set runs there… So he moved his mini ball breaker, and rescouted it… So Wooly Jumper figured she would choose Mr. Poo’s wife as her co-hare and set a run so close to his run area. Good luck next week Khun Poo!

The hare brief told us that there would be powder after the first circle check, but no powder after that…. So anyone who drove in would know that the powder led across the dam as we’d driven in. I set off and Brown Finger (great to have you back bud!) slipped in behind me, as we raced across the dam – first km 5:10. I can’t keep that shit up! Then we hit the hill… And Brownfinger (along with Chuckie) filed in behind me… We were climbing a serious hill, and Brownfinger and Chuckie were just chatting away catching up behind me – they asked me questions, but I was barely able to breathe let alone keep climbing.

Very few checks early on, so I guess the pack was spread out. Brownfinger followed me through a couple and promised to check next time. Another circle and I check straight while Brownie & CW checked down the hill. Silence… I got to 100m or so, and there was no sounds from below… Then I spied some paper – a precise square of paper ahead. I headed towards it, and heard CW calling OnOn from below. There must be some mistake – the paper I found was clearly marked as the halloween run. There were no trails leading to it, it has to be the right trail – around the right distance… I called OnOn, but with silence behind, I followed the well marked trail up the hill. A long way up the hill – trail well marked with halloween markers.. I can’t be mistaken – the trail was marked with unique markings and it went up, up, up! Until…. nothing…. not even a circle check?! Presumably we would loop around and get to where Chuckie had called from? I would be the hero! I would be the only one to do the real trail! I guessed “someone” had removed the circle check? And started to check…

Time to cut a long story short… I was alone… The hares had screwed up… But they had the good fortune that everyone (except me) followed their real trail back down the hill…. I got some extra exercise and managed to catch the back runners as I came down the hill… I also got more familiar with some of the trails around where Mr. Poo is setting his mini-BB next week!

31st October – CSH3 – Halloween – Woolly Jumper & Knockout

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22nd October – CH4 – Gorf

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The first run Gorf has set in Chiang Mai – now that was worth the effort of slipping out of work for. It was a familiar run site by a quarry around 5 clicks along the Sameong road. We began with a hare brief… It was necessary – the hare had torn up the Chiang Mai Haring Manual, and done everything completely differently! This was going to be interesting… Today Circle checks weren’t going to be circle checks, they were going to be…. well… different… there may be false trails heading off circle checks, which would lead to the inevitable of hashers calling onon from all different directions. False trails wouldn’t be marked with a bar as we are used to, instead they would be marked with a cross check, so if we saw a cross check we should go back, rather than checking the 3 options. Other kinds of false trails would be marked as circle checks with crosses in them and if we found one of those we should also go back, but not as far as the last check. There would be a “W”alker trail, but rather than marking it with a “W” it would be marked with an “S”. The hare explained it all clearly, and I thought I understood – but for poor Stiff who arrived 5 minutes late, he was completely screwed. Circle checks were now kicked out in all directions and the other markings were… well french?

On On to the trail! We set off through the temple, and with monks sweeping the trail I felt it better to whisper the check back I found. We whispered the OnOn until we got far enough away from the temple. The hare had found an different way through – it was new for me. So new that I explored and alternative and rejoined the pack a little further on the trail. HRA took the lead – afterall a large part of the run copied a run he’d set some time back. The run headed inevitably towards a section that I really don’t like…. The view is awesome overlooking the quarries, but with a steep drop to the left and a sheer drop to the right, while scrambling through shiggy, and the only trees to hold on to fall apart in your hands… Argh! The vertigo kicked in.

Finally I got past it and caught back up to the FRBs. Knockout lead me astray when she found one of the dodgy circle false trails… HRA calling to the right, and Knockout calling to the left – who would you pick? Of course I chased Knockout down the hill wishfully wondering if everyone else would follow HRA – instead a large group of us found ourselves the wrong side of the mountain, while we could hear HRA somewhere the other side. The rest backtracked, while KO and I took the more direct vertical route to rejoin the trail. Somewhere up ahead was HRA & Graven – YAY! Great to see Graven back!

The next section was familiar, but its a great running trail – a good workout on the climb and then nice views as we arc around the valley. Finally HRA got one wrong and I was back in the mix. HRA, Graven, Piggy, Any Fanny Will Do, and I were up front (perhaps admiring the use of the Oxford Comma there). The descent was on and we charged back down the mountain. Another circle check, and I followed HRA in the wrong direction. Perhaps he didn’t check far enough? I checked much harder and took the route through the orchard to jump out back on trail just ahead of Piggy as we came to the final check. He sportingly waited for me to take the right route back around the quarry, which gave me 100m or so on him, enough to survive after the OnIn to the finish.

Nice run, nice circle – cheers Gorf!

Saturday 17th October – CSH3 – Does Nothing

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If we weren’t sure whether we could run at the Ag Center any more, we are now! Shortly after unloading the songthaew we were unceremoniously moved on. Fortunately the spot that Square Rooter used recently was close enough and the hare spared us part of his run around the fields at the end.

We set off along the road, and with prizes on offer throughout the run, the pace early on was fast. Turkish and Shagless sprinted off, only to run out of steam before we got to the first check. Everyone was willing to check though with the chance of getting a prize. At the first circle I went out to the road and spotted paper on a tree – it was another circle check so something wasn’t quite right. I started following the paper backwards, not calling while I tried to figure out how much was being cut off. A few minutes later, Turkey also found that circle and called everybody on. I tried to get people doing the true trail, but to no avail – Turkey led the way with only HRA and Obscene doing the correct route – I followed it round in a circle backwards and rejoined the pack as the trail went through the trees parallel to the road.

Jogging along the road with Chuckie it wasn’t long before we were on a very familiar little trail that runs behind the wall. Turkey was calling up front, but seems he forgot about collecting prizes, so I snagged a nice small heineken. Finally we passed Turkey as he came back from a short cut. The pace was fast and it wasn’t long before we came to the OnIn and welcome beer time…

CSH3 Saturday 10th October 2015

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10th October – CSH3 – Knockout

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Knockout teamed up with Chuckie, and we had another run at HTT… I love running at HTT, but after Sticky set 2 runs there recently and Mr. Poo plans a mini ball breaker, I wondered if the hares would find something different.

The new starting time had the beer monster fooled and we set off with little hope of cold beer at the finish. The GM didn’t even listen to the end of the hare brief before he took off for his few moments of glory. He was so quick off the mark that it took me a km or so to catch him, and I am not sure whether the hare brief had finished by then or not.

The first V check and I gambled left… Hitting the check back, I knew I could run through it, but given how the rest of the pack were still getting ready for the run, I went back, and sure enough the true trail looped back around and I chased Shagless on his one man FRBing. New rule, the GM sets off 5 minutes before the rest of the pack?

I got another check wrong and ended up following HRA (not so nice) and Junglicious (very nice) as we passed the football field. There was some concert going on, and the noise of bikes etc was ridiculous. Everyone was a bit confused and there was no way of hearing calls. I checked through the gate and up to the lake. I spied some pink paper on a tree near the lake, and gamboled over. I was back on, but not 100% convinced it was quite how the hares planned. I assumed HRA would come running up behind me in a minute and carried on.

My pacing was good and I felt comfortable – the checks now though were fairly easy to figure out myself, and there was nobody coming from behind. I got to the OnIn and saw Turkey on his way out. A nice run in familiar area. Most of the pack managed to figure out what the hares intended, only some of us were thwarted by the random concert that largely only attracts guys with noisy bikes. Said bikes plagued the circle, but fun nevertheless ensued.