Category Archives: Blog

8th Feb – CH3 – Crap Thai & Sunspot (Run #1100)

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And so, it came to pass, as the moon came into phase that it was the (Chinese) Lunar New Year & Spring Festival to be celebrated along with the CH3’s celebration run number 1100.

The faithful gathered at the “A” site; in Mr Poo’s front garden (read: abandoned car park) before the appointed hour where we donned our new special “Chinese New Year” t-shirt; sponsorship arranged by the Hare for this special occasion, thanks Sunspot (and Dusit). Resplendent in red, splashed with Chinese characters and the usual hash regalia, we were OFF with ‘measured haste’ towards Loi Kroh Rd. The first circle check was a bit too close to BUDDY Guest house for comfort but most were relieved when the trail moved West away from Buddy and towards the Garden Restaurant in a district peppered with guest houses, restaurants and small bars. We made our way towards Thapae Road, moved along on lots of powder due to expected heavy pedestrian traffic. More checks, some back checks etc but not too difficult to follow fortunately because of the cacophony in the district, we moved in closer to the target trail moving through Wororot market which was all decked out for the Chinese New Year celebrations, lanterns everywhere and throngs of visitors many dressed in their Chinese finery, and we, dressed in our Kung Hei Fatt Choi t-shirts, fit right in.

Meandering through the Chinatown area we finally hit the Ping river where powder became less clear but found on the tree trunks heading north towards the bridge over the river at Kaeo Nawarat Road. There was a back check under the bridge but that didn’t fool anyone except Space Invader who was racing around like a blue-assed fly anyway, just let him go… Crossing the bridge and down to the river frontage and under the bridge heading North but that came to nothing (FT I guess…) and the real trail proceeded South along the river’s edge with many pleasant, ‘local’ bars and restaurants. As we approached the new pedestrian bridge (to be finished soon…) connecting Wat Gate to Wororot Market, we came to find the first beer stop which despite the GM’s assurance was well-briefed in advance, were NOT prepared for 20-odd hashers showing up for a quick beer or two, the pack being ‘mostly together’.

It was here that the GM dislodged the fireworks he had been carrying in a small backpack and with the help of the local restaurateur, set off a round of firecrackers to celebrate CNY. There was also evidently more significant fireworks ready very near by for the sunset display which we were able to observe at the circle. The Hares really went out of their way with the fireworks but we had to move ON ON. From the drink stop, we moved East, through a few small alley ways and towards the back of Wat Ket Karam and along the road (Saraphi Rd/106?) along the river frontage along Riverside & Goodview restaurants back towards Thapae Rd obviously turning towards home. Along the river the trail took us to the On In which was on the East side of the Iron Bridge where the Hares arranged a second beer stop, this one being more substantial than the first, this being more-or-less the END of the trail. After some considerable indulging, the pack slowly made it’s way back to the “A” site where Tiptoe (injured and unable to do the trail) was patiently waiting with lots of cold beer for the pack. The official length of the trail as measured by the co-hare was 5.2kms. Even Superman was happy! (or maybe not…)

Circle called by the GM, and the usual offenders & sinners called in to be “close to” the ice. Alas, there were no big ice blocks to sit on as we usually do so the best we could do this time was to get the offenders to stand on or near existing crushed ice/cubes etc. As the sun was setting we did see and hear the fireworks go off (thanks Hares!)


6th Feb – CSH3 – Turkish Delight

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Epic weekend! Excellent job Turkish, really, really good! For many of us the hash began at the 19th hole and the Friday night wine & cheese went on and on… Sometime around 3, Sups suggested it would be better to get 2 beers from the fridge rather than 1 as it would save time and effort later. Always keen on efficiency it seemed to make a lot of sense…. On Saturday it made much sense, when I woke mid afternoon feeling like shit and needing to scout a hangover run before the main run. Aaaargh!

I dozed through the harebrief, and was tempted to spend another hour lying in the shade behind a truck. Better to sweat it out I guess. I walked up the road, and eventually persuaded myself to break into a jog. The first circle was right by the waterfall – cunningly designed to stop anyone hearing the “On-Call” no matter how loudly it was called. Inside information let me pass most of the pack and follow Brownie & Poo to the left and then up the hill.

We headed over to climb up the waterfall, and I controlled my pace to keep my hangover under control. One by one I was passed by HRA, TMB, KO. Most suggested I took a Wimp trail. The trail was great – perhaps going at a slower than usual pace meant I appreciated it some more. Great views. Anal Vice breezed by giving me some encouragement, and Foxy approached me as I got to the Wimp Rambo split. Time to take the sensible option – I was already out of water and throat dry. Does Nothing soon came up behind on the Walker trail, but it wasn’t long before an arrow joined the trails back together – sadly it was pointing up and there was another climb to get through. Again nice trails, but no checks. From the top it was straight on down and back. Fortunately I had time to rehydrate a bit, take a shower and have a quick nap before the circle!

All in all a very successful outstation – good food, great trails, fun circle, and hangovers to prove it!

4th Feb – CH4 – Robin Banks

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1st Feb – CH3 – Cuckold

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Cuckold seems to like the area by the Sameong Road football field… He was enjoying a beer at a local bar as we showed up, wondering what he had in store. Pre-run, my only hope was that we didn’t have to climb the temple steps…. How soon do such aspirations fade?!?

The hare took a cane to bully us into a school boy hare brief – he would be sozzled, but was he sozzled already? We were pointed off, and rather than taking the usual river crossing, we had a little paddle (or foot spa). Paper was a little thin, but we managed to piece the trail together to the edge of the rice fields. They looked great! So different from last time I was there, someone is clearly putting some attention into them. I chose right, trying to spot paper in the distance… Nothing… When I finally saw powder it took me a moment to figure out we were on paper and powder. On on, and I was off with Lumber JO not far behind.

No checks through a couple of opportunities, and then powder straight up a steep climb. It was early days, so I decided to run it, and went into a small canyon / gorge? There was a circle check. It was a very strange place for a check. I was suspicious straight away. My gut said, go back, but being first there, I thought I should carry on. I started up the hill to the right, but then LJO cut in front and headed that way – he never came back… Instead I checked down to the left, facing off a fierce pitbull. Nothing there. Back up the hill, and I joined HRA as we tried to see where LJO had checked. Brownie came back down the hill, so we started exploring out into the plantation. No sounds apart from the odd “checking” or “RU?”. I got to the far side of the plantation, and kept scanning the horizon for paper – nothing. Poo called “RU?” from further away to my right. “Checking” was my forlorn reply. I realised there were no more “checking” calls from behind me, so headed back to the circle, which had already been kicked out. Muthafukas! I turned back to call Poo, and he was following me past the attack dog. An excellent check, where the acoustics just didn’t help the callers.

I turned the corner and could see 400-500m ahead, and no hashers. We were seriously behind. I pressed on, assuming Poo would be following at some point. Finally I caught Tiptoe, just before the trail took and ominous turn UP. This was a serious climb. Nearly 200m height gain, in a bit over a km. More importantly, WHERE WERE THE CHECKS??? I was off the back of the pack, and no checks to give me a chance to catch up. I passed junction after junction, and there were no checks… WTF? Was this a race or a hash? Pushing up the hill I picked off a visitor and HRA, chest exploding.

Finally a Wimp Rambo split… but it looked more like a Rambo / Lemming split as the walkers seemed expected to throw themselves off the side of a cliff – a new level of sadism for the hare? The trail continued to climb, but finally I could see some hashers ahead. There must be a check – it looked more like a picnic to me from a distance, but before I could get there, they were continuing further up the hill. Luckily I could settle into a gear and slowly move forward. My break came at another check, where the majority of hashers wanted to head further up to the right. It had to break left, so I followed Brownie down to the left.

We were on, and it was down… Brownie jumped out the way to let me past, and finally we could open up. I charged down, straight through one check, trying to guess where the hare would cut us across to the rubber wall. It was inevitable. I was wrong. I went left one junction too early. Fortunately Graven was powered by gravity and went straight on at the next, even though we could see powder heading through the resort. So the hare avoided the temple steps, but instead took us up the resort steps… I was growing weary, and I knew we were a long way from home.

Over the hill and down to the rubber fence, so obviously left that he didn’t even bother with a check. No chance this pack was getting back together. And then a RR/WR split? That wasn’t in the hare brief. I saw Graven & Brownie heading back up the hill, and opted to go around. LJO joined me, but then he took off as I tried to just keep jogging along at a steady pace. It wasn’t long before GI & BF came back from their little adventure up the hill and past me. It was a straight on in with no chance of checks, but the hare was waiting to poison hashers with a toxic juice not long before the finish.

A tough 7.75km run with a serious climb,,, I guess the hare was thinking, better to be too long than too short….

30th Jan – CSH3 – Doesn’t Get It

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DGI teamed up with Diddly Squat (and Shagless?) for a run in the vicinity of Ob Kham. It was a new runsite for me, so this could be interesting. The songthaew was very late… very, very late! When the songthaew arrived there was a very indepth hare brief where each hare and co-hare took turns explaining how to deal with each of the checks. Thoroughly educated, it was nearly 30 mins after by the time we were finally released.

Within seconds of starting the run there was a V check. Turkey went left, and I was right. Another V check, and I wasn’t slowing down. The checks were thick and fast, but I was in the zone and lucking out on all of them. I got to the Wimp Rambo split, and that slowed me down – where was the R trail??? It took me a while to find powder randomly across the field – I could hear voices behind me again – “ONON!”. Another couple of circles and amazingly each time I nailed it. I was the lord of the hash, nothing would stop me! Just press on! Through a couple of barbed wire fences and a circle on the road. Of course it would be just to the left and the down that little trail – I was infallible! Only I wasn’t… And after 150m or so, there was no sign of paper. Damnit! I got back to the road as Brownie & co. approached the fence. Time to check another direction – surely right this time? I went surely 100m++ but no sign of paper – perhaps I missed the powder on the left? Who knows, I went back to the circle and followed a group in the opposite direction, but no call… OK, 4th option, into the field? Still no joy… Finally someone called from the way I checked 2nd time…. My bad, but I’d gone from being FRB hashgod, to mid pack.

Brownie was setting the pace ahead of me, so I locked into his tail and tried to press on – this was a fast paced hash today. We caught KO, and Brownie followed me checking to the left, before overtaking before the paper. We were off again, and Brownie was encouraging me to keep pressing on. A “V” check, and my choice. I went straight, and within moments regretted it. Sure enough there was the bar, and I joined Cool Balls & HRA following Brownie. A beer stop, but the walkers were already there. As we arrived Brownie was setting off again pausing only momentarily for a quick FU. I kept going with Brownie just about in eyesight ahead of me.

Sadly now all the checks were kicked out by the walkers. With W/R runs like that, its good news for the walkers, as they get to play the FRB game for once, but the checks are there to slow the FRBs down, the walkers don’t need to be slowed down! I ran on in – good fast running and a fun set. Whatever happened to birthday wings though?

28th January – CH4 – Lumber Jack Off

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Slipping out of work and taking the back roads, I ended up very close to the runsite, about half an hour late – what the hell, I should get some exercise. It isn’t clear whether Lumber Jack Off & Horny Monkey were drunk before they started setting the run, (but we suspect they were), but it was very evident they had been stuck into it for some time. With only the songthaews at the A site, I started looking for the run. I nearly gave up, when I smelt Horny sat in a bar. He stumbled over and pointed me in the general direction of the run.

I set off, and there was a bit of a scramble around edge of the temple grounds, and a bit of a hack through some shiggy to get up to the main trail. Circle checks that weren’t kicked out, this could be interesting… I heard Chuckie ahead of me calling OnOn, but figured I can’t have caught the pack! Sure enough he came running towards me as the out trail was the same as the in trail. He was some way ahead of the rest, but as I ducked under the barbed wire fence, Graven appeared. The trail split, and I headed up the hill to the left as hashers came down from the right. I saw Brownie, and gave him a call to see if he wanted to go round again. I’m not sure he understood, but Piggy cheerfully called out – we’ll catch you up, we’ll go round again! Poo joined them too and it wasn’t long before 4 of us were tracking up the hill together.

The trail was a lot easier to follow running with people who’d already done it once! Without them, I would have been struggling to find the powder in places. We got onto some nice running trails and there was a loop of a couple of km or so before we got back to the barbed wire cut away. Amazingly Piggy suggested going around yet again. I was already working it to keep up, so I declined and set off back, waiting for Poo to catch up. Interesting running a hash run like that, but it was one of Horny’s best sets… – ah sorry, it was probably all Lumber Jack Off’s work!

The circle was an event – a good idea for someone to drive Horny home after!

25th Jan – CH3 – Horny Monkey

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Brrrrrr….. It got to 3:30pm, and I took one look at my beer fridge and another look out the window – I wasn’t sure which was colder. The beer was tempting, but some exercise first right? I changed and headed to the car – wtf? The moment I stepped out the front door, I was regretting my decision. Bitterly cold, gusting winds – was this UK??? I had hardly driven around the corner when I needed to switch on the windscreen wipers… It’s January in Thailand ffs, not England!

Horny was the hare, at one of his favourite spots in Maerim – he loves setting runs when he’s trapped between the river and the golf course, so I had the route mapped out in my head before I got out the car. He was stood shivering in a rain jacket. What was I doing there?

The songthaew arrived and a gaggle of hashers started huddling together. Horny called 5 minutes to harebrief, meh… we wanted to get moving, warm up and get it over with. Finally we could set off and immediately headed into a construction yard. Even Graven and Chuckie set off at a run as we all tried to warm up – I still can’t believe how cold it is! First check was straight along the bank of the small river heading towards the Ping River. Another circle, and it had to be to the left. Piggy got to the obvious spot first, and turned back leaving the other FRBs having to head over to the river. As they ran off, I said to Piggy, “are you sure?”. “I guess I could look a bit more he said and ambled slowly back that way while Graven lead the rest of the pack in completely the wrong direction. Sure enough, after giving it enough time for them to warm up, Piggy called us on from exactly where we all wanted to go.

Then it was shiggy time. Not your average shiggy, this was the deep dense shiggy that no one in their right mind would try to hack a trail through. We know Horny isn’t in his right mind though, some how he’d ploughed through – no wonder his co-hare didn’t dare show up. We hacked our way along the side of the river, and then a circle check across the bridge. Tricky one Horny… I checked a couple of different directions, while the rest of the pack scattered. I was cold though, and it was raining, that bitterly cold UK rain. I headed along the road, and intercepted trail with the pack behind me (is that the definition of short cutting?)

Around the corner and an old favourite circle check by the temple – well, he would’t want to put paper down through the temple, so I respectfully jogged past some bemused monks to find trail heading into the rice field. There is a bridge along here, I knew that, but when I got to the inevitable circle, I took the time to check other options, and only as Brownie approached from behind did I go to crawl my way across the bridge – damn I hate those bamboo balance bridges. Sure enough I was on the other side, and when I hit another circle it was time to head in. Cold, cold, cold as fuck. I’m wearing 3 pairs of socks now, and my feet still feel cold.

23rd January – CSH3 – Anything

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Anything & Chilly Pussy – a haring partnership with history and reputation… Which hares would we get today? The kind friendly ones, or the evil ones? The songthaew was late so we would have to wait to find out. CMU graduation adds traffic to the roads, so Knock Out & Chuckie were even later setting off. Either way 10 mins or so late we set off, and Brownie urged me to run from the start.

The first check, a V-check, and I turned right towards the hills – before I got to the corner I saw the check back, and reluctantly chugged back to the main trail, and spent a while passing the pack. I caught up just in time for the next check – a circle. I got there with enough time to check almost straight on a promising trail. It looked so promising that I jogged off anticipating paper, only to be called back to the right. Ugh!

Again I was mid pack, busting a gut to get back into the midst. Finally I got some luck. The trail was clearly marked off to the left into a field, and hashers were heading in that direction, while Cuckold wasn’t convinced – he went straight and when I got there, he said, but there is paper here too…. 😀 False trail to the left, On on straight, lets run! Yup, I could see a circle check ahead, and this time it would be to the right. But the paper took me a while to find, but I headed up the hill with Brownie pounding along behind me. The next circle had the crafty FRB following me claiming he could see paper up ahead. I saw nothing, but sure enough we were right, and I was running at the front with Brownie.

He pushes me along… With an encouraging “Shall we run a bit here”, in response to my panting “this is up hill…” I know he could take off and run away from me, but politely he jogs along, toying with me! Had I not been at the front, I would probably have eased off, but the encouragement helped, and I pressed on. Finally a check – there could have been so many more checks, but at last we got one. I had outlasted BF, and got first pick. I chose left, and sure enough there was paper. I pressed on, and soon enough there was someone behind, this time it was Graven. Amicably encouraging me along again. OK, I know you could easily run past me!

I was doing what I could, but there just weren’t enough checks to mix things up, and sure enough Brownie was back panting behind us before we got to another check. A V check, and Graven did some strategic FRBing, following me up the “obvious” route, which turned out to be correct, and leaving poor Brownie to check off to the left. We couldn’t call on, and as we climbed the ridge, it seemed as though it was just the two of us broken from the front. We hit the ridgeline, and no check… Ack! Graven, politely running on my tail, dodging the trees that I uprooted and tore down. I need a check… please give me a check…! Graven thought there was a check, but instead it was just a larger piece of paper… Where were the checks??? Finally we got a circle check – it turned out to be the last check, and for me a 50/50.

My choice, I picked right, leaving Graven the steep downhill to the left. I jogged along, and… meh… nothing… Not looking good, but silence from behind (over and ridge into a gully, it is unlikely that voices would carry far. And then there was paper! and another bit of paper! But hashers just to my right chatting as they walked up the hill. This wasn’t the right paper, this was definitely wrong – the hares had left it by mistake when they changed their trail… I wasn’t going to call, but by now I was at the bottom of the hill. I figured I’d jog around the hill rather than climb back over it, and all the FRBs were home by the time I got there! Still a great run, it just could have done with a few more checks!

16th January – CSH3 – Byte My Yahoo & Diddly Squat

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There had been complaints on Facebook, rumours of people not coming! “Mae Jo is too far away!” people cried. In the vent we had a record turnout, with two buses and loads of cars. There were also a bunch of visitors including lots of young people: Baby Shitter’s son Naa, American virgins and Irish and Australian visitors! The young people started off in front, full of energy, but soon fell back once the checks came. Mr Poo was ahead for a long time as he was able to guess where the twisted mind of Dr Byte might take us, but then a cunning placed circle check let everyone else in front and it was all up for grabs.

The beautiful trails near Phapat’s farm had been turned into dirt roads but the hares had still found some nice places to go. We reached the top of a ridge and FRBs headed out in all directions. Brownfinger set off to the left but the trail was to the right. Cuckold came charging down the hill with Naa in tow and took the lead just as everyone else noticed there was no powder. Reluctantly the two made their way back, arriving just in time for the discovery of the circle check so that they could make an about turn and head back to find the trail.

Soon after this walkers started appearing on the trail. Pamela had graced us with his presence, as had many harriettes. As the pack sped past them the hare appeared on trail, happily chatting with some of the walkers. Pigshit set off up the hill and to the right, but Graven knew what he was doing and found the trail to the left. Then there was a check and confusion reigned as hashers scattered to look for powder. Finally someone found it off to the left and we were off but by this time everyone was together. Runners set off down the hill, with Knockout and Seamen Soars speeding up to overtake some of the front runners. Another long circle check (there had been a few – all blamed on Diddly Squat’s long stories) screwed up the front runners again as they lost faith and came back up to look for true trail. However it went down and soon we found the last check.

None of Your Business was the one to find this (Pigshit having stopped 2 metres before) and set off at top speed. Hotly pursued by Turkish Delight, who had just realised that he would be able to come from nowhere to come in first if he tried hard enough they raced for the On In. NOYB put in the extra effort that would lead to him puking his guts out later on and ‘won’ the hash! Several of the new girls then went on to overtake Turkey as he gave up and staggered back to the circle.

18th Jan – CH3 – Liberace

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Maejo, convenient for me, so decided last minute I’d pop out for a run. The directions were 2nd U-turn, the small lake, not the one at the Tiger’s Head. I assumed it was the square lake at the bottom of the hill, but there were no signs at the 2nd U-turn. I headed towards the Tiger Head, but started making calls. A hint suggested it was “that place Libbers likes to set runs” – which told me Praphat’s Farm in Maejo. Sure enough I followed the canal and found hash signs – called the songthaew to help them along.

As I got into the farm (very close to where I’d set on Saturday), I saw Libers moving signs around – the route through the farm was tricky – he said some of the routes were blocked with pvc pipes. I found the runsite without a problem, but I was on my own, and clearly Libers didn’t have enough signs. I gave him some more and he set off to place them. I meandered around – 10 mins to runtime, and no hashers in sight. Changed and ready to go, at 4:30, I strolled along one of the trails, and sure enough found some shredded paper. Should I just run? Nah, I went back to the A site. I heard my name, and some voices coming from somewhere, and then Brownie & Graven appeared up the hill. I suggested we set off and after a brief phone call we set off.

By the 2nd check I could hear Pigshit behind – I got that one wrong, so by the time I came back from a 200m check back (WTF?), I was with Scooby following him up the hill, with Poo not far behind. Piggy was ahead, but I wasn’t sure where Graven & Brownie were. They were even further ahead it seemed. The trail crept along the side of the hill over to another Cross check. Graven & Brownie were already through it, but we had to solve it again. Piggy went right, I went left, I guess Scooby & Poo waited for us to call? Finally after 200m again, I hit a check back. I wasn’t interested in doing checks anymore – 100m is ok, but 200m is not fun. Rather than climbing back up the hill I went around the bottom and joined the others on the correct straight trail.

Not much further and there was Brownie coming back from a check. A bit further on and we found Graven stood in the corner of a field. A tricky circle that went back up the hill and looped all around the edge of the orchard, but I intercepted Graven at the far side and after a bit of scrambling up and down, we came out to the motorcross track. A strange cross check. I guess it would have been mentioned in the harebrief? I set off to the right, around the edge of the track, and found paper about the same time that Graven called on to the left. Strange – it was a cross check, so he can’t be on yet. I followed my paper and from the groans the other side of the track, I guess they had found another check back. As I arced around most of the pack cut across, so when I got to a circle on the other side, the pack was back together. Lucky I got first choice and headed towards Saturday’s A bucket.

I was on, but Brownie was on my tail. Another circle check – this time kicked out already to the right. I turned left, following paper and tried to get Brownie to go right. It was one of my checks from Saturday. He paused to make sure Piggy destroyed the check so as not to confuse anyone else, and then they were on my tail. Another V check, and I just got first choice. I chose right, leaving Brown Finger with an evil 500m false trail. That put him out of it completely. Nasty hare. Luckily I ran through Saturday’s runsite, scrambled across a ditch the other side of the road, and there was the OnIn! Just a run around the lake to the finish…. Where there was still no beer monster, and no beer… 6:34min per km pace is quick for the hash, very quick.