Category Archives: Blog

6th March – CH3 – Sheepshagger

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(Courtesy of Strangely Anal)

A Child (ish) Perspective
Sheep-Shagger 1st Solo Attempt

Thank you daddy for taking me to the “Men Only” Monday Hash
It was Such fun and jolly whizz too.
Wasn’t it funny the way we all got back to the start line after 10 minutes ?
I think Shaggy Sheep got something wrong didn’t he ?
Everyone was saying, what a silly billy he is, and by the way daddy, what is a Fuckwit ?
But then it was nice to go out and do the run backwards. Some runners decided to make it up as they went, and people were going in all directions. That was so funny.
Is that good hash behaviour daddy?
Is it normal for some people to shout at other people on the trail ? You said it would be fun and that I would have such a nice time. Auntie Alice shouted at me. She said I should have shouted something. Then she shouted at me again because I didn’t shout something. She made me cry. Is she on drugs daddy ?
She wasn’t the only one shouting orders though, there were other people shouting rules like barking mad dogs as well. I think it’s time for one of the elders like that nice Mr Absolute Faceplant or Chief Graven-Mirage to tell everyone to grow up, behave and play nicely, and not like jumped up little ships captains. Don’t you daddy ?
Which one is in charge anyway ?
I like Mr Nostradamus. He’s so cuddly, but he was angry a lot of the time. Is he always angry ? I like that Whispering man too. Is he from Land of the Giants ?
Mr Piggy Oink Oink is interesting isn’t he daddy ? Which planet is he from ?
The man with the brown finger is very annoying don’t you think. He always wins. Perhaps someone should snap his leg, then see if he wins ? I think that would be fair.
As for Shaggy Sheep. Perhaps if they stuffed his head up his bottom, he might be able to see where he’s going because he certainly didn’t know which way was Up on this run did he ?
Anyway, it was nice to meet so many funny people. Thank you for taking me to my first run with the grown ups. I’m glad you thought I was ready now that I’m an adult, well, I suppose I am now that I’m 59. Just one other thought, do they let girls go sometimes. ? I’d like to see one.
Mysteriously Strangely Anal

18th March – CSH3 – Alice

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How many co-hares does Alice need? Sheep Shagger was the nominated co-hare / paper carrier, so I was curious what they would put together. I’ve heard rumours that other hashers also had inside information about the route – in case we couldn’t figure it out? Even when half of Piggy’s trail was pulled down we managed to piece it together, it’s part of the fun!

I was interested what Alice would put together – I know the area pretty well, and remembered conversations about a route through a quarry that he planned to use there, so I thought I might have a clue – of course I didn’t and the trail didn’t go near said quarry! We set off before my hash cash duties were finished, so the walkers were all over the trail while I was still putting the money away in the car. I got to the first check while Brownie was up the hill to the right where we could see something papery, but it wasn’t trail. Instead TMB found paper and soon after a false trail down to the left.

Back to the right, and after another check Brownie got the false trail and I led the way briefly into the trees. We were clearly heading towards the road, and it seemed most of the run would be the other side of the road. I stayed high to the right looping around just in case he planned to take us back off to the right, but it was soon clear where we were headed. Brownie was up front and he wasn’t getting anything wrong. TMB was behind him, curiously sometimes getting it randomly wrong checking where nobody would think of going?! I settled into a following pace, f**k me it was hot!

I was gasping for breath, and I’m sure the pollution combined with the heat isn’t good for me, but I pressed on, in the mix, never at the front, just in the pack. Brownie was doing most of the work, until finally he got one wrong and TMB called us off to the left. I pulled the paper down, but clearly wasn’t delivering the teutonic accuracy in my paper distribution, “TO YOUR LEFT BYTE!” huh? To my left there was a big hole, and I’m just heading towards the call. Everyone will figure it out!

Graven took over at the front for a bit, not for long. We were heading back towards the A, and it was hot. There was a circle, and I really didn’t want to go over the exposed hill, so I checked to the left, and ended up checking my way all the way around the hill, and was faced with the choice of rejoining trail to the right or to the left. Knowing what the hare had done I chose the path of least resistance and rejoined to the left, tucking in behind the running Brownie, 3.5, TMB and Graven. From here we were amongst the walkers, so I have no idea if there were any more checks… It was just a straight on jog home.

13th March – CH3 – ABB & Pussy Whisperer

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Maejo it was, quite convenient and the smoke didn’t seem thaaat bad today, so I sloped away from work and found my way to a familiar runsite. On the way to the Tiger’s Head, but on the right, past the dodgy little shelter to the corner. Immediately we were off in a different direction – normally at this junction turning left isn’t an option as there isn’t a way through, but today the hares had found / made one and sent us off that way. We were immediately behind the walkers scrambling along at a snails pace. We scrambled through and then crossed a bit of an orchard to get to the main trail the other side of the lake. Paper lead off to the right, but I wasn’t having any of it, and waited around the corner for Lizard Gizard Wizard to call the inevitable circle check call. Snowballs was already charging the other way and called us ON.

Around the corner a bit and another circle check placed after the junction – another inevitable “back check”, but Snowballs plowed on, and didn’t come back. Graven lead us along the main trail, and at the next junction when there was no check, in unison we predicted another back check and peeled off to the right, sure enough finding paper not far away. Brownie was leading now, and paper was laid off to the right where alternative trails went left. I wished Brownie well, and headed up to the road. Not even the devoted Brownie went to the check, and we quickly called it from parallel to the road. Magically Snowballs appeared in front of us! Brownie, Graven, Poo and I charged after him. Another check, and Graven and I were discussing which way we wanted to go when Snowballs called us up the hill to the left – we both doubted the call, but followed up the hill only to find an inch square of old paper on a leaf. Back down the hill and over to the trail I’d wanted to check before.

Lovely little cut through trail, but I eased off hoping to let Brownie and Graven figure out the next check before I got there. It was a crucial point – either we would break right and hit the Maejo farm, or break left and go via the Tiger’s Head. But there was no check! Graven assumed there would be a back check and tried looking to the left. Brownie lost confidence to follow the paper on his own. There were confused cries from behind us, and somehow I found myself back at the front! Damnit! Now I was at the check being forced to make the call on the break. I was wrong… Not badly so, but just a bit. I rejoined trail along with a largish group, including Kwazi! And Kwazi was running! And I wasn’t closing him down!

We regrouped around the Tiger’s Head as we lost the trail for a bit. Apparently the trail had cut into the scout camp and the check was in the Tiger’s mouth, but with scouts milling around with brushes, we picked up trail again the other side of the lake. Now it was the Lizard setting the pace, but he was caught out by another back check. Graven is as familiar with these trails as I am, and he wasn’t being tricked, leading Brownie to the right. I followed with Poo, while the Lizard made his own way across country.

From here there were only 2 more checks. I paused at one junction where there wasn’t a check and lost a bit of ground on Poo, Brownie and the Lizard, but quickly made it up again as they missed the trail headed off to the right. Graven was somewhere ahead, no doubt charging his way straight on and back. The last check cost me a few meters, but as soon as I saw the check, I was straight to the paper. Brownie, Poo & Lizard chasing me, Graven somewhere ahead, and then no more checks. No chance of closing Graven down, so I trudged in with Brownie & Poo. Good to see Poo running better again, and a nice set all on good running trails.

11th March – CSH3 – PigShit

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Only another month or so until we get a new beer monster! 😀 This one didn’t have electrolyte, causing a few grumpy faces before the harebrief. It seemed Piggy had a bit more to say in the harebrief, but gave up and set us off.. Soon enough there was a circle – a bit confusing as the circle was back on trail behind where the trail finished. I got it right and headed towards the hills with Alice in quick pursuit. The trail peeled off to the left to a lemming cliff jump. I paused for a while wondering if we really were supposed to jump off the edge, before turning around to see who was following me – when I did, I spotted the false trail on the back of the tree. Phew, I headed back to the main trail and the pack followed me up the hill.

The next check is where things got messy. Clearly someone had tampered with the trail. Clearly paper had been torn off, and clearly some checks were no longer there. We got stuck at a circle check that took a long, long time to find, mostly because the trail had been taken away. Finally we did some forensic analysis of staples that appeared to have recently been stuck into a tree, and pieced the fuck up together. There were probably 3-4 checks missing, with random papers in between. Tough to follow, which resulted in the pack being kept together. Square Rooter was leading the way for a while, and I remember seeing Stumbling Dyke running along ahead of me at one point. Despite the confusion, it created a nice hasher community spirit and together we solved the problem!

The trail had been clinging to the edge of the hills, and finally it headed towards the hills. I got a circle right, and then a V-check wrong, which put me along with Chuckie who was mumbling about his lack of fitness, still being sick and all.. I got to a circle check with Knock Out and she gave me the choice of where to check. I picked straight… until I spotted something up the hill to the left – changed my mind and everyone followed. We had some climbing to do and no avoiding it. It seemed tough at the time, but it wasn’t so bad – a bit of off trail scramble, and soon enough we were back on the ridge trails, trying to guess how far back we needed to go before we could drop down the hill.

Another V-Check, and Chuckie really wanted me to check to the right, but no chance, I am going left! And then a circle, and a random Alice appeared from nowhere! I will be interested to see his strava to find out how he got there ahead of us – for sure it wasn’t all on trail, but from talking after I think he only skipped a little corner, but given we didn’t hear anything from him, perhaps he’s spent too long at the Turkish school of hashing? Snowballs was hot on my tail, and given the chance he took over the lead, a lead he wasn’t going to give up! Now I was 2nd, or 3rd to checks, so started having to take the lower percentages, and lost some ground – Alice passed, KO passed, Sloppy passed, Graven passed…

But we were descending, and we were running. Breezing through a few checks, and ahead there was a circle. Alice down the hill checking when it was called to the right just before I got there – he didn’t come back! I was running with KO, with Sloppy just ahead peeling the checks as he followed I guess Snowballs as he was just out of sight. Suddenly it seemed like KO sped up and was pounding down the hill behind me! I pushed on a bit, in my macho mood not wanting KO to catch me. Surely I could hold her off??! Another couple of hundred meters and I was seriously wondering what had got into her – surely she doesn’t push this much??? A glance over my shoulder as she caught me, and I realised it was Graven Image catching up from going wrong at one of the last circles!

We cruised past the ONIN and into the A-site to find Alice debriefing the hare and Sups had outwitted us all again!

Courtesy Alice:-
My area of hills, writes humble scribe Alice, thus I was intrigued, what would the porcine duo have in store for us?
At the first circle Byte chose correctly up, so I followed. You can’t go thru the back of the Grand Canyon! A slightly silly off trail left, overpapered, had to be a FT but did it go into the hills by a secret path. Not. FT. But you never know!
At the next obvious check its on up into the doi or down the dip and round. Alas KO didn’t go far enough to find paper so we rechecked, headed bush to find non existent trails before finally just going further along the obvious path. On on!
A missing check at the next corner…..confusion…perhaps a circle missing and no paper. I checked confidently up to the doi then heard Byte yell OnOn from the loop.
Jogged around that loop and more missing paper. KO went down into the gulley and another on call from ahead so I pulled her off. I mean out. She yelled OnOn in my ear so loudly I went partially deaf, as well as stupid.
Pack ran on path away from the doi to I think a V or circle that took a minute or so to solve. I had a hunch, dropped thru the orchards and found paper on the path leading up the valley.
I turned left, ran up the valley, took straight at the V, correct guess left up the field from the circle to the little ravine then steep forest path up, up, up. Left is down so it had to be right at the top, it was. After a few hundred metres of lovely flattish, forest trail, right at that V. Left was too obvious! It couldn’t be left, just running through. Wrong.
Bushwhacked back to trail and got the next one right then messed up. A circle in a tricky bit of forest with interconnected spurs. Dogshit and Taste My Buns have come to grief here…with me. Went front right, decent path, Aaah no, the spur to nowhere. Then straight and ….no paper. 360 plus metres wasted. As I returned I saw/heard Snowballs, Byte, Graven and KO piling thru. Snowballs found paper 40m from the circle at 7 o’clock position. Off we went again!
We were running on decent trails along the ridge lines but someone wanted to make it tougher. Wonder who pulls down 200m of paper then leaves the rest? Thank fcuk they do!
At a circle in a glade I took left down the valley towards the A. Wrong, someone called from above. Damn. I bushwhacked again and came out level with FRB Snowballs. Down the ridge towards the farmlands we scampered and a circle in the obvious place. Would Piggee make us loop around further or drop into the ravine? I went towards the drop but OnOn was called straight out of the forest. I charged thru a V here, unseeing.
SB had gone right and Graven straight. I barrelled down after the speeding Image and felt distraught as SB called trail from the other side. Gravity just kept me rolling down and Graven asked:Where the hell you going? as he ran back up past me. Home! I panted.
I knew my trail basically paralleled their trail and hopefully just came back to the A from the other side. And it did. And it was good. Snowballs checked up my trail once home for a few minutes, Jeez, that man had some running in his long legs yesterday.
Nice work hares, good to see how the mind plays tricks and doubts are cast when obvious options appear incorrect even though they aren’t. The psychology of hash running is a much understudied subject. Master’s degree anyone?

9th March – CH4 – Taste My Buns (Miniballbreaker)

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(By the delirious Brown Finger!)

I love a good hashing challenge, the opportunity to test one’s mental and physical strength, the pitting of one’s wits against the hare. I had been looking forward to this ‘mini ball breaker’ for some while, that is until I came down with the dreaded lurgy that has been sweeping through the hashing community like fire through a forest. Sitting on the songthaew leaving town I must admit I felt like jumping out the back and going straight back to bed. Although the lurgy had moved on, no doubt to infect some other poor bastard, fatigue was mushing my mind and muscles to a torpid pulp. Why was I here? There was no way that I was going to finish a 15k run in the heat of the day. I had visions of my sun-bleached, dog-chewed bones being found 10 years later at the bottom of a crevasse. What! Are you a man or a mouse? I told myself sternly. ‘Squeak, pass the cheese’, I heard a high-pitched murine voice reply in the depths of my macerated brain. Gulp!

TMB was clearly in charge when we arrived at the B for the A to B run. Where the f— was Alice?With Germanic efficiency she barked orders and marched around poking and prodding when we were too slow to follow them. Hare brief: pink paper, False Trails, Circles and V’s with ‘MBB’ written on them. What? My Buns are Burning? I collapsed in fevered hysterics, and only just recovered in time to learn that FRB’s were to look on the back of trees for paper off of Circles, and apparently poor old HRA was no longer fit to be considered an FRB. The dismayed look on his face almost set me to tears. In fact, it seemed that I was the only one the hare was talking too. Holy shit, the pressure was mounting, and I was feeling more fatigued by the minute.

A quick transport to the B site about 5 clicks further out of town and we were off, and much to my surprise I was able to jog along with the others without falling over. Cool, I was already feeling much better, and to make things even cooler, heavy clouds rolled in to cover the sun, and a cooling breeze miraculously materialised; in fact it threatened to rain. It was almost the perfect running climate. Yippeeeee, squealed my little mousey brain friend.

The first part of the run took is through dusty orchards, with clever checks to keep us all together. And then we hit the hills, a stony ridge trail with checks that offered almost no alternative other than to check straight along the ridge. However, there was a very good check which had true trail leading across a gully to a trail running parallel to the one gravy and I were checking. We could see trail paper on the other trail but couldn’t call on-on for obvious reasons. We could also see that our trail would converge with the true trail a short way ahead, so we carried on, leaving others to turn back and across the gully. Sweet!

A group of front runners had by now naturally formed with Graven, HRA (still a true blue FRB indeed :-) Suckit, a Virgin from America (Calvin?), that wily weasel guy from Columbia, Knockout and I working together on a number of false trails that the hares had artfully chosen to use here, pulling down paper and resetting trail for those who followed. The False Trail checks were very effective but were peculiarly sited on the back of trees, which caught some of us out on quite a few occasions when trail paper appeared to simply run out. Have the hares f—– up here? asked the inquisitive mouse. No and yes, I replied in my most professorial voice. Apparently, the hares had done this so we wouldn’t see the signs from a distance. Fair enough. But in my experience, Mr Mouse, there is always a way to site a False Trail facing the right direction without it being seen from a distance, but hey, what the hell did I know . . .? The mouse declined to respond to my learned question and instead asked for a particularly smelly lump of Gorgonzola.

And then we came out of the hills and Graven manfully led us along some dirt trails to the beer stop. I took stock of my mental and physical health. Oddly I was feeling good on both accounts, and the mouse agreed with me, which made me feel even better. But I declined to take a beer and watched Suckit down his and Graven take one to the songthaew. Old age juice had once again begun to seep from his ears and run in tobacco-brown streaks down his neck, and it was in the songthaew that he gracefully decided to retire from the run and to seek solace in more beer which always seems to relieve his ever-creeping old age pains and grumpy refrain. Goodbye old friend, no longer would we wander hand in hand along the heavenly trails this day. I felt sad and sought comfort in the company of the mouse, but that two-faced little rat had deserted me in my time of grief – bastard! And to think I gave him all that damned cheese. It’s not cheap in Thailand, you know!

So, with the promise of only good, flat running trails for the next 8k or so, we set off on the second and last section of the trail, on home to the B site. But instead of good running trails, up another hill and along stony trails we went once more, with the same pack of FRB’s still together, minus gravy of course – sob! But the hills were only minor affairs, certainly not in the Square dude’s league, and soon we were on the promised running trails out the back of Suckit’s place. Suckit sensed a home victory and stormed away in the lead, with the rest of the FRB’s struggling to keep up with his ever-increasing pace. I began to wonder how fast he used to be before he too got old (over sixty now – tee-hee-heee :-) and before his knee turned from solid bone and gristle to rusty tin and rivets. Wow he must have been even faster than Frozen Dick and Tiptoe (tee-heee-hee :-) But home knowledge can often be a negative attribute and sadly it proved so to be for Suckit and his faithful sidekick, good old Huckleberry HRA; they both took the direct leg to the B site from a V check, which proved to be the wrong one. It was then that they both lost heart and ran through the check-back, using Suckit’s trail knowledge to short cut to the B. And it was a rejuvenated me who went the right way at that V check, along with that wanking weasel bastard, the virgin American boy and the delightful Knockout who continued to call and scream at the top of her lungs as she had done so for the entire run. Nice!

And then there were four, and we arrived at the place where the monk’s hangout, right at the back of the back of Suckits place. Weasely-bastard-arsehole-thingy found true trail out to the left and I found him at the next check crouching down, seeking directional guidance from the GPS app on his smart phone. The poor little dick-head was getting tired, was in need of his mummy and didn’t want to play any more, but he still wanted to get home first and he was going to cheat as usual to get there. The remaining three of us followed and we soon came upon a line of fire running over a four-way junction at a circle check. GPS had the smack-head Columbian going straight, but it was Knockout who found true trail heading left, and that was the last that we were to see of the weasel, who short cut the rest of the way home to see his mother, or his girlfriend/wife, whomever the f. . .

And then there were three, and as good a hashing triumvirate as you could hope to find in Chiang Mai, checking and calling together, waiting for each other, holding hands, kissing . . . setting trail from checks for those behind who might indeed need all the help they could get as darkness quickly approached. And it was together that we jogged into the B enclosure – the honourable virgin, the venerable town cryer, Knockout, and fever-free me. And to top it all, I was feeling absolutely marvellous. Yippeeeeee! I had survived and even prospered, I yelled at the mouse, but he still was not there; gone for good, I certainly hoped so. And there sat Graven with the other short cutters, beer in hand, with no sign of any further old age juice discharge. Good to see you in your most natural state of drunkenness once more, buddy.

And then Frozen, Tiptoe and the other hashers who had bailed out at the beer stop arrived by pick-up truck. More than two hours to do 5k or so? Wow! We sat around talking turkey, drinking and munching, waiting for the rest of the pack to arrive, and it was completely dark by the time the Square dude and Shagging Sheep finally arrived home, thankfully none the worse for wear.

A shortish circle that was appreciated by one and all who were in dire need of a substantial meal after a hard day’s hashing. All in all it was a very well executed set, a B to A run that had us guessing all the way. It was well set and the pretty pink paper was, contrary to expectations, easy to follow. Some nice changes of terrain which kept the run interesting and fun for the entire 15k. Great job hares, the TMB / Alice hareing partnership grows from strength to strength. What comes next? Who knows and frankly who really cares, but it would be interesting to know what Alice got from TMB when they found that the restaurant for lunch was closed ????????

As for me? Well why don’t you ask the mouse, he is back on my couch, sitting right next to me as a write this complete heap of shit. Another lump of stinking Gorgonzola, Mr Mouse . . . . . .?

6th March – CH3 – Sheep Shagger

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Sheep Shagger made his solo haring debut a fair way down Canal Rd, writes Alice, and in the area close to the Frozen Dick house apparently.

The pack was small but raring to go and the brief told us we were on sheep related paper, a nice touch. The hare was pretty sure it was about 5 km and there were FTs marked with sheep in red NO signs. When asked about check backs from Vs it became clear there weren’t any Vs just circles.

Away we went on the start of a tight course that tried to wiggle a runnable route out of a narrow grid of tracks and orchards. It was promising to be a literally close run thing. How would the hare control the pack?

I struggled to get past Tiptoe then Rooter stepped across me.
The first check was hidden behind a tree although when you stopped and turned round because there was no paper visible either side of the t junction, you saw the check. I went right to check-wrong! The breadcrumb paper was rather thin, tiny strips that someone tore into thinner tinier strips that some runners had trouble seeing.

On on was called left and into an orchard or two, another check and through a wide barbed wire fence unmarked onto more paper and then a check that led to our undoing.

The pack spread and a clear On On from FRB Graven on a track the other end of the orchard. I caught up and we saw paper on both sides of the barbed wire fence. Portent of gloom or a masterful debut?

He and others tried finding ingress to the overgrown field while Graven, as senior hasher, sent me down the clear path on paper to find the False Trail, he reliably informed me was down there.
On and on I jogged, obviously too far for a falsie and so it was. Into another orchard and out with a flash of songthao red through the trees. Uh oh. 10 minutes in and I was back at the A. Sheep Shagger’s face was a picture! The FRBs converged behind me and it was time to take stock.

Graven re-ran the out trail while I jogged backwards with the hare to show him where we’d hit the in trail. I think he was so focussed on the out trail and making that well marked but tricky at checks, he’d missed the proximity of the in trail. A new hare common gaff.

No matter, we set off again, the Kwazi checking like a good un and running down trails. Suddenly we see the rest of the pack, ABB, Strangely, Pig, Pussy Whisperer, Square Rooter etc. They were standing around and debating. Didn’t look promising. They were confused, trail was confused and what we did know was that paper was both ways fairly close by.

Paper was found in a field but going backwards, then down a clear path and then 3 pieces hidden after a long gap which suggested a circle somewhere but also that we were in reverse again. Despite good will, head nor tail was really made of things so groups made their own ways home trying to follow the in or the out backwards to try to ascertain where we went wrong.

Calls weren’t always heard clearly or perhaps made and tempers got a bit hot here and there. Hash is a game, should be fun and there’s only 3 main moving calls. ‘On on’ for on trail. ‘Checking’ when searching from a check. ‘Looking’ when suddenly off paper and trying to get back on. If the pack call clearly and often, we’ll eat the trail and not irritate each other. End of vent!

Back at the A, Sheep Shagger was trying to come to terms with everyone’s advice. The circle was low key as folk relaxed. Luckily the terrain was flat and we got mixed up close enough to the A both times so no-one really stressed or panicked. A few gently funny tales of the Udon outstation were told and enjoyed by your scribe Alice.

Strava routes were revealing. They all looked like a figure of 8 overlaid on a loop of another 8. Pack ran between about 3.5 and 5.2 km I think in about 45 mins.

On on on was in Bier Stube with unfortunately smoking patrons in our vicinity. Lucky Chuck Wao went home to recuperate.

4th March – CSH3 – Byte My Yahoo

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Fire in the Hole!

Dr Byte set a memorable run over 2 days, 3 visits and interesting terrain way out back of Mae Jo, writes Alice.

In fact it had everything: sneaky checks, cheeky checks, cunty going thru unmarked barbed wire checks, 4 fire lines to cross, farm trails, orchards, forests, ridges and about 2 too many km!
FRB Taste my Burns came home with 10km on her Strava, almost double the Turk’s I believe. Most of the runners were in within 5 mins of her 1:20 approx arrival back at the A. The walkers Tiptoe, Fawcet etc and poor Mr Poo were another story!

The run was a clever, demanding set over some new trails for last minute busy hare Dr Byte. Why he didn’t rehash an old trail of his backwards, I’ve yet to learn.

The checks were obvious and sometimes tricky, tricky and backwards and sometimes cunning, mean, nasty and admirable all at once.

The pack puffed up a ridge towards the burning zone and were faced eventually with four leaps through the fire line and smog. It was all quite exciting I felt. Browny, Turk and 3.5″ shared FRB duties with TMB – with Strangely up there and doing fcuk all at circles to assist those behind despite the hares advice to play nice. He either ripped half the paper and just ran off – or stood at the circle and just ran off when On On was called, not taking any paper or ripping the circle. Lucky Sex Pistol is retired or she’d have taken down Strangely Anal’s particulars.

Graven was rattling along by half way and whenever he passed me after being buggered by a check back, remarked his surprise at me being amongst the elite runners. Ha! Newly named Spitz Spunk was upping his game with an excellent run from a man more used to swimming 200 laps being yelled at by his coach and voiding his bladder at the same time not the pool. Class.

We came out of the burnt forest after surviving, I think, 2 missing circles on the way but paper after 100 was still hanging. The FRBs do need to call On On when paper disappears and Checking! when they disappear after a circle. Otherwise no one behind has a clue in hell. Turkish is exempt from these rules naturally, as PM Erdogan has written him a note for the GM.

The route in after the forest was easy enough running on clear paths but with some challenging checks, the FRBs were bunched, especially as TMB chose check backs with regularity.

Eventually we slogged into an orchard and were back to the A bucket in just over 1:20 for Alice, SpitzSpunk and SP, who were behind the aforementioned FRBs, who hove into sight after Turkish had returned to the A but from which direction no man can tell. Fast walkers ABB and Pussy Whisperer were hot on our lips, I mean tails; they are the target for the returning ChuckWao next run.

Circle was bravely administered by said ailing ChuckWao with hare BMY out rounding up stragglers. Visitors Brainfart and Necrofillher from Puerto Gallera and Choo Choo Cabra from Norfolk, Virginia were welcomed and jolly nice to see the rewards of retirement in Phills it was too!

Superman managed to wheedle his way to the male wings and I think Sex Pistol the female. The excitement had overcome my fevered bow by then.

Great set Byte, but a tad on the challenging side for some walkers and recovering vets. Running through flaming fire walls was an exciting first that your scribe Alice is not overly keen to experience until next year, however the hare was not responsible. But I wouldn’t be the first to say that!

2nd March – CH4 – Foxy Cleopatra

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Finally I got to run on a CH4! First time in >2 months, but I wasn’t even recognised as a long time returner! Never mind, I know nobody misses me! Seemed we were light on FRBs, but having just come out of 3 hours exam invigilation, I was up for some exercise. The A was by the small lake by the temple, near the large quarry just along Sameong Road. The hare tried to tell me how she couldn’t remember the area at all, but I was pretty sure we’d been everywhere there was to go here!

Hare brief done and we slunk off towards the temple. Great, a circle check in the middle of a meditation temple. The monks were peacefully sweeping the leaves from around the powder and then a storm of hasher come through. That circle took >10 minutes. I checked everywhere I could think of checking. We scattered all through the temple grounds, more effective than the military at Dhammakhaya, if Phra Dhammajayo was there, we would have found him, but instead I felt bad for the disturbance, as we were only looking for powder. The main problem was that the hares had switched to paper, so even when I found some paper I wasn’t that confident about calling it. Finally we were off, and soon back on to powder, and general mix of hash markings – to be honest we could have been running several trails, who knows?!

The first few checks got us all, but Robin Banks seemed to be nailing a few, which meant I generally got to run further in the wrong direction than I normally would. I was pushing hard, trying to gain some fitness before the inevitable heat kicks in, but was getting everything wrong. Finally we cut out to the large quarry, and a V check. It could not be right – that was just taking us home to the cars, and I’d pretty much checked that far off the first circle anyway. I headed left following Tasty & Graven. We were right, and another circle had TMB going right to nowhere, and Graven not keen to go left. After I encouraged him, he scampered up the hill and I followed. Surely a false trail? We both knew it, but he sportingly took it on, while I slunk off to the right and found paper.

From there it was one way home, and I settled into a gear. No more slowing down at checks… No more following paper to inevitable false trails… This was time to head home, and behind I heard Suckit, and then Graven, and 3.5 was there somewhere too. Somehow I held them off and jogged in. Good exercise, nice run, thanks hares!

25th Feb – CSH3 – Alice

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Doi Saket – my kinda town! 😀 I love runs here! Alice prefers the area to the left of the canal – plenty of flat buffalo trails that weave around, so good for a runners trail. Moments before the run started there was no sign of Alice “Where the fuck is Alice?”. He showed up with moments to spare and set us off. I jogged along to the first circle with Obscene, who decided to take a lie down rather than bother doing any checking – the youngster preaches to us about short cutting, but doesn’t do a lot of checking, me wonders what parental guidance he’s getting!

Anyway, someone called it and the pack converged through an opening into another open buffalo field. Another check, and again I wanted to go right. I’m not sure why… The hare had given away that it was anticlockwise in his hare brief vernacular, but yet I didn’t want to turn left quite yet. I was wrong, as was most others, and we headed back out to the road through the opening that was so much less flooded than some months back!

We hit the canal, and for me here it had to be left, I didn’t see him crossing the canal, as there were just too many rice fields to play with. A circle check by the road had us checking a long time. There were many options and much confusion. The road, with it’s perpetual motorbikes, coupled with dogs meant nobody really had much of a clue what was going on. Finally someone called it on, straight on the other side of the canal. Obscene, kept going his side of the canal, and sure enough soon we were at another circle and again the ‘right’ side of the canal.

I think most of us missed a little loop here, as we headed into the Chinese cemetery. Tasty was way up ahead, and I joined Brownie jogging along behind. He wanted conversation, but I wanted my inhaler, which was sadly in the car. We hit the wimp rambo split, and of course turned right onto the rambo. Really not sure how much the walker trail took off- looks like a lot of haring effort for minimal hasher reward! Another circle, and Tasty went straight, Brownie went left, and I had to go right. No calls, nothing… When finally it was called straight, I was mumbling to myself about silent runners (but when I got home and checked the Strava, people weren’t checking where I thought they were!) No worries, I was coming back a bit from behind, and caught up again with the LAZY None of Your Business…

A couple of back to back false trails, and I was back in the mix – the mark of a good hare bringing the pack back together. At the canal road, I didn’t want to check the other side of the canal, so paused for Brownie to go straight and TMB to go back to the left. I chased after TMB at the call, and we rejoined the walkers. As a general rule I don’t like Walker/Runner trails – they have a habit of getting confused, particularly when walkers end up on trail ahead of runners. This time we rejoined at about the same time, but there was still some confusion. Again, good checks got the pack back together, and KO was out in front for a while, until she was thwarted by a neck high trip wire and a pack of deceptively friendly dogs.

We were on the home stretch, which sadly Alice hadn’t had time to mark. So I met him in the forest on his bike. He told me to follow the trail out “durrh”…. While behind me he followed laying paper. It entertained me no end for me to call “LOOKING”, while Alice was 2m behind on his bike, 2m behind him was 3.5 Inch, calling “ONON”, leaving those behind wondering wtf was happening as “LOOKING” “ONON” “LOOKING” “ONON” “LOOKING” “ONON”….

23rd Feb – CH4 – Kwazi

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Courtesy Brown Finger:-

Well I must admit I very nearly didn’t go to this run. The A site was way out in the wilds of Mae Wang, 15k or so past the usual outer hashing region along the Canal Road, with no special arrangements made for the songthaew leaving early or staying for the special on-on meal afterwards.

What I really didn’t fancy was the appalling possibility of spending around three hours stuck in pollution-spewing traffic, crammed into the back of a little red bus with a bunch of hot and smelly hashers, followed by a very late meal back in town. But I am a curious animal nonetheless, and although this does, like the proverbial cat, often get me into trouble, I decided to see what Kwazi meant by “probably the best (or maybe most?) Chiang Mai trails we have ever run on”, and also what Kwazi would do differently in charge of the Circle to make it more entertaining and less of a dormitory for narcoleptic hashers such as he. Would my feline inquisitiveness get the better of me this time, or would my lucky hashing codpiece come to my aid once again?

So let’s start at McDonald’s and the little red bus. Luckily, Robin Banks turned up in his car, so that I was able to ride in air-conditioned, relative luxury. Strike lucky-one for the curious cat. And then, Kwazi must have made a devilish pact with the traffic gods because I have never in recent times seen the Chiang Mai roads so clear on the way to a hash. In fact the songthaew arrived at the A site before Banksy’s car and almost on-time for the hare brief. A most remarkable occurrence. Strike lucky-two!

And then the handbags began to fly, TMB tearing into a sheepish looking Kwazi for daring to set a trail in her territory, the same place as she had told everyone that she would be setting an outstation sometime in the future. But the cat fight was short lived and Kwazi apologised so hard and so pathetically that TMB finally agreed to be friends again so that Kwazi could begin his very unusual hare brief.

Mother Hash circle checks – bunches of paper haphazardly thrown down by the side of the trail – interspersed with the usual Chiang Mai powder circle checks. The powder checks would be in dwelling areas so as not to spoil them with paper. Hmmm, so it was OK to ‘spoil’ the pristine forest trails with Mother Hash paper? And then there was the introduction of new hash call: ‘Checking. Help!’ WTF? Apparently, FRB’s would definitely not have an advantage on these trails; there were so many trails – “one turning into nine” – that everyone would be needed to do the checking. When a hasher checks a trail that leads into nine other trails, then said hasher should call Checking. Help! and all the other little hashers should then go trotting off to help with the checking. Cool, baby! A mass happy hash checking party! This cool cat was looking forward to enjoying Kwazi’s own particular brand of furry fun and frolics!

But alas there were no trail-checking parties, it was the usual frontrunners who got to do most, if not all of the checking, and I never did hear Kwazi’s new hash call shouted out in anger. Shame, I was so looking forward to hearing innocent Knockout’s squeal for help and to seeing what would happened next :-). But it was true what Kwazi had said about the trails: they were everywhere, loads of the lovely little buggers, single track, unspoiled (well, except for Kwazi’s many bits of Mother Hash paper), slightly sandy trails, reminiscent of those out the back of Suckit’s place.

Because of the quality of the trails, it was a fast paced run, and I witnessed a ranging Suckit, a shrieking Knockout, and a persistent Strangely Anal exchanging the lead with me on several occasions. I also ran into TMB and Sex Pistol (ankle recovering well it seems) a few times, with TMB doing a lot of checking but, oh dear, mostly in the wrong direction.

Some of the checks were very tricky and had us zigzagging around the course in an anti-clockwise direction, others we seemed to work out rather quickly and moved along at a pace that was sorely testing lungs and legs. It also turned out to be a longish run, around the 8k mark with checking. So it was with a grateful sigh that Suckit lead the way in and we could sit around enjoying a cold one or two before the Circle. Nice trails, good checks, a fine run for which the hare should be rightly proud. Nice one Kwazi :-)

It is odd, I somehow don’t remember anything about the Circle, because for some unknown reason I took a cat nap . . . . and when I finally awoke, there was Kwazi handing out 100 bht notes for everyone who agreed to stay for the meal at the resort from where we had just run and circled. And so, with a 100 bht on offer, there was no question whatsoever of anyone wishing to return to town on the songtaew before the meal. Strike lucky-three, although my ‘hot’ meal was served stone cold but tasty, and there was a long wait for some poor, starving hashers. Nice one Kwazi, you should have been a politician.

So, this curious cat and his lucky codpiece survived the mighty Kwazi’s unusual offering and thoroughly enjoyed the experience, what I remember of it, although luck did have something to do with it: Banksy’s comfortable car ride, a remarkable lack of traffic to contend with, and by all accounts falling asleep in the circle.

I would say that there is still plenty of scope for TMB to do a great outstation at this resort, and if, perhaps occasionally, the hash was to wander back in this direction for a normal run with special and more specific songtheaw arrangements, then I can’t see many hashers complaining.