Author Archives: mrpoo

25th Decr – CH4 – Brownfinger/HRA

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‘Twas the day of Christmas and all through the hills
Not a creature was stirring
Except for a herd of hashers yelling ‘On on!’

Things were a bit quiet at Next Place at 12:00 and we wondered briefly if people had better things to do on Christmas Day than to go runnin in the mountains. However more and more people turned up at the runsite (including Shagless’ huge and confusing extended family) and a solid 26 people were there for the run.

The hare brief explained there would be bits of paper to pull out of stockings, with instructions about what to do with ‘presents’ in circles, more instructions on trees, powder, Christmas-themed strips of paper and V checks (just ordinary V checks). Hilarity ensued as we set off on the run and Shagless ended up with a hat, Square Rooter and Devon with dresses and lipstick (on the nose) and Scooby Doo had to go back to a previous check and dance around it singing a Christmas song! Later we found ourselves on top of a mountain singing a special version of Jingle Bells (“Oh what fun it is to run, with Browny/HRA!”), shortly before ending up on the wrong side of barbed wire ad taking ages to catch up with those in front.

A wise Square Rooter stalked Running Bear to the mistletoe check, while Mr Poo failed to score with Scooby Doo or Seamen Sores, and Graven Image was very glad to be up the front with Taste My Buns.

I’d been slightly worried that the run might be a bit of a token effort, relying on gimmicks to slow everybody down, but we did a goo 5.9 k and FRBs came in at just under an hour, with Dogshit mysteriously appearing from a side road and catching up with them for a while near the end.

During the circle Doesn’t Get It’s daughter, May, was named Mai Tai, due to her terrible Thai (allegedly) and her love of alcohol (and her name May). Steve was welcomed back, and congratulated on not running up any mountains this time (he’s getting the idea).

Things only got better from then on as we headed off to HRA’s house for Geng Hang Lay, turkey, mashed potato, ribs and an assortment of cakes and biscuits from TMB (Taste My Buns, not Thai Military Bank).

Excellent Christmas Day! Thanks very much to Brownfinger for the turkey, to HRA for his hospitality (till he got bored of us and turned the lights out) and both of them for the great, entertaining run. Also thanks to Cumalot, Knockout and Taste My Buns for the excellent food :)

17th November – Loy Katoey Run – Mr Poo, Graven Image, Chack Wow

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7th October – CH3 – Byte My Yahoo

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As I limped to the computer to write this report I remembered the CH3  meeting where Byte My Yahoo suggested a ‘mini ballbreaker’ and the excitement with which a group of naive hashers welcomed the idea.

All went well to begin with, the bus left Next Place earlier and fuller than normal and became even fuller when None of Your Business jumped on as we slowed  near a McDonalds on the way to Mae Jo.   The hare gave us a quick hare brief and we were off.  It was a lovely area and having walked up a hill and past a temple we has some great running trails, and Graven Image to tell us how far we had to go to the 7 km beer stop!  One cunning check unfortunately had loads of traffic at it for some reason and so communication was bad, leading to the tragedy of  Sloppy Rod catching up, having arrived 15 minutes late.

NOYB started strongly and some accused him of inside knowledge! However it was a cunning plot.  A long series of fairly obvious checks lulled the FRBs into a false sense of security until they almost all followed NOYB in the wrong direction while the back of the pack caught up and found true trail going off to the left!

The beer check had much needed sustenance and we swapped Frozen Dick, Tiptoe and Sunny for Baldric, who coyly pretended he didn’t know which way the next few checks went, despite having past them minutes before.

The second leg of the run was also a lot of fun, until we found the check that would take us 10 minutes.  Graven and Sloppy went straight and eventually found a checkback, but decided that even that was old paper.  Poo went back up the trail and hashers spread out in all directions.  Eventually Scooby found paper leading off to the left but 1) it appeared to have been ripped off the trees and 2) surely the hare wasn’t stupid enough to make us go off into the shiggy at 6:20 as it was getting dark?  Apparently he was and we enjoyed a scramble down a slope where visitor Cum Lord was impressed to see how Humperdick shepherded his flock to make sure nobody was lost, “Scooby Doo!  Where are you?”

Thankfully the hare was waiting at some barbed wire and we escaped from the jungle before complete darkness and were guided down the road by BMY’s car.  Frozen Dick (the bitch) ran a very good circle and we headed off to Sausage King to stuff ourselves!  Success! :)

edit: NOYB’s GPS track…

2nd April – Horny Monkey

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So what would the soon to be departing to the US for 6 months have up his sleeve for his swan song run? Would he at last set a good run … a better than usual run would have been welcome … the run directions to near the 700 year stadium seemed promising!


On No! … Yep HM found a moo baan we hadn’t run round before! Holy Crap indeed! 12 of us showed up for this thriller …


After a ludicrous hare brief with bizarre concoctions for False Trail, powder, invisible old leaf yellow paper and powder we  set off out towards the highway (107) – Angry Inch, Semen Soars and Humperdick raced Belly Dancer to the  V-check at the moo baan gate – BD went left and everyone else went right – both there FT! Back BD ran to the A and spotted Horny heading out through a hole in the fence – with a heads up BD headed out into the cow infested field while the pack ran back around the wall to give chase. Fortunately BD overheard Horny telling Square Rooter about a red marker which can in handy when BD found the Skiddy Stix. Under the wall by the red marker was Horny’s idea of fun … still we were all bunched together.


More running around the streets of the moo baan with the bemused Thai’s confirming their suspicions that farangs are mad. At the edge of the moo baan the bulk of the pack mistook the trail and was some confusion about where the true trail was heading. Semen Soars despite grumbling like a Dutchman found the proper trail (yes more moo baan running) and Semen, Belly and Angry Inch tracked round until bumping into the main pack running the wrong way. Finally the trail was found and a small scramble up a sandy cliff face took us to some nice running trails!!


Dog Shit & BD decided that excessive desire to be FRB on a run like this was ill advised, so with shouts from Chuck Wao, Skid Mark, Humperdick – our ‘intelligent hashing’ paid off and Horny had yet again laid some tricky back checks a plenty, Alice was none to happy with the amount of rocks … but that did beat concrete. Mind Your Nuts took it easy and Graven Image was in super stealth mode for his 101st run!


Doggy and Belly arrived at the jungle juice stop to find Horny grinning ear to ear with delight but Skiddy was bleeding profusely from his finger that he had lacerated on a leaf. With FRB’s sent off – Horny told us his plan to finish setting the run – upon hearing this we decided we needed more jungle juice and since we could see the moo baan … GPS our way back to A.


Yep – its was another terrible Horny Monkey run of 6.5km for those that did it all. The pack came in pretty close together and to be fair … it was perhaps one Horny’s better moo baan runs!


Graven Image got the Wings and his 100th Run mug – Congralations Gravy – well deserved. The circle had the odd ‘moment’ at times but it was fun on the whole. Then OnOnOn into town for some Monkey-ing around.


Thank you very much Horny Monkey for your efforts with CH3 and hope you have a good trip back to the US of A. See you in September.



Belly Dancer

28th October – Mr Poo & Knockout

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The Location – Mr Poo decided that having his run so close to the Bunny H3 might not be a good idea.  Did he think the males would sneak off to chase the Bunnies?  Or was he afraid that no one would come to his run at all?  The next plan was a run at CMU but building work there had blocked off the most fun trails.  Eventually he decided to set a run at the Fire Prevention Centre. Despite confusing the hell out of Belly Dancer with complicated directions like ‘out of town’ – quite a strong turn out appeared.

The Run – What a crappy run! – only Dog Shit’s 1.3km figure-8 run and of course Belly Dancer’s pointless and dangerous ramble over the mountains with no discernible trails were worse than this!  Even Throbbing Ninja’s recent attempt to kill off hashers by oxygen deprivation at high attitude was preferable to the run Mr Poo set! At best it was 3km – but hashers managed to waste 20 minutes on a slope infested with mosquitoes and bamboo spikes looking for trail. Frustrated with people calling on previously run trail Grease Gorilla intimidated people so much that even when Seaman Soars found the trail he was told that he was wrong.

Chack Wow was on the verge of making one of his ‘executive decisions’ and leading people back but eventually Jungle Chim (or possibly Square Router) insisted that he really was standing on som powder that we had not seen before and we actually continued with the run intended . Mr Poo did redeem himself (a little) by turning up with cold beer and co-hare Knockout at his favourite knocking spot – ooops I mean picnic table. Belly Dancer decided to give up on the rest of the run and  lead the ladies back in – ignoring the powder and voracious yapping dogs that the FRBs faced as they dutifully ran around the lake.

The Circle – an X-rated circle the likes of which I’ve never witnessed before – unmentionable!

Well done Mr Poo – crappy run, great beer and one of the best Happy Hash circles I’ve ever been too!

22nd October 2012 – Dog Shit and Skidmark

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It had been a big weekend of hashing.  The visitors from Hong Kong had enjoyed the sights of Chiang Mai on Friday night, along with some locals (though many of them ended up having to make their own plans).  Throbbing Ninja had tried to kill us all on Saturday, and there had been two great hashes on Sunday.  How could we crown this?  Apparently with a beautiful run from a beautiful resort with a swimming pool!

The first confusion on the run was a circle check in a river from which we found more trail and another circle.  One of the visitors asked if it was ‘trail on’ but International Hashing Rules expert Chack Wow didn’t know the term (apparently it means that you call ‘on on’ if you see paper).  However we couldn’t decide if we had got there ‘legitimately’ and wandered around aimlessly before one of the Hong Kong visitors found it back across the bridge we had just crossed.  Superman, who’d been standing there waiting, led the charge and we were off again.

There were an enormous number of checks (Skidmark had promised 15!) which kept the pack well together.  A length of trail along a stream meant: trail, water, trail, water in a way that kept Mr Poo and Chack Wow busy, until Mr Poo stumbled off up the wrong hill.   Around this point Hunperdick caught up and pointed out he couldn’t hear Turkish Delight calling, much as when he is actually at the run.

The visitors completely missed the Skiddy Sticks towards the end of the run and while checking some people may have gone through crops, which led a local farmer to fire his gun in the air and encourage some yellow-bellied hashers (Superman, Gready, Tiptoe, Frozen Dick) to take a different route in and miss the swimming pool.

Circle was great (congratulations to Belly) and Nutcracker was given his fantastic touring name ‘Finger up my ass’!  Success all round! :)