Author Archives: admin

30th April – CSH3 – Shagless & ???

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So, the ??? turned out to be Chuck Wao – the new GM of CSH3! He kept people guessing right up until the end, even going out on the run to try to confuse the faithful. As well as it being the AGMU, it was also the 1300th CSH3 run, and due attention was paid with 13 circle checks, complete with prizes that could possibly be won. All in all it was a well thought out event…

But, there was a new kind of check… A circle check with a reward. We had to find the reward somewhere near the check, and if we found the reward we should then remove a coloured marker from the check to indicate that the reward had already been found. A technicality which proved too intellectually challenging for some half minded hashers, most notably HRA, who left the pack searching for a “tag” that was already in his pocket.

My least favourite part of the run was the tiny balance bridge, and thanks Turkey for coming up behind me and screaming, while I was trying to balance… My favourite part of the run was the beerstop. The thoughtful hares had even put on a yoga class for us to ogle while we supped ice cold beer. Normally I run through the beer stops, but today I was hot and relaxed. Piggy seemed to agree another glass of beer would be the civilised approach, so we let the pack run off and enjoyed the cold beer.

I already had a reward tag in my pocket, but some 15 mins or so later when we set off Piggy was able to snag the next tag that the FRBs had run off and left behind. Fortunately we had CW with us, the anonymous hare to tell us where to look (if only he could remember)! The next check was where HRA had already screwed things up, and here we had an eclectic group of myself, Piggy, ABB, Stumbling Dyke, Frozen Dick and Tip Toe. Fortunately CW was with us too and desperately trying not to give away that he knew what was going on he shepherded us towards the trail and stopped us looking for prizes! These checks were too intellectual for us!

Back at the resort, the brave jumped into the green slimy pool, for a break before the circle. Shagless’s final performance was in full flow when one of his RAs (Mr. Poo who was hiding away in Pattaya) sent in the storms. He’d barely had time to fire ABB when we were all running for shelter, the thoughts of an outdoor pool party dinner blown away. Inside the GM managed to fire everyone, including Poo (which seemed to appease the raingods), before handing the reigns over to Chuckie…

With the after party, that will be an AGMU that is hard to top! Great job guys, and thanks Shagless for a great hashing year! OnOn!

23rd April – CSH3 – Horny Monkey

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Credit where credit is due… this Horny Monkey was for once “not a disaster”! Congrats Horny! The hare brief was early, as the hare was worried about us getting through a gate before they closed it – of course, the gate was padlocked by the time we got there. Chuckie and Lumber Jackoff were off well at the start, but we got back together to find a hole to crawl through the fence to get away from the golf course.

Piggy & I did a bit of parallel running at one check and then I got lucky with a couple of checks as we headed across a bridge to ‘the island’. Horny has used these trails before, and it is an impressive bridge to an island that goes nowhere at all… We ran around the island until Turkey got a check right and promptly ran off to a false trail. I second guessed the hare and found the true trail luring Piggy to follow me and suddenly we were way ahead…

Way ahead, but it was freaking hot. At the next check Piggy gave me the choice, and while we both wanted to go left, he was correct going right. Finally I chose to parallel for a bit, and met up with him again a bit later. Across the rice field, and the only thing left was to find a way across the creek. Again I fucked up… Yup, Horny you completely screwed me on two big checks there… so as I say, it was “not a disaster”!

2nd April – CSH3 – Just Cuming

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The run was short… like this write up!

26th March – CSH3 – Cumalot

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Cumalot teamed up with her son for a run way down at the edge of earth… This time the signage was good, but my attempt to short cut on the way there led me to long traffic jams. I was tired before we set off! It is hot. The air is polluted. A rational man would not be off running in these conditions. I guess we are hashers!

I set off with every intention of walking, taking it steady, and not letting my breathing get too heavy. At the first check Brownie went right, while Obscene went left – he was a co-hare, so I followed him, and when we found paper I suggested he shouldn’t run ahead any more. Not that I wasn’t going to use the advantage of course! I pressed on and nailed a few more checks, with silence behind. I needed to pause and cough/vomit the pollution out of me. I trudged on, and finally heard Scoobydoo behind me.

Some good checks had us zigzagging, but as I got a few right, it was a while before the rest of the FRBs joined me. Then the lead circled as good checks had most guessing wrong. Taste My Buns took the lead for a while, and we spent time spotting the flying blue suit through the trees and cutting across towards her. Around half of the run involved ducking under trees, while the other half was leaping over small canals.

I found a comfortable position not far behind the front of the pack, until another circle that needed checking. I was wrong, but spied a nice road that should reconnect me. As I looped around, I ran into the middle of a huge swarm of bees. I wasn’t quite sure what was going on until I spotted the hives. This was a bad short cut! I could hear the FRBs the other side of the bees, but had to take a much longer detour to avoid them. I lost some ground and joined with Party Czar, who had apparently performed a miraculous short cut.

Back at the circle, we spent some time coughing up phlegm and talking about other hashes. This isn’t healthy folks!

21st March – CH3 – HRA

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Wow… Hot season has kicked in. I arrived as the harebrief was in full swing, and quickly changed. They set off while I grabbed some water. Shit it was hot. Brownie thought better of it, and decided not to go out to run, while I plodded up the road passing Sunspot.

The first few checks were pretty straight forward and the pack stretched out ahead of me. Did I mention the heat? I laboured up the first hill slowly picking off the pack one by one, finally catching up at a check that Piggy called from down the hill to the left. I followed him and Graven, only to get to a False Trail. Suckit took charge, and we were heading towards the road. Surely the hare wouldn’t make us drive all the way up the hill, only to run us back down to the road? That is exactly what he had in mind, and we had a long stretch of tarmac ahead. Before we got there, I heard a thunderous thud just behind me, joined with a yelp of pain, so went back to check Cuckold was able to get up from his faceplant. When I joined them on the road it was stretched out ahead of me, and I was already hot and tired. As I passed Anal Vice & Robin Banks we discussed what was left, and how we had to go back over the mountain to get back…

Finally we turned left, and as the trail broke up the hill to the right, I am sure I heard a call to the left. I tracked left and found a lovely trail heading up the hill. At the top, I met up with Piggy for the descent. He, Suckit and Graven charged down the hill at pace leaving me alone until Son of Robin came steaming past and back to the A.

Cheers HRA – geez it is getting hot!

19th March – CSH3 – Knockout

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KO teamed up with JC for todays run, having teased the rest of the male hashers that she may choose them to be her co-hare! Seriously though, thanks for stepping in and helping out when Foxy pulled a sicky (get well soon Foxy!).

On to the run. A couple of months back there was a hugely memorable run from the same runsite, by the same hare, where things went monumentally “not to plan”. Today was little different! We set off with some eager new virgins. I got the first check wrong, figuring we were heading to the temple – but a nice switcharoo for the first check had the trail headed for the narrow bamboo bridge. I don’t like that bridge at the best of times, much less at the back of a queue, so decided to head around and join the pack the other side. CW joined me.

As we jogged round we saw the OnIn, and followed trail backwards briefly until we met the pack checking a circle. Both CW & I thought, bloody hell this is close! So we tried to steer the checking away from the In-Trail. Across the quarry (the same quarry that had caused issues previously!). We spied paper up the hill through the gap in the quarry – it was too far, but a few of us headed up there. I was about 70m short when the OnOn call came from Turkey. From where I was I had a great view across the quarry, and could see they’d found the in-trail. Shit. Everyone with me turned back, but I knew the call was wrong, so after a short debate headed up to see the KO on the paper. I was right! I called, and waved my arms. Stood like a mad man on top of the quarry I could see the hashers unconvinced… They had Turkey called from one side, and me calling from the other… Who would you trust? Luckily, only Anal Vice followed Turkey, and the rest of the pack turned back to follow me!

Up over a small hill and down to the concrete wall. I got there with Brownie, and I was wrong heading straight on, while he got it correct to the left. THe problem was Anal Vice stood across the valley calling “ON ON – I’m On Paper HERE!”. I yelled back “You’re going the wrong way – it is over here!”. He called out “I’m On, You’re on Old Paper!”. This continued for sometime. He was sure of himself. I was correct. For everyone behind it sounded like a lot of OnOn calls in the wrong direction!

I didn’t hear Brownie call, but with a virgin we figured we were wrong and crossed down to rejoin the trail. It was heartbreaking going down a hill, knowing that I had to climb it again just around the corner… The likes of Graven chose a smarter route. I rejoined trail amongst the walkers, so cut a small corner to head up the hill and rejoin trail not far behind CW & BF. Ahead of them were some ferocious youngsters. This son of Robin Banks – who the hell is he? Where did he get his genes from? I can’t imagine RB ever moving like the boy wonder!

I figured I wouldn’t see the front of the pack again. I bumped into Turkey & AV – they were still thinking they were doing it right, while everyone else was wrong… wtf?! Bizarrely I got to a check with hashers scattered. NOYB was coming back up the hill from having checked down – it later transpired that he had found a circle kicked out up the hill – a circle kicked out by the backwards duo of AV & TD. It had confused the poor boy, and led to more confusion for everyone else. I finally found it the long way down the hill, and waited while the pack found their way down the right way. From there were jogged back in much the way I’d gone out. Utter, utter confusion! If only the GM had remembered to splash the hares…

Fly By

17th March – CH4 – Anal Vice (St. Patricks Day)

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14th March – CSH3 – BMY

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BMY’s succinct (somewhat apologetic) hare brief – “It’s a real male hash run, about 8 K’s. That way”. Uncharacteristically, the hare departed from tradition & did not lie. Shit I am tired. However, a technically challenging & almost unanimously acclaimed good & challenging run. Thanks & ON ON CW.

From Brownfinger:-

After a prolonged season of delightfully cool weather, the more familiar combination of high March temperatures and humidity had recently returned with a vengeance to weigh heavily upon the broad shoulders of the Chiang Mai hashing community. Nevertheless, a goodly number of the male variety braved the dripping conditions to pit their wits against the evil Professor Moriarty’s latest bag of devious, despicable tricks. Doi Saket was the venue, BMY the hare, and the promise of a terrible 8k challenge awaited the assembled pack, one which would no doubt test both cerebral and physical prowess to the utmost limits.

No time to hang about, time was short, a 5 o’clock start – daylight fades fast amidst this hilly, densely forested landscape. But it was not to the hills but towards the road we headed, through a desolate landscape of shiggy, discarded household items (shitty garbage) and broad, dusty trails that had mangy black dogs lying in wait with malicious intent at every turn. Oh you nasty, disgusting hare, but we all stood tall and fought our way manfully through this opening set, onwards towards the beckoning hills and the welcome shade of the forest. Odds were even at this point, I reckon. We had survived the initial onslaught and had picked some checks quite easily and had failed miserably at others. Son of Robin Banks and another young visitor (sorry, I can’t remember his name, only his hair) were blazing the trails, showing us oldies how to run, and it was good to welcome back Cuckold with his lazy, metronomic running style that seems to have him out in front of the pack more times than his apparent rate of forward momentum would suggest.

The next test was a serious one, moving through the hills, sometimes on narrow trails and sometimes on no trail at all. It was here that we fell victim to Moriarty’s most heinous of tricks – a short paper trail, off a circle check, threading through the trees, that ended after thirty metres or so, leaving us all stranded on the side of a hill with no clue where to go next. After the run, the hare suggested it had been a mistake, a failed trail that he had been unable find and clear, but the grin on his face suggested it might not have been a mistake at all . . . you never can tell what is going on in the mind of the inscrutable Professor Byte!

And then the most beautiful part of the run began to unfold. We have run these trails before, but there are so many twists and turns and alternatives to take that the possible combinations are seemingly endless, thus providing numerous opportunities for “the-most-intelligent-hasher’ to play with the very simple minds of the FRBs. And this he did with the art of a master tailor, cutting this way then that way, seemingly cross-stitching the trails . . . what the fuck? At one point he had the first four, and some of the most experienced of our FRB’s, checking off a circle check all in the same direction, apparently mesmerised by the hare’s intent to misdirect. “Fuck me,” I could imagine them saying to one another, “it can’t be any other way but this fucking way. No fucking point checking any other fucking way . . . “And of course they were all fucking wrong!

But then the FRBs found themselves reunited and began to pick the checks reasonably successfully, again finding trail quite easily at times and being totally baffled at others. This ‘stalemate’ continued until we came out of the forest to the road and a powder trail – a check that should have gone right but went left, and another that should have gone straight and went right. A clear win for Moriarty right at the end when everyone thought they knew where he was heading . . . bah, humbug!

So, how did we simple hashers fare against the ‘cerebral’ and ‘physical’ aspects of the mighty Moriarty’s terrible 8k challenge? Well, physically it was indeed tough, my GPS showed 8.9k, all run in hot and humid conditions, but we all survived and came home in reasonable time. And cerebral it certainly was, but again we managed to outfox the fox to almost an equal degree of foxiness. But most importantly, we all agreed that it was a great challenge and a great trail, with those asked what they thought of the trail at the circle refusing to say a bad word about it – ice time abounded for this unthinkable crime.

So well done Moriarty, perhaps you are not as evil as your reputation would have it, but yet again . .

7th March – CH3 – Anal Vice

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Anal Vice teamed up with BrownFinger for my 100th run! Yay! Wings in the bag! I arrived with moments to spare and set off with Chuckie towards the first check. An excellent circle to start with – so many options, and my choice was the not so obvious little path that cuts over a weir and up a small cliff. Sure enough, I was right, and broke into a bit of a trot. Not far later there was another circle, and although I was wrong to begin with (heading to the left) I spied paper off up the hill to the right. Crossing back across the dried up canal, I ducked in front of Stiff & Chuckie as we all headed that way.

CW & I pushed on up the hill, with Stiff keeping in touch behind – no sign of the rest of the pack. We drifted off trail for a moment and Stiff caught up at a V check. CW had managed to pass me when we lost paper, so he got the choice. Damnit! He took the tempting trail heading up the hill, leaving me with an ugly descent into a canyon. I was just clambering out the other side when I heard the “Check Back” call from CW. I pressed on listening to the conversation behind me. The next few checks I got right, including the check where we had to go back to the trail that cut off to the left before the circle.

Things were going well, so I pushed on. Finally a V check, and I picked left, regretting it immediately, but regretting it more when I saw the check back. Damnit – back up the hill, and CW ducked ahead of me – nobody else around… I pushed on and caught CW – but another couple of circles I just followed CW as there didn’t seem to be another option. Finally we got to a False Trail. It was a very strange check. I predicted the false trail, and had found some back checks before CW found the FT. Very odd. What were the bars for? First I cut up the hill to the right and then I ran over to a trail to the left that we’ve used before, but no sign of paper. I ran back to the main trail and explored up the hill to the right again – still no sign of anyone else.

Down to a circle check, and the obvious trail was right, while left would take us back to the false trail check backs. A hidden trail straight on was my choice and I set off. I was right and pushed on. Where was the rest of the pack? Another circle – tempting to go to the right, but I was starting to 2nd guess (or 3rd guess) these hares. I was deep into FRB psychology & picked the way to the left, back towards our other trail – nailed it! I’ve got these hares in my pocket – I could run it blind! A V-check – yeah right! I hardly even noticed it as I swept by to the right (to go left would only meet up with the check I got wrong). This was it, this was the dream! The perfect hash! Nailing all the checks! I was the hash god!

I ran along, and when the paper turned left, but the main trail went right, my confidence was exploding. Of course it would be a false trail – I set off down, but no sign of paper… 60m down, damnit, back up, and 30m past the corner was a circle. Arrrrgh! Not a false trail, it’s a circle check, and I only got to 90m! Back down the hill again, 100m, 110m, 120m… Damnit! I had to go back up and the pack would surely be on my ass any moment? Paper heading up again – “ONON” – silence from behind. OK, I’m still good! 😉

Emerged onto a larger trail at a corner. I was 50/50 – left or right. Right went down hill, left was a little up… I picked left, but after 120m or so, knew I was wrong. Ugh! I trudged back to the junction, and still no response when I called OnOn. Dipped down, and back up to the road – a brief stretch with no paper, and then another circle at the “road”. Again, left was up, and right was down. This time I went with right and jogged down only to find no paper, and have to climb back up again. Sure enough there was the paper up over the hill – and still nothing behind – WTF had everyone done???? From here the rest was pretty clear – we’d go back in on the out trail, so I jogged on in, and congratulated the hares on a fantastic job – it really was a great trail! I grabbed a soft drink and started debriefing the trail. 5 minutes… 10 minutes…. 15 minutes…. we started wondering were everyone was… Finally the pack came in grumbling about the lack of trail… At least Suckit seemed to find it as well – but he was running solo as well.

You have got to love this hashing shit!

5th March – CSH3 – Toe Sucker

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Toe Sucker teamed up with Square Rooter for a set out behind the Ag Center. Familiar area, but no doubt they would find a different set. I barely made it in time for the harebrief – there would be several wimp outs, and extra short cuts for walkers? What was in store?

We set off in a different direction, and I got the 2nd check wrong wanting to cut to the right. We have to go right to get to the usual trails…? The next check had us foxed for some time – even after it had been called. Finally Sloppy found it cutting back down the dried up river bed, but nobody could place his call, which meant we had to refind the check behind him. When I finally got it, somehow there was Brownie & Sloppy up ahead, and then we were in the midst of the walkers… Huh? Who holds the walkers back only to set them off to block a narrow trail in the middle of the FRBs??? I was feeling weak, tired and already giving up interest. Finally through the narrow part, and past most of the walkers, another check.

All number of hashers ahead of me, so I picked left towards the inevitable hill. Somewhere ahead Graven was checking. Nothing, so Turkey and I set off cross country towards the other trail that heads up the hill. Nothing. No calls, just silence and the sounds of crunching leaves. Meh. Back down the hill and the walkers were already moving towards the first of the Wimp Rambo splits. I got there with ABB, and there was no sound ahead – how far behind was I?

This was where the trail turned up, and after pressing for sometime I finally caught sight of NOYB ahead of me. I know where we were, but when I came out onto the main trail at the top – sure enough there was a circle, but instead of being kicked out, there were hashers scattered all over the place. How hard were these checks?? I didn’t have chance to catch my breath when it was called back down the hill to the right. I set off, but really wasn’t feeling good.

Down the hill, past by many hashers, and then another Walker / Runner split – The runners going back up the hill to the left, while the walkers headed towards home. I headed home, but still got the remaining 2 checks wrong spending time fiddling around figuring it out.
