Author Archives: admin

13th Jan – CSH3 – Foxy & Robin Banks

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Foxy teamed up with Robin Banks at Huay Tung Thao. It’s been a while since we’ve run here as a hash, but my recent explorations have told me that some old trails have become overgrown, and many of the good old trails are just unusable – when I saw the directions, I hoped the hares had scouted before they’d decided where to set! I wasn’t the only one struggling to find the A-site due to poor signage.

An early harebrief and we were set off before some of the pack had found the A. The A-site wasn’t new, but with changes in the mud tracks, we got to it a different way – it was the familiar trail cutting down to the bottom of the ugly waterfall. A big arrow pointing left, and a vocal co-hare insisting that we should turn left! It was clearly going to be right – first up, the hares had posted on facebook their scouting pics, secondly the trail to the left once upon a time was nice, but today runs out into overgrowth. The other option was the waterfall, which frankly is a bad, bad, bad idea. A V check took us towards the waterfall, with the co-hare guarding anyone from doing the obvious turn to the right. I guess I’ll play the game for now, and climbed up the side of the waterfall for a bit, before obviously going back down and along the trail at the bottom of the hill. The check had done nothing to keep the pack together, it had just scattered us.

We headed directly towards the aqueducts (I just spent some time to teach Terrorbyte and 8-Bit that the spelling of aqueduct is with an e not the sensible a as in aquaduct – we agree it is BS). After a W/R split, we made our way along the tiny canal, and when the trail when over the aqueducts, each time I dived underneath and managed to overtake a couple of hashers. But it was overgrown, and narrow, and my legs were weary. When the trail headed left back up the hill it was clear they were either going to double back to the wimp rambo split, or head further along the lake before coming back along the road. At 3k+ in I didn’t fancy either, so cut back down to the lake and trundled along the lake back to the W/R split. I got there and found how the hares had changed the trail, not long before the pack came down off the hill.

I jogged over the dam with Scooby Do and Brown Finger chasing me down behind. At the other end of the dam, a circle check, already kicked out, but not towards the village – this was going towards the main HTT entrance. I opted for the shorter route through the village, and bizarrely even though I made it clear I was short cutting, the pack followed me – to the point that the GM picked up the paper that was correctly laid out of the circle and relaying it in the wrong direction. I can only imagine the confusion behind, which surely contributed to Sticky Wicket arriving close to dark. Meanwhile I was leading a growing collection of FRBs on a shortcut through a MooBaan. The only problem was they wanted to go faster than me (they had just caught me up going over the dam!). They wanted to go faster, but they weren’t 100% sure which was the shortest way back, so had to keep stopping to wait for shortcutting instructions! When we finally got close enough there was a break for the finish, but Brownie stayed around to chat as we dragged our way in to the finish.

11th Jan – CH4 – Softballs

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(Courtesy Alice)

Qudos to Softballs setting his first run all by himself. Apparently he had accompanied ABB previously so in light of that it was an excellent effort.
Pluses and minuses. Negative: No drinks pre-run as Cumalot was enjoying an HRA alike afternoon snooze according to some sage. Not critical now – but in hot season pretty dangerous. Suggest hashers advised to bring a bottle of personal H2O in the email and on the webshite. Positive: US ladies college tennis champs ran with us, 13 fine young athletes and their two coaches. Testosterone reached record levels and Goat almost joined us for the circle.
To the run. Well, Softballs picked a lovely route with a big hill to start and 4 km gentle downhill coming back in a wide arc to the dam A site past Tiger Head. All good so far. The hare brief hinted at turmoil suffered by a lone Virgin hard and the grizzled veterans rolled their eyes and waited the inevitable.
Trail was marked on clear strips of decent sized white, already a healthy step up from some of ABB’s efforts. And here’s where the fun started. Walkers generally have little idea of the purpose or how to regarding checks. Softballs was of course no different.

There were perhaps 4 checks all run. For walkers this makes not one iota of difference. For FRBs it’s quite a few iotas.
Hare brief said Vs were not marked and we’d know when we found paper after 100m one way. Mmm. Okkkk. Sinking feeling in heart.
Well, the first V had paper off one leg that led to a bar and FT apparently. I jogged along to the V to find a charging pack of FRBs heading back towards me and suddenly I was 3rd! We were still heading up the hill. And up. The girls were having a blast and pushing along very well in the vanguard. Experienced hashers took up the most efficient slipstream positions and fought like tigers to maintain them.
Once atop the ridge it became a sweeping trail run without benefits of checks, but the two that were there fcuked us up royally. A clear large A4 circle facing the pack. FRBs go straight, find paper, call OnOn and promptly run into a FT. WTF!
We retrace our steps to the circle picking up connecting paper. The girls bless them, do this willingly. Trail is found off to the left as we came and the run recommences.
Blows Herself is angry at her feet and wishes she could run faster. She’s doing great IMHO and is infront of me. I am enjoying the non stop run on great forest paths. I am enjoying the views as they pass. Foliage ones too. One of the girls has those blessed bells on her feet and I was happy when we separated.
We descended and came to another confusing V. It was ripped up, paper strewn on the ground, 3 more strips, then just paper on the ground for the last 1km perhaps and then we were out to the road by the Tiger Head and our hare putting up his 3rd OnIn sign. Well that’s a fcuking new world record anyway!
So in summary, a lovely route, clearly marked apart from the minimal checks. If Softballs has these explained and sorts ’em out next run, he’ll be doing great.
Pretty fun circle, especially when the girls and coaches were involved. Nice to meet SB’s friends from AbuDhabi and welcome back Lumberjackoff and the dryer than Martini Snowballs.
Eggelen effort Softballs👍😉👊

8th Jan – CH3 – Strangely Anal

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By Alice (the co-hare)

A new A site with flat, interesting 5.5km run featuring bamboo bridge, canal crossings and the amazing features of jet airliners on blocks with run directions vetted by Byte. What could go wrong? Turkey. That’s what could go wrong.

The pack arrived by songthao after Anal Vice and Cartoon in their trucks. Shagless, Brownfinger and Frozen bike it in. All good so far. Then….my phone rings.

A distraught Turkey is calling from his car saying that the fcuking directions are wrong and he’s somewhere it seems near Lamphun.

Instead of just relaxing and laughing at world class ineptitude, I get stressed and pissed off. Retard 8 year olds I dealt with better for 30 years. I call him back and explain yet again. Take your 1317 out past Promenada. YOUR road to your SKP resort. Just like it says on the email.

A barrage of frantic complaints about junctions and no HHH signs on the Superhighway come my way in return. I inhale deeply and make a mental note to become a drinking co-hare for the night.

This is after Tiptoe complained bitterly there were no distances in the email – there were – and Frozen said there was only a sign AFTER the turn – there was one 100m before on the left and one at the turn. Working with children and animals is actually easier.

Strangely briefs the pack and its powder for the lads with bits of paper where it was overgrown and shiggy. A short, flat run out seems to be just the ticket after Saturday’s ball breaker.
Off they went along the road at the start of their roughly clockwise circuit. Hares Alice and Strangely see Scooby run towards the big plane and the powder checkback after the initial loop. He sees the bar from the bridge and reverses.

We jump my scooter and cross the bridge, pass the plane and wait behind jet engines and fuselage sections as the walkers pass to our left and the FRBs, already across the bamboo bridge, tear down the far side of the canal, Scooby, Browny and Semen Soars in the van.

Later, I heard that on the field loop, Semen spotted powder across the canal on the lake loop and climbed past the big gate and over the pylon bridge to shortcut, with three miscreants following. Strangely had mentioned this potential opportunity while setting and I’d replied that if anyone does, they’re welcome as it wasn’t an attractive or easy proposition.

Once the pack were away checking and shouting in the distance somewhere near the little concrete hut across the canal, we set the ON IN. Suddenly a fidgety figure in white with multiple injection punctures in his knee and shoulders, appeared at the metal canal crossing. Someone who’d been told by Lungla to go out in the completely opposite direction and follow the 6ft arrow on the road Strangely had so helpfully left for him. Someone told me he was scared to go on motorbikes but jumped on giggling and nervous to be taken half a click towards the bamboo bridge.
“Slow down Alice!” someone implored as the bike sped at 5kph over the gravel track.

Strangely returned to base while I waited to take pics of the returning pack running past the huge partially dismembered jet. I was a tad concerned they’d ace the run and estimated 45 min at best. As the minutes ticked by I relaxed and knew it’d be around 50 min for FRBs, by the time I espied Browny and Scooby through the foliage. They speeded up and crossed the ON IN in perfect unison, moving, breathing, singing out together like Tweedle Dum and Tweedle Dumber.

As the runners returned most were fascinated by the jet, apart from Poo who I’m not sure saw it. Shagless climbed the gangtry without a safety harness, tut tut, to get a look in the nose section.

Circle was disturbed by a patriotic song and yabbering commentary that continued for a few annoying minutes at 6pm. It was worse than Graven renegotiating the out station!

We heard that the pack considered the checks were varied and kept the lead changing. The circle on the Monet bridge was tough as they had to go back, cross the canal on sandbags and choose one of two overgrown paths. Graven swore it was 130m til he found paper but he was outed for short checking recently so I’m taking that with a pinch of salt. Browny informed me that the False Trail back across the weir coming back was an obvious no no but someone did go over to find the bar and FT in the abandoned building.

OnOnOn at Billy’s was a well attended and liquid affair. Italian nosh and banter. Well done Strangely! First of many I hope.

6th January – CH3 – Alice (Ball Breaker)

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Rating: 7.7/10 (3 votes cast)

Setting a ballbreaker isn’t easy – it takes a LOT of work, both in scouting and in managing logistics – it takes a deal of work to pull it off, and the hares pulled it off, so great job! I had 17.3km in around 3 hours, including 470m elevation gain. By the end I was happy to finish and have a beer.

The A-site was the Country Cabin near Doi Saket – a great little restaurant that I’ve many times sat reading a book and passing the afternoon away. We showed up, and waited for the rest to appear, listening attentively for any hints the hares might inadvertently give away. And boy were there hares!!! Alice, Blows Herself, Mr. Poo, Foxy Cleopatra, Burritto Butt, perhaps even Strangely Anal? How many cooks does it take to perfect the broth?

I know this area – it’s my backyard – I’d even made a prediction about which hill it would be – I was wrong… But when the songthaew dropped us off, I had a pretty good idea, and my heart sank just a little. We started off not far from Wangtarn Resort, heading towards the high mountains. Suckit must be close to 60 now, but I remember around his 50th we did a 50k from Wangtarn resort, and BF, GI and I pieced together a bit of a connection there. I was holding back trying to stick with my philosophy of staying with the front of the pack while putting in the minimal effort.

The trail came out onto the tarmac road, and for some insane reason hashers seemed to scatter down the hill? Angry Inch lead the way up the road, and I followed gingerly. Please not this hill, please not again, the nightmares are still coming… Sure enough Angry called ONON, and the ascent was on. We past the abandoned house where the Ballbreaker started 5 years ago, and from here the ascent is quite brutal. Gorf skipped by as though he hadn’t realised he was setting off on a Ball Breaker, under the impression he was just on a 5k park run. A V-Check, and for me turning left was a 0% chance – it might look tempting, but a sharp pain to my ribs reminds me of a fall I took in that dark gully. Memories were leading me up this hill – unlike most of the rest of the pack, I knew the torture of the climb, and I could also predict where the hare would let us free.

Gorf jogged up next to me like a freak of nature. Does he not appreciate that we are going up? A circle… Strange place for it, I only know one option to keep going. Gorf must have gone 98yards before giving up and dancing back. I could have encouraged him to check somewhere else, but I didn’t have the energy, so we carried on to the inevitable paper. Up to a little ridge, with a great view. The hares had even placed the paper to lead us to enjoy the view before heading back to the left of a hill. So far we were on the trail I’d set 5 years back with Shagless – I’d spent nearly 300km and many many hours all over this mountain. I was confident I knew every possibility, but the trail carried on following the way Shagless and I had set. Finally Gorf came running back and normalcy returned as we headed back down the hill – perhaps even more slowly that we’d gone up it.

I knew this trail was there, but for a bit I was on new ground, and while the descent was dodgy, when we hit the bottom there was a good check, and then some great running trails. A few more checks would have perhaps let the rest of the pack stay close, but there was a good pack of FRBs turning over the lead at the front. I was doing a good job of staying amongst them with little effort – such as when GI and I called a clear false trail off to the left, and got a head start along the main trail. We emerged into the valley where the dogs home is, and it was long before one of the FRBs disturbed them while checking a circle. Scooby Doo led us on true trail around the edge of the field, between the two small lakes and to a circle check. We’d been promised 7-8km on the first leg, and we were short of that – heading out to the road now couldn’t be right, so I helped Brownie check off to the left, while Sloppy lucked out to the right and out to the road. We could see the first beer stop waiting for us not far along the canal, and a race emerged in front of me for winning to the beerstop – I think Sloppy got it from his raised fist pumps. I walked in and as I was carrying my own water I carried on not wanting my legs to seize up…

The trail turned back to the mountains, and I edged along fully expecting a trick – perhaps a sneaky false trail? THe path leads to a gate which is always locked and impenetrable. Today it was locked, but the hares had found a way of getting past it – interesting! I walked along waiting for the pack to catch me. Perhaps they were enjoying the water / snacks, or probably the beer. Finally I got to a circle check, and somewhere behind I heard TMB calling “RU?” I had a very clear idea of where the trail was likely to go, and quickly called ONON. There was a fallen tree blocking the trail, which was a little confusing, and held the pack up a bit behind. I was excited about the next check though, as I really love the hidden trail off to the right – I can only imagine the hares excitement the first time they found it… As I approached the circle I heard someone calling checking from up ahead. That someone sounded a lot like Frozen Dick… And looked a lot like Frozen Dick when I got to him. No idea how long he’d been poking around for it, but I helped him out.

I like these trails – I’ve set them, but this was the first time I’ve been able to run them on a hash. “Run” is maybe not the right word, as it was a while before we could actually get running. The pace was pedestrian as we all were cagey about putting too much effort in. We emerged from the hill shoulder and down the trail. A circle check as Gorf caught me again. I carried on, and where once there was a small wooden house, today there was a bustling collection of wooden houses, a plethora of children, and a school of aggressive dogs. I got a stick to fend off the dogs… The kids were clearly on my side – friendly, happy, and much more aggressive when it came to hurling lumps of mud at the dogs. I had a chat with them about white paper. One pointed me in one direction, and then was scolded by his friends as they pointed me onwards. I knew I was more than 100m from the check, but there were a few strips of paper on the ground, and the evidence suggested paper had been torn down. I was on trail and bellowed ONON back, which surely Gorf heard otherwise that check might be difficult!

I carried on and sure enough at the next circle, Gorf wasn’t far behind. I turned right, confidently, and happy this time there were no bees. Of course we wouldn’t be going up the hill to the right, so as I had a bit of time, I found a nice stick to prepare myself for the next pack of dogs. Gorf caught me as we passed the trail off to the right – playing the percentages I was tempted to head that way, or at least as the ladies that were stood around, but as I was up front I did the decent thing and jogged(ish) to the FT. I turned back a lot quicker than Gorf and sure enough we were heading off back dangerously close towards where we’d been before.

Here the pack started passing me. There was a chance of another FT up front, and there was a way to cut down the field to the left, but nope. Further ahead there was a cross junction, and surely there we had to turn left – otherwise trail was getting close. Sloppy and I headed left, but finally Gorf called it straight on. Ugh. I had made a mistake. By now the FRB pack was well established, and sticking together as a group – sure we’d lost the walkers, but the checks were good enough to keep a sizable group together, and keep turning over the lead. I was slipping backwards though, but was surprised when Graven suddenly appeared, and passed me somewhat similar to Marvin in the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy.

We got back to the road, just 100m or so away from the first beer stop. This time I got a beer. I was still wary about stopping – as I write this, I am looking at my anti inflammatories, and hoping I can move my knee tomorrow! I kept on going and promptly got the circle check wrong. The 2nd beer stop was at a small shelter I’d set a male hash run from a couple of years back, and I set off on the way I’d set the run. Today we ended up in the same spot, but Alice used a nicer route to get there. I walked along, enjoying my beer.

Somehow I caught up again as they were spread out looking for a solution to a false trail. A big sign on the gate saying NO ENTRY (or something like that in Thai), was scaring people off. My mind drifted back to the day I spent 2+ hours trying to find a way to avoid this property, hitting deadend after deadend, before sneaking around the edge, only to meet the nicest, kindest English gentleman you could imagine. I had no qualms going through the gate, and happily waved at his wife today – seriously, this property is gorgeous, and the owner is a star. I didn’t see him today, but I recall him welcoming me onto his land in the past saying “We are but custodians of this land, you are very welcome to enjoy it!”. The traditional wooden houses are great, the land well maintained, and the walk across the grounds through the water buffalo and peacocks out to the ricefields is beautiful.

TMB and Brownie led the way along the trail through the ricefields, and we were starting to get to more familiar Alice area. He’d set runs here, and I remember him finding some connects to abandoned moobaans. I never switched out of minimal effort mode, just trying to plod along. Every time there was a slight incline my legs screamed at me. Every time there was a slight decline my legs screamed “NO!”. I was doing ok… I was comfortable… I was going to finish.

The pack rejoined to solve a false trail. There was an interesting shift in philosophy here… Normally when we have a problem to solve, we are fairly combative – we spread out as individuals, wanting to be the winner who solves it. By now, we were resigned, a team created by our group experience. Almost to the point of sitting down to discuss our options. We all checked one way down the road, then we all went another, discussing what might be possible, because most of us were reluctant to risk being badly wrong. I suspect in the end, paper was taken down and not left at all helpfully for those who followed. The collective exhaustion perhaps.

A bit later the front runners managed to run straight through a sharp left that just led to a false trail. They were clean away while a pack grew behind them. We had to be getting close to the end… I hadn’t seen NOYB since the start, so I was confident he wouldn’t catch me, so I was satisfied. Knock Out passed and I thought – no problem, I can be beaten by a girl (TMB didn’t count she was already ahead). Then Able Semen passed… – ok no problem, I guess I can be beaten by a kid – but he better be signed by a premier league club so I have a story to tell my grandkids!

Then all of a sudden we were all back together. A circle check, and the shortcutting FRBs were caught by the rest of us. Out of nowhere Graven darted down a hole in the hedge and called ONON. Graven and Sloppy had decided that one beer wasn’t enough at the beerstops, they should have at least 2. They had set off way behind everyone else. The drunkards could barely stagger their way along the edge of the quarry walls, and yet somehow they had catapulted themselves to the front. Although we all agreed it was way too wet, muddy, stinky, so we should just go down the road instead.

A few more steps, and we were at the canal, a short way further and we were back at the A.

Thanks hares for the efforts – right about now I need a long sleep…

30th Dec – CSH3 – Scooby Do

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Scooby teamed up with Do to set a very enjoyable and runnable trail from the dam side at SKP. The checks were clever enough to keep the pack well grouped throughout the run so Graven and Angry never got away.
I was feeling a bit tired so walked and jogged as we descended towards the water then up to the road and across into the forest. That first check took ages and the very last one messed us up. totally. Apparently it was the penultimate, but not for most of us.
A friendly little puppy ran all the way round with Obscene and our female visitor Sticky Sex Toy from HK honked most of the way around after a beer fed morning according to her Brit partner, the wondrously named Princess Cock Tosser. Lady herself blamed McD fries but it was a shame Dr Byte couldn’t have seen her in action.
That check. Well the pack looked everywhere, went back, went further, different hashers checked the same routes, confusion, frustration, irritation. Alice checked into an overgrown field with a narrow path but no paper – and kept yelling Checking! until hope evaporated but a big gap in a bar wire fence appeared and then the massive dam wall. By this time a stream of hashers were following him as the homing instinct proved irresistible.
Apparently a handful of the pack, Poo and ? actually found true trail and another check before appearing on the far end of the dam wall. Turkish just appeared. The Ottoman outlier reverting to type.
Lovely set, decent circle and even a couple of splashes for light fingered Libbers who praised KO but slaughtered Alice in Full Bahrain Black Hash regalia. Hasn’t anyone told him about cultural sensitivity?!

28th December – CH4 – TMB

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The gruesome twosome combined in the wilds of somewhere on the borders of Burma and Kaffiristan to set a wonderfully wooded and winding 15km mini BB.
It was a long journey out in the songthao and even longer coming back squashed ‘tween the back of Suda’s driving seat and the rear cab. I volunteer Pussy Whisperer next time!
In dank and unpromising conditions we headed off into the unknown. Early doors a major FU. FRB walkers headed front and centre from a check until they found paper 150m on and yelled. Real FRBs starting slowly at rear found true trail to the right into an orchard and there was the horrid suspicion we were somehow already wrongly on the in trail.
Luckily we joined their trail and started 7 km of flat but tricky forest paths with multiple check opps to gladden a hare’s heart but sink an honest hasher if he wasn’t on his game. We did have a decent crew of FRBs but the calling wasn’t consistent and often times it was harder than it needed to be. And it was hard enough as it was.
The recent wet made underfoot conditions in turn slippy and heavy. Soft, wet sand is not my favourite. Soft, wet something else ok, but not sand. Had enough in Saudi of that stuff.
After an hour or so we spilled out of the forest to a road and a beer stop. TMB and Foxy were doling out drinks and wondering why we’d taken so long!
BnB Man said he’d do the second leg if I was walking and jogging. I waited politely behind him while he opened a tinny and chatted to Cumlord. I waited some more. I watched Tasty run off after the pack who’d fcuked up her first check of this leg. After another few minutes I asked BnB if he’d sup up and get a move on. Oh, I’ve decided to go back and not do the second leg, sorry!
Just what I needed! A few minutes of puffing and I could hear shouting ahead…somewhere. Eventually I reeled in a few back markers and ran a bit with Anal Vice and then behind Blows Herself and Just Nicole, sister of Leaking Lizard. Every time I caught them I needed a rest and they moved ahead again. Anyone was motoring along in good shape and after I passed her, every time I walked and she caught up, I started off jogging again.
Should have just stayed with her and enjoyed the company.
Robbin Banks and ace circle lurker ABB were going well, running and walking, running and walking. Some tricky checks and basic ones with 180degree options pulled the pack together. Sloppy, Angry and Scooby running down FT and Checkbacks with gay abandon.
We came to a section of forest that looked familiar. Semen Sores reckoned so too. I fretted that we’d got caught on the out trail somehow. In fact we had, as the hares used it with new markings in the last section before home. Dodgy that IMHO.
Feeling tired, my feet bruised and aching, I heard Knockout yelling from the last check as she chased Sloppy down the road and the pack bashed thru the bush to join up. Blows Herself did her third face plant of the day, rather to Semen’s amusement.
The asphalt was hard but the OnIn was most welcome.
A decent circle run by Tasty with some flair, lovely snacks, friendly family of visitors from Malaysia and tasty OnOnOn at the resort.
Well done hares and well done Suda for getting us back.

1st January – CH3 – Graven Image

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Well, that was by far the best run of the year (so far). We started at the square lake, and Graven took the FRBs on a hilarious lap of the lake before setting us off – the walkers skipped that bit and watched while we tried to figure out what was going on. I was a little retarded setting off, and the first few checks were solved as I caught up the walkers. Finally we got to a circle at the gate (with the dodgy lock), and I headed towards the hills, but didn’t find any paper. It was called from back to the left, so I cut across to rejoin them at the next alley. Except, I didn’t rejoin them, but instead somehow crossed the trail without anyone noticing (except perhaps Sloppy who was hiding from me).

I ended up the wrong side of a creek, heading in the wrong direction on paper from ABB’s last run, while the shouts disappeared to my right. Nevermind, I looped back over and rejoined a trail that was long since kicked out. I wanted exercise anyway. The trail headed up to the lower ridgeline, and I caught Tiptoe and his gaggle of walkers when we turned sharp to the right. Along the ridge, towards the 5 point junction. There was a confusion explosion of paper around the previous junction, that looked like someone had been unsure about kicking out a check. Not long after I saw Does Nothing coming towards me, backwards on trail, but not entirely sure what was going on.

We figured it out and I jogged off down the hill, the FRBs long since tucking into the post run beers. Nice set, and that initial cut back clearly caught me out and took me out of the game. I shall have to get back into this hashing thing.

25th December – CH3 – Mr. Poo

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If it ain’t broke don’t fix it goes the adage. Well, Mr Poo paid tribute to an Alice set for the second time, mirroring his run to within 95% accuracy and the same way around.

This time he had a surprise up his sleeve, a la Cumalot on Sat. Lay the trail very close to HRA’s trail from exactly the same A and lay it also in powder. Stand back and enjoy the inevitable, especially as his most tricky check was adjacent to HRA trail and the markings were still visible.

The only thing to be said in the hare’s defence is that he did say No False Trails at the hare brief. Of course his tricky check not only was close to HRA powder but an HRA FT too so the poor innocents were well and truly stuffed for Xmas.

A decent sized pack in festive mood finally gathered at the new A site which wasn’t the footy field as per email. Pooying joined us, the the long well sculptured legs of Horny’s visitor didn’t go unnoticed. US tennis coach and mum to two good little running lads, she like the rest of the family, wore little bells on her feet just in case one didn’t notice those long, slim, athletic legs going up to a very pert little athletic bum. Would I run behind her all the way in paroxysms of ecstasy? Not if those fcuking bells had anything to do with it.

Off we went towards the snakehead Buddha then left into the open area and right towards the hills. A circle was called as the paths headed up.

At back of pack I took my chance and checked up a steep but doable ramp about 80m shy of the check. After 20m powder! Geddin Alice!

My Onon calls were overshadowed by bellowing below. Are you! Checking! Funny to see the pack milling around 30m below me ignoring my calls. Up past the temple and into the woods. I was hiking and jogging in parts. A couple of checks were nailed. No one had caught me but a 3 way
circle allowed a couple of FRBs to find paper on the lower left as I took far right. Gorf passed me here and luckily the trails merged anyway.

We followed a lovely winding path that rose up the spur, dappled light, trees all around, gentle incline, not too many rocks. Hashing at its best – especially as I suspected Poo hadn’t strayed too far from my template on his Strava.

At various checks there were Xmas songs to sing and various forfeits for FRBs. Anal Vice had stapled Xmas presi vouchers along the way too. It was truly the spirit of Christmas but in a tropical forest in UK summer temps!

Browny, Suckit, Anal and a few other charged past on the long downward trail to the next valley. Long legs’ hubby Wes passed me jingling his bell without stopping for the mistletoe kiss check. TFfT!

At the t as we hit the valley Tasty, Scooby and a few others went right. Toilet Dog’s antics confusing them. Plodding left of course, I found powder and ran the long valley path all the way out to the orchard and Poo’s killer check.

I told Piggy it was probably thru the barbed wire fence as per last set. Runners came back that way but I knew it was worth heading that way. Powder, then nothing. The FRBs were confused, circling. I strode on like a demented wise man following his personal Xmas star. No powder. A FT or circle call from the right. Shouting. More confusion. I kept on and was back on powder, despite Toilet Dog yelling Old Powder when it was obviously not.

Back up towards the forest, thru the deep trench and up behind the properties. Stick with me young man, I’ll see you home safe says Alice in best Jimmy Savile style.

Toilet Dog scampered off in his bambino feet and Browny made encouraging remarks as he passed me with 500m to go.
After our little group came in there was a long gap before Graven, Angry and most of the pack came in from the wrong direction having hit the road in frustration by Tin Tin and run in on tarmac.

Fun circle, enlivened by Robin Banks singing and snogging TMB neighbour’s daughter in re-enactment of the mistletoe check. Worked for him I guess✅❤️
Lovely OnOnOn chez Poo and KO. Thanks for hosting and to the ladies who catered a superb spread. Tip top effort girls.

11th Dec – CH3 – Brown Finger

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So it was Brownie down the end of Canal Rd in the forests behind Suckit’s place. What could possibly go wrong? Answer: nothing!
It was as good as I expected and Brownie has a real feel for them that hills and trails. Trouble was I had a feel for my latte in Buff Cafe so my mind drifted and suddenly it was 4:15. Shiite on a stick!
Surviving some near death driving, I hove to in a lather a few minutes after the pack had departed, as Sheepy ambled off round the corner in his luminescent lime leggings. Oh, shut that door!
A quick hello to BF and Sloppy who shot off, I set my own pace content to enjoy the trial with or without company.
After ten mins I heard OnOn to my right front. Paper led left so I considered a Turkey short cut right to cut out a loop and catch up but I was in the mood to jog 6 km and wanted to see what the hare had created.
Trail was well marked in Graven arsecrack paper and circles were properly kicked out, please note ABB. Complete or half strips led away from the check to link the trail and I wished ABB could watch and learn.
Shortly I came upon iHop, whose sole purpose seems to be to provide irrefutable proof that Goat did once have sex with a human female. The guy is son of Goat incarnate. IHop daintily jumped right as I passed which is more than TipToe did. DoesNothing was next to be passed and then it was a long solo stretch on beautiful paths, some stony, some sandy, a few trips and semi stumbles but the good ship Alice continued apace.
Suddenly the tall figure of Pussy Whisperer appeared and stopped mid path. He fumbled infront of himself. I say, I know guys pee ‘on trail’ but not ON the actual fcuking path. Without warning his right elbow appeared and he commenced a sawing motion for a minute. I kept shtum in my shock and then the red hanky came out. Once he was done with whatever he was doing, I yelled OnOn and passed minding where I set foot.
As we came out of the forest towards properties, I saw the usual collection of shambling excuses on their way back. Robin Banks was actually running at one point, Horny Monkey was back on trail, yay, and Superman appeared as is his wont.
Paper led thru a long, flat orchard. I caught SheepShagger at the end of it and jogged on towards some other figures. Amusingly about half a dozen of the leaders went wrong quite close to home, Gravy, Piggie, Sondra etc and I spied them returning to true trail and heading right. How so many went wrong at once was a mystery but never overestimate hashers.
Back at the A the hare nervously headed off on his bike as dusk approached to go hunt down iHop who hadn’t appeared. I think he regretted it, as the larger than life Tar Heel was 2 km behind Tiptoe, in the forest, taking selfies as darkness fell. Darwin Award nominee. Seconded.
The circle was a bit long and became a Graven & Superman love fest. Get a motel next time lads.
Super set and a good group of guys. Sondra was named Norwegian Wood, I mean Mr Potato Head, and admitted enjoying his 2 weeks in CM.
Coon Alit

2nd December – CSH3 – Turkish Delight

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I’d describe Turkish’s harings as hit or miss – he sets some truly great runs, but then sometimes misses. Often the question isn’t whether he will fuck up, but just how bad the fuck up will be… It is hard to remember a fuck up this big!

A new area, way out past San Kampaeng, beautiful resort, pool. All set up for a good run, but no hare… Sloppy gave him a call, and he was still out setting trail – perhaps a bit panicked to finish in time? The songthaew just about made it, and then we were set off – in a different direction to where I had sniffed some paper, but never mind! We ran back to the entrance and found a circle check. My legs were slowly warming up, so I was just off the front, but hardly got to the circle when it was called to the left. I was suspicious, as the paper was too close, but ok… We followed paper along road, wondering why we were so far out of the city to run on road. We ran into a funeral party, which just added to the confusion, with paper randomly off to the left, and some stochastic music and people confusing the scene. Again the paper ran out, but ahead someone called a circle. It was pretty clear we were going backwards on trail.

I turned back, suggesting to people we were going backwards, but it was a confusing situation, so it isn’t surprising that only HRA trusted me. I got back to the first check, and checked further the way I had planned to check the first time, only to find Turkish looking frantically desperate. “Why is it kicked out the wrong way? – Go that way!” I bellowed and ONON, and behind me, HRA did the same, but by now we were a km or so from the funeral – a funeral which now had a bunch of lost hashers in bright clothes milling around.

Not much I could do, so I pressed on, going through a few checks with HRA close behind. I got a V check wrong, so joined up with HRA after he got a FT, and we discussed how we should work together as there were only 2 of us now. So… PROBLEM #1 – the In trail was too close to the first check (thats a hare noob mistake). Next we get to PROBLEM #2. HRA and I got to a circle check and decided HRA would go straight, and I would go right. After 100m, we both called “ONON” confidently as we both found paper. Luckily for me, mine was the right paper… Unluckily for HRA (and Sloppy Rod who was following us along with several others), the paper HRA found was from when Turkish was scouting on Monday – he had left paper leading off up to a reservoir. On that trail there were further checks, but it ended with a random circle at a reservoir. HRA and Sloppy spent a lot of time at that check, convinced they were on trail, but futilely hunting a dead trail – they made it back in near darkness, along with some others…

For me, I followed the paper… Around the end of a field, trying hard not to ruin the farmers crops. Past a rotting dead cat. When I came out of the field the trail went left, and I assumed it would loop around and meet HRA, and assumed he had short cut somehow. But, nope – it was a FT, and I was heading away from where I had heard him call. But the trail was well marked and easy to follow – some checks I got right, some not, but it was all good – I was doing the trail… alone…

Finally I saw Sheep Shagger and some visitors, and then Knock Out and Blows Herself, all going the wrong way – clearly resigned to doing the trail backwards. I reassured them the trail was clear and they could keep going – not realising that behind me the trail was now leading them up to the dead end circle check at the reservoir…

From here many of the checks had clues, from those coming the other way, so I jogged on. I realise everyone else was fucked up, but for now I was enjoying it – pleasant trails. I paid my third tribute to the funeral which by now must have been seriously confused as to what was going on.

Overall – it was a really nice set, BUT, there were 2 HUGE mistakes by the hare – and this hare is experienced enough to not make mistakes like that. Ultimately those 2 mistakes lead to a monumental fuck up! Epic Fly By