We have high expectations of an Itchy Bitchy / Suckit combination and so I set off way down the canal road hoping for good things! There was a good crowd, supplemented by the addition of visitors from Denmark. We set off before Bend Over and Belly Dancer could get there – strange that BD was back at the circle before me… hmmm…
Anyway, Suckit set us off with the news he would be taking the dogs for a walk to follow us. OK, we’re off and shortly after we were divided. A circle check had a large group checking the wrong way and then following a visitor into a dead end when trying to parallel run our way back to the pack – barb wire, stickers, water, who cares, we’re back. But where the hell are we?
We hit a couple of checks and I had no idea where to go. No idea where I was, or where I was going, finally we saw Suckit calling us on out of a ravine. Like lemmings (again) we followed him up a hill, only to realise we’d already climbed that hill – afterall Suckit was sweeping so why would he be ahead? We found trail eventually, but where were we going?
Up another hill? Of course. It really seemed like Itchy had just strapped a powder dispenser to one of their dogs and let them go. At one point I was checking from a circle and heard “On-On” calls from all directions – who knows where to go? Mr Poo didn’t as he ran straight past the A, and had to be called back to the beer.
Suckit ran the circle in true Suckit style – no one has any idea whether it’s true or not, but it seems Itchy is trying to poison him. OnOn!