CH3 – Crap Thai – Dec 22nd

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My last male run was a year ago, Krap Thai’s first effort actually, when Fandango brought Slivovicz and ran in the big cock hat on Skiddy’s orders. Sufficeth to say, the genial antipodean doesn’t seem to have improved much but as the song goes, ‘the only way is up’. And so it was last Monday. Up, up, up. Belly, Rooter and other sadistic types would have swelled with pride.

Newbie Steve (Devon and NZ) actually ran up hill as did another young gun. Turkish, Pigshit and Graven also went well and Brownie, I think. It was well marked but mostly near vertical walking up the doi. At the W.R split we headed up some more, Scooby, Poo and Humpers I recall being in the same section of the pack as self, also Semen Sores and his nephew?

It was a lung busting, muscle sapping slog. After an age, the FRBs returned saying ‘back to the check’. The path had just stopped with a bar across and a message from the hare that it went no where. The ascent was so tough I didn’t have enough oxygen for my brain to process the odd view we got when the trees parted way. I was a bit miffed at this turn of events as I was dreaming of a cross doi traverse for Xmas by this point.

Down, down, down on the same track we went and took the W split to home. That was at least flattish in parts and joggable downhill over rocky, leaf strewn paths. The downhill didn’t look the same as the uphill, so I was happy enough. The W trail home was quite enjoyable in comparison, although Graven sniffed that he knew that boring old track and was certainly underwhelmed by the hare’s capability. The circle was fairly low key but fun, and Krap Thai got off light IMHO.
On ons in Euro Dinner were tasty and enjoyable and all was well with the world when I poured myself onto my scooter full of pork chop!


CH3 - Crap Thai - Dec 22nd, 2.7 out of 10 based on 3 ratings