Foxy chose Wat Umong for her debut Saturday run and there was a good turnout again. We set of on a familiar trail with Mr. Poo having a home field advantage. Quickly it was clear the trail was only going to go up, but before it did we twisted around some checks with HRA guilty of some silent running.
As we hit the hills we went up a narrow path made worse because of the rain, and Belly Dancer bailed out, eventually returning mid circle with Screwed Up and Toejam. A circle check at the waterfall tricked Chuck Wao, and enabled young virgin (silent running) Nathan to get clear as we plummeted down the hill back to the cars.
Sups was tragically hungover for the circle and asked Chuck Wao to assist, whereupon Chuck Wao told us longwinded stories about carrots and fish bones! Cheers Foxy!