Chiang Mai Saturday Hash House Harriers
Drinking and Running Since 1991
Hash Trash
Grand Master – Skid Mark Haberdasher – Juicy Fruit
Historian & Awards Master – Superman Hash Cash – Titty Smoker
Joint Master – Just Cumming Beer Monster – Deep Throat
Religious Advisor – Chuck Wao Hare Raiser – Bushy Tail
Deputy Beer Monster – Sheep Shagger On Sec. – Stumbling Dyke
Due to the ongoing egregious plague that has descended on the planet a belated AGMFU run finally took place in July. This year is a particularly auspicious year for CSH3 as it marks 30 years of drinking, running and all other sorts of raucous behavior in and around Chiang Mai on Saturday afternoons.
In Time honored tradition it was a case of out with the old and in with the new, but first we had to endure the outgoing GM’s, Just Cumming, valedictory run. His co hare being Captain Hook. The location for the days shenanigans was that strange hole in the ground about 1 km behind Grand Canyon. A field of around 40 hashers assembled including a few visitors and virgins – which is remarkable given there are no tourists coming into Thailand right now.
Just Cumming gave the hare brief as usual nobody seemed to take any notice as hare briefs are full of disingenuous and misleading information rendering them basically bull s*%#. Anyway, the run got underway. It didn’t start to badly really, taking us down the hill, across the road, along a leafy trail, over a stream to the first circle check which quickly led us to the Wimp, Rambo Split. I was persuaded by Leaky Faucet and Deep Throat, against my better judgment I might add, to take the Rambo. This was inevitably going to take us high up into the mountains. We embarked on the ordeal passing Square Rooter who quipped something witty, but I can’t recall what he actually said. We finally made it to the top of the mountain to be rewarded by a magnificent panoramic view of the local surroundings. At this point, I checked my GPS to be informed we had only completed half the trail, but on the plus side it should be more or less down hill from here. We trudged to the bottom of the mountain at which point we could see the A bucket and came across Frozen Dick and Sloppy Rod. I think they may have done the wimp run, I’m not sure. We finally made it back to the starting point. The run had been around 7 km. A good, yet grueling, effort.
OnOn Stumbling Dyke….
The Circle
The outgoing GM officiated over the start of the circle with the usual rhetoric asking the members what they thought of the run etc. Various splashes were handed out and then it came time to announce who the new GM was going to be. Everyone waited with bated breath, not really, to hear who it could be. Just Cumming announced it is going to be Skidmark. With absolutely no pomp and circumstance Skidmark took control of the circle and promptly, in inimitable hash style, unceremoniously sacked the former committee. Then he introduced his own committee minions these being: Titty Smoker taking over as Hash Cash, Superman takes the new post of Historian and Awards Master, Just Cumming being made Joint Master, Deep Throat as the Beer Monster with Sheep Shagger being his deputy, Chuk Wao will be Religious Advisor, the Haberdasher’s department will be taken over by Juicy Fruit, Hare Raising duties will be within the remit of Bushy Tail and the On Sec will be Stumbling Dyke. I’m sure these members will provide a high standard of mismanagement over the period of their tenure. Let’s hope the situation regarding the pandemic improves over the coming months, so we can all enjoy carefree hashing once again.