Scooby teamed up with Do to set a very enjoyable and runnable trail from the dam side at SKP. The checks were clever enough to keep the pack well grouped throughout the run so Graven and Angry never got away.
I was feeling a bit tired so walked and jogged as we descended towards the water then up to the road and across into the forest. That first check took ages and the very last one messed us up. totally. Apparently it was the penultimate, but not for most of us.
A friendly little puppy ran all the way round with Obscene and our female visitor Sticky Sex Toy from HK honked most of the way around after a beer fed morning according to her Brit partner, the wondrously named Princess Cock Tosser. Lady herself blamed McD fries but it was a shame Dr Byte couldn’t have seen her in action.
That check. Well the pack looked everywhere, went back, went further, different hashers checked the same routes, confusion, frustration, irritation. Alice checked into an overgrown field with a narrow path but no paper – and kept yelling Checking! until hope evaporated but a big gap in a bar wire fence appeared and then the massive dam wall. By this time a stream of hashers were following him as the homing instinct proved irresistible.
Apparently a handful of the pack, Poo and ? actually found true trail and another check before appearing on the far end of the dam wall. Turkish just appeared. The Ottoman outlier reverting to type.
Lovely set, decent circle and even a couple of splashes for light fingered Libbers who praised KO but slaughtered Alice in Full Bahrain Black Hash regalia. Hasn’t anyone told him about cultural sensitivity?!
Cumming Soon
March 2025 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 - Mon 10/3/2025: Monday 10 March - CGH3 - Run# 202 - ABB
- Mon 10/3/2025: Monday-10th -March-CH3-Run#1572-Ting Tong
- Tue 11/3/2025: Tuesday 11th March - CDH3 - Run #70 - Bushy Tail & Bed Hopper
- Thu 13/3/2025: Thursday 13 March - CH4 - Run #1043 - Hare Needed
- Sat 15/3/2025: Saturday 15 March - CSH3 - Run #1746 - Missing Link and ???
- Mon 17/3/2025: Monday 17 March - CGH3 - Run# 203 - Pussy Whisperer
- Thu 20/3/2025: Thursday 20 March - CH4 - Run #1044 - HARE NEEDED
- Sat 22/3/2025: Saturday 22 March - CSH3 - Run #1747 - Anything and Tequila Slammer