The Hare’s Tale.
Not Chaucer but Alice with a tale of pilgrim hashers on the road to the A bucket and thence Bannok Coffee Roasters.
A mid sized crew set off from the new houses in the soi just past Wat Nam Phrae where Alice and Spitz had initially set.
Frozen was kvetching about what time is this, when do we do that etc so Alice sent him off pre hare brief to get a start.
TMB and Sex Pistol looked so happy to be crossing a flowing
dam as the pack set off, they looked even more gleeful an hour later as they returned the same way!
Once the overgrown steep cut through was accomplished the pack were in the overgrown cow field. Tasty went right and the first circle and Scooby left. He was noted by his absence and silence from then on for half the run!
Out on to the road and a V. Tasty and Sexy went left and wrong,Scooby right and right. He was seen disappearing up the lane next to the white temple but not heard. Sexy informed the hare that her fellow antipodean was most Turkey like in his hashing today!
A couple of circles up the long lane were run through by Scooby who judging by Strava routes of others must have singly turned right onto the path to the forest and hit the False Trail then doubled back into the property to find true trail.
Up through a farm to another check at a junction just below the first line. Here it was straight and nice wooded trail to another 5 ways check. Tasty was back in touch as she took the back and right option and ran down the wide path to a frustrating False Trail. The pack were bunched again and Trail was found down through the field to the small tree covered creek. Trail dipped and dived down here but most runners crossed to the clear orchard and followed paper from afar despite Sex Pistol’s exhotions.
A familiar checking corner greeted the pack as they emerged. Tasty reversed down a trail she’d previously used but On was left then a sharp right into the forest. 5 minutes of bush bashing and the FRBs were out on a clear path. Home was left but so was a False Trail bar after 200m and the pack searched for the found the cut through the long grass back to another open trail.
A bit of wiggling and a V that Sheep Shagger took right and wrongly, then a tricky circle with overgrown paths and trail in fields as options. Tasty went under the canopy into an open meadow heading to Canal Rd but Onon was called from the opposite way.
As the FRBs came out into tarmac the paper went right and then into another overgrown cowfield where paper was tricky due to the sunlight.
At the other end it was road and a last check designed to catch the absent Chacky.
On 56 minutes Alice and Sticky heard Scooby yelling On In and clambering under the wire down to the overflowing dam wall.
Tasty was second and tiptoeing through the water but Sheep Shagger ran past her splashing his feet like a naughty schoolboy. SexPistol, HRA,Musk Rat and ABB soon followed and surprisingly Cabbage Patch only a couple of minutes later. Ben Dover made it home and the Tarzan call of Frozen Dick announced the arrival of the aging hippy with Tiptoe, Does Nothing and Rooter bringing up the rear.
Surprisingly the heavens didn’t open and circle was under open skies with ABB and Tasty getting the wings by some skewed logic!
On on!
Cumming Soon
March 2025 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 - Mon 10/3/2025: Monday 10 March - CGH3 - Run# 202 - ABB
- Mon 10/3/2025: Monday-10th -March-CH3-Run#1572-Ting Tong
- Tue 11/3/2025: Tuesday 11th March - CDH3 - Run #70 - Bushy Tail & Bed Hopper
- Thu 13/3/2025: Thursday 13 March - CH4 - Run #1043 - Hare Needed
- Sat 15/3/2025: Saturday 15 March - CSH3 - Run #1746 - Missing Link and ???
- Mon 17/3/2025: Monday 17 March - CGH3 - Run# 203 - Pussy Whisperer
- Thu 20/3/2025: Thursday 20 March - CH4 - Run #1044 - HARE NEEDED
- Sat 22/3/2025: Saturday 22 March - CSH3 - Run #1747 - Anything and Tequila Slammer