(By Alice)
Turkey Trot
Turkey laid a real turkey of a run for the Sat crowd, swelled as it was by the raucous rabble from Hamersley H3 in North Perth.
His run was mostly flat and sometimes wet, winding in and out of fields, tips and sticking in the main to gravel tracks.
The set was not without challenge. He didn’t take his hat as it was overcast and only one bottle of water would suffice. D’oh! Spectacularly wrong on both counts!
After a sneaky False Trail into the forest we turned left thru some official looking property and wiggled thru back paths to a wet field. Turkey was excited at the prospect of hashers sinking knee deep into wet boggy ground covered with thick grass. Remember that people!
The next set of circles were a f up. The hare appeared and angrily ordered Obscene back and to the right. While the pack was gone, TD laid paper from the same junction away in a different direction. Not great when you run a box, find a FT and know it can’t be that way because there was a circle check exactly there 5 minutes ago and no paper down the path towards the Ag Centre. Well there ffff was now and a sheepish hare standing by.
The trail turned into a wide track with overgrown field to left and wall to right. FRBs were coming back towards me complaining of a water hazard. ChackWao in particular was mumbling about not wanting to get his 900 THB trainers wet. I pushed on and yes there was a lake in the way. Luckily it wasn’t as deep as knee but it was ankle in some spots – and the shoes and feet got soaked.
Poo, BH, Knockout and Obscene were in the van with Sex Pistol going like Phar Lap out front. ChackWao rejoined us having avoided the lake but added yardage to his run he claimed.
At a check, Obscene went over 300m apparently to find paper and save us an extra 1.5km, much to the hare’s disgust. His loud shouts brought the pack on and we ran round a lake to a bastard gate covered in barbed wire. Obscene jumped it and incredibly HRA went at it, despite the sane among us finding a gap in the wire through the bushes 3m to the right.
A FT right and then a longish haul straight back to the A. The harassed hare appearing yet again on trail to fix paper and possibly put an On In after the FRBs had passed naturally.
Hamersley boys enlivened a circle well conducted by Knockout with Poo assistance. The arms and the plank reappeared and dear ChackWao brought the old fish pond for proper ice bath punishments and a good time was had by all not sat in it!
Quote of the day: I like a hash run to be crazy, not perfect run like some hashers want. You guessed it – the Turk strikes again!