The start of a new era – Frozen has gone, in with ABB. All week we got emails advertising his run and I got there expecting something special. Meaejo – the low hills before the Tiger Head. I am somewhat familiar with the area – and it is always a good run.
I set off ok, getting the first check or 2 with Piggy not far behind. Then a circle that I just got plain wrong. Most people passed and I slowly caught people as we climbed up the hill towards the tiger camp. Inevitably we got to the 5 trail junction and Poo was leading Piggy there. Normally hares put a circle right at the junction, but Sloppy mixed it up and went 50m down a trail before putting a circle. Bluff? Double Bluff? Triple Bluff? Poo turned back and checked back from the junction (twice). Piggy was a long way off. Kwazi appeared short cutting from another direction, which left me to do the “obvious” trail past the circle. I was On and clean away as the trail turned sharply down the hill. I accelerated with dreams of grandeur.
Sadly I got some checks badly wrong as we got to the bottom of the hill, and while I had some gap ahead of the pack, they quickly caught up as I ran backwards and forwards. The whole pack swept past and I had nothing left to give.
Excellent set that had the FRBs repeatably confused. Pretty much all of the pack came in close together (and ahead of me!). Job done!