Just back from scouting, and decided to give the hash a go – essentially 2 straight hashes, lets give it a go! Cool Balls had set up out in Maerim and my mind was on a long aquaduct run, but I couldn’t quite remember where it was – somewhere near there? The directions were somewhat ambiguous – somewhere past Maerim village – and it seemed many struggled to find their way – the returning Chuck Wao missed a sign, while the Songthaew decided to take a tour of the elephant camps before running.
We set off and shortly after lost trail as we ducked through someone’s yard. A lady in a shawl ushered us on and we refound trail heading up the hill. A split in the trail with circle check – nobody wanted to check downhill so we stalled while HRA ran on to the trail and fortunately found trail. We were heading left so surely away from the nasty hill I’l spotted on the drive in. Abruptly we turned right – a circle check tempted me to the left, but HRA quickly called right and we were heading back down the other side. I ducked out the way as Graven Image came storming through, while moments later we were chasing Brown Finger across a field.
I got stitch and fell in with jogging along with Horny Monkey and Crazy Crack. The FRBs screwed up the trail not far further and there was a group together again. A bit of a ravine and HM took a dive – a 720 somersault. The trail was swooping around and I figured the cunning hare was doing a “moon shape” although I didn’t really notice us crossing the road in. I spotted the hare stood with his kids across the field and through we must be just about home – a short run awesome! But he just waved us goodbye and we had another loop to do, over another hill and along a precipitous ridge. Finally we were home and back to a low key circle.