4th September – CH4 – Foxy Cleopatra

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Foxy teamed up with Itchy Bitchy for today’s run – again from the Ag Centre.  On the drive in I spotted a suspicious square of paper, and sure enough I had some advantage on the early checks.  Straight away a virgin / visitor “Whore Virus” was confused by a cross check – Square Rooter gave him some grief and On-On it was.

HRA and I pulled a sneaky re-route which peeved Chuckie, but we headed towards the hills and on familiar trails the checks were fairly predictable. Chuck Wao, myself and HRA took turns at the front with numerous ‘heinous’ or ‘anus’ tricks being pulled stretching a gap between us and the field.  Fun, fun, fun!

Everyone important got back, and were enjoying cold beers, when someone pointed out the circle hadn’t started…  There was much confusion until we realised that Mr. Poo wasn’t back, whereupon we continued drinking comfortably. When he did show up, he ran the circle and Kwazi was a star with some entertaining ad libing. Chuckie and Gasman kept talking throughout. A good run, good circle and good on-on!